#a = modC.estimateAng_cyl([0,0], phalMid, sMid, jointMid, b_cyl[-1])
#print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT
#print a.x
#print angles[-1]
estAngm = np.zeros((len(angles),len(sensList)*2))   
estAng_Ind = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
#estAng_Mid = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
#estAng_Rin = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
#estAng_Pin = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
##tolerance = 1.e-06
#cnt = 0
startT = time.time()
for i in range(len(b_ind[1:])):    
    print "estimating step ",i ," of ", len(angles)
    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAngm[i], fingList, sensList, jointList, b_multB[i+1])
    estAngm[i+1] = temp.x
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Ind[i], np.array(phalInd), sInd, jointInd, b_ind[i+1])
#    estAng_Ind[i+1] = temp.x    
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Mid[i], np.array(phalMid), sMid, jointMid, b_mid[i+1])
#    estAng_Mid[i+1] = temp.x    
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Rin[i], np.array(phalRin), sRin, jointRin, b_rin[i+1])
#    estAng_Rin[i+1] = temp.x    
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Pin[i], np.array(phalPin), sPin, jointPin, b_pin[i+1])
#    estAng_Pin[i+1] = temp.x    
    cnt += 1    
print "time needed estimation: ", time.time()-startT   
''' estimation '''
#startT = time.time()
#a = modC.estimateAng_cyl([0,0], phalMid, sMid, jointMid, b_cyl[-1])
#print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT
#print a.x
#print angles[-1]
estAng = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
stat = np.zeros((len(angles),2))
tolerance = 1.e-06
cnt = 0
startT = time.time()
for i in b_cyl[1:]:
    startEst = time.time()
    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng[cnt], phalMid, sMid, jointMid, i)
    stat[cnt] = [time.time()-startEst, temp.fun]
    estAng[cnt+1] = temp.x    
    cnt += 1    
print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT   
d = datAc.textAcquisition('150814_pinkyOff')

plo.plotter2d((b_cyl,estAng,angles),("model","estimated Angles","perfectAngles"),shareAxis=False)


#print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT
#print a.x
#print angles[-1]
estAng_Ind = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
estAng_Mid = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
estAng_Rin = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
estAng_Pin = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
#tolerance = 1.e-06
cnt = 0
startT = time.time()
for i in range(len(b_ind[1:])):    
    print "estimating step ",i ," of ", len(angles)
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Ind[i], np.array(phalInd), sInd, jointInd, b_ind[i+1])
#    estAng_Ind[i+1] = temp.x    
    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Mid[i], np.array(phalMid), sMid, jointMid, b_mid[i+1])
    estAng_Mid[i+1] = temp.x    
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Rin[i], np.array(phalRin), sRin, jointRin, b_rin[i+1])
#    estAng_Rin[i+1] = temp.x    
#    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng_Pin[i], np.array(phalPin), sPin, jointPin, b_pin[i+1])
#    estAng_Pin[i+1] = temp.x    
    cnt += 1    
print "time needed estimation: ", time.time()-startT   
plo.plotter2d((estAng_Ind,estAng_Mid,estAng_Rin,estAng_Pin),("angle Ind","angle Mid","angle Rin","angle Pin"))

예제 #4

''' estimation... '''
bnds = ((0.,np.pi/2),
print "estimation running..."
estAng = np.zeros((len(fingB3D),2*len(fingList)))
cnt = 0
startT = time.time()
for i in fingB3D[1:]:
    tmp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng[cnt], fingList, sensList, jointList, i, bnds)    
    print tmp.fun
    estAng[cnt+1] = tmp.x
    cnt += 1

print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT


#print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT
#print a
#print "estimated angle: ",a.x
#print "real angle: ",angles[-1]
bnds = ((0.,np.pi/2),(0,np.pi/2))   
estAng = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
stat = np.zeros((len(angles),2))
tolerance = 1.e-06
cnt = 0
startT = time.time()
for i in b_cyl[1:]:
#    print "estimating...",cnt
#    startEst = time.time()
    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng[cnt], np.array(phalMid), np.array(sMid), np.array(jointMid), i)
#    stat[cnt] = [time.time()-startEst, temp.fun]
    estAng[cnt+1] = temp.x   
#    estAng[cnt+1] = temp[0]
    cnt += 1    
print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT   
#d = datAc.textAcquisition('150814_pinkyOff')

#plo.plotter2d((b_cyl,angles),("B_mid","perfect angles"),shareAxis=False)
plo.plotter2d((b_cyl,estAng,angles),("model","estimated Angles","perfectAngles"),shareAxis=False)
