def _modelrun_event_fired(self): # set the parameter set to use fn = os.path.split(sys.executable) if fn[1].lower().startswith('python'): exedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]) else: exedir = fn[0] pdir = os.path.join(exedir, 'param') parfile = os.path.join(pdir, '%s.dat' % self.parameter_set) if self.initial_mode=='zero' and self.litter_mode=='zero': errmsg = ("Both soil carbon input and initial state may not be " "zero simultaneously.") error(errmsg, title='Invalid model parameters', buttons=['OK']) return if self.climate_mode=='yearly' and not self.yearly_climate: errmsg = ("Climate mode may not be 'yearly' if there are no " "yearly climate entries in the data file.") error(errmsg, title='Invalid model parameters', buttons=['OK']) return if self.leaching>0: errmsg = ("Leaching parameter may not be larger than 0.") error(errmsg, title='Invalid model parameters', buttons=['OK']) return if self.climate_mode=='monthly' and not self.monthly_climate: errmsg = ("Climate mode may not be 'monthly' if there are no " "monthly climate entries in the data file.") error(errmsg, title='Invalid model parameters', buttons=['OK']) return yassorunner = ModelRunner(parfile) if not yassorunner.is_usable_parameter_file(): errmsg = ("The selected parameter file has wrong number of columns " "and cannot be used.") error(errmsg, title='Invalid model parameters', buttons=['OK']) return self.yassorunner = yassorunner if self.initial_mode=='steady state': steady_state = self.yassorunner.compute_steady_state(self) self._set_steady_state(steady_state) self._init_results() self.c_stock, self.c_change, self.co2_yield = \ self.yassorunner.run_model(self) self._create_co2_plot() self._chart_type_changed()
def _modelrun_event_fired(self): # set the parameter set to use fn = os.path.split(sys.executable) if fn[1].lower().startswith("python"): exedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]) else: exedir = fn[0] pdir = os.path.join(exedir, "param") parfile = os.path.join(pdir, "%s.dat" % self.parameter_set) self.yassorunner = ModelRunner(parfile) if self.initial_mode == "steady state": steady_state = self.yassorunner.compute_steady_state(self) self._set_steady_state(steady_state) self._init_results() self.c_stock, self.c_change, self.co2_yield = self.yassorunner.run_model(self) self._create_co2_plot() self._chart_type_changed()
class Yasso(HasTraits): """ The Yasso model """ # Parameters p_sets = _get_parameter_files() parameter_set = Enum(p_sets) leaching = Float(default_value=0.0) # Initial condition initial_mode = Enum(["non zero", "zero", "steady state"]) initial_litter = List(trait=LitterComponent) steady_state = List(trait=LitterComponent) # Litter input at each timestep in the simulation litter_mode = Enum(["yearly", "constant yearly", "monthly"]) constant_litter = List(trait=LitterComponent) monthly_litter = List(trait=TimedLitterComponent) yearly_litter = List(trait=TimedLitterComponent) woody_size_limit = Float(default_value=3.0) area_change = List(trait=AreaChange) # Climate definition for the simulation climate_mode = Enum(["yearly", "constant yearly", "monthly"]) constant_climate = YearlyClimate() monthly_climate = List( trait=MonthlyClimate, value=[ MonthlyClimate(month=1), MonthlyClimate(month=2), MonthlyClimate(month=3), MonthlyClimate(month=4), MonthlyClimate(month=5), MonthlyClimate(month=6), MonthlyClimate(month=7), MonthlyClimate(month=8), MonthlyClimate(month=9), MonthlyClimate(month=10), MonthlyClimate(month=11), MonthlyClimate(month=12), ], ) yearly_climate = List(trait=YearlyClimate) # All data as text all_data = Str() data_file = Str() # How the model will be run sample_size = Int() duration_unit = Enum(["year", "month"]) timestep_length = Range(low=1) simulation_length = Range(low=1) result_type = Enum(["C stock", "C change", "CO2 production"]) presentation_type = Enum(["chart", "array"]) chart_type = Enum(["common scale", "autofit"]) # Buttons new_data_file_event = Button("New...") open_data_file_event = Button("Open...") save_data_file_event = Button("Save") save_as_file_event = Button("Save as...") modelrun_event = Button("Run model") save_result_event = Button("Save raw results...") save_moment_event = Button("Save moment results...") # and the results stored # Individual model calls # iteration,time, total, woody, acid, water, ethanol, non_soluble, humus c_stock = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 10)) # iteration,time, total, woody, acid, water, ethanol, non_soluble, humus c_change = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 10)) # time, iteration, CO2 production co2_yield = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 3)) # time, mean, mode, var, skewness, kurtosis, 95% conf-, 95% conf+ stock_tom = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_woody = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_non_woody = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_acid = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_water = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_ethanol = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_non_soluble = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) stock_humus = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_tom = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_woody = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_non_woody = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_acid = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_water = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_ethanol = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_non_soluble = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) change_humus = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) co2 = Array(dtype=float32, shape=(None, 8)) # plot variables stock_plots = Instance(GridContainer) change_plots = Instance(GridContainer) co2_plot = Instance(GridContainer) p_timestep = Array() ps_tom = Array() ps_woody = Array() ps_non_woody = Array() ps_acid = Array() ps_water = Array() ps_ethanol = Array() ps_non_soluble = Array() ps_humus = Array() pc_tom = Array() pc_non_woody = Array() pc_acid = Array() pc_water = Array() pc_ethanol = Array() pc_non_soluble = Array() pc_humus = Array() ############################################################# # UI view ############################################################# view = View( VGroup( HGroup( Item("new_data_file_event", show_label=False), Item("open_data_file_event", show_label=False), Item("save_data_file_event", show_label=False), Item("save_as_file_event", show_label=False), Item("data_file", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item( "all_data", show_label=False, editor=CodeEditor(), has_focus=True, # width=300, height=400, ) ), label="All data", ), VGroup( HGroup( Item("parameter_set", width=-145, help=PARAMETER_SET_HELP), Item("leaching", width=-45, label="Litter bag adjustment parameter", help=LEACHING_HELP), show_border=True, ), VGroup( HGroup( Item( name="initial_mode", style="custom", label="Initial state:", emphasized=True, help=INITIAL_STATE_HELP, ) ), Item( "initial_litter", visible_when='initial_mode=="non zero"', show_label=False, editor=litter_te, width=790, height=75, ), ), VGroup( HGroup( Item( "litter_mode", style="custom", label="Soil carbon input:", emphasized=True, help=SOIL_CARBON_INPUT_HELP, ) ), HGroup( Item( "constant_litter", visible_when='litter_mode=="constant yearly"', show_label=False, editor=litter_te, full_size=False, springy=False, width=-790, height=-75, ), Item( "monthly_litter", visible_when='litter_mode=="monthly"', show_label=False, editor=timed_litter_te, full_size=False, springy=False, width=-790, height=-75, ), Item( "yearly_litter", visible_when='litter_mode=="yearly"', show_label=False, editor=timed_litter_te, full_size=False, springy=False, width=-790, height=-75, ), ), HGroup( Item( "area_change", visible_when='litter_mode=="yearly" or ' 'litter_mode=="monthly"', show_label=False, editor=change_te, full_size=False, springy=False, width=-150, height=-75, ), spring, ), ), VGroup( HGroup(Item("climate_mode", style="custom", label="Climate:", emphasized=True, help=CLIMATE_HELP)), HGroup( Item( "monthly_climate", show_label=False, visible_when='climate_mode=="monthly"', editor=monthly_climate_te, width=200, height=75, ), Item( "yearly_climate", show_label=False, visible_when='climate_mode=="yearly"', editor=yearly_climate_te, width=200, height=75, ), VGroup( Item("object.constant_climate.mean_temperature", style="readonly"), Item("object.constant_climate.annual_rainfall", style="readonly"), Item("object.constant_climate.variation_amplitude", style="readonly"), show_border=True, visible_when='climate_mode=="constant yearly"', ), ), ), label="Data to use", ), VGroup( Group( HGroup( Item("sample_size", width=-45, help=SAMPLE_SIZE_HELP), Item("simulation_length", width=-45, label="Number of timesteps", help=SIMULATION_LENGTH_HELP), Item("timestep_length", width=-45, help=TIMESTEP_LENGTH_HELP), Item("duration_unit", style="custom", show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item("woody_size_limit", width=-45, help=WOODY_SIZE_LIMIT_HELP), Item("modelrun_event", show_label=False), ), show_border=True, ), HGroup( Item("result_type", style="custom", label="Show", emphasized=True, help=SHOW_HELP), Item("save_result_event", show_label=False), Item("save_moment_event", show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item("presentation_type", style="custom", label="As", emphasized=True, help=AS_HELP), Item("chart_type", style="custom", label="Chart type", visible_when='presentation_type=="chart"'), ), HGroup( Item( "c_stock", visible_when='result_type=="C stock" and \ presentation_type=="array"', show_label=False, editor=c_stock_te, width=600, ), Item( "c_change", visible_when='result_type=="C change" and \ presentation_type=="array"', show_label=False, editor=c_stock_te, ), Item( "co2_yield", visible_when='result_type=="CO2 production" ' 'and presentation_type=="array"', show_label=False, editor=co2_yield_te, ), Item( "stock_plots", editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False, width=600, height=600, visible_when='result_type=="C stock" and \ presentation_type=="chart"', ), Item( "change_plots", editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False, width=600, height=600, visible_when='result_type=="C change" and \ presentation_type=="chart"', ), Item( "co2_plot", editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False, width=600, height=600, # springy=False, full_size=False, resizable=False, visible_when='result_type=="CO2 production" and \ presentation_type=="chart"', ), ), label="Model run", ), VGroup(Label(label="Yasso07 soil carbon model", emphasized=True), Label(label=APP_INFO), label="About"), title="Yasso 07", id="simosol.yasso07", dock="horizontal", resizable=True, width=800, height=600, scrollable=True, buttons=NoButtons, menubar=MenuBar(Menu(CloseAction, name="File"), Menu(UndoAction, RedoAction, RevertAction, name="Edit")), help=False, ) ############################################################################### # Initialisation ############################################################################### def __init__(self): self.sample_size = 10 self.simulation_length = 10 fn = os.path.split(sys.executable) if fn[1].lower().startswith("python"): exedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]) self.data_file = self._get_data_file_path(exedir) else: self.data_file = self._get_data_file_path(fn[0]) try: f = open(self.data_file) self._load_all_data(f) f.close() except: self.all_data = DATA_STRING self.data_file = "" def _get_data_file_path(self, exedir): join = os.path.join self.state_file = join(exedir, "yasso.state") if os.path.exists(self.state_file): f = open(self.state_file) datafile = if len(datafile) > 0 and datafile[-1] == "\n": datafile = datafile[:-1] f.close() if not os.path.exists(datafile): os.remove(self.state_file) datafile = join(exedir, "demo_data.txt") else: datafile = join(exedir, "demo_data.txt") return datafile def _write_state(self, filename): f = open(self.state_file, "w") f.write(filename) f.close() ############################################################################### # Event handlers ############################################################################### ######################### # for plot data ######################### def _create_stock_plots(self, common_scale=False): max = None min = 0 stom, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_tom, "Total organic matter") swoody, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_woody, "Woody matter") snonwoody, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_non_woody, "Non-woody matter") sa, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_acid, "Acid soluble") sw, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_water, "Water soluble") se, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_ethanol, "Ethanol soluble") sn, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_non_soluble, "Non soluble") sh, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.stock_humus, "Humus") if common_scale: for pl in (stom, swoody, snonwoody, sa, sw, se, sn, sh): pl.value_range.set_bounds(min, max) container = GridContainer(stom, swoody, snonwoody, sa, sw, se, sn, sh) container.shape = (3, 3) container.spacing = (-8, -8) self.stock_plots = container def _create_change_plots(self, common_scale=False): max = None min = 0 ctom, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_tom, "Total organic matter") cwoody, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_woody, "Woody matter") cnonwoody, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_non_woody, "Non-woody matter") ca, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_acid, "Acid soluble") cw, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_water, "Water soluble") ce, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_ethanol, "Ethanol soluble") cn, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_non_soluble, "Non soluble") ch, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.change_humus, "Humus") if common_scale: for pl in (ctom, cwoody, cnonwoody, ca, cw, ce, cn, ch): pl.value_range.set_bounds(min, max) container = GridContainer(ctom, cwoody, cnonwoody, ca, cw, ce, cn, ch) container.shape = (3, 3) container.spacing = (-15, -15) self.change_plots = container def _create_co2_plot(self): max = None min = 0 co2, max, min = self._create_plot(max, min, self.co2, "CO2 production (in carbon)") container = GridContainer(co2, Plot(), Plot(), Plot()) container.shape = (2, 2) self.co2_plot = container def _create_plot(self, max, min, dataobj, title): x = dataobj[:, 0] y = dataobj[:, 1] if y.max() > max: max = y.max() if y.min() < min: min = y.min() if self.sample_size > 1: y2 = dataobj[:, 6] y3 = dataobj[:, 7] if y3.max() > max: max = y3.max() if y2.min() < min: min = y2.min() plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=x, y=y, y2=y2, y3=y3) else: plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=x, y=y) plot = Plot(plotdata) plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="line", color="blue") if self.sample_size > 1: plot.plot(("x", "y2"), type="line", color="red") plot.plot(("x", "y3"), type="line", color="red") # plot.padding_right = 45 # plot.padding_left = 25 # plot.padding_top = 25 # plot.padding_bottom = 25 plot.title = title plot.title_font = "Arial 10" return plot, max, min ######################## # for running the model ######################## def _modelrun_event_fired(self): # set the parameter set to use fn = os.path.split(sys.executable) if fn[1].lower().startswith("python"): exedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]) else: exedir = fn[0] pdir = os.path.join(exedir, "param") parfile = os.path.join(pdir, "%s.dat" % self.parameter_set) self.yassorunner = ModelRunner(parfile) if self.initial_mode == "steady state": steady_state = self.yassorunner.compute_steady_state(self) self._set_steady_state(steady_state) self._init_results() self.c_stock, self.c_change, self.co2_yield = self.yassorunner.run_model(self) self._create_co2_plot() self._chart_type_changed() ######################## # for chart type ######################## def _chart_type_changed(self): if self.chart_type == "autofit": self._create_stock_plots() self._create_change_plots() elif self.chart_type == "common scale": self._create_stock_plots(common_scale=True) self._create_change_plots(common_scale=True) ######################## # for buttons ######################## def _new_data_file_event_fired(self): filename = save_file() if filename != "": try: self._reset_data() f = open(filename, "w") f.close() self.data_file = filename self._write_state(filename) self.all_data = DATA_STRING except: pass def _open_data_file_event_fired(self): filename = open_file() if filename != "": try: f = open(filename) self.data_file = filename self._write_state(filename) self._load_all_data(f) f.close() except: pass def _save_data_file_event_fired(self): if self.data_file == "": filename = save_file() if filename == "": return self.data_file = filename self._write_state(filename) self._save_all_data() def _save_as_file_event_fired(self): filename = save_file() if filename == "": return self.data_file = filename self._write_state(filename) self._save_all_data() def _load_all_data(self, datafile): """ Loads all data from a single file. Data in sections defined by [name], data in whitespace delimited rows """ self._reset_data() sectionp = re.compile("\[([\w+\s*]+)\]") datap = re.compile("[+-Ee\d+\.\d*\s*]+") active = None data = defaultdict(list) alldata = "" linecount = 0 for line in datafile: linecount += 1 alldata += line m = re.match(sectionp, line) if m is not None: active = d = re.match(datap, line) if d is not None: try: vals = [float(val) for val in] data[active].append(vals) except ValueError: errmsg = ( "There's an error on line %s\n %s" "for section %s\n" "Values must be space separated and . is the decimal" " separator" % (linecount,, active) ) error(errmsg, title="Error saving data", buttons=["OK"]) self.all_data = alldata for section, vallist in data.items(): if section == "Initial state": self._set_initial_state(vallist) elif section == "Constant soil carbon input": self._set_constant_litter(vallist) elif section == "Monthly soil carbon input": self._set_monthly_litter(vallist) elif section == "Yearly soil carbon input": self._set_yearly_litter(vallist) elif section == "Relative area change": self._set_area_change(vallist) elif section == "Constant climate": self._set_constant_climate(vallist) elif section == "Monthly climate": self._set_monthly_climate(vallist) elif section == "Yearly climate": self._set_yearly_climate(vallist) def _save_all_data(self): f = open(self.data_file, "w") f.write(self.all_data) f.close() f = open(self.data_file) self._load_all_data(f) f.close() def _reset_data(self): """ Empties all input data structures """ self.initial_litter = [] self.steady_state = [] self.constant_litter = [] self.monthly_litter = [] self.yearly_litter = [] self.area_change = [] self.constant_climate.mean_temperature = 0 self.constant_climate.annual_rainfall = 0 self.constant_climate.variation_amplitude = 0 self.yearly_climate = [] self.monthly_climate = [] def _set_initial_state(self, data): errmsg = ( "Soil carbon components should contain: \n" " mass, mass std, acid, acid std, water, water std,\n" " ethanol, ethanol std, non soluble, non soluble std," "\n humus, humus std, size class" ) for vals in data: ok, obj = self._load_litter_object(vals, errmsg) if not ok: break self.initial_litter.append(obj) def _set_steady_state(self, data): errmsg = ( "Soil carbon components should contain: \n" " mass, mass std, acid, acid std, water, water std,\n" " ethanol, ethanol std, non soluble, non soluble std," "\n humus, humus std, size class" ) self.steady_state = [] for vals in data: ok, obj = self._load_litter_object(vals, errmsg) if not ok: break self.steady_state.append(obj) def _set_constant_litter(self, data): errmsg = ( "Soil carbon components should contain: \n" " mass, mass std, acid, acid std, water, water std,\n" " ethanol, ethanol std, non soluble, non soluble std," "\n humus, humus std, size class" ) for vals in data: ok, obj = self._load_litter_object(vals, errmsg) if not ok: break self.constant_litter.append(obj) def _set_monthly_litter(self, data): errmsg = ( "timed soil carbon components should contain: \n" " timestep, mass, mass std, acid, acid std, water, " "water std,\n" " ethanol, ethanol std, non soluble, non soluble std," "\n humus, humus std, size class" ) for vals in data: ok, obj = self._load_litter_object(vals, errmsg, True) if not ok: break self.monthly_litter.append(obj) def _set_yearly_litter(self, data): errmsg = ( "timed soil carbon components should contain: \n" " timestep, mass, mass std, acid, acid std, water, " "water std,\n" " ethanol, ethanol std, non soluble, non soluble std," "\n humus, humus std, size class" ) for vals in data: ok, obj = self._load_litter_object(vals, errmsg, True) if not ok: break self.yearly_litter.append(obj) def _set_area_change(self, data): errmsg = "Area change should contain:\n timestep, relative area change" for vals in data: if len(vals) == 2: obj = AreaChange(timestep=int(vals[0]), rel_change=vals[1]) self.area_change.append(obj) elif vals != []: errmsg = errmsg + "\n%s data values found, 2 needed" % (len(data)) error(errmsg, title="error reading data", buttons=["OK"]) break def _set_yearly_climate(self, data): errmsg = ( "Yearly climate should contain: timestep, mean temperature,\n" "annual rainfall and temperature variation amplitude" ) for vals in data: if len(vals) == 4: obj = YearlyClimate( timestep=int(vals[0]), mean_temperature=vals[1], annual_rainfall=vals[2], variation_amplitude=vals[3], ) self.yearly_climate.append(obj) elif vals != []: errmsg = errmsg + "\n%s data values found, 4 needed" % (len(data)) error(errmsg, title="error reading data", buttons=["OK"]) break def _set_constant_climate(self, data): errmsg = ( "Constant climate should contain: mean temperature,\n" "annual rainfall and temperature variation amplitude" ) if len(data[0]) == 3: self.constant_climate.mean_temperature = data[0][0] self.constant_climate.annual_rainfall = data[0][1] self.constant_climate.variation_amplitude = data[0][2] elif data[0] != []: errmsg = errmsg + "\n%s data values found, 3 needed" % (len(data)) error(errmsg, title="error reading data", buttons=["OK"]) def _set_monthly_climate(self, data): errmsg = "Monthly climate data should contain: month,\n" "temperature and rainfall" for vals in data: if len(vals) == 3: obj = MonthlyClimate(month=int(vals[0]), temperature=vals[1], rainfall=vals[2]) self.monthly_climate.append(obj) elif vals != []: errmsg = errmsg + "\n%s data values found, 3 needed" % (len(data)) error(errmsg, title="Error reading data", buttons=["OK"]) break def _load_litter_object(self, data, errmsg, hastime=False): obj = None loaded = True if hastime: if len(data) == 14: obj = TimedLitterComponent( timestep=int(data[0]), mass=data[1], mass_std=data[2], acid=data[3], acid_std=data[4], water=data[5], water_std=data[6], ethanol=data[7], ethanol_std=data[8], non_soluble=data[9], non_soluble_std=data[10], humus=data[11], humus_std=data[12], size_class=data[13], ) elif data != []: errmsg = errmsg + "\n%s data values found, 14 needed" % (len(data)) error(errmsg, title="Error reading data", buttons=["OK"]) loaded = False elif data == []: loaded = False else: if len(data) == 13: obj = LitterComponent( mass=data[0], mass_std=data[1], acid=data[2], acid_std=data[3], water=data[4], water_std=data[5], ethanol=data[6], ethanol_std=data[7], non_soluble=data[8], non_soluble_std=data[9], humus=data[10], humus_std=data[11], size_class=data[12], ) elif data != []: errmsg = errmsg + "\n%s data values found, 13 needed" % (len(data)) error(errmsg, title="Error reading data", buttons=["OK"]) loaded = False elif data == []: loaded = False return loaded, obj def _save_moment_event_fired(self): filename = save_file() if filename != "": f = open(filename, "w") if self.result_type == "C stock": comps = ( ("tom", self.stock_tom), ("woody", self.stock_woody), ("non-woody", self.stock_non_woody), ("acid", self.stock_acid), ("water", self.stock_water), ("ethanol", self.stock_ethanol), ("non-soluble", self.stock_non_soluble), ("humus", self.stock_humus), ) elif self.result_type == "C change": comps = ( ("tom", self.change_tom), ("woody", self.change_woody), ("non-woody", self.change_non_woody), ("acid", self.change_acid), ("water", self.change_water), ("ethanol", self.change_ethanol), ("non-soluble", self.change_non_soluble), ("humus", self.change_humus), ) elif self.result_type == "CO2 production": comps = (("CO2", self.co2),) header = ( "# component, time step, mean, mode, var, skewness, " "kurtosis, 95% confidence lower limit, 95% upper limit" ) header = self._make_result_header(header) f.write(header + "\n") for comp, res in comps: for row in res: resrow = "" for num in row: resrow = " ".join([resrow, str(num)]) resrow = " ".join((comp, resrow)) f.write(resrow + "\n") f.close() def _save_result_event_fired(self): filename = save_file() if filename != "": f = open(filename, "w") if self.result_type == "C stock": res = self.c_stock header = ( "# sample, time step, total om, woody om, non-woody om," " acid, water, ethanol, non-soluble, humus" ) elif self.result_type == "C change": res = self.c_change header = ( "# sample, time step, total om, woody om, non-woody om," " acid, water, ethanol, non soluble, humus" ) elif self.result_type == "CO2 production": res = self.co2_yield header = "# sample, time step, CO2 production (in carbon)" header = self._make_result_header(header) f.write(header + "\n") for row in res: resrow = "" for num in row: resrow = " ".join([resrow, str(num)]) f.write(resrow + "\n") f.close() def _make_result_header(self, header): """Adds metadata about the results into the header""" hstr = "#########################################################\n" hstr += "# " + self.result_type + "\n" hstr += "#########################################################\n" hstr += "# Datafile used: " + self.data_file + "\n" hstr += "# Settings:\n" hstr += "# initial state: " + self.initial_mode + "\n" hstr += "# soil carbon input: " + self.litter_mode + "\n" hstr += "# climate: " + self.climate_mode + "\n" hstr += "# sample size: " + str(self.sample_size) + "\n" hstr += "".join(["# timestep length: ", str(self.timestep_length), " (", self.duration_unit, ")\n"]) hstr += "# woody litter size limit: " + str(self.woody_size_limit) + "\n" hstr += "#\n" return hstr + header def _init_results(self): """ model results: stock & change sample, timestep, tom, woody, non-woody, acid, water, ethanol, non soluble humus model results: CO2 sample, timestep, CO2 production summary results common format: time, mean, mode, var, skewness, kurtosis, 95% confidence-, 95% confidence+ """ self.c_stock = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 10)) self.c_change = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 10)) self.co2_yield = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 3)) self.stock_tom = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_woody = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_non_woody = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_acid = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_water = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_ethanol = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_non_soluble = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.stock_humus = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_tom = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_woody = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_non_woody = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_acid = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_water = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_ethanol = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_non_soluble = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.change_humus = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8)) self.co2 = empty(dtype=float32, shape=(0, 8))