def __init__(self,base_model_list=bagging_config.base_model_list): self.base_model_list = base_model_list.split("-") self.num_random=len(self.base_model_list) self.dataDir = general_config.data_dir + "/random" createRandomData(self.num_random) self.models = [] self.models_name=[] for i in range(self.num_random): base_model = self.base_model_list[i] assert base_model in ["1", "2", "3", "4","5"], "Invalid base model type!" if base_model == "1": model = TextCNN() elif base_model == "2": model = TextRNN() elif base_model == "3": model = CRNN() elif base_model=="4": model = RCNN() else: model=HAN() self.models.append(model) self.models_name.append(modelDict[base_model]) self.logDir = ensure_dir_exist(general_config.log_dir + "/bagging/" + "-".join(self.models_name)) self.saveDir = ensure_dir_exist(general_config.save_dir + "/bagging/" + "-".join(self.models_name)) self.logger=my_logger(self.logDir+"/log.txt")
def __init__(self, base_model_list=stacking_config.base_model_list, num_cv=stacking_config.num_cv): self.base_model_list = base_model_list.split("-") self.num_models = len(self.base_model_list) self.num_cv = num_cv self.dataDir = general_config.data_dir + "/cv/" + str(self.num_cv) if not os.path.exists(self.dataDir): createCrossValidationData(self.num_cv) self.models = [] self.models_name = [] for n in range(self.num_models): base_model = self.base_model_list[n] assert base_model in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], "Invalid base model type!" if base_model == "1": model = TextCNN() elif base_model == "2": model = TextRNN() elif base_model == "3": model = CRNN() elif base_model == "4": model = RCNN() else: model = HAN() self.models.append(model) self.models_name.append(modelDict[base_model]) self.logDir = ensure_dir_exist(general_config.log_dir + "/stacking/" + "-".join(self.models_name) + "/" + str(self.num_cv)) self.saveDir = ensure_dir_exist(general_config.save_dir + "/stacking/" + "-".join(self.models_name) + "/" + str(self.num_cv)) self.classifier = LogisticRegression() self.logger = my_logger(self.logDir + "/log.txt")
def setup(opt): if opt.model == 'lstm': model = LSTMClassifier(opt) elif opt.model == 'basic_cnn' or opt.model == "cnn": model = BasicCNN1D(opt) elif opt.model == 'baisc_cnn_2d': model = BasicCNN2D(opt) elif opt.model == 'kim_cnn': model = KIMCNN1D(opt) elif opt.model == 'kim_cnn_2d': model = KIMCNN2D(opt) elif opt.model == 'multi_cnn': model = MultiLayerCNN(opt) elif opt.model == 'inception_cnn': model = InceptionCNN(opt) elif opt.model == 'fasttext': model = FastText(opt) elif opt.model == 'capsule': model = CapsuleNet(opt) elif opt.model == 'rnn_cnn': model = RNN_CNN(opt) elif opt.model == 'rcnn': model = RCNN(opt) elif opt.model == 'bilstm': model = LSTMBI(opt) elif opt.model == "transformer": model = AttentionIsAllYouNeed(opt) elif opt.model == "selfattention": model = SelfAttention(opt) elif opt.model == "lstm_attention": model = LSTMAttention(opt) elif opt.model == "bert": model = BERTFast(opt) else: raise Exception("model not supported: {}".format(opt.model)) return model
# read text dataset print("-------Loading Data--------\n") TEXT, vocab_size, word_embeddings, _, _, mapping = load_data.load_dataset( embed_len=embedding_length, batch_size=batch_size) # Map the output of the model (0-4) back to original region (1-5) def map_reverse(label): for k, v in mapping.items(): if label == v: return float(k) # Load the saved model model = RCNN(batch_size, output_size, hidden_size, vocab_size, embedding_length, word_embeddings) print(f"\nLoading checkpoint file: {saved}\n") checkpoint = torch.load(saved) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) # Run inference on validation set pred_val = [] for i in range(len(val['text'])): with torch.no_grad(): test_sen = TEXT.preprocess(val['text'][i]) test_sen = np.asarray([[TEXT.vocab.stoi[x] for x in test_sen]]) test_sen = torch.LongTensor(test_sen) test_tensor = Variable(test_sen) test_tensor = test_tensor.cuda(device) model.eval()
num_corrects = (torch.max(prediction_gender, 1)[1].view(target.size()).data == acc = 100.0 * num_corrects/len(batch) total_epoch_loss += loss.item() total_epoch_acc += acc.item() return total_epoch_loss/len(val_iter), total_epoch_acc/len(val_iter) learning_rate = 2e-5 batch_size = 32 output_size = 2 output_size2 = 9 hidden_size = 256 embedding_length = 100 model = RCNN(batch_size, output_size, hidden_size, vocab_size, embedding_length, word_embeddings) loss_fn = F.cross_entropy for epoch in range(20): train_loss, train_acc = train_model(model, train_iter, epoch) val_loss, val_acc = eval_model(model, valid_iter) pickle.dump(model, open("model_rcnn_idx"+str(epoch)+".pickle","wb")) print(f'Epoch: {epoch+1:02}, Train Loss: {train_loss:.3f}, Train Acc: {train_acc:.2f}%, Val. Loss: {val_loss:3f}, Val. Acc: {val_acc:.2f}%') test_loss, test_acc = eval_model(model, test_iter) print(f'Test Loss: {test_loss:.3f}, Test Acc: {test_acc:.2f}%') ''' Let us now predict the sentiment on a single sentence just for the testing purpose. ''' test_sen1 = "This is one of the best creation of Nolan. I can say, it's his magnum opus. Loved the soundtrack and especially those creative dialogues." test_sen2 = "Ohh, such a ridiculous movie. Not gonna recommend it to anyone. Complete waste of time and money."
if torch.cuda.is_available(): text = text.cuda(device) target = target.cuda(device) prediction = model(text) loss = loss_fn(prediction, target) num_corrects = (torch.max(prediction, 1)[1].view( target.size()).data == acc = 100.0 * num_corrects / len(batch) total_epoch_loss += loss.item() total_epoch_acc += acc.item() return total_epoch_loss / len(val_iter), total_epoch_acc / len(val_iter) # Define model model = RCNN(batch_size, output_size, hidden_size, vocab_size, embedding_length, word_embeddings) prev_epochs = 0 # reload model if a checkpoint is specified if args.checkpoint: model, optim, min_loss, prev_epochs = load_checkpoint( args.checkpoint, model, optim) #model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) loss_fn = F.cross_entropy optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=1e-5) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optim, step_size=5, gamma=0.1)
def train(config): """ Train and evaluate the model with training and validation data. """ print('Loading data...') start_time = time.time() corpus = Corpus(config.file_path, config.test_path, config.abbre, config.seq_length, config.vocab_size, over_sample=config.over) config.num_classes = corpus.num_classes print(corpus) config.vocab_size = len(corpus.words) #useless now config.model_file = config.model_file + '.pk' train_data = TensorDataset(torch.LongTensor(corpus.x_train_text), torch.LongTensor(corpus.x_train_ids), torch.LongTensor(corpus.y_train)) test_data = TensorDataset(torch.LongTensor(corpus.x_test_text), torch.LongTensor(corpus.x_test_ids), torch.LongTensor(corpus.y_test)) print('Configuring model...', config.elmo) if config.model_name == 'cnn': model = CNNClassifier(config) print('You choose to use CNN') elif config.model_name == 'lstm': model = LSTMClassifier(config) print('You choose to use LSTM') elif config.model_name == 'rcnn': model = RCNN(config) print('You choose to use RCNN') elif config.model_name == 'self': model = SelfAttention(config) print('You choose to use Self-Attention') else: model = AttentionModel(config) print('You choose to use LSTM-attention') print(model) if use_cuda: model.cuda() # optimizer and loss function criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=False) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config.learning_rate) # set the mode to train print("Training and evaluating...") best_acc = 0.0 for epoch in range(config.num_epochs): # load the training data in batch model.train() train_loader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=config.batch_size) for x_batch, x_batch_elmo, y_batch in train_loader: inputs, inputs_elmo, targets = Variable(x_batch), Variable( x_batch_elmo), Variable(y_batch) if use_cuda: inputs, inputs_elmo, targets = inputs.cuda(), inputs_elmo.cuda( ), targets.cuda() # if (inputs.size()[0] is not config.batch_size): # One of the batch returned by BucketIterator has length different than 32. # print ('Size wrong') # continue optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(inputs, inputs_elmo, batch_size=inputs.size() [0]) # forward computation: provide batch_size loss = criterion(outputs, targets) # backward propagation and update parameters loss.backward(retain_graph=True) optimizer.step() # evaluate on both training and test dataset train_acc, train_loss = evaluate(train_data, model, criterion) test_acc, test_loss = evaluate(test_data, model, criterion) if test_acc > best_acc: # store the best result best_acc = test_acc improved_str = '*', config.model_file) else: improved_str = '' time_dif = get_time_dif(start_time) msg = "Epoch {0:3}, Train_loss: {1:>7.2}, Train_acc {2:>6.2%}, " \ + "Test_loss: {3:>6.2}, Test_acc {4:>6.2%}, Time: {5} {6}" print( msg.format(epoch + 1, train_loss, train_acc, test_loss, test_acc, time_dif, improved_str)) test_acc, test_f1 = test(model, test_data, config.model_file) return test_acc, test_f1