def __generateTransactions(edges, transactionsFile, batchSize, label): try: os.remove(transactionsFile) except OSError: pass totalNumberOfTransactions = 0 with open(transactionsFile, 'a') as transactions: batch = [] sourceNodesCount = 0 # transactions.write("|".join(transactionHeaders) + "\n") # Can't have the header if we take transactions from every file for sourceNode, targets in edges.items(): sourceNodesCount += 1 if sourceNodesCount % batchSize == 1: log(label + ": generating transactions for source node " + str(sourceNodesCount) + ", transaction count: " + str(totalNumberOfTransactions)) targetNodesCount = 0 for targetNode, transactionsCount in targets.items(): targetNodesCount += 1 for _ in range(0, transactionsCount): t = Transaction(sourceNode, targetNode) batch.append(t.toRow(transactionHeaders)) totalNumberOfTransactions += 1 if len(batch) > batchSize: writeBatch(transactions, batch) batch = [] if len(batch) != 0: writeBatch(transactions, batch) log(label + ": TOTAL: generating transactions for source node " + str(sourceNodesCount) + ", transaction count: " + str(totalNumberOfTransactions))
def deposit(self, money): if(money <= 1000000): Transaction.create(self, money, tran_type = "Deposit"); self.__balance += money self.updateDBAccountBalance() print("Successfully deposited " + str(money) + " to account " + self.get_cust_id()) else: print("Sorry! Max Deposit limit(at a time) is 1 Million.")
def withdraw(self, money): if(super(CurrentAccount, self).get_balance() - money >= CurrentAccount.min_balance): Transaction.create(self, money, tran_type = "Withdraw"); new_bal = super(CurrentAccount, self).get_balance() - money super(CurrentAccount, self).set_balance(new_bal) super(CurrentAccount, self).updateDBAccountBalance() print("Successfully Withdrawn " + str(money) + " from account " + super(CurrentAccount, self).get_cust_id()) else: print("Not Have Enough Balance to Complete this transaction.Minimum Balance should be "+str(CurrentAccount.min_balance))
def withdraw(self, money): print("Inside Account Withdraw") if(self.__balance - money >= 0): Transaction.create(self, money, tran_type = "Withdraw"); self.__balance -= money self.updateDBAccountBalance() print("Successfully Withdrawn " + str(money) + " from account " + self.get_cust_id()) else: print("Not Have Enough Balance to Complete this transaction.")
def transfer(user_account, to_account, money): if(user_account.get_balance() - money > 0): new_account = Util.get_db_account(to_account) if(new_account != None): Transaction.create(new_account, money, tran_type = "Transfer", add = True, account_id = user_account.get_cust_id()) new_account.set_balance(new_account.get_balance() + money) new_account.updateDBAccountBalance() Transaction.create(user_account, money, tran_type = "Transfer", add = False, account_id = to_account) user_account.set_balance(user_account.get_balance() - money) user_account.updateDBAccountBalance() print(str(money)+" has been transferred to "+str(to_account)) else: print("Recipient Account Not Found") print("Please Check the Recipient Account Number.")
def parse_csv(path: str, encoding="windows-1252"): _transactions = [] _offset = 8 with open(path, encoding=encoding, newline="") as csv_file: _reader = reader(csv_file, delimiter=";", quotechar='"') for _row in _reader: _line = _reader.line_num if _line == 1: _account_number = _row[1] elif _line == 2: _account_type = _row[1] elif _line == 3: _account_currency = _row[1] elif _line == 4: _account_balance_date = parse_date(_row[1]) elif _line == 5: _account_balance_euros = parse_amount(_row[1]) elif _line == 6: _account_balance_francs = parse_amount(_row[1]) elif _line > _offset: _transactions.append( Transaction(date=parse_date(_row[0]), memo=_row[1], amount=parse_amount(_row[2]), amount_francs=parse_amount(_row[3]))) _account = Account(number=_account_number, type=_account_type, currency=_account_currency, balance_date=_account_balance_date, balance=_account_balance_euros, balance_francs=_account_balance_francs) _data = Data(account=_account, transactions=_transactions) return _data
def get(self): transactions = {} devices = Device.get_all() for device in devices: transactions.update({ convert_timestamps_to_dates(Transaction.get_all(device))}) values = { "transactions": transactions } self.response.write(main.render("templates/borrowTable.html", values))
def add_transaction(budget: Budget) -> bool: name = input("Name of the transaction: ") try: outflow = float(input("Outflow amount: ") or 0.) if outflow == 0.: inflow = float(input("Inflow amount: ")) else: inflow = 0. category_id = int(input("Category id: ")) valid_ids = [] for parent in budget.parent_categories: for category in parent.categories: valid_ids.append( if category_id not in valid_ids: print("Invalid category ID!") return False provided_date = input("Date of the transaction (YYYY-MM-DD): ") if provided_date: receipt_date = datetime.strptime(provided_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() else: receipt_date = payee_name = input("Name of payee/payer: ") except ValueError: print("You provided an incorrect value!") return False transaction = Transaction(name=name, payee_name=payee_name, amount_inflow=inflow, amount_outflow=outflow, category_id=category_id, receipt_date=receipt_date) session.add(transaction) session.commit() print("The transaction has been added!") return True
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): data: InputJson = InputJson(**json.loads(body)) print(" [x] Received %r" % body) # Update balances of customers, on average below code takes 0.46 sec # Source: bal_ = getattr(Balance, data.currency) session.query(Balance).filter( Balance.customer_id.in_([ data.customer_id, data.customer_id_to ])).update( { bal_: case( { data.customer_id: bal_ - data.amount, # getattr(Balance, data.currency) data.customer_id_to: bal_ + data.amount }, value=Balance.customer_id) }, synchronize_session=False) # Commented another method which first of all does Select and then inside Python changes values and then updates # values. On average below code takes 0.76 sec """ new_bal: List[Balance] = session.query(Balance).filter( (Balance.customer_id == data.customer_id) | (Balance.customer_id == customer_id_to)).all() for bal in new_bal: if bal.customer_id == data.customer_id: setattr(bal, currency, getattr(bal, currency) - amount) else: setattr(bal, currency, getattr(bal, currency) + amount) """ # Create transaction and add it to Transactions table new_transaction = Transaction(customer_id_from=data.customer_id, customer_id_to=data.customer_id_to, **{data.currency: data.amount}) session.add_all([new_transaction]) session.commit() ch.basic_ack( delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag ) # Answer to RabbitMQ that all is successful => Message is marked as acknowledged
def post(self): if not self.request.get("device"): return device_name = escape(self.request.get("device")) device = Device.query( == device_name).get() if self.request.get("borrower"): Transaction(parent=device.key, name=escape(self.request.get("borrower")), start=now()).put() self.response.write("Created.") elif self.request.get("update"): last = Transaction.get_last(device) last.end = now() last.put() self.response.write( else: Device(name=device_name).put() self.response.write("Created.")
def get(self): if not self.request.get("device"): return device = Device.get_by_name(escape(self.request.get("device"))) self.response.write(serialize(Transaction.get_all(device))) session.add_all(category_list) session.commit() # ADD TRANSACTIONS # ------------------------------ transaction_list = [] # loop through categories for category_instance in session.query(Category).order_by( for i in range(randint(1, 10)): transaction_list.append( Transaction(name="Transakcja", payee_name="Nazwa sklepu / płatnika", amount_inflow=0.00, amount_outflow=round(uniform(0.0, 800.0), 2),, session.add_all(transaction_list) session.commit() # ADD CATEGORY BUDGETS # ------------------------------ month = year = day = category_budgets_list = []
import pprint import os import psycopg2 import openpyxl from DBConnection import DBConnection from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv from models.Transaction import Transaction conn = DBConnection().get_connection() pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('golden_one_example.xlsx') sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1') obs = [] for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1): transaction_date = sheet['A' + str(row)].value amount = sheet['B' + str(row)].value description = sheet['C' + str(row)].value running_total = sheet['D' + str(row)].value tran = Transaction(transaction_date, amount, description, running_total) obs.append( Transaction(transaction_date, amount, description, running_total)) conn.close()