def init_local_model(self, device): ### Select the model if self.params.t_model_version == 'resnet18': self.m_local = (resnet.ResNet18()).to(device) if self.params.t_cuda else (resnet.ResNet18()) elif self.params.t_model_version == 'alexnet': self.m_local = (alexnet.AlexNet()).to(device) if self.params.t_cuda else (alexnet.AlexNet()) elif self.params.t_model_version == 'cnn': self.m_local = (cnn.CNN()).to(device) if self.params.t_cuda else (cnn.CNN())
if args.quantization == 'bwn': model = nin.BWNNet() model_name = args.arch + '_bwn.pth.tar' f = open(os.path.join('log', 'log_' + args.arch + "_bwn"), 'w') elif args.quantization == 'xnor': model = nin.XNORNet() model_name = args.arch + '_xnor.pth.tar' f = open(os.path.join('log', 'log_' + args.arch + "_xnor"), 'w') elif args.quantization == 'joint_bwn': if args.arch == 'nin': model = nin.BWNNet() elif args.arch == 'alex': model = alexnet.AlexNet() name = args.arch + "_joint_bwn_" + str(args.slice) if args.binarize_first_layer == True: name = name + "_bf" if args.binarize_last_layer == True: name = name + "_bl" model_name = name + '.pth.tar' f = open(os.path.join('log', 'log_' + name), 'w') elif args.quantization == 'joint_xnor': model = nin.XNORNet() name = args.arch + "_joint_xnor_" + str(args.slice) if args.binarize_first_layer == True: name = name + "_bf" if args.binarize_last_layer == True:
def train_baseline_KD(self): if self.params.model_version == 'resnet18': model = resnet.ResNet18().cuda( ) if self.params.cuda else resnet.ResNet18() elif self.params.model_version == 'alexnet': model = alexnet.AlexNet().cuda( ) if self.params.cuda else alexnet.AlexNet() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=self.params.learning_rate, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4) loss_function_KD = utils.loss_function_kd metrics = utils.metrics teacher_model = resnet.ResNet18() teacher_checkpoint = 'experiments/baseline_standalone_resnet18/best.pth.tar' teacher_model = teacher_model.cuda( ) if self.params.cuda else teacher_model utils.load_checkpoint(teacher_checkpoint, teacher_model) # Train the model with KD"Experiment - model version: {}".format( self.params.model_version))"Starting training for {} epoch(s)".format( self.params.num_epochs)) "First, loading the teacher model and computing its outputs...") best_valid_acc = 0.0 scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=150, gamma=0.1) for epoch in range(self.params.num_epochs):"Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, self.params.num_epochs)) train_metrics = baseline_KD.train_kd(model, teacher_model, optimizer, loss_function_KD, self.trainloader, metrics, self.params) scheduler.step() valid_metrics = baseline_KD.evaluate_kd(model, teacher_model, loss_function_KD, self.testloader, metrics, self.params) valid_acc = valid_metrics['accuracy'] is_best = valid_acc >= best_valid_acc # Record experiment results with open(self.model_dir + "/result.csv", 'a') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) row = [ train_metrics['loss'], train_metrics['accuracy'], valid_metrics['loss'], valid_metrics['accuracy'] ] writer.writerow(row) # Save weights utils.save_checkpoint( { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optim_dict': optimizer.state_dict() }, is_best=is_best, checkpoint=self.model_dir) # If best_eval, best_save_path if is_best:"- Found new best accuracy") best_valid_acc = valid_acc # Save best valid metrics in a JSON file in the model directory best_json_path = os.path.join( self.model_dir, "metrics_valid_best_weights.json") utils.save_dict_to_json(valid_metrics, best_json_path) # Save latest valid metrics in a JSON file in the model directory last_json_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "metrics_valid_last_weights.json") utils.save_dict_to_json(valid_metrics, last_json_path)
def train_baseline_standalone(self): if self.params.model_version == 'resnet18': model = resnet.ResNet18().cuda( ) if self.params.cuda else resnet.ResNet18() elif self.params.model_version == 'alexnet': model = alexnet.AlexNet().cuda( ) if self.params.cuda else alexnet.AlexNet() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=self.params.learning_rate, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4) loss_function = utils.loss_function metrics = utils.metrics # Train the model"Starting training for {} epoch(s)".format( self.params.num_epochs)) best_valid_acc = 0 if self.params.model_version == "resnet18": scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=150, gamma=0.1) elif self.params.model_version == "alexnet": scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=100, gamma=0.2) for epoch in range(self.params.num_epochs):"Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, self.params.num_epochs)) train_metrics = baseline_standalone.train(model, optimizer, loss_function, self.trainloader, metrics, self.params) scheduler.step() valid_metrics = baseline_standalone.evaluate( model, loss_function, self.testloader, metrics, self.params) valid_acc = valid_metrics['accuracy'] is_best = valid_acc >= best_valid_acc # Record experiment results with open(self.model_dir + "/result.csv", 'a') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) row = [ train_metrics['loss'], train_metrics['accuracy'], valid_metrics['loss'], valid_metrics['accuracy'] ] writer.writerow(row) # Save weights utils.save_checkpoint( { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optim_dict': optimizer.state_dict() }, is_best=is_best, checkpoint=self.model_dir) if is_best:"- Found new best accuracy") best_valid_acc = valid_acc # Save best validation metrics in a json file in the model directory best_json_path = os.path.join( self.model_dir, "metrics_valid_best_weights.json") utils.save_dict_to_json(valid_metrics, best_json_path) # Save latest valid metrics in a json file in the model directory last_json_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "metrics_valid_last_weights.json") utils.save_dict_to_json(valid_metrics, last_json_path)
def main(args): BATCH_SIZE = args.batch_size LR = args.learning_rate EPOCH = args.epoch device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() data_transforms = { transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(320), transforms.CenterCrop(299), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ]) } transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(size=(227, 227)), transforms.RandomRotation(20), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.ToTensor(), # 将图片转换为Tensor,归一化至[0,1] transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ]) train_dataset = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder(root=args.train_images, transform=transform) train_loader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True) # 从文件夹中读取validation数据 validation_dataset = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder( root=args.test_images, transform=transform) print(validation_dataset.class_to_idx) test_loader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True) if args.model_name == "densenet": Net = densenet.DenseNet().to(device) if args.model_name == "alexnet": Net = alexnet.AlexNet().to(device) if args.model_name == "googlenet": Net = googlenet.GoogLeNet().to(device) if args.model_name == "mobilenet": Net = mobilenet.MobileNetV2().to(device) if args.model_name == "mnasnet": Net = mnasnet.mnasnet1_0().to(device) if args.model_name == "squeezenet": Net = squeezenet.SqueezeNet().to(device) if args.model_name == "resnet": Net = resnet.resnet50().to(device) if args.model_name == "vgg": Net = vgg.vgg19().to(device) if args.model_name == "shufflenetv2": Net = shufflenetv2.shufflenet_v2_x1_0().to(device) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() opti = torch.optim.Adam(Net.parameters(), lr=LR) if __name__ == '__main__': Accuracy_list = [] Loss_list = [] for epoch in range(EPOCH): sum_loss = 0.0 correct1 = 0 total1 = 0 for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_loader): num_images = images.size(0) images = Variable( labels = Variable( if args.model_name == 'googlenet': out = Net(images) out = out[0] else: out = Net(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) total1 += labels.size(0) correct1 += (predicted == labels).sum().item() loss = criterion(out, labels) print(loss) opti.zero_grad() loss.backward() opti.step() # 每训练100个batch打印一次平均loss sum_loss += loss.item() if i % 10 == 9: print('train loss [%d, %d] loss: %.03f' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, sum_loss / 2000)) print("train acc %.03f" % (100.0 * correct1 / total1)) sum_loss = 0.0 Accuracy_list.append(100.0 * correct1 / total1) print('accurary={}'.format(100.0 * correct1 / total1)) Loss_list.append(loss.item()) x1 = range(0, EPOCH) x2 = range(0, EPOCH) y1 = Accuracy_list y2 = Loss_list total_test = 0 correct_test = 0 for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(test_loader): start_time = time.time() print('time_start', start_time) num_images = images.size(0) print('num_images', num_images) images = Variable( labels = Variable( print("GroundTruth", labels) if args.model_name == 'googlenet': out = Net(images)[0] out = out[0] else: out = Net(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) print("predicted", predicted) correct_test += (predicted == labels).sum().item() total_test += labels.size(0) print('time_usage', (time.time() - start_time) / args.batch_size) print('total_test', total_test) print('correct_test', correct_test) print('accurary={}'.format(100.0 * correct_test / total_test)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(x1, y1, 'o-') plt.title('Train accuracy vs. epoches') plt.ylabel('Train accuracy') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(x2, y2, '.-') plt.xlabel('Train loss vs. epoches') plt.ylabel('Train loss') # plt.savefig("accuracy_epoch" + str(EPOCH) + ".png") plt.savefig(args.output_dir + '/' + 'accuracy_epoch' + str(EPOCH) + '.png'), args.model_name + '.pth')
from models import preact_resnet_model from models import alexnet from models import lenet _MODEL_DICT = { 'resnet18': resnet_model.ResNet18(), 'resnet34': resnet_model.ResNet34(), 'resnet50': resnet_model.ResNet50(), 'resnet101': resnet_model.ResNet101(), 'resnet152': resnet_model.ResNet152(), 'preact_resnet18': preact_resnet_model.PreActResNet18(), 'preact_resnet34': preact_resnet_model.PreActResNet34(), 'preact_resnet50': preact_resnet_model.PreActResNet50(), 'preact_resnet101': preact_resnet_model.PreActResNet101(), 'preact_resnet152': preact_resnet_model.PreActResNet152(), 'alexnet': alexnet.AlexNet(), 'lenet': lenet.LeNet() } def _invalid_model_name(): raise ValueError("Not a valid model name") def fetch_teacher(model_name, model_dicts=_MODEL_DICT): return model_dicts[model_name] def fetch_student(model_name, model_dicts=_MODEL_DICT): return model_dicts[model_name]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch CIFAR10 Training') parser.add_argument('--threshold', default=0.7, type=float, help='learning rate') parser.add_argument('--input', default='test_image/3_1.jpg', help='Input Image') device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' args = parser.parse_args() classes = ['Red', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Left', 'Right', 'Straight'] img_size = 224 print('==> Building model..') net = alexnet.AlexNet(num_classes=len(classes)) #net = mobilenet.MobileNet(num_classes=4) net = net.eval() if device == 'cuda': net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net) cudnn.benchmark = True #Load checkpoint print('==> Resuming from checkpoint..') assert os.path.isdir('checkpoint'), 'Error: no checkpoint directory found!' checkpoint = torch.load('./checkpoint/ckpt_old_i.t7') net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['net']) best_acc = checkpoint['acc'] start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch']
def loadCoeffIdx(pathName, modelName): skipLinear = False device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' if modelName == "vgg16_c10": model = vgg16.VGG16() elif modelName == "vgg16_c10_old": model = vgg16_old.VGG16() elif modelName == "resnet50_c10": model = resnet.ResNet50() elif modelName == "inceptionv3_c10": model = inception_v3_c10.inception_v3() elif modelName == "alexnet_in": #model = torch.hub.load('pytorch/vision', 'alexnet', pretrained=True) model = alexnet.AlexNet() skipLinear = True elif modelName == "vgg16_in": model = vgg_in.vgg16() elif modelName == "resnet50_in": model = resnet_in.resnet50() elif modelName == "transformer_wmt": translator = transformer_translate.create_model( ) # returns Transformer() translator = model = translator.model else: print("Model not supported") exit(1) model = if ("vgg16" in modelName or "alexnet" in modelName): model = replace_vgg16(model, skipLinear) elif "transformer" in modelName: #transformer_train.replace_with_pruned(model, "model", prune_attention=True, prune_only_attention=False) pass else: replace_with_pruned(model, "model", skipLinear) if "_in" in modelName: if not torch.distributed.is_initialized(): port = np.random.randint(10000, 65536) torch.distributed.init_process_group( backend='nccl', init_method='tcp://' % port, rank=0, world_size=1) model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model) if not ("transformer" in modelName): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(pathName)) model.eval() #prune(model, method="cascade", q=1.0) layers = [] widths = [3] numConv = 0 assert isinstance(model, nn.Module) for n, m in model.named_modules(): print(type(m)) if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d): numConv += 1 if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear): numConv += 1 if isinstance(m, PrunedConv): #print(m.mask) #layer = m.mask.view((m.out_channels, -1)).detach().cpu().numpy() layer = m.conv.weight.view( (m.out_channels, -1)).detach().cpu().numpy() elif isinstance(m, PrunedLinear) or isinstance( m, CSP.pruned_layers.PrunedLinear) and (not skipLinear): #print(m.mask) #layer = m.mask.view((m.out_features, -1)).detach().cpu().numpy() layer = m.linear.weight.view( (m.out_features, -1)).detach().cpu().numpy() else: continue #print(n) #print(layer.shape) #layer = layer > 0 widths.append(len(layer)) layers.append(layer) #layerMask = layer > 0 #layerMask = np.transpose(layerMask) #print("NUM CONV: {}".format(numConv)) #print("NUM EXTRACTED LAYERS: {}".format(len(layers))) if "transformer" in modelName: for i in range(11): for j in range(36, 97): layers.append(layers[j]) return layers
def exportData(pathName, modelName): global skipLinear device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' if modelName == "vgg16_c10": model = vgg16.VGG16() elif modelName == "vgg16_c10_old": model = vgg16_old.VGG16() elif modelName == "resnet50_c10": model = resnet.ResNet50() elif modelName == "inceptionv3_c10": model = inception_v3_c10.inception_v3() elif modelName == "alexnet_in": #model = torch.hub.load('pytorch/vision', 'alexnet', pretrained=True) model = alexnet.AlexNet() skipLinear = True elif modelName == "vgg16_in": model = vgg_in.vgg16() skipLinear = True elif modelName == "resnet50_in": model = resnet_in.resnet50() elif modelName == "transformer_wmt": translator = transformer_translate.create_model( ) # returns Transformer() translator = model = translator.model else: print("Model not supported") exit(1) model = if ("vgg16" in modelName or "alexnet" in modelName): model = replace_vgg16(model, skipLinear) elif "transformer" in modelName: #transformer_train.replace_with_pruned(model, "model", prune_attention=True, prune_only_attention=False) pass else: replace_with_pruned(model, "model", skipLinear) if "_in" in modelName: if not torch.distributed.is_initialized(): port = np.random.randint(10000, 65536) torch.distributed.init_process_group( backend='nccl', init_method='tcp://' % port, rank=0, world_size=1) model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[0], output_device=0) if not ("transformer" in modelName): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(pathName)) model.eval() #prune(model, method="cascade", q=1.0) #layer_num = 0 #save_dir = "/root/hostCurUser/reproduce/DNNsim/net_traces/ResNet50_ImageNet_CSP/" #lstModules = list( model.named_modules()) #for n, m in model.named_modules(): #for i in range(len(lstModules)): # if isinstance(lstModules[i], nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(lstModules[i], nn.Linear): # model[i] = DataExporter(lstModules[i], save_dir, layer_num) # layer_num += 1 f = open(MODEL_PATH + "model.csv", "w") fscale = open(SCALE_PATH, "w") fscale.write( "Layer name, IFMAP Height, IFMAP Width, Filter Height, Filter Width, Channels, Num Filter, Strides,\n" ) layer_idx = 0 models = [] # for SparTen layers = [] acts = [] weights = [] paddings = [] strides = [] idxs = [] def extract(module, input): #if module.extracted: # return if len(input[0].shape) < 4: if not ("transformer" in modelName): return try: a = input[0].detach().cpu().reshape(1, module.in_features, 1, 1) except: a = input[0].detach().cpu().reshape(-1, 1, 1) a = a[:module.in_features] a = a.reshape(1, module.in_features, 1, 1) else: a = input[0].detach().cpu() acts.append(a) if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv2d): layer = module.weight.view( (module.out_channels, -1)).detach().cpu().numpy() weight = module.weight.detach().cpu().numpy() tp = "conv" stride = str(max(module.stride[0], module.stride[1])) padding = str(max(module.padding[0], module.padding[1])) in_channels = module.in_channels out_channels = module.out_channels kernel_size = module.kernel_size padding_st = module.padding stride_st = module.stride elif isinstance(module, torch.nn.Linear) and (not skipLinearExport): layer = module.weight.view( (module.out_features, -1)).detach().cpu().numpy() weight = module.weight.detach().cpu().reshape( module.weight.shape[0], module.weight.shape[1], 1, 1).numpy() tp = "fc" stride = str(1) padding = str(0) in_channels = module.in_features out_channels = module.out_features kernel_size = (1, 1) padding_st = (0, 0) stride_st = (1, 1) else: print("{} does not exist".format(module)) exit(1) name = str(module.layer_idx) weights.append(weight) paddings.append(int(padding)) strides.append(int(stride)) f.write(name + "," + tp + "," + stride + "," + padding + ",\n") layers.append(layer) models.append({ 'in_channels': in_channels, 'out_channels': out_channels, 'kernel': kernel_size, 'name': tp + name, 'padding': padding_st, 'weights': weight, 'IFM': a.cpu().numpy(), 'stride': stride_st }) idxs.append(module.layer_idx) #module.extracted = True #replace_with_exporter(model, "model", f, fscale) for n, m in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d): weight = m.weight.detach().cpu().numpy() if weight.shape[2] != weight.shape[3]: continue #weights.append(weight) #m.extracted = False m.register_forward_pre_hook(extract) #name = str(layer_idx) #tp = "conv" #stride = str(max(m.stride[0], m.stride[1])) #padding = str(max(m.padding[0], m.padding[1])) #paddings.append(int(padding)) #f.write(name+"," + tp+"," + stride+"," + padding + ",\n") m.layer_idx = layer_idx layer_idx += 1 elif isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear): if not ("transformer" in modelName): continue #weight = m.weight.detach().cpu().reshape(m.weight.shape[0], m.weight.shape[1], 1, 1).numpy() #weights.append(weight) #m.extracted = False m.register_forward_pre_hook(extract) #name = str(layer_idx) #tp = "fc" #stride = str(1) #padding = str(0) #paddings.append(int(padding)) #f.write(name+"," + tp+"," + stride+"," + padding + ",\n") m.layer_idx = layer_idx layer_idx += 1 if "_in" in modelName: IFM = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).cuda() model(IFM) elif "_c10" in modelName: IFM = torch.rand(1, 3, 32, 32).cuda() model(IFM) elif "_wmt" in modelName: src_seq = [4556, 4562, 4560, 4557, 4712, 1894, 15, 4564, 4620, 0, 5] pred_seq = translator.translate_sentence( torch.LongTensor([src_seq]).to(device)) print(pred_seq) else: print("Dataset not supported") exit(1) print(len(acts)) print(len(weights)) #layers = loadCoeffIdx(pathName, modelName) with open(ST_PATH + modelName + ".h5", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(models, f) sq_ptrs = [] out_channels = [] for layer in layers: sp, oc = squeezeCoeffIdxTotal(layer, len(layer)) out_channels.append(oc) #""" i = 0 for idx in range(len(acts)): x_save = acts[idx] weight_save = weights[idx] + "act-" + str(idx) + "-0.npy", x_save) + "wgt-" + str(idx) + ".npy", weight_save) x_save[x_save == 0] = int(0) x_save[x_save != 0] = int(1) np.savetxt(CX_PATH + "act" + str(idx) + ".csv", x_save.reshape(-1), delimiter=",", fmt="%d") weight_save[weight_save == 0] = int(0) weight_save[weight_save != 0] = int(1) np.savetxt(CX_PATH + "Conv2D_" + str(idx) + ".csv", weight_save.reshape(weight_save.shape[0], -1), delimiter=",", fmt="%d") if x_save.shape[2] > 1: name = "Conv" + str(idx) #str(idxs[idx]) IFM_height = str(x_save.shape[2] + (2 * paddings[idx])) IFM_width = str(x_save.shape[3] + (2 * paddings[idx])) filt_height = str(weight_save.shape[2]) filt_width = str(weight_save.shape[3]) else: name = "FC" + str(idx) #str(idxs[idx]) IFM_height = str(1) IFM_width = str(1) filt_height = str(1) filt_width = str(1) channels = str(weight_save.shape[1]) if ("resnet50" in modelName) and (idx == 4 or idx == 15 or idx == 29 or idx == 49): num_filt = str(weight_save.shape[0]) else: num_filt = str(out_channels[i]) i += 1 fscale.write(name + ',\t' + IFM_height + ',\t' + IFM_width + ',\t' + filt_height + ',\t' + filt_width + ',\t' + channels + ',\t' + num_filt + ',\t' + str(strides[idx]) + ',\n') fscale.close() f.close() #""" cxf = open(CX_PATH + "ModelShape.txt", "w") cxf.write("LayerName\tLayerID\tInputShape\tOutputShape\tKernelShape\n") cx_layers = [] layer_idx = 0 for n, m in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d): if m.weight.shape[2] != m.weight.shape[3]: continue curr = "Conv\t" + str(layer_idx) + "\t" + str( tuple(acts[layer_idx].shape)).replace('(', '').replace( ')', '').replace(' ', '') + "\t" + str( tuple(acts[layer_idx].shape)).replace('(', '').replace( ')', '').replace(' ', '') + "\t" + str( tuple( m.weight.shape)).replace('(', '').replace( ')', '').replace(' ', '') + "\n" cxf.write(curr) cx_layers.append(curr) layer_idx += 1 if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear) and (not skipLinear): curr = "FC\t" + str(idxs[layer_idx]) + "\t" + str( tuple(acts[layer_idx].shape)).replace('(', '').replace( ')', '').replace(' ', '') + "\t" + str( tuple(acts[layer_idx].shape)).replace('(', '').replace( ')', '').replace(' ', '') + "\t" + str( tuple( m.weight.shape)).replace('(', '').replace( ')', '').replace(' ', '') + ",1,1\n" cxf.write(curr) cx_layers.append(curr) layer_idx += 1 if "transformer" in modelName: for i in range(11): for j in range(36, 97): cxf.write(cx_layers[j]) cxf.close() return
_, preds = outputs.max(1) total += targets.size(0) correct += preds.eq(targets).sum().item() test_loss /= len(data_loader.dataset) acc = 100. * correct / total print("\n Test set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} {:.4f}\n".format( test_loss, correct, total, correct * 1.0 / total)) if __name__ == '__main__': args = set_args() args.cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() torch.manual_seed(args.seed) model = alexnet.AlexNet(num_classes=len(cifar10_classes)) # model = vgg.VGG('VGG16', len(cifar10_classes)) # model = vgg.VGG('VGG19', len(cifar10_classes)) # model = resnet.ResNet50(num_classes=len(cifar10_classes)) # model = resnet.ResNet101(num_classes=len(cifar10_classes)) # model = densenet.DenseNet121(num_classes=len(cifar10_classes)) # model = densenet.DenseNet201(num_classes=len(cifar10_classes)) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) model.cuda(args.device_id) import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn cudnn.benchmark = True # dataloader data_loader = test_loader(args)
train_loader = preprocess.train_loader val_loader = preprocess.val_loader train_len = preprocess.train_len val_len = preprocess.val_len writer = SummaryWriter(preprocess.save_mpdel_path) #data_root = os.getcwd() device = torch.device( cfg_content['device'] if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # load model######################### manuall modify############################### #net = resnet.resnet34(cfg.num_classes) #net = vgg.VGG(cfg_content['model']['name'], cfg_content['dataset']['n_classes']) #net = lenet.LeNet(cfg_content['dataset']['n_classes']) net = alexnet.AlexNet(cfg_content['dataset']['n_classes']) ###################################### manuall modify############################### # load model loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() #set optimizer ###################################### manuall modify############################### #optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=float(cfg_content['train']['base_lr']), momentum=cfg_content['train']['momentum']) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer,