def mark_as_favorite(cls, current_user, recipe_id): test = BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( engine.execute("INSERT INTO saved (user_id, recipe_id, saved_at) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", (, long(recipe_id), BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( ))
def test_compare_dict(self): ''' Test that the new_model's and my_model's dictionary values are same. ''' my_model_dict = self.my_model.to_dict() new_model = BaseModel(**my_model_dict) new_model_dict = new_model.to_dict() self.assertEqual(my_model_dict, new_model_dict)
def save(self): if not = 'empty' self.emails = self.encode_field(self.emails) if self.details: self.details = self.encode_field(self.details) return
def save(self): if not self.registered_date and self.status == self.STATUS_REGISTERED: self.registered_date = date_helper.get_current_date() if not self.removed_date: if self.status == self.STATUS_REMOVED_USER or self.status == self.STATUS_REMOVED_SYS: self.removed_date = date_helper.get_current_date() if not self.url: self.get_url() if not self.code128: self.gen_code128() g.max_code128 = self.code128 if not self.code: self.code = self.get_code(self.discodes_id) return
def test_3(self): """str output checker""" tst = BaseModel() rslt = "[BaseModel] ({}) {}".format(, tst.__dict__) self.assertEqual(tst.__str__(), rslt)
def save(self): self.payment_id = str(self.payment_id).rjust(20, '0') return
def db_seed3(): random.seed(1) conn = db_connect() cur = conn.cursor() # create the main user user = { 'email' : "*****@*****.**", 'first_name': "Anthony", 'last_name': "Bourdain", 'hashed_password':User.hash_password("qwerty"), 'icon_code':1, 'created_at' : BaseModel.timestamp_to_db(, 'last_login_at' : BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( } cur.execute("""INSERT INTO users (email, first_name, last_name, hashed_password, icon_code, created_at, last_login_at) VALUES (%(email)s, %(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(hashed_password)s, %(icon_code)s, %(created_at)s, %(last_login_at)s)""", user) cur.execute("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email=%(email)s", {'email':user['email']}) user_id = cur.fetchone() # Create other users engine.execute(""" INSERT INTO users (email, first_name, last_name, hashed_password, icon_code, created_at, last_login_at) VALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'Abc', 'Xyz', 'GrYOEQ1BqarF4w0IbEkIGb/jRhs4x2uWAv6WhqoKo9KMY8lqEBnjeIxAoU9CkuUP', 0, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'Franklin', 'Roosevelt', '36f104ac393b8431b57e78670c350359059f5bac353ef3ce620ee7c8ccf38928', 1, '2015-10-09 12:00:00', '2015-10-09 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'George', 'Washington', '1bd918318467b5edf3243b90633427d2facaf630747d2d33bce137638a8719d4', 2, '2015-10-10 12:00:00', '2015-10-10 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'George', 'Bush', '1bd918318467b5edf3243b90633427d2facaf630747d2d33bce137638a8719d4', 0, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'Bill', 'Clinton', '237cef09c18de58503d79d9dd966c73c9736a8a9b8def484ba08f4d97bd2d3aa', 1, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'Theodore', 'Roosevelt', 'a8979eec0be4e79b40e969c701e012c56dc3dbec3ba63611e597f605fe26eac8', 2, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'Richard', 'Nixon', '5f872912d9b2b6f312711902991ac83fd854c746a8922e36715ff3aff18574b1', 3, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'Thomas', 'Jefferson', '62660e10f69dcf92334c3bcae6330673947c2863982a9e8af92f141ad9587ce2', 0, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'John', 'Kennedy', '9c4b7a6b4af91b44be8d9bb66d41e82589f01974702d3bf1d9b4407a55593c3c', 1, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'), ('*****@*****.**', 'Harry', 'Truman', '79ff9c4d2fe456cc3015d157cf941fa51a4b2c51629d73b057629cdbb9801416', 2, '2015-10-08 12:00:00', '2015-10-08 12:00:00'); """) results = engine.execute("SELECT id from users;") all_user_ids = [tup[0] for tup in results] print "CHEF ID: ", user_id with open('data/recipe_data.json' ,'r') as f: data = json.loads( # load all of the ingredients print "INSERTING ALL INGREDIENTS" unique_ingredients = list(set([first_lower(i['name']) for d in data for i in d['ingredients']])) ingredients = [{'name':i} for i in unique_ingredients] cur.executemany("""INSERT INTO ingredients (name) VALUES (%(name)s)""", ingredients) # load all of the categories print "INSERTING ALL CATEGORIES" unique_categories = list(set([ t['name'] for d in data for t in d['tags']])) categories = [{'name':i} for i in unique_categories] cur.executemany("""INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES (%(name)s)""", categories) # for each recipe, load it, get its id, then load its steps, ingredients, and categories recipe_ids = [] recipe_count = len(data) for j,r in enumerate(data): recipe = { 'name': r['name'], 'servings': r['yield'], 'preparation_time': r['preparation_time'], 'photo_file': Photo.download_photo(r['photo_url']), 'nutritional_info': r['description'],#get_random_nutritional_info(), 'creator_id': user_id, 'created_at': BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( - timedelta(minutes=(recipe_count - j))) } cur.execute("""INSERT INTO recipes (name, servings, preparation_time, photo_file, nutritional_info, creator_id, created_at) VALUES (%(name)s, %(servings)s, %(preparation_time)s, %(photo_file)s, %(nutritional_info)s, %(creator_id)s, %(created_at)s)""", recipe) cur.execute("SELECT id FROM recipes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;") recipe_id = cur.fetchone() recipe_ids.append(recipe_id[0]) print "RECIPE NUM: ", recipe_id[0] categories = [{'recipe_id':recipe_id, 'category_name':t['name']} for t in r['tags']] cur.executemany("""INSERT INTO categories_recipes (recipe_id, category_name) VALUES (%(recipe_id)s, %(category_name)s)""", categories) steps = [ {'id':recipe_id, 'n':s['number'], 'instructions':s['instructions']} for s in r['steps'] ] cur.executemany("""INSERT INTO steps (recipe_id, number, instructions) VALUES (%(id)s, %(n)s, %(instructions)s)""", steps) ingredients = [{'name':first_lower(i['name']), 'id':recipe_id, 'q':i['quantity'], 'u':i['unit'],\ 'comment':i['comment']} for i in r['ingredients'] ] cur.executemany("""INSERT INTO ingredients_recipes (ingredient_name, recipe_id, quantity, unit, comment) VALUES (%(name)s, %(id)s, %(q)s, %(u)s, %(comment)s)""", ingredients) conn.commit() conn.close() print "INSERTING RATINGS AND COMMENTS" for recipe_id in recipe_ids: # for each recipe, use a Bernoulli do define if the recipe should be rated/favorited or not if random.uniform(0,10) >= 2: # randomly select target expected rating target_rating = random.randint(1,5) offset = target_rating - 3 # select how many users are going to rate thsi recipe rating_count = random.randint(3,len(all_user_ids)) # select which users are going to rate this recipe rating_user_ids = random.sample(all_user_ids, rating_count) # for each user, randomly select and create rating for ruid in rating_user_ids: rating = random.randint(1,5) + offset if rating < 1: rating = 1 elif rating > 5: rating = 5 engine.execute("INSERT INTO ratings (user_id, recipe_id, rating) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", (ruid, recipe_id, int(rating))) # each user that rated has 1/3 chance of favoriting the recipe if random.randint(1,3) == 1: engine.execute("INSERT INTO saved (user_id, recipe_id, saved_at) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", ( ruid, recipe_id, BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( )) # select how many users are going to comment (max is rating count) comment_count = random.randint(1,rating_count) comments = get_comments(comment_count) # select which users are going to comment in this recipe comment_user_ids = random.sample(rating_user_ids, comment_count) # for each user, randomly select and create comment for i, cuid in enumerate(comment_user_ids): engine.execute("INSERT INTO comments (user_id, recipe_id, text, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (cuid, recipe_id, comments[i], BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( - i))), BaseModel.timestamp_to_db( - i))) )) print "DONE"
def setUp(self): ''' simple set up ''' self.my_model = BaseModel() = FileStorage()
def test_print(self): """Print ok""" model = BaseModel() my_model_json = model.to_dict() self.assertEqual(my_model_json["id"],
def SetUp(self): """ Create instance """ self.test = BaseModel()
def test_datetime(self): """ check datatime """ bas1 = BaseModel() self.assertFalse( == bas1.created_at)
def save(self): self.emails = self.encode_field(self.emails) return
def save(self, existing_categories, existing_ingredients): connection = engine.connect() transaction = connection.begin() try: # upload photo if not self.upload_file.filename: self.photo_file = Photo.DEFAULT_IMAGE else: self.photo_file = Photo.upload_photo(self.upload_file) connection.execute( """ INSERT INTO recipes (name, servings, preparation_time, nutritional_info, photo_file, creator_id, created_at) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""", (, self.servings, self.preparation_time, self.nutritional_info, self.photo_file, self.creator_id, BaseModel.timestamp_to_db(, ), ) # get recipe_id results = connection.execute("SELECT id FROM recipes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;") recipe_id = None for result in results: recipe_id = result[0] # create categories for category_name in self.category_names: if category_name not in existing_categories: connection.execute("INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES (%s)", category_name) connection.execute( "INSERT INTO categories_recipes (recipe_id, category_name) VALUES (%s,%s)", (recipe_id, category_name), ) # create ingredients for ingredient in self.ingredients: if not in existing_ingredients: connection.execute("INSERT INTO ingredients (name) VALUES (%s)", connection.execute( """ INSERT INTO ingredients_recipes (ingredient_name, recipe_id, quantity, unit, comment) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""", (, recipe_id, ingredient.quantity, ingredient.unit, ingredient.comment), ) # create steps for step in self.steps: connection.execute( """ INSERT INTO steps (recipe_id, number, instructions) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)""", (recipe_id, step.number, step.instructions), ) transaction.commit() except Exception as e: transaction.rollback() self.error_message = e.message return False return True
def test_2(self): """str check""" d = BaseModel() self.assertIsInstance(d.__str__(), str)
def save(self): if self.auth == self.AUTH_HID: self.blacklist = self.BLACKLIST_OFF return
def test_updatenow(self): '''check update with saving''' fde = BaseModel() x, y =, datetime.utcnow() self.assertNotEqual(fde.updated_at, y)
def test0_1(self): """type id""" my_model = BaseModel() = "Holberton" my_model.my_number = 89 self.assertEqual(type(, str)
def test_save_method(self): # self.assertIsInstance(, dict) self.x = BaseModel() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.file)) self.assertTrue(os.stat(self.file).st_size != 0)
#!/usr/bin/python3 from models import storage from models.base_model import BaseModel all_objs = storage.all() print("-- Reloaded objects --") for obj_id in all_objs.keys(): obj = all_objs[obj_id] print(obj) print("-- Create a new object --") my_model = BaseModel() = "Holberton" my_model.my_number = 89 print(my_model)
def test_ids_differ(self): ''' Checks that the ids between two instances are different. ''' new_model = BaseModel() self.assertNotEqual(,
#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import os sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], '../')) from models import storage from models.base_model import BaseModel all_objs = storage.all() print("-- Reloaded objects --") for obj_id in all_objs.keys(): obj = all_objs[obj_id] print(obj) print("-- Create a new object --") my_model = BaseModel() = "Holberton" my_model.my_number = 89 print(my_model)
def test_4(self): """dict cheker""" d = BaseModel() self.assertIsInstance(d.to_dict(), dict)
def test5(self): '''check instance''' fde = BaseModel() self.assertIsInstance(fde, BaseModel)
def test6(self): """ to dict name """ fde = BaseModel() = "Foued" ok = fde.to_dict() self.assertEqual(ok["name"],
class test_for_base_model(unittest.TestCase): """ Class test for BaseModel """ my_model = BaseModel() def TearDown(self): """ delete json file """ del self.test def SetUp(self): """ Create instance """ self.test = BaseModel() def test_attr_none(self): """None attribute.""" object_test = BaseModel(None) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, "id")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, "created_at")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, "updated_at")) def test_kwargs_constructor_2(self): """ check id with data """ dictonary = {'score': 100} object_test = BaseModel(**dictonary) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, 'id')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, 'created_at')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, 'updated_at')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, 'score')) def test_str(self): """ Test string """ dictonary = { 'id': 'cc9909cf-a909-9b90-9999-999fd99ca9a9', 'created_at': '2025-06-28T14:00:00.000001', '__class__': 'BaseModel', 'updated_at': '2030-06-28T14:00:00.000001', 'score': 100 } object_test = BaseModel(**dictonary) out = "[{}] ({}) {}\n".format( type(object_test).__name__,, object_test.__dict__) def test_to_dict(self): """ check dict """ object_test = BaseModel(score=300) n_dict = object_test.to_dict() self.assertEqual(n_dict['id'], self.assertEqual(n_dict['score'], 300) self.assertEqual(n_dict['__class__'], 'BaseModel') self.assertEqual(n_dict['created_at'], object_test.created_at.isoformat()) self.assertEqual(n_dict['updated_at'], object_test.updated_at.isoformat()) self.assertEqual(type(n_dict['created_at']), str) self.assertEqual(type(n_dict['created_at']), str) def test_datetime(self): """ check datatime """ bas1 = BaseModel() self.assertFalse( == bas1.created_at) def test_BaseModel(self): """ check attributes values in a BaseModel """ = "Holbie" self.my_model.my_number = 100 my_model_json = self.my_model.to_dict() self.assertEqual(, my_model_json['name']) self.assertEqual(self.my_model.my_number, my_model_json['my_number']) self.assertEqual('BaseModel', my_model_json['__class__']) self.assertEqual(, my_model_json['id']) def test_savefirst(self): """check numbers""" with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):[455, 323232, 2323, 2323, 23332]) def test_savesecond(self): """ check string """ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):"THIS IS A TEST") def test_inst(self): """check class """ ml = BaseModel() self.assertTrue(ml, BaseModel)
def test_updatetypy(self): """test""" self.assertTrue(isinstance(BaseModel().updated_at, datetime))
def test_attr_none(self): """None attribute.""" object_test = BaseModel(None) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, "id")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, "created_at")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(object_test, "updated_at"))
class TestFileStorage(unittest.TestCase): """ Unittest for """ storage = FileStorage() path = storage._FileStorage__file_path bm_instance = BaseModel(**my_dict) def test_module_docstring(self): """ Tests docstring for module """ self.assertTrue(len(mrdoc) > 20) def test_methods_docstring(self): """ Tests docstring for methods """ methods = inspect.getmembers(FileStorage, predicate=inspect.ismethod) for name, func in methods: self.assertTrue(len(func.__doc__) > 20) methods = inspect.getmembers(FileStorage, predicate=inspect.isfunction) for name, func in methods: self.assertTrue(len(func.__doc__) > 20) def test_pep8(self): """ Tests for PEP-8 """ pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=True) result = pep8style.check_files(["models/"]) self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0) def test_docstring_for_test(self): """ Tests docstring for this test """ self.assertTrue(len(__doc__) > 20) def test_docstring_class_test(self): """ Tests dosctring for class TestBaseModel """ self.assertTrue(len(TestFileStorage.__doc__) > 20) def test_docstring_methods(self): """ Tests docstring for all methods in TestBaseModel class """ methods = inspect.getmembers(TestFileStorage, predicate=inspect.ismethod) for name, func in methods: self.assertTrue(len(func.__doc__) > 20) def test_storage_isinstance(self): """ Tests if storage is an instance of FileStorage """ self.assertIsInstance(, FileStorage) def test_file_json(self): """ Tests for path existence """ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(TestFileStorage.path)) def test_reload(self): """ Test for instances reloaded from path """ key = my_dict["__class__"] + "." + my_dict["id"] with open(TestFileStorage.path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = json.load(f) attributes = reader[key] self.assertEqual(my_dict, attributes) self.assertIsInstance([key], BaseModel) def test_save_another_instance(self): """ Tests for save another instance in path """ bm2_instance = BaseModel() key = type(bm2_instance).__name__ + "." + str( with open(TestFileStorage.path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = json.load(f) self.assertEqual(reader[key],[key].to_dict()) def test_pep8(self): """Pep 8 Test """ pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=True) result = pep8style.check_files(["models/"]) self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0)
def test_savefirst(self): """check numbers""" with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):[455, 323232, 2323, 2323, 23332])
def test_do_create(self): """Tests creation of a new object""" x = self.hbnb.do_create("BaseModel") self.assertEqual(type(x), type(BaseModel()))
def test_1(self): """ Test Dictionary """ model = BaseModel() new_object = storage.all() self.assertEqual(dict, type(new_object))
class TestBaseModel(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the BaseModel class """ def setUp(self): """ Setup the test """ self.b1 = BaseModel() self.b2 = BaseModel() self.b3 = BaseModel() self.tests = [self.b1, self.b2, self.b3] def test_uniq_id(self): """ Test if IDs are always uniq ttributes.reated_at """ self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertNotEqual(, def test_datetime_format(self): """ Test datetime format """ for base in self.tests: self.assertIsNotNone(base.created_at.year) self.assertIsNotNone(base.created_at.month) self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(base.created_at.hour) self.assertIsNotNone(base.created_at.minute) self.assertIsNotNone(base.created_at.second) self.assertIsNotNone(base.created_at.microsecond) def test_creation_order(self): """ Test if BaseModel order creation """ self.assertGreaterEqual(self.b2.created_at.microsecond, self.b1.created_at.microsecond) self.assertLessEqual(self.b1.created_at.microsecond, self.b3.created_at.microsecond) self.assertGreaterEqual(self.b3.created_at.microsecond, self.b2.created_at.microsecond) def test_right_datetime(self): """ Test that datetime works """ dateTime = test = BaseModel() self.assertEqual(dateTime.year, test.created_at.year) self.assertEqual(dateTime.month, test.created_at.month) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(dateTime.hour, test.created_at.hour) self.assertEqual(dateTime.minute, test.created_at.minute) self.assertEqual(dateTime.second, test.created_at.second) def test__str__(self): """ Test str method """ for base in self.tests: value = "[BaseModel] ({}) {}\n".format(, base.__dict__) with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as fake_out: print(base) self.assertEqual(fake_out.getvalue(), value) def test_save_method(self): """Test save method""" for base in self.tests: prev_t = base.updated_at.microsecond self.assertLessEqual(prev_t, base.updated_at.microsecond) for base in self.tests: creation = base.created_at self.assertEqual(creation, base.created_at) def test_to_dict_method(self): """ Test to_dict method """ for base in self.tests: json = base.to_dict() self.assertEqual(type(json["__class__"]), str) self.assertEqual(type(json["updated_at"]), str) self.assertEqual(type(json["id"]), str) self.assertEqual(type(json["created_at"]), str) c = base.created_at e1 = "{}-{:02d}-{:02d}T\ {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:06d}".format(c.year, c.month,, c.hour, c.minute, c.second, c.microsecond) c = base.updated_at e2 = "{}-{:02d}-{:02d}T\ {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:06d}".format(c.year, c.month,, c.hour, c.minute, c.second, c.microsecond) self.assertEqual(json["updated_at"], e2) self.assertEqual(json["created_at"], e1) def test_arg_errors(self): """ Test number of arguments """ with self.assertRaises(Exception): BaseModel(1, 2), 2) self.b1.to_dict(1, 2) def test_kwargs(self): """ Test kwargs """ for base in self.tests: json = base.to_dict() copy = BaseModel(**json) self.assertFalse(copy is base) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(copy.__dict__, base.__dict__) self.assertEqual(copy.__class__.__name__, base.__class__.__name__) copy2 = BaseModel({}) self.assertNotEqual(copy2.__dict__, base.__dict__)
def test_print1(self): """Print ok""" model = BaseModel() my_model_json = model.to_dict() self.assertEqual(my_model_json["created_at"], model.created_at.isoformat())
def test_new(self): """ New object is correctly added to __objects """ new = BaseModel() for obj in storage.all().values(): temp = obj self.assertTrue(temp is obj)
def save(self): if not self.min_item: self.min_item = self.DEFAULT_MIN_ITEM if not self.max_item: self.max_item = self.DEFAULT_MAX_ITEM return
def test_all(self): """ __objects is properly returned """ new = BaseModel() temp = storage.all() self.assertIsInstance(temp, dict)
def save(self): self.timestamp = date_helper.get_current_utc() return
def test_base_model_instantiation(self): """ File is not created on BaseModel save """ new = BaseModel() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('file.json'))
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): ''' Testing the base class model. ''' def setUp(self): ''' Initializing instance. ''' self.my_model = BaseModel() = "Binita Rai" def TearDown(self): ''' Removing instance. ''' del self.my_model def test_id_type(self): ''' Checks that the type of the id is string. ''' self.assertEqual("<class 'str'>", str(type( def test_ids_differ(self): ''' Checks that the ids between two instances are different. ''' new_model = BaseModel() self.assertNotEqual(, def test_name(self): ''' Checks that an attribute can be added. ''' self.assertEqual("Binita Rai", def test_a_updated_created_equal(self): ''' Checks that both dates are equal. ''' self.assertEqual(self.my_model.updated_at.year, self.my_model.created_at.year) def test_save(self): ''' Checks that after updating the instance; the dates differ in the updated_at attribute. ''' old_update = self.my_model.updated_at self.assertNotEqual(self.my_model.updated_at, old_update) def test_str_overide(self): ''' Checks that the right message gets printed. ''' backup = sys.stdout inst_id = capture_out = StringIO() sys.stdout = capture_out print(self.my_model) cap = capture_out.getvalue().split(" ") self.assertEqual(cap[0], "[BaseModel]") self.assertEqual(cap[1], "({})".format(inst_id)) sys.stdout = backup def test_to_dict_type(self): ''' Checks that the to_dict method return type. ''' self.assertEqual("<class 'dict'>", str(type(self.my_model.to_dict()))) def test_to_dict_class(self): ''' Checks that the __class__ key exists. ''' self.assertEqual("BaseModel", (self.my_model.to_dict())["__class__"]) def test_to_dict_type_updated_at(self): ''' Checks the type of the value of updated_at. ''' self.assertEqual("<class 'str'>", str(type((self.my_model.to_dict())["updated_at"]))) def test_to_dict_type_created_at(self): ''' Checks the type of the value of created_at. ''' tmp = self.my_model.to_dict() self.assertEqual("<class 'str'>", str(type(tmp["created_at"]))) def test_kwargs_instantiation(self): ''' Test that an instance is created using the key value pair. ''' my_model_dict = self.my_model.to_dict() new_model = BaseModel(**my_model_dict) self.assertEqual(, def test_type_created_at(self): ''' Test that the new_model's updated_at data type is datetime. ''' my_model_dict = self.my_model.to_dict() new_model = BaseModel(my_model_dict) self.assertTrue(isinstance(new_model.created_at, datetime.datetime)) def test_type_updated_at(self): ''' Test that the new_model's created_at data type is datetime. ''' my_model_dict = self.my_model.to_dict() new_model = BaseModel(my_model_dict) self.assertTrue(isinstance(new_model.updated_at, datetime.datetime)) def test_compare_dict(self): ''' Test that the new_model's and my_model's dictionary values are same. ''' my_model_dict = self.my_model.to_dict() new_model = BaseModel(**my_model_dict) new_model_dict = new_model.to_dict() self.assertEqual(my_model_dict, new_model_dict) def test_instance_diff(self): ''' Test that the my_model and new_model are not the same instance. ''' my_model_dict = self.my_model.to_dict() new_model = BaseModel(my_model_dict) self.assertNotEqual(self.my_model, new_model)
def test_save(self): """ FileStorage save method """ new = BaseModel() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('file.json'))
def setUp(self): ''' Initializing instance. ''' self.my_model = BaseModel() = "Binita Rai"
def test_base_model_save(self): """ BaseModel save method calls storage save """ new = BaseModel() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('file.json'))
def create_comment(cls, user, recipe_id, text): user_id = long( recipe_id = long(recipe_id) created_at = updated_at = created_at engine.execute("INSERT INTO comments (user_id, recipe_id, text, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (user_id, recipe_id, text, BaseModel.timestamp_to_db(created_at), BaseModel.timestamp_to_db(updated_at)))
def test_savesecond(self): """ check string """ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):"THIS IS A TEST")
def save(self): self.status = self.get_status() return
def test_inst(self): """check class """ ml = BaseModel() self.assertTrue(ml, BaseModel)
def save(self): self.activkey = hash_helper.get_activkey(self.password) return
def __init__(self, data_layer): BaseModel.__init__(self, 'archive', data_layer, {}, ItemValidator())