def postdata(type): # get all deactivate user deactivate_users_list = get_deactivate_userid_list() # print(deactivate_users_list) # print(type) post_list = [] if type == "All resources": post_list = list( Post.find({'': { '$nin': deactivate_users_list }})) # print(post_list) elif type == "Photos": post_list = Post.find({ "type": "photo", '': { '$nin': deactivate_users_list } }) elif type == "Vectors": post_list = Post.find({ "type": "vector", '': { '$nin': deactivate_users_list } }) elif type == "PSD": post_list = Post.find({ "type": "psd", '': { '$nin': deactivate_users_list } }) return dumps({"message": "success", "post_list": post_list})
def post_message(): if request.method == 'POST': newComment = Comments.insert_one({ 'author': session['ids'], 'content': request.json['message'] }) # find post Post.find_one_and_update( {'_id': ObjectId(request.json['postId'])}, {'$push': { 'comments': str(newComment.inserted_id) }}) # Post.update( # {}, # {'$unset': {'comments': 1}}, # False, True # ) return jsonify({ 'status': 'sucssess', 'comment': { 'userid': session['ids'], 'content': request.json['message'], 'username': session['username'], } })
def upload(): if request.method == "GET": if 'loggedin' in session: return render_template('upload.html') else: return redirect('/login') elif request.method == "POST": form = request.form title = form['title'] type = form['type'] link = form['link'] file = request.files['file'] file_name = file.filename user_info = User.find_one(loads(session['id'])) user_data = { "id": user_info['_id'], "username": user_info['username'], "email": user_info['email'] } print(user_data) if file and allowed_file(file_name): file_name = secure_filename(file_name)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file_name)) Post.insert_one({ 'title': title, 'type': type, 'link': link, 'thumbnail': file_name, 'like': [], 'check': False, "author": user_data }) return redirect("/")
def post_dislike(post_id, viewer_name): post_data = Post.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(post_id)}) # print(post_data['like']) like_list = post_data['like'] like_list.remove(viewer_name) Post.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(post_id)}, {'$set': {'like': like_list}}) return redirect('/detail/' + post_id)
def post_like(post_id, viewer_name): post_data = Post.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(post_id)}) # print(post_data['like']) like_list = post_data['like'] like_list.append(viewer_name) Post.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(post_id)}, {'$set': {'like': like_list}}) # return redirect(url_for('detail', id = post_id)) return redirect('/detail/' + post_id)
def postdata(type): print(type) post_list = [] if type == "All resources": post_list = Post.find() elif type == "Photos": post_list = Post.find({"type": "photo"}) elif type == "Vectors": post_list = Post.find({"type": "vector"}) elif type == "PSD": post_list = Post.find({"type": "psd"}) return dumps({"message": "success", "post_list": post_list})
def detail(id): # print(id) user_isdeactivated = check_deactivate_post(id) post_info = Post.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}) usr_id = str(post_info['author']['id']) if user_isdeactivated and 'admin_ids' not in session: if 'loggedin' in session: if usr_id != session['ids']: return 'post not found' else: return 'post not found' # if 'loggedin' in session: # if usr_id == session['ids']: # like_data = post_info['like'] # like = len(like_data) # return render_template('detail.html',post_info = post_info, usr_id = usr_id, like = like) # print 'post not found' # print(post_info) # print(type(session['ids'])) # print(usr_id) like_data = post_info['like'] like = len(like_data) return render_template('detail.html', post_info=post_info, usr_id=usr_id, like=like)
def get_all_messages(postId): all_comments = [] all_post_comment = Post.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(postId)}, {'comments': 1}) print(all_post_comment) all_post_comment_id = all_post_comment['comments'][-5:] all_post_comment_id.reverse() print(all_post_comment_id) for comment_id in all_post_comment_id: comment = Comments.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(comment_id)}) author = User.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(comment['author'])}) comment_checked = { 'username': author['username'], 'userid': comment['author'], 'content': comment['content'] } all_comments.append(comment_checked) # comment['username'] = author['username'] # all_comments.append(comment) # print(all_comments) return jsonify({ 'status': 'success', 'message': 'get all message successfull', 'all_comments': dumps(all_comments) })
def user(id): print(id) post_list = [] user_info = User.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}) # check if user is deactiate if user_info['isActive'] == False: if 'loggedin' in session: if session['ids'] == str(user_info['_id']): return render_template('user_deactivate.html', deactivate_status='user_valid') return render_template('user_deactivate.html', deactivate_status='guest') user_post = Post.find({"": ObjectId(id)}) print(user_info) for post in user_post: # print(post) post_list.append(post) post_number = len(post_list) post_list.reverse() return render_template('user.html', user_ids=str(user_info['_id']), user_info=user_info, user_post=post_list, post_number=post_number)
def get_album_suggest(userId): all_suggest_post = Post.find({'': ObjectId(userId)}) return jsonify({ 'status': 'success', 'suggestPost': dumps(all_suggest_post) })
def get_messages_lazy(postId): if request.method == 'POST': all_comments = [] start_message_index = request.json['lazyIndex'] all_post_comment = Post.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(postId)}, {'comments': 1}) reversed_post_comment_list = all_post_comment[ 'comments'][::-1] #reverse array all_post_comment_id = reversed_post_comment_list[ start_message_index:start_message_index + 5] print(all_post_comment_id) for comment_id in all_post_comment_id: comment = Comments.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(comment_id)}) author = User.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(comment['author'])}) comment_checked = { 'username': author['username'], 'userid': comment['author'], 'content': comment['content'] } all_comments.append(comment_checked) # comment['username'] = author['username'] # all_comments.append(comment) return jsonify({ 'status': 'success', 'message': 'get all message successfull', 'all_comments': dumps(all_comments) }) else: return 'invalid method'
def post_delete(id): if 'loggedin' in session: post_data = Post.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)}) author_id = str(post_data['author']['id']) # print(author_id) if author_id == session['ids']: try: Post.delete_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)}) print('post delete') return redirect('/') except: return jsonify({'message': 'post delete fail'}) else: return ('', 204) else: return redirect('/login')
def get_album_detail(albumId): album_info = Albums.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(albumId)}) # print(album_info['postId']) post_list = Post.find({'_id': {'$in': album_info['postId']}}) return jsonify({ 'status': 'success', 'postList': dumps(post_list), 'albumName': album_info['title'], })
def user(id): print(id) post_list = [] user_info = User.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}) user_post = Post.find({"": ObjectId(id)}) # print(user_info) for post in user_post: # print(post) post_list.append(post) post_number = len(post_list) post_list.reverse() return render_template('user.html', user_info=user_info, user_post=post_list, post_number=post_number)
def check_deactivate_post(id): deactivate_users_list = get_deactivate_userid_list() try: deactivate_post = Post.find_one({ '_id': ObjectId(id), '': { '$in': deactivate_users_list } }) print(deactivate_post) if deactivate_post: return True else: return False except: print('error:', sys.exc_info()[0])
def admin_page(page): if 'admin_logged' in session: post_list = [] posts = Post.find() # print(posts) for post in posts: post_list.append(post) post_list.reverse() print(post_list) if page == 'waiting': return render_template('admin_waiting_post.html', posts=post_list) elif page == 'checked': return render_template('admin_checked_post.html', posts=post_list) elif page == 'admin_manager': if session['is_admin'] == True: return render_template('admin_admin_manager.html') else: return 'You are not allowed' else: return 'page not found 404!' else: return redirect('/admin_login')
def detail(id): # print(id) post_info = Post.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}) # print(post_info) return render_template('detail.html', post_info=post_info)
def post_allow(id): Post.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)}, {'$set': {'check': True}}) return redirect('/admin_page/checked')
def post_ban(id): Post.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)}, {'$set': {'check': False}}) return redirect('/admin_page/waiting')