예제 #1
def create(idol_id):
    idol = User.get_or_none(User.id == idol_id)

    if not idol:
        flash('No user found with this i!', 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('home'))

    # if not current_user.is_authenticated:       # ...we don't need this code, because it's handled by dcorator @login_required
    #     flash('Please, login to continue', 'warning')
    #     return redirect(url_for('sessions.new'))

    new_follow = FollowerFollowing(fan_id=current_user.id, idol_id=idol.id)

    if not idol.is_private:
        new_follow.approved = True

    for i in current_user.idols:
        if i.idol_id == idol.id:
            flash('You already follow that dude!', 'warning')
            return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))

    if not new_follow.save():
        flash('Unable to follow this user!', 'danger')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))

    if new_follow.is_approved:
        flash(f'You are now following {idol.username}', 'success')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))

    flash('Follow request sent! Please, wait for pproval', 'success')
    return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))
예제 #2
def create(idol_id):
    # use get_or_none in case there is no user id
    idol = User.get_or_none(User.id == idol_id)

    if not idol:
        flash('No user found with this id!')
        return redirect(url_for('home'))

    new_follow = FollowerFollowing(fan_id=current_user.id, idol_id=idol.id)

    # check if user is private or not. If user.private is False, then Follower.Following = True

    if not idol.is_private:
        new_follow.approved = True

    # assuming EVERYONE you are trying to follow is private
    if not new_follow.save():
        flash('Unable to follow this user!')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))

    # using hybrid property to change FollowerFollowing.approved to True
    if new_follow.is_approved:
        flash(f'You are now following {idol.username}')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))

    flash('Follow request sent! Please wait for approval!')
    return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))
예제 #3
def create(idol_id):
    idol = User.get_or_none(User.id == idol_id)
    fan = current_user.id
    follow = FollowerFollowing(fan=fan, idol=idol.id)
    if not follow.save():
        flash("Can't follow this user, try again", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.name))
    flash('You followed this user', 'success')
    return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.name))
예제 #4
def delete(idol_id):
    follow = FollowerFollowing.get_or_none(
        (FollowerFollowing.idol_id == idol_id)
        and (FollowerFollowing.fan_id == current_user.id))

    if follow.delete_instance():
        flash(f'You have unfollowed {follow.idol.username}')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=follow.idol.username))
예제 #5
def edit(fan):
    fans = User.get_or_none(User.name == fan)
    approve = FollowerFollowing.get_or_none(
        (FollowerFollowing.idol_id == current_user.id)
        & (FollowerFollowing.fan_id == fans.id))
    approve.request = True
    return redirect(
        url_for('followerfollowing.new', username=current_user.name))
예제 #6
    def is_following(self, idol):
        from models.followerfollowing import FollowerFollowing
        return FollowerFollowing.get_or_none(
            (FollowerFollowing.idol_id == idol.id)
            & (FollowerFollowing.fan_id == self.id))

# class Images(BaseModel):
#     user = pw.ForeignKeyField(User, backref='images')
#     URL = pw.CharField(null=False)
#     caption = pw.CharField(null=True, default=None)
#     likes = pw.IntegerField(default=0)
#     donation = pw.IntegerField(default=0)
예제 #7
def delete(idol_id):
    idol = User.get_or_none(User.id == idol_id)

    unfollow = FollowerFollowing.get_or_none(
        (FollowerFollowing.idol_id == idol_id)
        & (FollowerFollowing.fan_id == current_user.id))

    if not unfollow.delete_instance():
        flash(f'Unable to unfollow {idol.username}', 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))

    flash(f'You unfollowed {idol.username}', 'warning')
    return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.username))
예제 #8
def delete(idol_id):
    idol = User.get_or_none(User.id == idol_id)
    unfollow = FollowerFollowing.get_or_none(
        (FollowerFollowing.idol_id == idol.id)
        & (FollowerFollowing.fan_id == current_user.id))
    if not unfollow:
        flash("You can't do dis", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.name))
    if not unfollow.delete_instance():
        flash("Can't unfollow this user, try again", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.name))
    flash('You unfollowed this user', 'success')
    return redirect(url_for('users.show', username=idol.name))
예제 #9
def new(username):
    idol = User.get_or_none(User.name == username)
    requests = FollowerFollowing.select().where(
        FollowerFollowing.idol_id == idol)
    return render_template('/followerfollowing/new.html', requests=requests)
예제 #10
def show(username):
    from models.followerfollowing import FollowerFollowing
    user = User.get_or_none(User.name == username)
    follower = FollowerFollowing.select().where((FollowerFollowing.request == True) & (FollowerFollowing.idol_id == user.id))
    following = FollowerFollowing.select().where((FollowerFollowing.request == True) & (FollowerFollowing.fan_id == user.id))
    return render_template('users/users.html', user=user, follower = follower, following = following)