예제 #1
def _sample_context(knowledge_graph, individuals, context, strict_context):
    kg = KnowledgeGraph(rdflib.Graph())

    for subject in individuals:
        facts = []
        for predicate in context:
            if type(predicate) is tuple:
                facts_tree = _recursive_path_walk(knowledge_graph, subject,
                                                  predicate, strict_context)

                if len(facts_tree) == 0 and strict_context:
                    facts = []


                facts_list = list(
                    knowledge_graph.graph.triples((subject, predicate, None)))
                if len(facts_list) == 0 and strict_context:
                    facts = []


        for fact in facts:

    logger.info("Sample contains {} facts".format(len(kg.graph)))
    return kg
예제 #2
def query(query_string="", endpoint=""):
    """ Constructs a Knowledge Graph from a SPARQL endpoint and a CONSTRUCT query.
    Returns a Knowledge Graph

    if endpoint == "":
        raise ValueError("Endpoint cannot be left undefined")
    if query_string == "":
        raise ValueError("Query cannot be left undefined")

    logger.info("Importing RDF Graph via SPARQL query")
    logger.info("Endpoint set to '{}'".format(endpoint))
    logger.info("Query set to '{}'".format(query_string))

    graph = None
        #sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint)
        #graph = sparql.queryAndConvert()
        raise RuntimeError("Query Failed")
    logger.info("Query results ({} facts) succesfully retrieved".format(len(graph)))

    return KnowledgeGraph(graph)
예제 #3
    def load_dataset(self, abox, tbox):
        # read graphs
        kg_i = rdf.read(local_path=abox)
        kg_s = rdf.read(local_path=tbox)

        kg_i_sampled = KnowledgeGraph()
        for s, p, o in kg_i.triples():
            if type(o) is rdflib.Literal:
            kg_i_sampled.graph.add((s, p, o))

        return (kg_i_sampled, kg_s)
예제 #4
    def load_dataset(self, abox, tbox):
        # read graphs
        kg_i = rdf.read(local_path=abox)
        kg_s = rdf.read(local_path=tbox)

        kg_i_sampled = KnowledgeGraph()
        for s, p, o in kg_i.triples():
            if type(o) is rdflib.Resource:
                for ctype in kg_i_sampled.graph.objects(o, rdflib.type):
                    if ctype == rdflib.URIRef("http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/E55_Type") or\
                       ctype == rdflib.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept"):
                        kg_i_sampled.graph.add((s, p, o))

            kg_i_sampled.graph.add((s, p, o))

        return (kg_i_sampled, kg_s)
예제 #5
def read(local_path=None, remote_path=None, format=None):
    """ Imports a RDF graph from local or remote file.
    Returns a Knowledge Graph

    if local_path is None and remote_path is None:
        raise ValueError("Path cannot be left undefined")
    logger.info("Importing RDF Graph from file")

    path = local_path if local_path is not None else remote_path
    logger.info("Path set to '{}'".format(path))

    if not format:
        format = guess_format(path)
    logger.info("Format guessed to be '{}'".format(format))

    graph = Graph()
    graph.parse(path, format=format)
    logger.info("RDF Graph ({} facts) succesfully imported".format(len(graph)))

    return KnowledgeGraph(graph)
예제 #6
파일: by_size.py 프로젝트: wxwilcke/MINOS
def sample(knowledge_graph=None,
           patterns=[(None, None, None)],
    """ Return spiral context up to size s of one or more instances of a non-terminal atom.

    :param knowledge_graph: a KnowledgeGraph instance to sample
    :param patterns: a list of triple patterns (None, p, o) to filter sample with
    :param size: the size of a context (number of facts)
    :param strict_size: true if size is a strong constraint

    :returns: the sample as a KnowledgeGraph instance
    kg = KnowledgeGraph(rdflib.Graph())
    if knowledge_graph is not None:
        logger.info("Sampling spiral neighbourhood up to size {}".format(size))
        logger.info("Pattern:\n\t" +
                                 for pattern in patterns]))
        for pattern in patterns:
            for subject, _, _ in knowledge_graph.graph.triples(pattern):
                facts = breadth_first_sampler(knowledge_graph,
                type_present = False
                for s, p, o in facts:
                    kg.graph.add((s, p, o))

                    if p == rdflib.RDF.type and s == subject:
                        type_present = True

                # type is required
                if not type_present:
                    for ctype in knowledge_graph.graph.objects(
                            subject, rdflib.RDF.type):
                        kg.graph.add((subject, rdflib.RDF.type, ctype))

    logger.info("Sample contains {} facts".format(len(kg.graph)))
    return kg
예제 #7
def sample(knowledge_graph=None, patterns=[(None, None, None)], depth=1):
    """ Return neighbourhood context of one or more instances of a non-terminal atom.

    :param knowledge_graph: a KnowledgeGraph instance to sample
    :param patterns: a list of triple patterns (None, p, o) to filter sample with
    :param depth: the maximum distance from an atom to sample

    :returns: the sample as a KnowledgeGraph instance

    kg = KnowledgeGraph(rdflib.Graph())
    if knowledge_graph is not None:
        logger.info("Sampling neighbourhood up to depth {}".format(depth))
        logger.info("Pattern:\n\t" +
                                 for pattern in patterns]))
        for pattern in patterns:
            for subject, _, _ in knowledge_graph.graph.triples(pattern):
                facts = depth_first_sampler(knowledge_graph,
                type_present = False
                for s, p, o in facts:
                    kg.graph.add((s, p, o))

                    if p == rdflib.RDF.type and s == subject:
                        type_present = True

                # type is required
                if not type_present:
                    for ctype in knowledge_graph.graph.objects(
                            subject, rdflib.RDF.type):
                        kg.graph.add((subject, rdflib.RDF.type, ctype))

    logger.info("Sample contains {} facts".format(len(kg.graph)))
    return kg