def mute_user(self, event, target, length: list = None): """ ***The Mute Command*** This command restrict the target's message permissions either forever, or a certain amount of time if specified. ***Required Values*** > __target__ **The user's full discord name, mention, or ID** **Optional Values** > __length__ **The amount of time until unmute in discord format. """ target.add_role(self.config["MUTE_ROLE"]) event.msg.add_reaction("👍") if length: seconds = sum(length) self.spawn_later(seconds, self.unmute, target) self.log_action( "Muted", "Muted {t.mention} for {s} seconds. Moderator: {}", target, s=seconds, e=event) Mute.create(, end_time=int(time() + seconds)) else: Mute.create(, end_time=time() * 2) # This should ensure they never get unmuted, in theory?
def execute_action(self, member, action): if "mute" in action: member.add_role(self.config["MUTE_ROLE"]) self.spawn_later(action['mute'], self.unmute, member) Mute.create(, end_time=int(time() + action['mute']))