class CNPBasic(nn.Module): """ The Neural Process + FiLM: a model for chemical data imputation. """ def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, z_dim, n_properties, encoder_dims, decoder_dims): """ :param in_dim: (int) dimensionality of the input x :param out_dim: (int) dimensionality of the target variable y :param z_dim: (int) dimensionality of the embedding / context vector r :param n_properties: (int) the number of unknown properties. Adrenergic = 5; Kinase = 159. :param d_encoder_dims: (list of ints) architecture of the descriptor encoder NN. :param p_encoder_dims: (list of ints) architecture of the property encoder NN. :param decoder_hidden_dims: (list of ints) architecture of the decoder NN. """ super().__init__() self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.z_dim = z_dim self.d_dim = in_dim - n_properties self.n_properties = n_properties self.encoder = VanillaNN(in_dim=self.d_dim + self.n_properties, out_dim=self.z_dim, hidden_dims=encoder_dims) self.decoder = MultiProbabilisticVanillaNN( in_dim=self.z_dim, out_dim=1, n_properties=self.n_properties, hidden_dims=decoder_dims, restrict_var=False) def train_model(self, x, epochs, batch_size, file, print_freq=50, x_test=None, means=None, stds=None, lr=0.001): """ :param x: :param epochs: :param batch_size: :param file: :param print_freq: :param x_test: :param means: :param stds: :param lr: :return: """ self.means = means self.stds = stds self.dir_name = os.path.dirname( self.file_start =[len(self.dir_name) + 1:-4] optimiser = optim.Adam( list(self.encoder.parameters()) + list(self.decoder.parameters()), lr) self.epoch = 0 for epoch in range(epochs): self.epoch = epoch optimiser.zero_grad() # Select a batch batch_idx = torch.randperm(x.shape[0])[:batch_size] x_batch = x[batch_idx, ...] # [batch_size, x.shape[1]] target_batch = x_batch[:, -self.n_properties:] # Mask of the properties that are missing mask_batch = torch.isnan(x_batch[:, -self.n_properties:]) # To form the context mask we will add properties to the missing values mask_context = copy.deepcopy(mask_batch) batch_properties = [ torch.where(~mask_batch[i, ...])[0] for i in range(mask_batch.shape[0]) ] for i, properties in enumerate(batch_properties): ps = np.random.choice(properties.numpy(), size=np.random.randint( low=0, high=properties.shape[0] + 1), replace=False) # add property to those being masked mask_context[i, ps] = True input_batch = copy.deepcopy(x_batch) input_batch[:, -self.n_properties:][mask_context] = 0.0 z = self.encoder(input_batch) mus_y, vars_y = self.decoder.forward(z, mask_batch) likelihood_term = 0 for p in range(self.n_properties): target = target_batch[:, p][~mask_batch[:, p]] mu_y = mus_y[p].squeeze(1) var_y = vars_y[p].squeeze(1) ll = (-0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) - 0.5 * torch.log(var_y) - 0.5 * ((target - mu_y)**2 / var_y)) likelihood_term += torch.sum(ll) likelihood_term /= torch.sum(~mask_batch) loss = -likelihood_term if (epoch % print_freq == 0) and (epoch > 0): file.write('\n Epoch {} Loss: {:4.4f} LL: {:4.4f}'.format( epoch, loss.item(), likelihood_term.item())) r2_scores, mlls, rmses = self.metrics_calculator(x, test=False) r2_scores = np.array(r2_scores) mlls = np.array(mlls) rmses = np.array(rmses) file.write('\n R^2 score (train): {:.3f}+- {:.3f}'.format( np.mean(r2_scores), np.std(r2_scores))) file.write('\n MLL (train): {:.3f}+- {:.3f} \n'.format( np.mean(mlls), np.std(mlls))) file.write('\n RMSE (train): {:.3f}+- {:.3f} \n'.format( np.mean(rmses), np.std(rmses))) file.flush() if x_test is not None: r2_scores, mlls, rmses = self.metrics_calculator(x_test, test=True) r2_scores = np.array(r2_scores) mlls = np.array(mlls) rmses = np.array(rmses) file.write('\n R^2 score (test): {:.3f}+- {:.3f}'.format( np.mean(r2_scores), np.std(r2_scores))) file.write('\n MLL (test): {:.3f}+- {:.3f} \n'.format( np.mean(mlls), np.std(mlls))) file.write('\n RMSE (test): {:.3f}+- {:.3f} \n'.format( np.mean(rmses), np.std(rmses))) file.flush() if (self.epoch % 500) == 0 and (self.epoch > 0): path_to_save = self.dir_name + '/' + self.file_start + '_' + str( self.epoch) + 'r2_scores.npy', r2_scores) + 'mll_scores.npy', mlls) + 'rmse_scores.npy', rmses) loss.backward() optimiser.step() def metrics_calculator(self, x, test=True): mask = torch.isnan(x[:, -self.n_properties:]) r2_scores = [] mlls = [] rmses = [] for p in range(0, self.n_properties, 1): p_idx = torch.where(~mask[:, p])[0] x_p = x[p_idx] input_p = copy.deepcopy(x_p) input_p[:, -self.n_properties:][mask[p_idx]] = 0.0 input_p[:, (-self.n_properties + p)] = 0.0 mask_p = torch.zeros_like(mask[p_idx, :]).fill_(True) mask_p[:, p] = False z = self.encoder(input_p) predict_mean, predict_var = self.decoder.forward(z, mask_p) predict_mean = predict_mean[p].reshape(-1).detach() predict_std = (predict_var[p]**0.5).reshape(-1).detach() target = x_p[:, (-self.n_properties + p)] if (self.means is not None) and (self.stds is not None): predict_mean = ( predict_mean.numpy() * self.stds[-self.n_properties + p] + self.means[-self.n_properties + p]) predict_std = predict_std.numpy() * self.stds[ -self.n_properties + p] target = (target.numpy() * self.stds[-self.n_properties + p] + self.means[-self.n_properties + p]) r2_scores.append(r2_score(target, predict_mean)) mlls.append(mll(predict_mean, predict_std**2, target)) rmses.append(np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(target, predict_mean))) path_to_save = self.dir_name + '/' + self.file_start + str(p) if (self.epoch % 500) == 0 and (self.epoch > 0): if test: + '_mean.npy', predict_mean) + '_std.npy', predict_std) + '_target.npy', target) else: r2_scores.append(r2_score(target.numpy(), predict_mean.numpy())) mlls.append(mll(predict_mean, predict_std**2, target)) rmses.append( np.sqrt( mean_squared_error(target.numpy(), predict_mean.numpy()))) return r2_scores, mlls, rmses
class CNP(): """ The Conditional Neural Process model. """ def __init__(self, x_dim, y_dim, r_dim, encoder_dims, decoder_dims, encoder_non_linearity=F.relu, decoder_non_linearity=F.relu): """ :param x_dim: (int) Dimensionality of x, the input to the CNP :param y_dim: (int) Dimensionality of y, the target. :param r_dim: (int) Dimensionality of the deterministic embedding, r. :param encoder_dims: (list of ints) Architecture of the encoder network. :param decoder_dims: (list of ints) Architecture of the decoder network. :param encoder_non_linearity: Non-linear activation function to apply after each linear transformation, in the encoder network e.g. relu or tanh. :param decoder_non_linearity: Non-linear activation function to apply after each linear transformation, in the decoder network e.g. relu or tanh. :param lr: (float) Optimiser learning rate. """ self.x_dim = x_dim self.y_dim = y_dim self.r_dim = r_dim self.encoder = VanillaNN((x_dim + y_dim), r_dim, encoder_dims, encoder_non_linearity) self.decoder = ProbabilisticVanillaNN( (x_dim + r_dim), y_dim, decoder_dims, decoder_non_linearity) def forward(self, x_context, y_context, x_target, batch_size): """ :param x_context: (torch tensor of dimensions [batch_size*n_context, x_dim]) :param y_context: (torch tensor of dimensions [batch_size*n_context, y_dim]) :param x_target: (torch tensor of dimensions [batch_size*n_target, x_dim]) :return: mu_y, sigma_y: (both torch tensors of dimensions [batch_size*n_target, y_dim]) """ assert x_target.shape[0] % batch_size == 0 assert len( x_context.shape ) == 2, 'Input must be of shape [batch_size*n_context, x_dim].' assert len( y_context.shape ) == 2, 'Input must be of shape [batch_size*n_context, y_dim].' assert len( x_target.shape ) == 2, 'Input must be of shape [batch_size*n_target, x_dim].' n_target = int(x_target.shape[0] / batch_size) r = self.encoder.forward(, y_context), dim=-1).float()) # [batch_size*n_context, r_dim] r = r.view(batch_size, -1, self.r_dim) # [batch_size, n_context, r_dim] r = torch.mean(r, dim=1).reshape(-1, self.r_dim) # [batch_size, r_dim] r = torch.repeat_interleave(r, n_target, dim=0) # [batch_size*n_target, r_dim] mu_y, var_y = self.decoder.forward(, r), dim=-1)) # [batch_size*n_target, y_dim] x2 return mu_y, var_y def train(self, x, y, x_test=None, y_test=None, x_scaler=None, y_scaler=None, batch_size=10, lr=0.001, epochs=3000, print_freq=100, VERBOSE=True, dataname=None): """ :param x: [n_functions, [n_train, x_dim]] :param y: [n_functions, [n_train, y_dim]] :param lr: :param iterations: :return: """ self.optimiser = optim.Adam( list(self.encoder.parameters()) + list(self.decoder.parameters()), lr) for epoch in range(epochs): self.optimiser.zero_grad() # Sample the function from the set of functions x_context, y_context, x_target, y_target = batch_sampler( x, y, batch_size) # Make a forward pass through the CNP to obtain a distribution over the target set. mu_y, var_y = self.forward( x_context, y_context, x_target, batch_size) #[batch_size*n_target, y_dim] x2 log_ps = MultivariateNormal( mu_y, torch.diag_embed(var_y)).log_prob(y_target.float()) # Calculate the loss function. loss = -torch.mean(log_ps) self.losslogger = loss if epoch % print_freq == 0: print('Epoch {:.0f}: Loss = {:.5f}'.format(epoch, loss)) if VERBOSE: metrics_calculator(self, 'cnp', x, y, x_test, y_test, dataname, epoch, x_scaler, y_scaler) loss.backward() self.optimiser.step()