예제 #1
def detect_paintings(img, generator, show_image, print_next_step, print_time, scale_factor=1.):
    """Detect Paintings in the image using OpenCV functions.

    img: ndarray
        the input image
    generator: generator
        generator function used to take track of the current step number
        and print useful information during processing.
    show_image: function
        function used to show image of the intermediate results
        function used to print info about current processing step
    print_time: function
        function used to print info about execution time
    scale_factor: float
        scale factor for which the original image was scaled

        a list containing one `Painting` object for each
        painting detected in the input image.

    h_img, w_img, c_img = img.shape

    # Step 1: Perform mean shift segmentation on the image
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Mean Shift Segmentation")
    start_time = time.time()
    spatial_radius = 7  # 8 # 8 # 5 #8 or 7
    color_radius = 14  # 15 # 40 #40 #35 or 15
    maximum_pyramid_level = 1  # 1
    img_mss = mean_shift_segmentation(img, spatial_radius, color_radius, maximum_pyramid_level)
    show_image('mean_shift_segmentation', img_mss, height=405, width=720)

    # Step 2: Get a mask of just the wall in the gallery
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Mask the Wall")
    start_time = time.time()
    color_difference = 2  # 2 # 1
    x_samples = 8  # 8 or 16
    wall_mask = find_largest_segment(img_mss, color_difference, x_samples)
    show_image(f'mask_largest_segment', wall_mask, height=405, width=720)

    # Step 4: Invert the wall mask
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Invert Wall Mask")
    start_time = time.time()
    wall_mask_inverted = invert_image(wall_mask)
    show_image('mask_inverted', wall_mask_inverted, height=405, width=720)

    # Step 3: Erode and Dilate the wall mask to remove noise
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Erode and Dilate")
    kernel_size = 20  # 18 or 20

    start_time = time.time()
    eroded_wall_mask = image_erosion(wall_mask_inverted, kernel_size)
    show_image('mask_eroded', eroded_wall_mask, height=405, width=720)

    start_time = time.time()
    dilated_wall_mask = image_dilation(eroded_wall_mask, kernel_size)
    show_image('mask_dilated', dilated_wall_mask, height=405, width=720)

    wall_mask_inverted = dilated_wall_mask

    # ----------------------------
    # Connected Components Analysis:
    #   Perform connected components on the inverted wall mask to find the
    #   non-wall components
    # ----------------------------

    # Step 5: Find all contours
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Find Contours")
    start_time = time.time()
    contours_mode = cv2.RETR_TREE
    contours_method = cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE  # cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
    contours_1, hierarchy_1 = find_image_contours(wall_mask_inverted, contours_mode, contours_method)
    # Draw the contours on the image (https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d4/d73/tutorial_py_contours_begin.html)
    # img_contours = img.copy()
    # cv2.drawContours(img_contours, contours_1, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    # show_image('image_contours_1', img_contours, height=405, width=720)

    # Add a white border to manage cases when `find_largest_segment`
    # works the opposite way (wall black and painting white)
    thickness = 1
    wall_mask_inverted_2 = cv2.rectangle(wall_mask_inverted, (0, 0), (w_img - 1, h_img - 1), 255, thickness)
    # show_image("wall_mask_inverted_2", wall_mask_inverted_2, height=405, width=720)

    # Step 5: Find all contours
    # ----------------------------
    contours_mode = cv2.RETR_TREE
    contours_method = cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE  # cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
    contours_2, hierarchy_2 = find_image_contours(wall_mask_inverted_2, contours_mode, contours_method)
    # Draw the contours on the image (https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d4/d73/tutorial_py_contours_begin.html)
    # img_contours = img.copy()
    # cv2.drawContours(img_contours, contours_2, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    # show_image('image_contours_2', img_contours, height=405, width=720)

    remove_overlapping = False
    error_in_wall_mask = False
    if len(contours_2) >= len(contours_1):
        contours = contours_2
        hierarchy = hierarchy_2
        remove_overlapping = True
        # Fix the wall mask considering the one before the inversion
        wall_mask_inverted = invert_image(dilated_wall_mask)
        error_in_wall_mask = True
        show_image('wall_mask_corrected', wall_mask_inverted, height=405, width=720)
        contours = contours_1
        hierarchy = hierarchy_1

    # # Print every contour step-by-step
    # img_contours = img.copy()
    # for contour in contours:
    #     cv2.drawContours(img_contours, [contour], 0, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    #     show_image('image_contours', img_contours, height=405, width=720)

    # Step 6: Refine list of components found
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Refine Components found")
    start_time = time.time()
    find_min_area_rect = True  # True
    width_min = 150
    height_min = 150
    area_percentage_min = 0.6
    candidate_painting_contours = extract_candidate_painting_contours(
    img_refined_contours = img.copy()
    cv2.drawContours(img_refined_contours, candidate_painting_contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    show_image('paintings_contours_refined', img_refined_contours, height=405, width=720)

    # Step SEGMENTATION: create a segmented image where only the candidate contours are white, in order to
    #                    remove unwanted object and make the following operation (erosion/dilation) faster
    # -----------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Create Segmented Mask")
    start_time = time.time()
    segmented_img = create_segmented_image(wall_mask_inverted, candidate_painting_contours)
    # show_image('segmented_img', segmented_img, height=405, width=720)
    segmented_img = image_morphology_tranformation(segmented_img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, 20)
    show_image('segmented_img', segmented_img, height=405, width=720)

    # I further refine the contours
    candidate_painting_contours, _ = find_image_contours(segmented_img, contours_mode, contours_method)

    # -----------------------
    # PADDING: add black padding to avoid unwanted "adherent" effects at the border when do erosion
    # -----------------------
    thickness = 1
    segmented_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(segmented_img, thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
                                       None, 0)

    # Step 7: Erode components to remove unwanted objects connected to the frame
    #         If there was an error in the wall mask (is inverted) then apply Dilation
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Erode Components")
    start_time = time.time()
    kernel_size = 20  # 23 or 40
    if not error_in_wall_mask:
        cleaned_wall_mask = image_erosion(segmented_img, kernel_size)
        kernel_size = 30
        cleaned_wall_mask = image_dilation(segmented_img, kernel_size)
        cleaned_wall_mask = image_erosion(cleaned_wall_mask, kernel_size)
    # show_image('image_mask_cleaned', cleaned_wall_mask, height=405, width=720)

    # Remove padding
    cleaned_wall_mask = cleaned_wall_mask[thickness:-thickness, thickness:-thickness]

    # Step 8: Blur using Median Filter to smooth the lines of the frame
    # ----------------------------
    print_next_step(generator, "Blur with Median Filter")
    start_time = time.time()
    blur_size = 31  # 15
    blurred_mask = image_blurring(cleaned_wall_mask, blur_size)
    show_image('mask_eroded_and_blurred', blurred_mask, height=405, width=720)

    # ----------------------------
    # for each frame contour, recognise a painting from it
    # ----------------------------

    paintings_detected = []
    for contour in candidate_painting_contours:
        x, y, w_rect, h_rect = cv2.boundingRect(contour)

        sub_img = img[y:y + h_rect, x:x + w_rect]
        sub_mask = blurred_mask[y:y + h_rect, x:x + w_rect]

        show_image('sub_image', sub_img)
        show_image('sub_mask', sub_mask)

        # -----------------------
        # BORDER:
        # Add a black pixel of border in order to avoid problem
        # when you will try find edge of painting touching the border.
        # You can also use the `borderType=` parameter of `cv2.erode`
        # -----------------------
        thickness = 1
        pad_sub_mask = sub_mask.copy()
        cv2.rectangle(pad_sub_mask, (0, 0), (w_rect - 1, h_rect - 1), 0, thickness)

        # Step 9: Canny Edge detection to get the outline of the frame
        # ----------------------------
        print_next_step(generator, "Canny Edge detection")
        start_time = time.time()
        threshold1 = 70  # 50
        threshold2 = 140  # 100
        edges = canny_edge_detection(pad_sub_mask, threshold1, threshold2)
        show_image('mask_canny', edges)

        # Step 10: Hough Lines to find vertical and horizontal edges of the paintings
        # ----------------------------
        print_next_step(generator, "Hough Lines")
        start_time = time.time()
        probabilistic_mode = False
        rho = 1
        theta = np.pi / 180
        threshold = 50  # 50 or 30 or 40 or 0
        ratio_percentage = 0.10
        lines = find_hough_lines(
        img_lines = draw_lines(edges, lines, probabilistic_mode)
        # show_image("Detected Lines (in red)", img_lines)

        if lines is None:
            # I can't find lines in special situation, e.g the painting is not squared (rounded, octagonal, ...)
            # In this case the corners are the tl, tr, br, bl point of `sub_img` and the contour is the original one
            corners = np.float32([
                [0, 0],
                [w_rect - 1, 0],
                [w_rect - 1, h_rect - 1],
                [0, h_rect - 1]
            painting_contour = contour
            # Step 11: Create mask from painting edges
            # ----------------------------
            print_next_step(generator, "Create mask from painting edges")
            start_time = time.time()
            color_value = 255
            extended_lines_mask = extend_image_lines(sub_mask, lines, probabilistic_mode, color_value)
            show_image('hough_lines_mask', extended_lines_mask)

            # Step 12: Isolate Painting from mask
            # ----------------------------
            print_next_step(generator, "Isolate Painting from mask")
            start_time = time.time()
            painting_contour = isolate_painting(extended_lines_mask)
            # Draw the contours on the image (https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d4/d73/tutorial_py_contours_begin.html)
            img_painting_contour = np.zeros((sub_img.shape[0], sub_img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
            cv2.drawContours(img_painting_contour, [painting_contour], 0, 255, cv2.FILLED)
            # If `cv2.drawContours` doesn't work, use `cv2.fillPoly`
            # cv2.fillPoly(img_painting_contour, pts=[painting_contour], color=255)
            show_image('painting_contours', img_painting_contour)

            # -----------------------
            # BORDER
            # -----------------------
            thickness = 1
            img_painting_contour = cv2.rectangle(img_painting_contour, (0, 0), (w_rect - 1, h_rect - 1), 0, thickness)

            # Step 13: Corner Detection of the painting
            # ----------------------------
            print_next_step(generator, "Corner Detection")
            start_time = time.time()
            max_number_corners = 4
            corner_quality = 0.001
            min_distance = 10  # 20
            corners = find_corners(
            # painting_corners = np.zeros((sub_img.shape[0], sub_img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
            # draw_corners(painting_corners, corners)
            # show_image('corners_TEST', painting_corners)

            # Checking corners to avoid problem (read function descr. for info)
            min_percentage = 0.70  # 0.7 or 0.75 or 0.6
            corners = check_corners_area(sub_img, contour, corners, min_percentage)

        # Draw painting corners
        painting_corners = np.zeros((sub_img.shape[0], sub_img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
        draw_corners(painting_corners, corners)
        show_image('painting_corners', painting_corners)

        # Create a new `Painting` object with all the information
        # about the painting detected
        detected_painting = Painting()
        detected_painting.bounding_box = np.int32(np.array([x, y, w_rect, h_rect]) * scale_factor)
        x, y, w_rect, h_rect = detected_painting.bounding_box
        detected_painting.frame_contour = np.int32(contour * scale_factor)
        detected_painting.points = translate_points(np.int32(painting_contour * scale_factor), [x, y])
        detected_painting.corners = translate_points(np.int32(corners * scale_factor), [x, y])

        # cv2.waitKey(0)

    return paintings_detected