def get(self): SETTING_NAMES = ('recaptcha_public', 'recaptcha_private', 'disabled_contributions' ) data = { "SERVER_NAME" : self.request.environ["SERVER_NAME"] } if self.request.get('save'): for name in SETTING_NAMES:, self.request.get(name) or '') for name in SETTING_NAMES: data[name] = Setting.get(name, '') # We are using the template module to output the page. path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../views' ,'admin/settings.html') self.response.out.write( # The render method takes the path to a html template, # and a dictionary of key/value pairs that will be # embedded in the page. template.render( path, data))
def get(self): result = dict() disabled_contributions = Setting.get("disabled_contributions", False) if disabled_contributions: result["error"] = disabled_contributions else: name = uuid.uuid4().hex title = self.request.get('title') link = self.request.get('link') have = self.request.get('have') dont = self.request.get('dont') missing = self.request.get('missing') match_isbn = self.request.get('match_isbn') logging.debug("LibraryTestContributionHandler: %s" % (title,)) existingLib = Library.find(title) if existingLib: result["existing"] = existingLib.toDict() logging.debug("Found Existing") else: logging.debug("Does not exist") try: lib = Library(name = name, title = title, link = link, have = have, dont = dont) if match_isbn != '': lib.match_isbn = True else: lib.missing = missing result["haveUrl"] = lib.siteUrl(have) result["dontUrl"] = lib.siteUrl(dont) result["library"] = lib.toDict() if not isbn.isValid(have): raise Exception("Existing Book ISBN '%s' is not a valid!" % (have,)) if not isbn.isValid(dont): raise Exception("Missing Book ISBN '%s' is not a valid!" % (dont,)) lib.validateLink() result["have"] = lib.process(have) result["dont"] = lib.process(dont) except Exception, ex: result["error"] = "%s" % (ex,)
def get(self): # We are using the template module to output the page. disabled_contributions = Setting.get("disabled_contributions", False) data = { "admin_user": users.is_current_user_admin(), "disabled_contributions" : disabled_contributions, } debug = '' error = None preview = False if not disabled_contributions: try: for field in ["title", "link", "have", "dont"]: data[field] = self.request.get(field) if not data["title"] and not data["link"]: data["title"] = "DC - Library of Congress" data["link"] = "{ISBN}&fa=digitized:false" data["missing"] = "We did not find any matches for this search." data["have"] = "0321337220" data["dont"] = "0373691122" else: if self.request.get("missing"): data["missing"] = self.request.get("missing") else: data["match_isbn"] = True data["name"] = uuid.uuid4().hex data["is_community"] = True preview = self.request.get('preview') save = self.request.get('save') if save: preview = True challenge = self.request.get('recaptcha_challenge_field') response = self.request.get('recaptcha_response_field') remoteip = self.request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] cResponse = captcha.submit( challenge, response, Setting.get("recaptcha_private", ''), remoteip) if not cResponse.is_valid: raise Exception("reCaptcha verification failed (" + cResponse.error_code + ")") existingLib = Library.find(data["title"]) if existingLib: raise Exception("Another library with this title already exists!") if not isbn.isValid(data["have"]): raise Exception("Existing Book: '%s' is not a valid ISBN!" % (data["have"])) if not isbn.isValid(data["dont"]): raise Exception("Missing Book: '%s' is not a valid ISBN!" % (data["dont"])) lib = Library.create(data) problems = lib.validate() if problems: raise Exception("Library didn't validate: " + problems) lib.remote_ip = remoteip lib.put() data["success"] = "Library '%s' was successfuly saved.\nThank you for your contribution." % (data["title"]) if preview: lib = Library.create(data) data["haveUrl"] = lib.siteUrl(data["have"]) data["dontUrl"] = lib.siteUrl(data["dont"]) else: data["library_count"] = Library.count_all() except Exception, ex: error = "%s" % (ex,)