def read(self, id): allowed = shift.isPublic(id) if not allowed: loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser() if loggedInUser and shift.canRead(id, loggedInUser.get("_id")): return data( else: return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to view this shift.", PermissionError) else: return data(
def comment(self, id): loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser() jsonData = helper.getRequestBody() if jsonData != "": theData = json.loads(jsonData) if shift.canComment(id, loggedInUser["_id"]): theUser = user.readById(loggedInUser["_id"]) theShift = event.create({ "meta": "comment", "objectRef": "shift:%s" % id, "streamId": shift.commentStream(id), "displayString": "%s just commented on your %s on %s" % (theUser["userName"], theShift["space"]["name"], theShift["href"]), "createdBy": loggedInUser["_id"], "content": { "href": theShift["href"], "domain": theShift["domain"], "text": theData["text"] } }) return ack else: return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to comment on this shift.", PermissionError) else: return error("No data for comment.", NoDataError)
def unpublish(self, id): loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser() theShift = if loggedInUser and shift.canUnpublish(id, loggedInUser['_id']): shift.unpublish(id) return ack else: return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to publish this shift.", PermissionError)
def publish(self, id): # NOTE: should mabye take publishData url parameter - David 9/5/2009 loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser() publishData = json.loads(helper.getRequestBody()) theShift = if loggedInUser and shift.canPublish(id, loggedInUser['_id']): shift.publish(id, publishData) return ack else: return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to publish this shift.", PermissionError)
def proxy(self, id): """ Serves the proxy. Takes a shift id and returns the original page where the shift was created, injects the required Javascript and CSS and recreates the shift. All scripts and onload handlers are removed from the original page to prevent interference with shift loading. """ try: import models.shift as shift from urllib import FancyURLopener, urlcleanup from lxml.html import fromstring, tostring from linkprocessor import LinkProcessor except: return self.statusPage(status="err", details="proxy") class FancyOpener(FancyURLopener): version = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070206 Firefox/3.0.1" pageopener = FancyOpener() theShift = if theShift['type'] != 'shift': return self.statusPage(status="err", details="proxyperm") shiftId = theShift["_id"] space = theShift["space"]["name"] url = theShift["href"] created = theShift["created"] userName = theShift["userName"] # clear the urllib cache urlcleanup() page = source = linkprocessor = LinkProcessor(); linkprocessor.parse(source); linkprocessor.set_url(url) dom = linkprocessor.get_dom() [node.drop_tree() for node in dom.cssselect("script")] for node in dom.cssselect("*[onload]"): del node.attrib['onload'] # load the space attributes fh = open(os.path.join("spaces", space, "attrs.json")) attrs = fh.close() attrs = self.absolutify(json.loads(attrs)) # load the scripts source = tostring(dom) server = "http://localhost:%s" % serverport ctxt = { "server": server, "spacesDir": "/".join([server, "spaces"]), "shiftId": shiftId, "space": space, "shift": json.dumps(theShift), "attrs": json.dumps(attrs), } t = Template(filename="server/bootstrap.mako", lookup=lookup) source = source.replace("</head>", "%s</head>" % t.render(**ctxt)) # load proxy message t = Template(filename="server/proxymessage.mako", lookup=lookup) ctxt = { "space": space, "href": url, "created": created, "userName": userName, } source = source.replace("</body>", "%s</body>" % t.render(**ctxt)) return source