def main(data_file='', img_size=64, num_epochs=10, batch_size=128, pxsh=0.5, split_layer='conv7', specstr=c.pf_cae_specstr, cae_params=c.pf_cae_params, save_to='params'): # transform function to go from images -> conv feats conv_feats, _ = m.encoder_decoder(cae_params, specstr=specstr, layersplit=split_layer, shape=(img_size, img_size)) # build pretrained net for images -> convfeats in order to get the input shape # for the reverse function print('compiling functions') conv_net = m.build_cae(input_var=None, specstr=specstr, shape=(img_size, img_size)) cae_layer_dict = dict( (, l) for l in nn.layers.get_all_layers(conv_net)) shape = nn.layers.get_output_shape(cae_layer_dict[split_layer]) # build net for convfeats -> images imgs_var = T.tensor4('images') convs_var = T.tensor4('conv_features') deconv_net = m.build_deconv_net(input_var=convs_var, shape=shape, specstr=specstr) loss = nn.objectives.squared_error( imgs_var, nn.layers.get_output(deconv_net)).mean() te_loss = nn.objectives.squared_error( imgs_var, nn.layers.get_output(deconv_net, deterministic=True)).mean() params = nn.layers.get_all_params(deconv_net, trainable=True) lr = theano.shared(nn.utils.floatX(3e-3)) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=lr) # compile functions train_fn = theano.function([convs_var, imgs_var], loss, updates=updates) val_fn = theano.function([convs_var, imgs_var], te_loss) deconv_fn = theano.function([convs_var], nn.layers.get_output(deconv_net, deterministic=True)) # run training loop print("training for {} epochs".format(num_epochs)) def data_transform(x, do_center): floatx_ims = u.raw_to_floatX(x, pixel_shift=pxsh, square=True, center=do_center) return (conv_feats(floatx_ims), floatx_ims) data = u.DataH5PyStreamer(data_file, batch_size=batch_size) hist = u.train_with_hdf5( data, num_epochs=num_epochs, train_fn=train_fn, test_fn=val_fn, tr_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=False), te_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=True)) # generate examples, save training history and params te_stream = data.streamer(shuffled=True) imb, = next(te_stream.get_epoch_iterator()) imb = data_transform(imb, True)[0] result = deconv_fn(imb) for i in range(result.shape[0]): Image.fromarray(u.get_picture_array(result, index=i, shift=pxsh)) \ .save('output_{}.jpg'.format(i)) hist = np.asarray(hist) np.savetxt('deconv_train_hist.csv', np.asarray(hist), delimiter=',', fmt='%.5f') u.save_params(deconv_net, os.path.join(save_to, 'deconv_{}.npz'.format(hist[-1, -1])))
def main(save_to='params', dataset = 'mm', kl_loss='true', # use kl-div in z-space instead of mse diffs = 'false', seq_length = 30, num_epochs=1, lstm_n_hid=1024, max_per_epoch=-1 ): kl_loss = kl_loss.lower() == 'true' diffs = diffs.lower() == 'true' # set up functions for data pre-processing and model training input_var = T.tensor4('inputs') # different experimental setup for moving mnist vs pulp fiction dataests if dataset == 'pf': img_size = 64 cae_weights = c.pf_cae_params cae_specstr = c.pf_cae_specstr split_layer = 'conv7' inpvar = T.tensor4('input') net = m.build_cae(inpvar, specstr=cae_specstr, shape=(img_size, img_size)) convs_from_img,_ = m.encoder_decoder(cae_weights, specstr=cae_specstr, layersplit=split_layer, shape=(img_size, img_size), poolinv=True) laydict = dict((, l) for l in nn.layers.get_all_layers(net)) zdec_in_shape = nn.layers.get_output_shape(laydict[split_layer]) deconv_weights = c.pf_deconv_params vae_weights = c.pf_vae_params img_from_convs = m.deconvoluter(deconv_weights, specstr=cae_specstr, shape=zdec_in_shape) L=2 vae_n_hid = 1500 binary = False z_dim = 256 l_tup = l_z_mu, l_z_ls, l_x_mu_list, l_x_ls_list, l_x_list, l_x = \ m.build_vae(input_var, L=L, binary=binary, z_dim=z_dim, n_hid=vae_n_hid, shape=(zdec_in_shape[2], zdec_in_shape[3]), channels=zdec_in_shape[1]) u.load_params(l_x, vae_weights) datafile = 'data/pf.hdf5' frame_skip=3 # every 3rd frame in sequence z_decode_layer = l_x_mu_list[0] pixel_shift = 0.5 samples_per_image = 4 tr_batch_size = 16 # must be a multiple of samples_per_image elif dataset == 'mm': img_size = 64 cvae_weights = c.mm_cvae_params L=2 vae_n_hid = 1024 binary = True z_dim = 32 zdec_in_shape = (None, 1, img_size, img_size) l_tup = l_z_mu, l_z_ls, l_x_mu_list, l_x_ls_list, l_x_list, l_x = \ m.build_vcae(input_var, L=L, z_dim=z_dim, n_hid=vae_n_hid, binary=binary, shape=(zdec_in_shape[2], zdec_in_shape[3]), channels=zdec_in_shape[1]) u.load_params(l_x, cvae_weights) datafile = 'data/moving_mnist.hdf5' frame_skip=1 w,h=img_size,img_size # of raw input image in the hdf5 file z_decode_layer = l_x_list[0] pixel_shift = 0 samples_per_image = 1 tr_batch_size = 128 # must be a multiple of samples_per_image # functions for moving to/from image or conv-space, and z-space z_mat = T.matrix('z') zenc = theano.function([input_var], nn.layers.get_output(l_z_mu, deterministic=True)) zdec = theano.function([z_mat], nn.layers.get_output(z_decode_layer, {l_z_mu:z_mat}, deterministic=True).reshape((-1, zdec_in_shape[1]) + zdec_in_shape[2:])) zenc_ls = theano.function([input_var], nn.layers.get_output(l_z_ls, deterministic=True)) # functions for encoding sequences of z's print 'compiling functions' z_var = T.tensor3('z_in') z_ls_var = T.tensor3('z_ls_in') tgt_mu_var = T.tensor3('z_tgt') tgt_ls_var = T.tensor3('z_ls_tgt') learning_rate = theano.shared(nn.utils.floatX(1e-4)) # separate function definitions if we are using MSE and predicting only z, or KL divergence # and predicting both mean and sigma of z if kl_loss: def kl(p_mu, p_sigma, q_mu, q_sigma): return 0.5 * T.sum(T.sqr(p_sigma)/T.sqr(q_sigma) + T.sqr(q_mu - p_mu)/T.sqr(q_sigma) - 1 + 2*T.log(q_sigma) - 2*T.log(p_sigma)) lstm, _ = m.Z_VLSTM(z_var, z_ls_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=True) z_mu_expr, z_ls_expr = nn.layers.get_output([lstm['output_mu'], lstm['output_ls']]) z_mu_expr_det, z_ls_expr_det = nn.layers.get_output([lstm['output_mu'], lstm['output_ls']], deterministic=True) loss = kl(tgt_mu_var, T.exp(tgt_ls_var), z_mu_expr, T.exp(z_ls_expr)) te_loss = kl(tgt_mu_var, T.exp(tgt_ls_var), z_mu_expr_det, T.exp(z_ls_expr_det)) params = nn.layers.get_all_params(lstm['output'], trainable=True) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=learning_rate) train_fn = theano.function([z_var, z_ls_var, tgt_mu_var, tgt_ls_var], loss, updates=updates) test_fn = theano.function([z_var, z_ls_var, tgt_mu_var, tgt_ls_var], te_loss) else: lstm, _ = m.Z_LSTM(z_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=True) loss = nn.objectives.squared_error(nn.layers.get_output(lstm['output']), tgt_mu_var).mean() te_loss = nn.objectives.squared_error(nn.layers.get_output(lstm['output'], deterministic=True), tgt_mu_var).mean() params = nn.layers.get_all_params(lstm['output'], trainable=True) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=learning_rate) train_fn = theano.function([z_var, tgt_mu_var], loss, updates=updates) test_fn = theano.function([z_var, tgt_mu_var], te_loss) if dataset == 'pf': z_from_img = lambda x: zenc(convs_from_img(x)) z_ls_from_img = lambda x: zenc_ls(convs_from_img(x)) img_from_z = lambda z: img_from_convs(zdec(z)) elif dataset == 'mm': z_from_img = zenc z_ls_from_img = zenc_ls img_from_z = zdec # training loop print('training for {} epochs'.format(num_epochs)) nbatch = (seq_length+1) * tr_batch_size * frame_skip / samples_per_image data = u.DataH5PyStreamer(datafile, batch_size=nbatch) # for taking arrays of uint8 (non square) and converting them to batches of sequences def transform_data(ims_batch, center=False): imb = u.raw_to_floatX(ims_batch, pixel_shift=pixel_shift, center=center)[np.random.randint(frame_skip)::frame_skip] zbatch = np.zeros((tr_batch_size, seq_length+1, z_dim), dtype=theano.config.floatX) zsigbatch = np.zeros((tr_batch_size, seq_length+1, z_dim), dtype=theano.config.floatX) for i in xrange(samples_per_image): chunk = tr_batch_size/samples_per_image if diffs: zf = z_from_img(imb).reshape((chunk, seq_length+1, -1)) zbatch[i*chunk:(i+1)*chunk, 1:] = zf[:,1:] - zf[:,:-1] if kl_loss: zls = z_ls_from_img(imb).reshape((chunk, seq_length+1, -1)) zsigbatch[i*chunk:(i+1)*chunk, 1:] = zls[:,1:] - zls[:,:-1] else: zbatch[i*chunk:(i+1)*chunk] = z_from_img(imb).reshape((chunk, seq_length+1, -1)) if kl_loss: zsigbatch[i*chunk:(i+1)*chunk] = z_ls_from_img(imb).reshape((chunk, seq_length+1, -1)) if kl_loss: return zbatch[:,:-1,:], zsigbatch[:,:-1,:], zbatch[:,1:,:], zsigbatch[:,1:,:] return zbatch[:,:-1,:], zbatch[:,1:,:] # we need sequences of images, so we do not shuffle data during trainin hist = u.train_with_hdf5(data, num_epochs=num_epochs, train_fn=train_fn, test_fn=test_fn, train_shuffle=False, max_per_epoch=max_per_epoch, tr_transform=lambda x: transform_data(x[0], center=False), te_transform=lambda x: transform_data(x[0], center=True)) hist = np.asarray(hist) u.save_params(lstm['output'], os.path.join(save_to, 'lstm_{}.npz'.format(hist[-1,-1]))) # build functions to sample from LSTM # separate cell_init and hid_init from the other learned model parameters all_param_values = nn.layers.get_all_param_values(lstm['output']) init_indices = [i for i,p in enumerate(nn.layers.get_all_params(lstm['output'])) if 'init' in str(p)] init_values = [all_param_values[i] for i in init_indices] params_noinit = [p for i,p in enumerate(all_param_values) if i not in init_indices] # build model without learnable init values, and load non-init parameters if kl_loss: lstm_sample, state_vars = m.Z_VLSTM(z_var, z_ls_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=False) else: lstm_sample, state_vars = m.Z_LSTM(z_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=False) nn.layers.set_all_param_values(lstm_sample['output'], params_noinit) # extract layers representing thee hidden and cell states, and have sample_fn # return their outputs state_layers_keys = [k for k in lstm_sample.keys() if 'hidfinal' in k or 'cellfinal' in k] state_layers_keys = sorted(state_layers_keys) state_layers_keys = sorted(state_layers_keys, key = lambda x:int(x.split('_')[1])) state_layers = [lstm_sample[s] for s in state_layers_keys] if kl_loss: sample_fn = theano.function([z_var, z_ls_var] + state_vars, nn.layers.get_output([lstm['output_mu'], lstm['output_ls']] + state_layers, deterministic=True)) else: sample_fn = theano.function([z_var] + state_vars, nn.layers.get_output([lstm['output']] + state_layers, deterministic=True)) from images2gif import writeGif from PIL import Image # sample approximately 30 different generated video sequences te_stream = data.streamer(training=True, shuffled=False) interval = data.ntrain / data.batch_size / 30 for idx,imb in enumerate(te_stream.get_epoch_iterator()): if idx % interval != 0: continue z_tup = transform_data(imb[0], center=True) seg_idx = np.random.randint(z_tup[0].shape[0]) if kl_loss: z_in, z_ls_in = z_tup[0], z_tup[1] z_last, z_ls_last = z_in[seg_idx:seg_idx+1], z_ls_in[seg_idx:seg_idx+1] z_vars = [z_last, z_ls_last] else: z_in = z_tup[0] z_last = z_in[seg_idx:seg_idx+1] z_vars = [z_last] images = [] state_values = [[0],1), dtype=theano.config.floatX), s) for s in init_values] output_list = sample_fn(*(z_vars + state_values)) # use whole sequence of predictions for output z_pred = output_list[0] state_values = output_list[2 if kl_loss else 1:] rec = img_from_z(z_pred.reshape(-1, z_dim)) for k in xrange(rec.shape[0]): images.append(Image.fromarray(u.get_picture_array(rec, index=k, shift=pixel_shift))) k += 1 # slice prediction to feed into lstm z_pred = z_pred[:,-1:,:] if kl_loss: z_ls_pred = output_list[1][:,-1:,:] z_vars = [z_pred, z_ls_pred] else: z_vars = [z_pred] for i in xrange(30): # predict 30 frames after the end of the priming video output_list = sample_fn(*(z_vars + state_values)) z_pred = output_list[0] state_values = output_list[2 if kl_loss else 1:] rec = img_from_z(z_pred.reshape(-1, z_dim)) images.append(Image.fromarray(u.get_picture_array(rec, index=0, shift=pixel_shift))) if kl_loss: z_ls_pred = output_list[1] z_vars = [z_pred, z_ls_pred] else: z_vars = [z_pred] writeGif("sample_{}.gif".format(idx),images,duration=0.1,dither=0)
def main(data_file = '', num_epochs=10, batch_size = 128, L=2, z_dim=256, n_hid=1500, binary='false', img_size = 64, init_from = '', save_to='params', split_layer='conv7', pxsh = 0.5, specstr = c.pf_cae_specstr, cae_weights=c.pf_cae_params, deconv_weights = c.pf_deconv_params): binary = binary.lower() == 'true' # pre-trained function for extracting convolutional features from images cae = m.build_cae(input_var=None, specstr=specstr, shape=(img_size,img_size)) laydict = dict((, l) for l in nn.layers.get_all_layers(cae)) convshape = nn.layers.get_output_shape(laydict[split_layer]) convs_from_img, _ = m.encoder_decoder(cae_weights, specstr=specstr, layersplit=split_layer, shape=(img_size, img_size)) # pre-trained function for returning to images from convolutional features img_from_convs = m.deconvoluter(deconv_weights, specstr=specstr, shape=convshape) # Create VAE model print("Building model and compiling functions...") print("L = {}, z_dim = {}, n_hid = {}, binary={}".format(L, z_dim, n_hid, binary)) input_var = T.tensor4('inputs') c,w,h = convshape[1], convshape[2], convshape[3] l_tup = l_z_mu, l_z_ls, l_x_mu_list, l_x_ls_list, l_x_list, l_x = \ m.build_vae(input_var, L=L, binary=binary, z_dim=z_dim, n_hid=n_hid, shape=(w,h), channels=c) if len(init_from) > 0: print("loading from {}".format(init_from)) u.load_params(l_x, init_from) # build loss, updates, training, prediction functions loss,_ = u.build_vae_loss(input_var, *l_tup, deterministic=False, binary=binary, L=L) test_loss, test_prediction = u.build_vae_loss(input_var, *l_tup, deterministic=True, binary=binary, L=L) lr = theano.shared(nn.utils.floatX(1e-5)) params = nn.layers.get_all_params(l_x, trainable=True) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=lr) train_fn = theano.function([input_var], loss, updates=updates) val_fn = theano.function([input_var], test_loss) ae_fn = theano.function([input_var], test_prediction) # run training loop def data_transform(x, do_center): floatx_ims = u.raw_to_floatX(x, pixel_shift=pxsh, square=True, center=do_center) return convs_from_img(floatx_ims) print("training for {} epochs".format(num_epochs)) data = u.DataH5PyStreamer(data_file, batch_size=batch_size) hist = u.train_with_hdf5(data, num_epochs=num_epochs, train_fn=train_fn, test_fn=val_fn, tr_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=False), te_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=True)) # generate examples, save training history te_stream = data.streamer(shuffled=True) imb, = next(te_stream.get_epoch_iterator()) orig_feats = data_transform(imb, do_center=True) reconstructed_feats = ae_fn(orig_feats).reshape(orig_feats.shape) orig_feats_deconv = img_from_convs(orig_feats) reconstructed_feats_deconv = img_from_convs(reconstructed_feats) for i in range(reconstructed_feats_deconv.shape[0]): u.get_image_pair(orig_feats_deconv, reconstructed_feats_deconv, index=i, shift=pxsh)\ .save('output_{}.jpg'.format(i)) hist = np.asarray(hist) np.savetxt('vae_convs_train_hist.csv', np.asarray(hist), delimiter=',', fmt='%.5f') u.save_params(l_x, os.path.join(save_to, 'vae_convs_{}.npz'.format(hist[-1,-1])))
def main(data_file='', num_epochs=10, batch_size=128, L=2, z_dim=256, n_hid=1500, binary='false', img_size=64, init_from='', save_to='params', split_layer='conv7', pxsh=0.5, specstr=c.pf_cae_specstr, cae_weights=c.pf_cae_params, deconv_weights=c.pf_deconv_params): binary = binary.lower() == 'true' # pre-trained function for extracting convolutional features from images cae = m.build_cae(input_var=None, specstr=specstr, shape=(img_size, img_size)) laydict = dict((, l) for l in nn.layers.get_all_layers(cae)) convshape = nn.layers.get_output_shape(laydict[split_layer]) convs_from_img, _ = m.encoder_decoder(cae_weights, specstr=specstr, layersplit=split_layer, shape=(img_size, img_size)) # pre-trained function for returning to images from convolutional features img_from_convs = m.deconvoluter(deconv_weights, specstr=specstr, shape=convshape) # Create VAE model print("Building model and compiling functions...") print("L = {}, z_dim = {}, n_hid = {}, binary={}".format( L, z_dim, n_hid, binary)) input_var = T.tensor4('inputs') c, w, h = convshape[1], convshape[2], convshape[3] l_tup = l_z_mu, l_z_ls, l_x_mu_list, l_x_ls_list, l_x_list, l_x = \ m.build_vae(input_var, L=L, binary=binary, z_dim=z_dim, n_hid=n_hid, shape=(w,h), channels=c) if len(init_from) > 0: print("loading from {}".format(init_from)) u.load_params(l_x, init_from) # build loss, updates, training, prediction functions loss, _ = u.build_vae_loss(input_var, *l_tup, deterministic=False, binary=binary, L=L) test_loss, test_prediction = u.build_vae_loss(input_var, *l_tup, deterministic=True, binary=binary, L=L) lr = theano.shared(nn.utils.floatX(1e-5)) params = nn.layers.get_all_params(l_x, trainable=True) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=lr) train_fn = theano.function([input_var], loss, updates=updates) val_fn = theano.function([input_var], test_loss) ae_fn = theano.function([input_var], test_prediction) # run training loop def data_transform(x, do_center): floatx_ims = u.raw_to_floatX(x, pixel_shift=pxsh, square=True, center=do_center) return convs_from_img(floatx_ims) print("training for {} epochs".format(num_epochs)) data = u.DataH5PyStreamer(data_file, batch_size=batch_size) hist = u.train_with_hdf5( data, num_epochs=num_epochs, train_fn=train_fn, test_fn=val_fn, tr_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=False), te_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=True)) # generate examples, save training history te_stream = data.streamer(shuffled=True) imb, = next(te_stream.get_epoch_iterator()) orig_feats = data_transform(imb, do_center=True) reconstructed_feats = ae_fn(orig_feats).reshape(orig_feats.shape) orig_feats_deconv = img_from_convs(orig_feats) reconstructed_feats_deconv = img_from_convs(reconstructed_feats) for i in range(reconstructed_feats_deconv.shape[0]): u.get_image_pair(orig_feats_deconv, reconstructed_feats_deconv, index=i, shift=pxsh)\ .save('output_{}.jpg'.format(i)) hist = np.asarray(hist) np.savetxt('vae_convs_train_hist.csv', np.asarray(hist), delimiter=',', fmt='%.5f') u.save_params( l_x, os.path.join(save_to, 'vae_convs_{}.npz'.format(hist[-1, -1])))
def main( save_to='params', dataset='mm', kl_loss='true', # use kl-div in z-space instead of mse diffs='false', seq_length=30, num_epochs=1, lstm_n_hid=1024, max_per_epoch=-1): kl_loss = kl_loss.lower() == 'true' diffs = diffs.lower() == 'true' # set up functions for data pre-processing and model training input_var = T.tensor4('inputs') # different experimental setup for moving mnist vs pulp fiction dataests if dataset == 'pf': img_size = 64 cae_weights = c.pf_cae_params cae_specstr = c.pf_cae_specstr split_layer = 'conv7' inpvar = T.tensor4('input') net = m.build_cae(inpvar, specstr=cae_specstr, shape=(img_size, img_size)) convs_from_img, _ = m.encoder_decoder(cae_weights, specstr=cae_specstr, layersplit=split_layer, shape=(img_size, img_size), poolinv=True) laydict = dict((, l) for l in nn.layers.get_all_layers(net)) zdec_in_shape = nn.layers.get_output_shape(laydict[split_layer]) deconv_weights = c.pf_deconv_params vae_weights = c.pf_vae_params img_from_convs = m.deconvoluter(deconv_weights, specstr=cae_specstr, shape=zdec_in_shape) L = 2 vae_n_hid = 1500 binary = False z_dim = 256 l_tup = l_z_mu, l_z_ls, l_x_mu_list, l_x_ls_list, l_x_list, l_x = \ m.build_vae(input_var, L=L, binary=binary, z_dim=z_dim, n_hid=vae_n_hid, shape=(zdec_in_shape[2], zdec_in_shape[3]), channels=zdec_in_shape[1]) u.load_params(l_x, vae_weights) datafile = 'data/pf.hdf5' frame_skip = 3 # every 3rd frame in sequence z_decode_layer = l_x_mu_list[0] pixel_shift = 0.5 samples_per_image = 4 tr_batch_size = 16 # must be a multiple of samples_per_image elif dataset == 'mm': img_size = 64 cvae_weights = c.mm_cvae_params L = 2 vae_n_hid = 1024 binary = True z_dim = 32 zdec_in_shape = (None, 1, img_size, img_size) l_tup = l_z_mu, l_z_ls, l_x_mu_list, l_x_ls_list, l_x_list, l_x = \ m.build_vcae(input_var, L=L, z_dim=z_dim, n_hid=vae_n_hid, binary=binary, shape=(zdec_in_shape[2], zdec_in_shape[3]), channels=zdec_in_shape[1]) u.load_params(l_x, cvae_weights) datafile = 'data/moving_mnist.hdf5' frame_skip = 1 w, h = img_size, img_size # of raw input image in the hdf5 file z_decode_layer = l_x_list[0] pixel_shift = 0 samples_per_image = 1 tr_batch_size = 128 # must be a multiple of samples_per_image # functions for moving to/from image or conv-space, and z-space z_mat = T.matrix('z') zenc = theano.function([input_var], nn.layers.get_output(l_z_mu, deterministic=True)) zdec = theano.function( [z_mat], nn.layers.get_output( z_decode_layer, { l_z_mu: z_mat }, deterministic=True).reshape((-1, zdec_in_shape[1]) + zdec_in_shape[2:])) zenc_ls = theano.function([input_var], nn.layers.get_output(l_z_ls, deterministic=True)) # functions for encoding sequences of z's print 'compiling functions' z_var = T.tensor3('z_in') z_ls_var = T.tensor3('z_ls_in') tgt_mu_var = T.tensor3('z_tgt') tgt_ls_var = T.tensor3('z_ls_tgt') learning_rate = theano.shared(nn.utils.floatX(1e-4)) # separate function definitions if we are using MSE and predicting only z, or KL divergence # and predicting both mean and sigma of z if kl_loss: def kl(p_mu, p_sigma, q_mu, q_sigma): return 0.5 * T.sum( T.sqr(p_sigma) / T.sqr(q_sigma) + T.sqr(q_mu - p_mu) / T.sqr(q_sigma) - 1 + 2 * T.log(q_sigma) - 2 * T.log(p_sigma)) lstm, _ = m.Z_VLSTM(z_var, z_ls_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=True) z_mu_expr, z_ls_expr = nn.layers.get_output( [lstm['output_mu'], lstm['output_ls']]) z_mu_expr_det, z_ls_expr_det = nn.layers.get_output( [lstm['output_mu'], lstm['output_ls']], deterministic=True) loss = kl(tgt_mu_var, T.exp(tgt_ls_var), z_mu_expr, T.exp(z_ls_expr)) te_loss = kl(tgt_mu_var, T.exp(tgt_ls_var), z_mu_expr_det, T.exp(z_ls_expr_det)) params = nn.layers.get_all_params(lstm['output'], trainable=True) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=learning_rate) train_fn = theano.function([z_var, z_ls_var, tgt_mu_var, tgt_ls_var], loss, updates=updates) test_fn = theano.function([z_var, z_ls_var, tgt_mu_var, tgt_ls_var], te_loss) else: lstm, _ = m.Z_LSTM(z_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=True) loss = nn.objectives.squared_error( nn.layers.get_output(lstm['output']), tgt_mu_var).mean() te_loss = nn.objectives.squared_error( nn.layers.get_output(lstm['output'], deterministic=True), tgt_mu_var).mean() params = nn.layers.get_all_params(lstm['output'], trainable=True) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=learning_rate) train_fn = theano.function([z_var, tgt_mu_var], loss, updates=updates) test_fn = theano.function([z_var, tgt_mu_var], te_loss) if dataset == 'pf': z_from_img = lambda x: zenc(convs_from_img(x)) z_ls_from_img = lambda x: zenc_ls(convs_from_img(x)) img_from_z = lambda z: img_from_convs(zdec(z)) elif dataset == 'mm': z_from_img = zenc z_ls_from_img = zenc_ls img_from_z = zdec # training loop print('training for {} epochs'.format(num_epochs)) nbatch = (seq_length + 1) * tr_batch_size * frame_skip / samples_per_image data = u.DataH5PyStreamer(datafile, batch_size=nbatch) # for taking arrays of uint8 (non square) and converting them to batches of sequences def transform_data(ims_batch, center=False): imb = u.raw_to_floatX( ims_batch, pixel_shift=pixel_shift, center=center)[np.random.randint(frame_skip)::frame_skip] zbatch = np.zeros((tr_batch_size, seq_length + 1, z_dim), dtype=theano.config.floatX) zsigbatch = np.zeros((tr_batch_size, seq_length + 1, z_dim), dtype=theano.config.floatX) for i in xrange(samples_per_image): chunk = tr_batch_size / samples_per_image if diffs: zf = z_from_img(imb).reshape((chunk, seq_length + 1, -1)) zbatch[i * chunk:(i + 1) * chunk, 1:] = zf[:, 1:] - zf[:, :-1] if kl_loss: zls = z_ls_from_img(imb).reshape( (chunk, seq_length + 1, -1)) zsigbatch[i * chunk:(i + 1) * chunk, 1:] = zls[:, 1:] - zls[:, :-1] else: zbatch[i * chunk:(i + 1) * chunk] = z_from_img(imb).reshape( (chunk, seq_length + 1, -1)) if kl_loss: zsigbatch[i * chunk:(i + 1) * chunk] = z_ls_from_img(imb).reshape( (chunk, seq_length + 1, -1)) if kl_loss: return zbatch[:, : -1, :], zsigbatch[:, : -1, :], zbatch[:, 1:, :], zsigbatch[:, 1:, :] return zbatch[:, :-1, :], zbatch[:, 1:, :] # we need sequences of images, so we do not shuffle data during trainin hist = u.train_with_hdf5( data, num_epochs=num_epochs, train_fn=train_fn, test_fn=test_fn, train_shuffle=False, max_per_epoch=max_per_epoch, tr_transform=lambda x: transform_data(x[0], center=False), te_transform=lambda x: transform_data(x[0], center=True)) hist = np.asarray(hist) u.save_params(lstm['output'], os.path.join(save_to, 'lstm_{}.npz'.format(hist[-1, -1]))) # build functions to sample from LSTM # separate cell_init and hid_init from the other learned model parameters all_param_values = nn.layers.get_all_param_values(lstm['output']) init_indices = [ i for i, p in enumerate(nn.layers.get_all_params(lstm['output'])) if 'init' in str(p) ] init_values = [all_param_values[i] for i in init_indices] params_noinit = [ p for i, p in enumerate(all_param_values) if i not in init_indices ] # build model without learnable init values, and load non-init parameters if kl_loss: lstm_sample, state_vars = m.Z_VLSTM(z_var, z_ls_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=False) else: lstm_sample, state_vars = m.Z_LSTM(z_var, z_dim=z_dim, nhid=lstm_n_hid, training=False) nn.layers.set_all_param_values(lstm_sample['output'], params_noinit) # extract layers representing thee hidden and cell states, and have sample_fn # return their outputs state_layers_keys = [ k for k in lstm_sample.keys() if 'hidfinal' in k or 'cellfinal' in k ] state_layers_keys = sorted(state_layers_keys) state_layers_keys = sorted(state_layers_keys, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1])) state_layers = [lstm_sample[s] for s in state_layers_keys] if kl_loss: sample_fn = theano.function( [z_var, z_ls_var] + state_vars, nn.layers.get_output([lstm['output_mu'], lstm['output_ls']] + state_layers, deterministic=True)) else: sample_fn = theano.function([z_var] + state_vars, nn.layers.get_output([lstm['output']] + state_layers, deterministic=True)) from images2gif import writeGif from PIL import Image # sample approximately 30 different generated video sequences te_stream = data.streamer(training=True, shuffled=False) interval = data.ntrain / data.batch_size / 30 for idx, imb in enumerate(te_stream.get_epoch_iterator()): if idx % interval != 0: continue z_tup = transform_data(imb[0], center=True) seg_idx = np.random.randint(z_tup[0].shape[0]) if kl_loss: z_in, z_ls_in = z_tup[0], z_tup[1] z_last, z_ls_last = z_in[seg_idx:seg_idx + 1], z_ls_in[seg_idx:seg_idx + 1] z_vars = [z_last, z_ls_last] else: z_in = z_tup[0] z_last = z_in[seg_idx:seg_idx + 1] z_vars = [z_last] images = [] state_values = [[0], 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX), s) for s in init_values ] output_list = sample_fn(*(z_vars + state_values)) # use whole sequence of predictions for output z_pred = output_list[0] state_values = output_list[2 if kl_loss else 1:] rec = img_from_z(z_pred.reshape(-1, z_dim)) for k in xrange(rec.shape[0]): images.append( Image.fromarray( u.get_picture_array(rec, index=k, shift=pixel_shift))) k += 1 # slice prediction to feed into lstm z_pred = z_pred[:, -1:, :] if kl_loss: z_ls_pred = output_list[1][:, -1:, :] z_vars = [z_pred, z_ls_pred] else: z_vars = [z_pred] for i in xrange( 30): # predict 30 frames after the end of the priming video output_list = sample_fn(*(z_vars + state_values)) z_pred = output_list[0] state_values = output_list[2 if kl_loss else 1:] rec = img_from_z(z_pred.reshape(-1, z_dim)) images.append( Image.fromarray( u.get_picture_array(rec, index=0, shift=pixel_shift))) if kl_loss: z_ls_pred = output_list[1] z_vars = [z_pred, z_ls_pred] else: z_vars = [z_pred] writeGif("sample_{}.gif".format(idx), images, duration=0.1, dither=0)
def main( data_file="", img_size=64, num_epochs=10, batch_size=128, pxsh=0.5, split_layer="conv7", specstr=c.pf_cae_specstr, cae_params=c.pf_cae_params, save_to="params", ): # transform function to go from images -> conv feats conv_feats, _ = m.encoder_decoder(cae_params, specstr=specstr, layersplit=split_layer, shape=(img_size, img_size)) # build pretrained net for images -> convfeats in order to get the input shape # for the reverse function print("compiling functions") conv_net = m.build_cae(input_var=None, specstr=specstr, shape=(img_size, img_size)) cae_layer_dict = dict((, l) for l in nn.layers.get_all_layers(conv_net)) shape = nn.layers.get_output_shape(cae_layer_dict[split_layer]) # build net for convfeats -> images imgs_var = T.tensor4("images") convs_var = T.tensor4("conv_features") deconv_net = m.build_deconv_net(input_var=convs_var, shape=shape, specstr=specstr) loss = nn.objectives.squared_error(imgs_var, nn.layers.get_output(deconv_net)).mean() te_loss = nn.objectives.squared_error(imgs_var, nn.layers.get_output(deconv_net, deterministic=True)).mean() params = nn.layers.get_all_params(deconv_net, trainable=True) lr = theano.shared(nn.utils.floatX(3e-3)) updates = nn.updates.adam(loss, params, learning_rate=lr) # compile functions train_fn = theano.function([convs_var, imgs_var], loss, updates=updates) val_fn = theano.function([convs_var, imgs_var], te_loss) deconv_fn = theano.function([convs_var], nn.layers.get_output(deconv_net, deterministic=True)) # run training loop print("training for {} epochs".format(num_epochs)) def data_transform(x, do_center): floatx_ims = u.raw_to_floatX(x, pixel_shift=pxsh, square=True, center=do_center) return (conv_feats(floatx_ims), floatx_ims) data = u.DataH5PyStreamer(data_file, batch_size=batch_size) hist = u.train_with_hdf5( data, num_epochs=num_epochs, train_fn=train_fn, test_fn=val_fn, tr_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=False), te_transform=lambda x: data_transform(x[0], do_center=True), ) # generate examples, save training history and params te_stream = data.streamer(shuffled=True) imb, = next(te_stream.get_epoch_iterator()) imb = data_transform(imb, True)[0] result = deconv_fn(imb) for i in range(result.shape[0]): Image.fromarray(u.get_picture_array(result, index=i, shift=pxsh)).save("output_{}.jpg".format(i)) hist = np.asarray(hist) np.savetxt("deconv_train_hist.csv", np.asarray(hist), delimiter=",", fmt="%.5f") u.save_params(deconv_net, os.path.join(save_to, "deconv_{}.npz".format(hist[-1, -1])))