예제 #1
def get_C4z_symmetry_map(config):
    assert config.n_sublattices == 1
    geometry = 'square'

    mapping = np.zeros((config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2)) + 0.0j  # trivial mapping
    rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(2 * np.pi / 4.), np.sin(2 * np.pi / 4.)], \
                                [-np.sin(2 * np.pi / 4.), np.cos(2 * np.pi / 4.)]])
    if config.n_orbitals == 2:
        rotation_matrix_orbital = rotation_matrix
        rotation_matrix_orbital = np.eye(1)

    for preindex in range(config.total_dof // 2):
        orbit_preimage, sublattice_preimage, x_preimage, y_preimage = \
            models.from_linearized_index(preindex, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

        orbit_preimage_vector = np.zeros(config.n_orbitals); orbit_preimage_vector[orbit_preimage] = 1.
        r_preimage = models.lattice_to_physical([x_preimage, y_preimage, sublattice_preimage], geometry)

        orbit_image_vector = np.einsum('ij,j->i', rotation_matrix_orbital, orbit_preimage_vector)

        r_image = np.einsum('ij,j->i', rotation_matrix, r_preimage)
        x_image, y_image, sublattice_image = models.physical_to_lattice(r_image, geometry)

        x_image = int(np.rint(x_image)); y_image = int(np.rint(y_image))
        x_image = (x_image % config.Ls); y_image = (y_image % config.Ls)

        for orbit_image in range(config.n_orbitals):
            coefficient = orbit_image_vector[orbit_image]
            index = models.to_linearized_index(x_image, y_image, sublattice_image, orbit_image, \
                                               config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
            mapping[preindex, index] += coefficient
    assert np.sum(np.abs(mapping.dot(mapping).dot(mapping).dot(mapping) - np.eye(mapping.shape[0]))) < 1e-5  # C_4z^4 = I
    return mapping + 0.0j
예제 #2
    def get_C2y_symmetry_map_chiral_jastrow(config):
        mapping = np.zeros((config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2))

        for preindex in range(config.total_dof // 2):
            orbit_preimage, sublattice_preimage, x_preimage, y_preimage = \
                models.from_linearized_index(preindex, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
            orbit_image = 1 - orbit_preimage

            r_preimage = np.array(
                    [x_preimage, y_preimage, sublattice_preimage],
            r_preimage -= np.array([1. / np.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.0])
            r_image = np.array([-r_preimage[0], r_preimage[1]]) + np.array(
                [1. / np.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.0])

            x_image, y_image, sublattice_image = models.physical_to_lattice(
                r_image, 'hexagonal')
            x_image = int(np.rint(x_image))
            y_image = int(np.rint(y_image))
            x_image = (x_image % config.Ls)
            y_image = (y_image % config.Ls)

            index = models.to_linearized_index(x_image, y_image, sublattice_image, orbit_image, \
                                               config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

            mapping[preindex, index] += 1.

        assert np.sum(np.abs(mapping.dot(mapping) -
                             np.eye(mapping.shape[0]))) < 1e-12  # C_2y^2 = I
        return mapping
예제 #3
    def get_TRS_symmetry_map_chiral_jastrow(config):
        assert config.n_sublattices == 2
        geometry = 'hexagonal'

        mapping = np.zeros(
            (config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2))  # trivial mapping

        for preindex in range(config.total_dof // 2):
            orbit_preimage, sublattice_preimage, x_preimage, y_preimage = \
                models.from_linearized_index(preindex, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

            r_preimage = models.lattice_to_physical(
                [x_preimage, y_preimage, sublattice_preimage], geometry)
            r_image = r_preimage

            x_image, y_image, sublattice_image = models.physical_to_lattice(
                r_image, geometry)

            x_image = int(np.rint(x_image))
            y_image = int(np.rint(y_image))
            x_image = (x_image % config.Ls)
            y_image = (y_image % config.Ls)

            index = models.to_linearized_index(x_image, y_image, sublattice_image, 1 - orbit_preimage, \
                                               config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
            mapping[preindex, index] = 1.
        assert np.sum(np.abs(mapping.dot(mapping) -
                             np.eye(mapping.shape[0]))) < 1e-12  # T^2 = I
        return mapping
예제 #4
    def get_C3z_symmetry_map_chiral_jastrow(config):
        assert config.n_sublattices == 2
        geometry = 'hexagonal'

        mapping = np.zeros(
            (config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2))  # trivial mapping
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(2 * np.pi / 3.), np.sin(2 * np.pi / 3.)], \
                                    [-np.sin(2 * np.pi / 3.), np.cos(2 * np.pi / 3.)]])

        for preindex in range(config.total_dof // 2):
            orbit_preimage, sublattice_preimage, x_preimage, y_preimage = \
                models.from_linearized_index(preindex, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

            r_preimage = models.lattice_to_physical(
                [x_preimage, y_preimage, sublattice_preimage], geometry)
            r_image = np.einsum('ij,j->i', rotation_matrix, r_preimage)

            x_image, y_image, sublattice_image = models.physical_to_lattice(
                r_image, geometry)

            x_image = int(np.rint(x_image))
            y_image = int(np.rint(y_image))
            x_image = (x_image % config.Ls)
            y_image = (y_image % config.Ls)

            index = models.to_linearized_index(x_image, y_image, sublattice_image, orbit_preimage, \
                                               config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
            mapping[preindex, index] = 1.
        assert np.sum(
                mapping.dot(mapping).dot(mapping) -
                np.eye(mapping.shape[0]))) < 1e-12  # C_3z^3 = I
        return mapping
예제 #5
def K_FT(k, K, config, R, spin_dof=1):
    L = config.Ls
    n_internal = config.n_sublattices * config.n_orbitals * spin_dof
    result = np.zeros((n_internal, n_internal)) * 1.0j
    #result = np.zeros((n_internal // 2, n_internal // 2)) * 1.0j
    x1, y1 = 0, 0  # rely on translational invariance
    for sublattice_orbit_spin1 in range(n_internal):
        ### parse mega-index into components ###
        spin1 = sublattice_orbit_spin1 % spin_dof
        sublattice1 = (sublattice_orbit_spin1 //
                       spin_dof) % config.n_sublattices
        orbit1 = ((sublattice_orbit_spin1 // spin_dof) //
                  config.n_sublattices) % config.n_orbitals

        first = models.to_linearized_index(x1, y1, sublattice1, orbit1, L, \
                                           config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices) + spin1 * (K.shape[0] // spin_dof)

        for second in range(K.shape[0]):
            spin2 = second // (K.shape[0] // spin_dof)
            orbit2, sublattice2, x2, y2 = models.from_linearized_index(second % (K.shape[0] // spin_dof), L, \
                                          config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
            element = K[first, second]
            r2_real = np.einsum('j,jk->k', np.array([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]), R)

            ft_factor = np.exp(1.0j * np.einsum('i,i', r2_real, k))
            result[(orbit1 + config.n_orbitals * sublattice1) + spin1 * result.shape[0] // 2, \
                   (orbit2 + config.n_orbitals * sublattice2) + spin2 * result.shape[0] // 2] += ft_factor * element
            #if spin1 == 0 and spin2 == 0:
            #    result[orbit1 + config.n_orbitals * sublattice1, \
            #       orbit2 + config.n_orbitals * sublattice2] += ft_factor * element
    return result
예제 #6
def expand_tensor_product(config, sigma_l1l2, sigma_o1o2, delta_ij, spin_ij = np.eye(1)):
        returns the matrix of the dimention L x L (L -- total number of sites including orbit),
        sigma_ll \\otimes sigma_oo \\otimes delta_ii

    spin_factor = spin_ij.shape[0]
    if spin_factor > 1:
        Delta = np.zeros((config.total_dof, config.total_dof)) * 1.0j
        Delta = np.zeros((config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2)) * 1.0j

    for first in range(Delta.shape[0]):
        for second in range(Delta.shape[1]):
            spin1 = first // (config.total_dof // 2)
            spin2 = second // (config.total_dof // 2)

            orbit1, sublattice1, x1, y1 = models.from_linearized_index(deepcopy(first % (config.total_dof // 2)), \
                                                 config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
            orbit2, sublattice2, x2, y2 = models.from_linearized_index(deepcopy(second % (config.total_dof // 2)), \
                                                 config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

            space1 = (x1 * config.Ls + y1) * config.n_sublattices + sublattice1
            space2 = (x2 * config.Ls + y2) * config.n_sublattices + sublattice2

            if config.n_sublattices == 2:
                if sublattice2 - sublattice1 == 1:  # AB pairings (only in the hexagonal case)
                    delta_s1s2 = delta_ij[0]
                elif sublattice2 - sublattice1 == -1:  # BA pairings (only in the hexagonal case)
                    delta_s1s2 = delta_ij[1]
                elif sublattice1 == 0 and len(delta_ij) == 2:
                    delta_s1s2 = delta_ij[0]  # AA pairing (only hex case, not on-site)
                elif sublattice1 == 1 and len(delta_ij) == 2:
                    delta_s1s2 = delta_ij[1]  # BB pairing (only hex case, not on-site)
                    delta_s1s2 = delta_ij
                delta_s1s2 = delta_ij  # only square case

            # otherwise (subl2 = subl1 means this is a square lattice or hex on-site, just use the delta_ij matrix)
            if sigma_l1l2[sublattice1, sublattice2] != 0.0:
                Delta[first, second] = sigma_l1l2[sublattice1, sublattice2] * \
                                       sigma_o1o2[orbit1, orbit2] * \
                                       delta_s1s2[space1, space2] * \
                                       spin_ij[spin1, spin2]
    return Delta + 0.0j
예제 #7
def _get_ik_marking(Ls, n_orbitals, n_sublattices, total_dof):
    A = np.zeros((total_dof // 2, total_dof // 2), dtype=np.int64)

    for i in range(total_dof // 2):
        oi, si, xi, yi = models.from_linearized_index(i, Ls, n_orbitals,

        for j in range(total_dof // 2):
            oj, sj, xj, yj = models.from_linearized_index(
                j, Ls, n_orbitals, n_sublattices)

            dx = (xi - xj) % Ls
            dy = (yi - yj) % Ls
            index_spatial = dy * Ls + dx

            index_orbital = n_sublattices * n_sublattices * (
                oi * n_sublattices + si) + (oj * n_sublattices + sj)

              j] = index_spatial * n_orbitals**2 * n_sublattices**2 + index_orbital
    return A
예제 #8
def get_Ty_symmetry_map(config, chiral = False):
    mapping = np.zeros((config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2)) + 0.0j  # trivial mapping

    for preindex in range(config.total_dof // 2):
        orbit_preimage, sublattice_preimage, x_preimage, y_preimage = \
            models.from_linearized_index(preindex, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

        index = models.to_linearized_index(x_preimage, (y_preimage + 1) % config.Ls, sublattice_preimage, orbit_preimage, \
                                           config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
        mapping[preindex, index] += 1.

    trivial = np.eye(config.total_dof // 2)
    for i in range(config.Ls):
        trivial = trivial.dot(mapping)
    assert np.allclose(trivial, np.eye(config.total_dof // 2))
    return mapping + 0.0j
예제 #9
def get_C2y_symmetry_map(config, chiral = False):
    if config.n_sublattices == 2:
        geometry = 'hexagonal'
        geometry = 'square'

    mapping = np.zeros((config.total_dof // 2, config.total_dof // 2)) + 0.0j  # trivial mapping

    for preindex in range(config.total_dof // 2):
        orbit_preimage, sublattice_preimage, x_preimage, y_preimage = \
            models.from_linearized_index(preindex, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)     

        if config.n_orbitals == 2:
            if not chiral:
                orbit_image = orbit_preimage
                coefficient = -1.0 if orbit_image == 0 else 1.0
                orbit_image = 1 - orbit_preimage
                coefficient = -1.0
            orbit_image = orbit_preimage
            coefficient = 1.0

        r_preimage = np.array(models.lattice_to_physical([x_preimage, y_preimage, sublattice_preimage], geometry))
        if geometry == 'hexagonal':
            r_preimage -= np.array([1. / np.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.0])
            r_image = np.array([-r_preimage[0], r_preimage[1]]) + np.array([1. / np.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.0])
            r_image = np.array([-r_preimage[0], r_preimage[1]])

        x_image, y_image, sublattice_image = models.physical_to_lattice(r_image, geometry)
        x_image = int(np.rint(x_image)); y_image = int(np.rint(y_image))
        x_image = (x_image % config.Ls); y_image = (y_image % config.Ls)
        index = models.to_linearized_index(x_image, y_image, sublattice_image, orbit_image, \
                                           config.Ls, config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

        mapping[preindex, index] += coefficient

    assert np.sum(np.abs(mapping.dot(mapping) - np.eye(mapping.shape[0]))) < 1e-5  # C_2y^2 = I
    return mapping + 0.0j
예제 #10
def get_E_J_Hund_long(edges_J, wf_state, total_fugacity, twist, Ls, n_orbitals,
    L = len(wf_state[3]) // 2
    E_loc = 0.0 + 0.0j

    for i in range(edges_J.shape[0] // 2):
        for j in range(edges_J.shape[1] // 2):
            if edges_J[i * 2, j * 2] == 0:

            for orb in range(2):
                itotal = i * 2 + orb
                jtotal = j * 2 + orb

                orbiti, _, xi, yi = from_linearized_index(
                    itotal, Ls, n_orbitals, n_sublattices)
                orbitj, _, xj, yj = from_linearized_index(
                    jtotal, Ls, n_orbitals, n_sublattices)

                factor_x_up_up = 1.0
                factor_x_up_down = 1.0
                factor_x_down_up = 1.0
                factor_x_down_down = 1.0
                factor_y_up_up = 1.0
                factor_y_up_down = 1.0
                factor_y_down_up = 1.0
                factor_y_down_down = 1.0

                if np.abs(xi - xj) > Ls // 2:
                    factor_x_up_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] *
                                            (-1. + 2 * orb) * (+1.0) +
                                            1.0j * twist[0] * (-1. + 2 * orb) *
                    factor_x_up_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0) +
                                              1.0j * twist[0] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (+1.0))
                    factor_x_down_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (+1.0) +
                                              1.0j * twist[0] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0))
                    factor_x_down_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] *
                                                (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0) +
                                                1.0j * twist[0] *
                                                (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0))
                    if xi < xj:
                        factor_x_up_up = np.conj(factor_x_up_up)
                        factor_x_up_down = np.conj(factor_x_up_down)
                        factor_x_down_up = np.conj(factor_x_down_up)
                        factor_x_down_down = np.conj(factor_x_down_down)

                if np.abs(yi - yj) > Ls // 2:
                    factor_y_up_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] *
                                            (-1. + 2 * orb) * (+1.0) +
                                            1.0j * twist[1] * (-1. + 2 * orb) *
                    factor_y_up_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0) +
                                              1.0j * twist[1] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (+1.0))
                    factor_y_down_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (+1.0) +
                                              1.0j * twist[1] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0))
                    factor_y_down_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] *
                                                (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0) +
                                                1.0j * twist[1] *
                                                (-1. + 2 * orb) * (-1.0))
                    if yi < yj:
                        factor_y_up_up = np.conj(factor_y_up_up)
                        factor_y_up_down = np.conj(factor_y_up_down)
                        factor_y_down_up = np.conj(factor_y_down_up)
                        factor_y_down_down = np.conj(factor_y_down_down)

                E_loc += edges_J[itotal, jtotal] * density(wf_state[2], itotal) * density(wf_state[2], jtotal) * \
                             factor_x_up_up * factor_y_up_up  # s1 = s2
                E_loc += edges_J[itotal, jtotal] * (1 - density(wf_state[2], itotal + L)) * (1 - density(wf_state[2], jtotal + L)) * \
                             factor_x_down_down * factor_y_down_down # s1 = s2
                E_loc += -edges_J[itotal, jtotal] * get_wf_ratio_double_exchange(*wf_state, total_fugacity, itotal, jtotal + L, itotal + L, jtotal) * \
                             factor_x_up_down * factor_y_up_down
                E_loc += -edges_J[itotal, jtotal] * get_wf_ratio_double_exchange(*wf_state, total_fugacity, jtotal, itotal + L, jtotal + L, itotal) * \
                             factor_x_down_up * factor_y_down_up

            for mp in range(2):
                iplus = i * 2 + mp
                iminus = i * 2 + (1 - mp)
                jplus = 2 * j + mp
                jminus = j * 2 + (1 - mp)

                _, _, xi, yi = from_linearized_index(iplus, Ls, n_orbitals,
                _, _, xj, yj = from_linearized_index(jplus, Ls, n_orbitals,

                factor_x_up_up = 1.0
                factor_x_up_down = 1.0
                factor_x_down_up = 1.0
                factor_x_down_down = 1.0
                factor_y_up_up = 1.0
                factor_y_up_down = 1.0
                factor_y_down_up = 1.0
                factor_y_down_down = 1.0

                if np.abs(xi - xj) > Ls // 2:
                    factor_x_up_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                (1 - mp)) *
                                            (+1.0) + 1.0j * twist[0] *
                                            (-1. + 2 * mp) * (+1.0))
                    factor_x_up_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                  (1 - mp)) *
                                              (-1.0) + 1.0j * twist[0] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * mp) * (+1.0))
                    factor_x_down_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                  (1 - mp)) *
                                              (+1.0) + 1.0j * twist[0] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * mp) * (-1.0))
                    factor_x_down_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[0] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                    (1 - mp)) *
                                                (-1.0) + 1.0j * twist[0] *
                                                (-1. + 2 * mp) * (-1.0))
                    if xi < xj:
                        factor_x_up_up = np.conj(factor_x_up_up)
                        factor_x_up_down = np.conj(factor_x_up_down)
                        factor_x_down_up = np.conj(factor_x_down_up)
                        factor_x_down_down = np.conj(factor_x_down_down)

                if np.abs(yi - yj) > Ls // 2:
                    factor_y_up_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                (1 - mp)) *
                                            (+1.0) + 1.0j * twist[1] *
                                            (-1. + 2 * mp) * (+1.0))
                    factor_y_up_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                  (1 - mp)) *
                                              (-1.0) + 1.0j * twist[1] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * mp) * (+1.0))
                    factor_y_down_up = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                  (1 - mp)) *
                                              (+1.0) + 1.0j * twist[1] *
                                              (-1. + 2 * mp) * (-1.0))
                    factor_y_down_down = np.exp(-1.0j * twist[1] * (-1. + 2 *
                                                                    (1 - mp)) *
                                                (-1.0) + 1.0j * twist[1] *
                                                (-1. + 2 * mp) * (-1.0))
                    if yi < yj:
                        factor_y_up_up = np.conj(factor_y_up_up)
                        factor_y_up_down = np.conj(factor_y_up_down)
                        factor_y_down_up = np.conj(factor_y_down_up)
                        factor_y_down_down = np.conj(factor_y_down_down)

                E_loc += edges_J[iplus, jplus] * factor_x_up_up * factor_y_up_up * \
                    get_wf_ratio_double_exchange(*wf_state, total_fugacity, iplus, iminus, jminus, jplus)  # up-up
                E_loc += edges_J[iplus, jplus] * factor_x_down_down * factor_y_down_down * \
                    get_wf_ratio_double_exchange(*wf_state, total_fugacity, iminus + L, iplus + L, jplus + L, jminus + L)  # down-down
                E_loc += -edges_J[iplus, jplus] * factor_x_up_down * factor_y_up_down * \
                    get_wf_ratio_double_exchange(*wf_state, total_fugacity, iplus, jminus + L, iminus + L, jplus)  # up-down
                E_loc += -edges_J[iplus, jplus] * factor_x_down_up * factor_y_down_up * \
                    get_wf_ratio_double_exchange(*wf_state, total_fugacity, jminus, iplus + L, jplus + L, iminus)  # down-up
    return E_loc
예제 #11
def get_kinetic_orbitals(config, filling):
    Ls = config.Ls
    K0 = config.K_0
    assert config.twist_mesh == 'PBC'

    Tx, Ty = pairings.Tx_symmetry_map, pairings.Ty_symmetry_map
    C3z = np.argmax(np.abs(pairings.C3z_symmetry_map_chiral), axis=0)
    C2y = np.argmax(np.abs(pairings.C2y_symmetry_map_chiral), axis=0)
    tx, ty = [], []

    for i in range(Tx.shape[0]):
        assert len(np.where(Tx[i, :] == 1)[0]) == 1
        assert len(np.where(Ty[i, :] == 1)[0]) == 1

        tx.append(np.where(Tx[i, :] == 1)[0][0])
        ty.append(np.where(Ty[i, :] == 1)[0][0])

    tx, ty = np.array(tx), np.array(ty)
    np.save('tx.npy', tx)
    np.save('ty.npy', ty)
    assert np.allclose(tx[ty], ty[tx])

    tx_valley = tx[::2] // 2
    ty_valley = ty[::2] // 2
    assert np.allclose(tx_valley[ty_valley], ty_valley[tx_valley])
    valley = np.concatenate(
        [np.array([2 * i + 1, 2 * i]) for i in range(config.Ls**2 * 2)])

    path = '/home/astronaut/Documents/all_Imada_formats/'

    ########### writing the spin locations (none) ##########
    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'locspn_{:d}.def'.format(Ls)), 'w')
    f.write('NlocalSpin     0\n')
    f.write('========i_0LocSpn_1IteElc ======\n')
    for i in range(Ls**2 * 4):
        f.write('    {:d}      0\n'.format(i))

    symmetries = [np.arange(Ls**2 * 4)]
    ########### writing the translational symmetries ##########
    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'qptransidx_{:d}.def'.format(Ls)), 'w')
    f.write('NQPTrans          {:d}\n'.format(len(symmetries)))
    f.write('======== TrIdx_TrWeight_and_TrIdx_i_xi ======\n')

    for i in range(len(symmetries)):
        f.write('{:d}    1.00000\n'.format(i))

    for i, symm in enumerate(symmetries):
        for i_from in range(symm.shape[0]):
            f.write('    {:d}      {:d}      {:d}\n'.format(
                i, i_from, symm[i_from]))

    from copy import deepcopy
    ########### writing the jastrows ##########
    all_translations = [np.arange(Ls**2 * 4)]
    curr_trans = tx.copy()
    all_new_translations = []
    for kx in range(config.Ls - 1):
        new_translations = [symm[curr_trans] for symm in all_translations]
        curr_trans = curr_trans[tx]
    for d in all_new_translations:
        all_translations += d

    curr_trans = ty.copy()
    all_new_translations = []
    for kx in range(config.Ls - 1):
        new_translations = [symm[curr_trans] for symm in all_translations]
        curr_trans = curr_trans[ty]
    for d in all_new_translations:
        all_translations += d

    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'jastrowidx_TRSbroken_{:d}.def'.format(Ls)),
    jastrow_ij, jastrow_k, n_jastrows, matrix_jastrows = get_jastrow_fromshift(
        np.around(np.array(config.all_distances), decimals=5),
    np.save('check.npy', matrix_jastrows)
    # G)

    assert np.allclose(matrix_jastrows, matrix_jastrows.T)

    matrix_jastrows_trans = matrix_jastrows.copy()
    matrix_jastrows_trans = matrix_jastrows_trans[:, tx]
    matrix_jastrows_trans = matrix_jastrows_trans[tx, :]
    assert np.allclose(matrix_jastrows_trans, matrix_jastrows)

    matrix_jastrows_trans = matrix_jastrows.copy()
    matrix_jastrows_trans = matrix_jastrows_trans[:, ty]
    matrix_jastrows_trans = matrix_jastrows_trans[ty, :]
    assert np.allclose(matrix_jastrows_trans, matrix_jastrows)

    f.write('NJastrowIdx         {:d}\n'.format(n_jastrows + 1))
    f.write('ComplexType          {:d}\n'.format(0))

    uniques = []
    for i in range(config.Ls**2 * 4):
        for j in range(config.Ls**2 * 4):
            if i == j:
            f.write('    {:d}      {:d}      {:d}\n'.format(
                i, j, matrix_jastrows[i, j]))

    for i in range(n_jastrows + 1):
        f.write('    {:d}      1\n'.format(i))

    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'InJastrow_TRSbroken_{:d}.def'.format(Ls)),
    f.write('NJastrowIdx  {:d}\n'.format(n_jastrows + 1))
    f.write('== i_j_JastrowIdx  ===\n')
    for i in range(n_jastrows):
        f.write('{:d} {:.10f}  {:.10f}\n'.format(i, \
                np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 0, np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 0))
    f.write('{:d} {:.10f}  {:.10f}\n'.format(n_jastrows, 0, 0))

    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'gutzwilleridx_{:d}.def'.format(Ls)), 'w')

    f.write('NGutzwillerIdx          {:d}\n'.format(1))
    f.write('ComplexType          {:d}\n'.format(0))

    for i in range(4 * Ls**2):
        f.write('    {:d}      {:d}\n'.format(i, 0))  #idx))
    for i in range(1):
        f.write('    {:d}      1\n'.format(i))

    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'InGutzwiller.def'), 'w')
    f.write('NGutzwillerIdx  {:d}\n'.format(1))
    f.write('== i_j_GutzwillerIdx  ===\n')
    for i in range(1):
        f.write('{:d} {:.10f}  {:.10f}\n'.format(
            np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 0,
            np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 0))

    ########### writing the modpara ##########
    f = open(os.path.join(path, 'modpara_{:d}_{:d}.def'.format(Ls, filling)),

    f.write('Model_Parameters   0\n')
    f.write('CDataFileHead  zvo\n')
    f.write('CParaFileHead  zqp\n')
    f.write('NVMCCalMode    0\n')
    f.write('NDataIdxStart  1\n')
    f.write('NDataQtySmp    1\n')
    f.write('Nsite          {:d}\n'.format(Ls**2 * 4))
    f.write('Ncond          {:d}\n'.format(filling))
    f.write('2Sz            0\n')
    f.write('NSPGaussLeg    8\n')
    f.write('NSPStot        0\n')
    f.write('NMPTrans       {:d}\n'.format(1))
    f.write('NSROptItrStep  400\n')
    f.write('NSROptItrSmp   40\n')
    f.write('DSROptRedCut   0.0000001000\n')
    f.write('DSROptStaDel   0.0200000000\n')
    f.write('DSROptStepDt   0.0000020000\n')
    f.write('NVMCWarmUp     400\n')
    f.write('NVMCInterval   1\n')
    f.write('NVMCSample     4000\n')
    f.write('NExUpdatePath  0\n')
    f.write('RndSeed        1\n')
    f.write('NSplitSize     1\n')
    f.write('NStore         0\n')
    f.write('NSRCG          1\n')

    twist = (0, 0.5)
    twist_exp = [
        np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1.0j * twist[0]),
        np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1.0j * twist[1])
    fft = get_fft_APBCy(config.Ls)
    for gap_idx in [40, 9, 36, 14]:
        #[0, 32, 43, 17, 11, 19]:  # 40, 43, 9, 36[!!]
        print('gap_idx = ', gap_idx)
        #if config.idx_map[gap_idx] != 13:
        #    continue

        for gap_val in [0.0, 0.003, 0.02]:
            #g = gap_val * np.load('the_wave_extended_{:d}.npy'.format(config.Ls))
            g = gap_val * np.load(
            # = gap_val * np.load('/home/astronaut/Documents/XQMC/gaps_6x6_extended/twist_0/gap_{:d}.npy'.format(gap_idx))
            #gap_val * np.load('/home/astronaut/Documents/DQMC_TBG/gaps_8x8/gap_{:d}.npy'.format(gap_idx))
            if config.Ls == 6:
                g = models.xy_to_chiral(g, 'pairing', config, True)

            TRS = np.concatenate(
                [np.array([2 * i + 1, 2 * i]) for i in range(g.shape[0] // 2)])
            g_TRS = g[:, TRS]
            g_TRS = g_TRS[TRS, :]
            g = g + g_TRS  # * (0.1 if gap_val == 0.02 else 1.)
            #np.save('sheck.npy', g)
            if gap_idx in [11, 19]:
                g = g / 1.0j

            # g = (g + g.conj()) / np.sqrt(2)
            print(g[0], 'g[0]')
            print(g[1], 'g[1]')

            assert np.allclose(g, g.T)
            swave = 1e-5 * models.xy_to_chiral(
                    config, pairings.twoorb_hex_all[1]), 'pairing', config,
            assert np.allclose(swave, swave.T)
            print(swave[0], swave[1], 'swave in chiral basis')

            g = g + swave
            gap = models.apply_TBC(config,
            #np.save('the_wave_extended_twisted_{:d}.npy'.format(config.Ls), models.apply_TBC(config, twist_exp, deepcopy(np.load('the_wave_extended_{:d}.npy'.format(config.Ls))), inverse = False))
            gapT = models.apply_TBC(config,

            gap_fft = fft.T.conj().dot(gap).dot(fft)
            gap_check = gap_fft.copy()
            for i in range(gap_check.shape[0] // 4):
                #print(i % 4, i // 4)
                #(np.abs(np.linalg.eig(gap_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4,i * 4:i * 4 + 4])[0]), i)
                # print(gap_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4,i * 4:i * 4 + 4])
                #assert np.allclose(gap_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4,i * 4:i * 4 + 4], gap_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4,i * 4:i * 4 + 4].conj().T)
                gap_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4, i * 4:i * 4 + 4] = 0.0
            assert np.isclose(np.sum(np.abs(gap_check)), 0.0)

            ############ determine required mu_BCS to start ################
            K0_up = models.apply_TBC(config,
            K0_down = models.apply_TBC(config,
            K0_downT = models.apply_TBC(config,
            K0_upT = models.apply_TBC(config,
            #print('energies {:d}'.format(config.Ls), np.linalg.eigh(K0_up)[0])

            #### check twist is correct ###
            K0_fft_plus = fft.conj().T.dot(K0_up).dot(fft)
            K0_fft_minus = fft.T.dot(K0_up).dot(fft.conj())

            K0_check = K0_fft_plus.copy()
            for i in range(K0_check.shape[0] // 4):
                K0_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4, i * 4:i * 4 + 4] = 0.0
            assert np.isclose(np.sum(np.abs(K0_check)), 0.0)

            K0_check = K0_fft_minus.copy()
            for i in range(K0_check.shape[0] // 4):
                K0_check[i * 4:i * 4 + 4, i * 4:i * 4 + 4] = 0.0
            assert np.isclose(np.sum(np.abs(K0_check)), 0.0)

            assert np.allclose(K0_up, K0_up.conj().T)
            assert np.allclose(K0_down, K0_down.conj().T)

            L = K0.shape[0]
            totalM = np.zeros((4 * L, 4 * L), dtype=np.complex128)

            totalM[:L, :L] = K0_up
            totalM[L:2 * L, L:2 * L] = K0_down
            totalM[2 * L:3 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = -K0_upT
            totalM[3 * L:, 3 * L:] = -K0_downT
            totalM[:L, 3 * L:] = gap
            totalM[L:2 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = -gapT
            totalM[2 * L:3 * L, L:2 * L] = -gapT.conj().T
            totalM[3 * L:, :L] = gap.conj().T
            energies = np.linalg.eigh(totalM)[
                0]  # energies with BC twist and gap

            mu_BCS = (energies[filling * 2] + energies[filling * 2 - 1]) / 2.
            print(energies[filling * 2], energies[filling * 2 - 1])
            #assert not np.isclose(energies[filling * 2], energies[filling * 2 - 1])
            print('mu_BCS = ', mu_BCS)

            K0_up = K0_up - np.eye(K0_up.shape[0]) * mu_BCS
            K0_upT = K0_upT - np.eye(K0_upT.shape[0]) * mu_BCS
            K0_down = K0_down - np.eye(K0_down.shape[0]) * mu_BCS
            K0_downT = K0_downT - np.eye(K0_downT.shape[0]) * mu_BCS

            L = K0.shape[0]
            totalM = np.zeros((4 * L, 4 * L), dtype=np.complex128)

            totalM[:L, :L] = K0_up
            totalM[L:2 * L, L:2 * L] = K0_down
            totalM[2 * L:3 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = -K0_upT
            totalM[3 * L:, 3 * L:] = -K0_downT
            totalM[:L, 3 * L:] = gap
            totalM[L:2 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = -gapT
            totalM[2 * L:3 * L, L:2 * L] = -gapT.conj().T
            totalM[3 * L:, :L] = gap.conj().T

            selected_idxs = np.concatenate(
                [np.arange(0, L), np.arange(3 * L, 4 * L)])
            totalM_updown = totalM[:, selected_idxs]
            totalM_updown = totalM_updown[selected_idxs, ...]

            #totalM_updown = np.zeros((2 * L, 2 * L), dtype=np.complex128)
            #totalM_updown[:L, :L] = K0; totalM_updown[L:, L:] = -K0.T;
            #totalM_updown[:L, L:] = gap; totalM_updown[L:, :L] = gap.conj().T;

            selected_idxs = np.arange(L, 3 * L)
            totalM_downup = totalM[:, selected_idxs]
            totalM_downup = totalM_downup[selected_idxs, ...]

            TRS = np.concatenate([
                np.array([2 * i + 1, 2 * i], dtype=np.int64) for i in range(L)

            #totalM_downup = np.zeros((2 * L, 2 * L), dtype=np.complex128)
            #totalM_downup[:L, :L] = K0; totalM_downup[L:, L:] = -K0.T;
            #totalM_downup[:L, L:] = -gap.T; totalM_downup[L:, :L] = -gap.conj();

            en_updown, W_updown = np.linalg.eigh(totalM_updown)

            totalM_updown_TRS = totalM_updown[TRS, ...]
            totalM_updown_TRS = totalM_updown_TRS[..., TRS]
            totalM_updown_TRS = totalM_updown_TRS.conj()

            print('after TRS, discrepancy',
                  np.sum(np.abs(totalM_updown_TRS - totalM_updown)))

            en_downup, W_downup = np.linalg.eigh(totalM_downup)
            assert np.allclose(en_updown, np.sort(-en_updown))
            assert np.allclose(en_downup, np.sort(-en_downup))
            en_total, W = np.linalg.eigh(totalM)
            #print('energies with gap', gap_val, en_total)
            #print('updown energies', en_updown)
            #print('downup energies', en_downup)

            #for en, state in zip(en_downup, W_downup.T):
            #    if np.abs(en + 0.03085819) < 1e-6:
            #        print(en, state)

            for i in range(W_updown.shape[1] // 2):
                v = W_updown[:, i]
                en = en_updown[i]

                v_conj = v * 0.0
                v_conj[:len(v) // 2] = v[len(v) // 2:].conj()
                v_conj[len(v) // 2:] = v[:len(v) // 2].conj()

                en_conj = np.dot(v_conj.conj(),
                                 totalM_updown.dot(v_conj)) / np.dot(
                                     v_conj.conj(), v_conj)
                #print(en_conj, en, np.dot(v_conj.conj(), v_conj), np.dot(v.conj(), totalM_updown.dot(v)))
                #assert np.isclose(en_conj, -en)

            W_conj = []

            for i in range(W.shape[1] // 2):
                v = W[:, i]
                en = en_total[i]

                v_conj = v * 0.0
                v_conj[:len(v) // 2] = v[len(v) // 2:].conj()
                v_conj[len(v) // 2:] = v[:len(v) // 2].conj()

                en_conj = np.dot(v_conj.conj(), totalM.dot(v_conj))
                #print(en_conj, en)
                assert np.isclose(en_conj, -en)

            W_conj = np.array(W_conj).T

            W[:, W.shape[1] //
              2:] = W_conj  # make the right form -- but this makes no difference: this is only rearrangement of 2nd part of the array, while we only use the 1st part
            # why W does not protect that block form? -- or do we even need this form?

            assert np.allclose(
            assert np.allclose(

            # with gap 6, W_pieces does not diagonalize totalM! why?
            W_pieces = np.zeros((4 * L, 4 * L), dtype=np.complex128)
            W_pieces[:L, :L] = W_updown[:L, :L]
            W_pieces[3 * L:, 3 * L:] = W_updown[L:, L:]
            W_pieces[3 * L:, :L] = W_updown[L:, :L]
            W_pieces[:L, 3 * L:] = W_updown[:L, L:]

            W_pieces[L:2 * L, L:2 * L] = W_downup[:L, :L]
            W_pieces[2 * L:3 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = W_downup[L:, L:]
            W_pieces[2 * L:3 * L, L:2 * L] = W_downup[L:, :L]
            W_pieces[L:2 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = W_downup[:L, L:]

            #assert np.allclose(np.sort(np.diag(W_pieces.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W_pieces)).real), np.sort(np.diag(W_pieces.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W_pieces))))
            #assert np.isclose(np.sum(np.abs(W_pieces.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W_pieces) - np.diag(np.diag(W_pieces.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W_pieces))))), 0.0)
            assert np.isclose(
                    np.abs(W.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W) -

            #print(np.sort(np.diag(W.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W)).real) - np.sort(np.diag(W_pieces.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W_pieces)).real))
            #assert np.allclose(np.sort(np.diag(W.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W)).real), \
            #                   np.sort(np.diag(W_pieces.conj().T.dot(totalM).dot(W_pieces)).real))

            #print(np.linalg.det(W_updown), np.linalg.det(W_downup), np.linalg.det(W_updown) * np.linalg.det(W_downup))

            for i in range(W_updown.shape[1]):
                v = W_updown[:, i]
                en = en_updown[i]

                v_conj = v * 0.0
                v_conj[:len(v) // 2] = v[len(v) // 2:].conj()
                v_conj[len(v) // 2:] = v[:len(v) // 2].conj()

                en_conj = np.dot(v_conj.conj(), totalM_updown.dot(v_conj))
                # print(en_conj, en)
                #assert en_conj == -en

            mask = np.zeros((4 * L, 4 * L), dtype=np.complex128)
            mask[:L, :L] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[L:2 * L, L:2 * L] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[2 * L:3 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[3 * L:, 3 * L:] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[3 * L:, :L] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[2 * L:3 * L, L:2 * L] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[L:2 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = np.ones((L, L))
            mask[:L, 3 * L:] = np.ones((L, L))

            #totalM[:L, :L] = K0; totalM[L:2 * L, L:2 * L] = K0; totalM[2 * L:3 * L, 2 * L:3 * L] = -K0.T; totalM[3 * L:, 3 * L:] = -K0.T
            #totalM[:L, 2 * L:3 * L] = gap; totalM[L: 2 * L, 3 * L:] = -gap.T; totalM[3 * L:, L: 2 * L] = -gap.conj(); totalM[2 * L:3 * L, :L] = gap.conj().T;

            assert np.allclose(totalM, totalM.conj().T)

            # W = np.linalg.eigh(totalM / 2.)[1]
            #print(np.linalg.eigh(totalM / 2.)[0])
            #assert np.sum(np.abs(W - W * mask)) == 0

            #assert np.allclose(W[:W.shape[0] // 2, :W.shape[0] // 2], W[W.shape[0] // 2:, W.shape[0] // 2:].conj())
            #assert np.allclose(W[W.shape[0] // 2:, :W.shape[0] // 2], W[:W.shape[0] // 2, W.shape[0] // 2:].conj())

            Q, V = W[:W.shape[0] // 2, :W.shape[0] // 2], \
                   W[W.shape[0] // 2:, :W.shape[0] // 2]
            Z = (Q.dot(np.linalg.inv(V)))
            print('max U^{-1} = ', np.max(np.abs(np.linalg.inv(Q))), gap_val,

            np.save('Z_fast.npy', Z)
            result = Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, :Z.shape[0] // 2]

            Z = Z / np.max(np.abs(Z))
                    np.abs(Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, :Z.shape[0] // 2] +
                           Z[:Z.shape[0] // 2, Z.shape[0] // 2:].T)))
                        np.real(Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, :Z.shape[0] // 2] +
                                Z[:Z.shape[0] // 2, Z.shape[0] // 2:].T))))
                        np.imag(Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, :Z.shape[0] // 2] +
                                Z[:Z.shape[0] // 2, Z.shape[0] // 2:].T))))

            assert np.allclose(Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, :Z.shape[0] // 2],
                               -Z[:Z.shape[0] // 2, Z.shape[0] // 2:].T)
            assert np.allclose(Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, Z.shape[0] // 2:],
                               Z[Z.shape[0] // 2:, Z.shape[0] // 2:] * 0.0)
            assert np.allclose(Z[:Z.shape[0] // 2, :Z.shape[0] // 2],
                               Z[:Z.shape[0] // 2, :Z.shape[0] // 2] * 0.0)

            ##### preparing orbital idxs and teir initial values ####
            vol = 4 * Ls**2
            orbital_idxs = -np.ones((vol, vol), dtype=np.int64)

            f_ij = result
            f_ij = f_ij / np.abs(np.max(f_ij))
            np.save('f_ij_fast.npy', f_ij)

            current_orb_idx = 0
            for xshift in range(Ls):
                for yshift in range(Ls):
                    for iorb in range(4):
                        for jorb in range(4):
                            if yshift > 0:
                                for ipos in range(Ls**2):
                                    i = ipos * 4 + iorb
                                    oi, si, xi, yi = models.from_linearized_index(
                                        i, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals,
                                    j = models.to_linearized_index(
                                        (xi + xshift) % Ls, (yi + yshift) % Ls,
                                        jorb % 2, jorb // 2, Ls, 2, 2)
                                    if yi + yshift > Ls - 1:
                                        orbital_idxs[i, j] = current_orb_idx
                                current_orb_idx += 1

                            for ipos in range(Ls**2):
                                i = ipos * 4 + iorb
                                oi, si, xi, yi = models.from_linearized_index(
                                    i, config.Ls, config.n_orbitals,
                                j = models.to_linearized_index(
                                    (xi + xshift) % Ls, (yi + yshift) % Ls,
                                    jorb % 2, jorb // 2, Ls, 2, 2)
                                if yi + yshift <= Ls - 1:
                                    orbital_idxs[i, j] = current_orb_idx
                            current_orb_idx += 1
            print('FAST: orbitals after enforcing APBCy remaining:',
            for i in range(current_orb_idx):
                values = f_ij.flatten()[orbital_idxs.flatten() == i]
                assert np.isclose(np.std(values - values.mean()), 0.0)

            if np.allclose(f_ij, f_ij.T):
                    'FAST: symmetric f_ij = f_ji (singlet): restricting su(2) parameters'

                for i in range(vol):
                    for j in range(vol):
                        orb_ij = orbital_idxs[i, j]
                        orb_ji = orbital_idxs[j, i]
                        orbital_idxs[i, j] = np.min([orb_ij, orb_ji])
                        orbital_idxs[j, i] = np.min([orb_ij, orb_ji])
                new_orbitals = np.unique(orbital_idxs.flatten())
                mapping = list(np.sort(new_orbitals))

                for i in range(vol):
                    for j in range(vol):
                        orbital_idxs[i, j] = mapping.index(orbital_idxs[i, j])

                for i in range(len(mapping)):
                    values = f_ij.flatten()[orbital_idxs.flatten() == i]
                    assert np.isclose(np.std(values - values.mean()), 0.0)
                print('FAST: total orbitals su(2) with APBCy', len(mapping))
                current_orb_idx = len(mapping)

            TRS = np.concatenate([[2 * i + 1, 2 * i] for i in range(vol // 2)])
            f_trs = f_ij[:, TRS]
            f_trs = f_trs[TRS, :]
            if np.allclose(f_trs, f_ij):
                print('FAST: f_ij = TRS f_ij: resticting TRS parameters')

                for i in range(vol):
                    for j in range(vol):
                        orb_ij = orbital_idxs[i, j]
                        i_trs = ((i // 2) * 2) + (((i % 2) + 1) % 2)
                        j_trs = ((j // 2) * 2) + (((j % 2) + 1) % 2)
                        orb_ij_trs = orbital_idxs[i_trs, j_trs]
                        #print(f_ij[i, j], f_ij[i_trs, j_trs])
                        assert np.isclose(f_ij[i, j], f_ij[i_trs, j_trs])

                        orbital_idxs[i, j] = np.min([orb_ij, orb_ij_trs])
                                     j_trs] = np.min([orb_ij, orb_ij_trs])

                #for i in range(current_orb_idx):
                #    if np.sum(orbital_idxs.flatten() == i) == 0:
                #        print('orbital', i, 'is missing')
                new_orbitals = np.unique(orbital_idxs.flatten())
                mapping = list(np.sort(new_orbitals))

                for i in range(vol):
                    for j in range(vol):
                        orbital_idxs[i, j] = mapping.index(orbital_idxs[i, j])

                for i in range(len(mapping)):
                    values = f_ij.flatten()[orbital_idxs.flatten() == i]
                    assert np.isclose(np.std(values - values.mean()), 0.0)
                print('FAST: total orbitals su(2) with APBCy and TRS!',
                      len(mapping) + 1)
                current_orb_idx = len(mapping)

            np.save('orbital_idxs_fast.npy', orbital_idxs)

            f = open(
                        Ls, gap_idx, filling, gap_val)), 'w')
            f.write('NOrbitalIdx  {:d}\n'.format(current_orb_idx))
            f.write('== i_j_OrbitalIdx  ===\n')
            for k in range(current_orb_idx):
                mask = (orbital_idxs == k)
                val = np.sum(f_ij * mask) / np.sum(mask)
                f.write('{:d} {:.20f}  {:.20f}\n'.format(
                    k, val.real, val.imag))

            ########### writing the orbitals indexes ##########
            f = open(
                    path, 'orbitalidx_extended_{:d}_{:d}_{:d}.def'.format(
                        Ls, gap_idx, filling)), 'w')

            f.write('NOrbitalIdx         {:d}\n'.format(current_orb_idx))
            f.write('ComplexType          {:d}\n'.format(1))

            for i in range(config.Ls**2 * 4):
                for j in range(config.Ls**2 * 4):
                    f.write('    {:d}      {:d}      {:d}\n'.format(
                        i, j, orbital_idxs[i, j]))

            for i in range(current_orb_idx):
                f.write('    {:d}      1\n'.format(i))

            twist_exp = [
                np.exp(2.0j * np.pi * twist[0]),
                np.exp(2.0j * np.pi * twist[1])
            K_0_twisted = models.apply_TBC(config,

            ########### writing the K--matrix ##########
            K0_up_int = K0_up - np.diag(np.diag(K0_up))
            K0_down_int = K0_down - np.diag(np.diag(K0_down))

            f = open(

            f.write('NTransfer      {:d}\n'.format(
                2 * np.sum(np.abs(K0_up_int) > 1e-7)))

            for i in range(K_0_twisted.shape[0]):
                for j in range(K_0_twisted.shape[1]):
                    if np.abs(K0_up_int[i, j]) > 1e-7:
                            '    {:d}     0     {:d}     0   {:.6f}  {:.6f}\n'.
                            format(i, j, np.real(-K0_up_int[i, j]),
                                   np.imag(-K0_up_int[i, j])))
                            '    {:d}     1     {:d}     1   {:.6f}  {:.6f}\n'.
                            format(i, j, np.real(-K0_down_int[i, j]),
                                   np.imag(-K0_down_int[i, j])))
예제 #12
def plot_Jastrow(config, Jastrow, index):
    geometry = 'hexagonal' if config.n_sublattices == 2 else 'square'

    pairing, name = Jastrow

    if geometry == 'hexagonal':
        R = models.R_hexagonal
        R = models.R_square

    textshift = np.array([0.1, 0.1])

    x1, y1 = config.Ls // 2, config.Ls // 2
    for sublattice1 in range(config.n_sublattices):
        for orbit1 in range(config.n_orbitals):
            first = models.to_linearized_index(x1, y1, sublattice1, orbit1,
                                               config.Ls, config.n_orbitals,
            for second in range(config.total_dof // 2):
                orbit2, sublattice2, x2, y2 = models.from_linearized_index(deepcopy(second), config.Ls, \
                                                                           config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)

                if pairing[first, second] == 0:
                value = 1.

                labelstring = str(value)
                labelstring = '(' + str(orbit1) + '-' + str(
                    orbit2) + '), ' + labelstring + ' ' + str(index)

                r1 = np.array([x1, y1]).dot(R) + sublattice1 * np.array(
                    [1, 0]) / np.sqrt(3)  # always 0 in the square case
                r2 = np.array([
                    x2, y2
                ]).dot(R) + sublattice2 * np.array([1, 0]) / np.sqrt(3)

                r1_origin = np.array([x1, y1]).dot(R)
                r1 = r1 - r1_origin
                r2 = r2 - r1_origin
                if sublattice2 == 0:
                    plt.scatter(*r2, s=20, color='red')
                    plt.scatter(*r2, s=20, color='blue')

                if np.sum(np.abs(r1 - r2)) < 1e-5:
                    plt.plot([r1[0]], [r1[1]], marker='*', ms=10)

                textshift = np.array([r2[1] - r1[1], r1[0] - r2[0]])
                textshift = textshift / np.sqrt(np.sum(textshift**2) + 1e-5)
                shiftval = 0.1 - (orbit1 * config.n_orbitals +
                                  orbit2) * 0.1 / 2
                plt.text(*(r2 + shiftval * textshift +
                           np.random.uniform(-0.05, 0.05, 2)),

    plt.savefig('../plots/' + name + '.pdf')
예제 #13
def plot_wave(config, wave, name):
    geometry = 'hexagonal' if config.n_sublattices == 2 else 'square'

    if geometry == 'hexagonal':
        R = models.R_hexagonal
        R = models.R_square

    textshift = np.array([0.1, 0.1])

    x1, y1 = config.Ls // 2, config.Ls // 2
    for sublattice1 in range(config.n_sublattices):
        for orbit1 in range(config.n_orbitals):
            first = models.to_linearized_index(x1, y1, sublattice1, orbit1,
                                               config.Ls, config.n_orbitals,
            for second in range(config.total_dof // 2):
                orbit2, sublattice2, x2, y2 = models.from_linearized_index(deepcopy(second), config.Ls, \
                                                                           config.n_orbitals, config.n_sublattices)
                if wave[first, second] == 0:
                value_uu = wave[first, second]
                value_dd = wave[first + config.total_dof // 2,
                                second + config.total_dof // 2]

                labelstring_up = str(value_uu)
                if np.abs(value_uu.imag) < 1e-10:
                    labelstring_up = str(value_uu.real)
                elif geometry == 'hexagonal':
                    if np.abs(value_uu -
                              np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$\\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu +
                              np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$-\\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu -
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$\\omega^*$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu +
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$-\\omega^*$'

                    if np.abs(value_uu -
                              1.0j * np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$i \\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu +
                              1.0j * np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$-i \\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu - 1.0j *
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$i \\omega^*$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu + 1.0j *
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_up = '$-i \\omega^*$'

                    if np.abs(value_uu - 1.0j) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$i$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu + 1.0j) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$-i$'

                    if np.abs(value_uu - 1.0) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$1$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu + 1.0) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$-1$'

                    if np.abs(value_uu - 1.0j * np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$i\\sqrt{3}$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu + 1.0j * np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$-i\\sqrt{3}$'

                    if np.abs(value_uu - np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$\\sqrt{3}$'
                    if np.abs(value_uu + np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_up = '$-\\sqrt{3}$'

                labelstring_up = '(' + str(orbit1) + '-' + str(
                    orbit2) + '), ' + labelstring_up + ', $\\uparrow$'

                labelstring_down = str(value_dd)
                if np.abs(value_dd.imag) < 1e-10:
                    labelstring_down = str(value_dd.real)
                elif geometry == 'hexagonal':
                    if np.abs(value_dd -
                              np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$\\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd +
                              np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$-\\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd -
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$\\omega^*$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd +
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$-\\omega^*$'

                    if np.abs(value_dd -
                              1.0j * np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$i \\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd +
                              1.0j * np.exp(2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$-i \\omega$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd - 1.0j *
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$i \\omega^*$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd + 1.0j *
                              np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * 1.0j)) < 1e-11:
                        labelstring_down = '$-i \\omega^*$'

                    if np.abs(value_dd - 1.0j) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$i$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd + 1.0j) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$-i$'

                    if np.abs(value_dd - 1.0) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$1$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd + 1.0) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$-1$'

                    if np.abs(value_dd - 1.0j * np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$i\\sqrt{3}$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd + 1.0j * np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$-i\\sqrt{3}$'

                    if np.abs(value_dd - np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$\\sqrt{3}$'
                    if np.abs(value_dd + np.sqrt(3)) < 1e-7:
                        labelstring_down = '$-\\sqrt{3}$'

                labelstring_down = '(' + str(orbit1) + '-' + str(
                    orbit2) + '), ' + labelstring_down + ', $\\downarrow$'

                r1 = np.array([x1, y1]).dot(R) + sublattice1 * np.array(
                    [1, 0]) / np.sqrt(3)  # always 0 in the square case
                r2 = np.array([
                    x2, y2
                ]).dot(R) + sublattice2 * np.array([1, 0]) / np.sqrt(3)

                r1_origin = np.array([x1, y1]).dot(R)
                r1 = r1 - r1_origin
                r2 = r2 - r1_origin
                if sublattice2 == 0:
                    plt.scatter(*r2, s=20, color='red')
                    plt.scatter(*r2, s=20, color='blue')

                textshift = np.array([r2[1] - r1[1], r1[0] - r2[0]])
                textshift = textshift / np.sqrt(np.sum(textshift**2) + 1e-5)
                shiftval = 0.4 - (
                    (orbit1 * config.n_orbitals + orbit2) + 4) * 0.1
                plt.text(*(r2 + np.random.uniform(-0.003, 0.003, size=2) +
                           shiftval * textshift),
                shiftval = 0.4 - ((orbit1 * config.n_orbitals + orbit2)) * 0.1
                plt.text(*(r2 + np.random.uniform(-0.003, 0.003, size=2) +
                           shiftval * textshift),

    #plt.xlim([-0.5, 1.25])
    #plt.ylim([-0.75, 0.75])
    # plt.title(name + ' pairing')
    plt.savefig('../plots/' + name + '.pdf')