def api_create_game(request,*,process,stagename,story,chose,refstoryid,author): check_admin(request) #若无 stagename 则不创建stage tagid=next_id() if not story or not story.strip(): raise APIValueError("story",'story cannot be empty.') if not process or not process.strip(): raise APIValueError('process','process cannot be empty.') if not chose or not chose.strip(): raise APIValueError('chose','chose cannot be empty.') if not refstoryid or not refstoryid.strip(): raise APIValueError('refstoryid','refstoryid cannot be empty.') story = Story(tagid = tagid,process=process.strip(),story=story.strip(),author=author.strip()) storyid =yield from Story.findbycolumnname("tagid",'00151272809336730536a55a20d4b01b4853c53a08639f2000') # print( yield from l_chose = chose.split("#") l_refstoryid = refstoryid.split("#") for c in l_chose: i=0 tagid = next_id() choose = Chose(tagid=tagid,,choose = c) yield from chooseid= yield from Chose.findbycolumnname("tagid",tagid) refstory = refStory(tagid = next_id(),,refstoryid=l_refstoryid[i]) i=i+1 yield from return story
def blog_id(id): if request.method == 'POST': comment_content = request.form['comment_content'] comment_name = request.form['comment_name'] comment = Comment(id=next_id(), blog_id=id, user_id='guest', user_name=comment_name, user_image='', content=comment_content, created_at=time.time()) image = common.create_avatar_by_name(comment_name) user = User(id=next_id(), email='', passwd='', admin=0, name=comment_name, image=image, created_at=time.time()) # TODO 先使用name来进行判定是否唯一,后期希望能够使用email来判断是否唯一 _user = User.find_all('name= ?', [comment_name]) if len(_user) == 0: flash('comment and new user had been saved successfully!') blog = Blog.find(id) md_text = highlight.parse2markdown(blog.content) blog.html_content = md_text comments = Comment.find_all('blog_id= ?', [id]) return render_template('blogdetail.html', blog=blog, comments=comments)
async def send_message(loop): producer = AIOKafkaProducer( loop=loop, bootstrap_servers=configs.kafka.bootstrap_servers, acks='all', value_serializer=serializer) md5 = list() await producer.start() try: for i in range(10000): uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, 'test_123456%s' % i) passwd = hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() user_name = 'test_name%s' % i email = '*****@*****.**' % i image = '' % hashlib.md5( email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() admin = 0 await producer.send("my-topic", key=b'user', value=make_user_message( uid, passwd, user_name, email, image, admin)) md5.append( hashlib.md5((''.join( [uid, passwd, user_name, email, image, str(admin)])).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) blog_id = next_id() title = 'Test blog %s' % i summary = 'This is summary.' content = 'This is content......' await producer.send("my-topic", key=b'blog', value=make_blog_message( blog_id, uid, user_name, image, title, summary, content)) md5.append( hashlib.md5((''.join( [blog_id, uid, user_name, image, title, summary, content])).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) comment_id = next_id() await producer.send("my-topic", key=b'comment', value=make_comment_message( comment_id, blog_id, uid, user_name, image, content)) md5.append( hashlib.md5((''.join( [comment_id, blog_id, uid, user_name, image, content])).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) except Exception: raise finally: await producer.stop() return md5
def api_contract_new(*, userid, contractid): 'add contract' if not userid: raise APIValueError('userid') if not contractid: raise APIValueError('contractid') fromid = next_id() fcontract = Contract(id=fromid, userid=userid, contractid=contractid) fres = yield from toid = next_id() tcontract = Contract(id=toid, userid=contractid, contractid=userid) tres = yield from return {'fres': fres, 'tres': tres}
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) # 创建一个用户(密码是通过sha1加密保存) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) # 保存这个用户到数据库用户表 await'save user OK') # 构建返回信息 r = web.Response() # 添加cookie r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) # 只把要返回的实例的密码改成'******',库里的密码依然是正确的,以保证真实的密码不会因返回而暴漏 user.passwd = '******' # 返回的是json数据,所以设置content-type为json的 r.content_type = 'application/json' # 把对象转换成json格式返回 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_users(*, email, name, passwd):'in api_register_users') if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) #检查该email是否已经注册过 #'find users who have the email') if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() # 该email没注册过,则生成id,加密密码并完成注册,存到mysql的users表中 sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from # make session cookie:为该user生成cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode( 'utf-8') #将user对象转换成json格式的字符串 ,并存在response对象的body中返回 return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): #判断name是否为空: if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') #判断email是否为空及是否满足email格式: if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') #判断password首付为空及是否满足password格式: if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') #数据中查询对应的email信息: users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) #判断查询结果是否存在,若存在则返回异常提示邮件已存在: if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') #生成唯一ID: uid = next_id() #重构唯一ID和password成新的字符串: sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) #构建用户对象信息: #hashlib.sha1().hexdigest():取得SHA1哈希摘要算法的摘要值。 user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) #将用户信息存储到数据库: yield from # make session cookie: #构造session cookie信息: r = web.Response() #aiohttp.web.StreamResponse().set_cookie():设置cookie的方法。 r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) #max_age:定义cookie的有效期(秒); user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' #以json格式序列化响应信息; ensure_ascii默认为True,非ASCII字符也进行转义。如果为False,这些字符将保持原样。 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('password') # 要求邮箱是唯一的 users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:faild', 'email', 'Email is already in use') # 生成当前注册用户唯一的uid uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' %(uid, passwd) # 创建一个用户并保存 user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from'save user: %s ok' % name) # 构建返回信息 r = web.Response() # 添加cookie r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' # 设置返回的数据格式是json r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIValueError('refister failed.', 'email', 'email is ready in use') logging, info("register user: name:%s email:%s passwd:%s" % (name, email, passwd)) uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) img_str = '' user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image=img_str % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '********' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=failed).encode('utf-8') return r
async def register_user(*, email, name, passwrd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwrd: raise APIValueError('passwrd') users = await User.findAllOrMany('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIValueError('register:failed', 'email', 'email is already in case.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwrd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwrd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwrd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwrd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='about:blank') await logging.debug('保存用户...') #make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwrd = '********' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, name, email, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) # 判断邮箱是否已被注册 if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register: failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') # 计算密码SHA1散列值需要用到uid,故手动调用next_id uid = next_id() # 数据库保存uid+密码的SHA1散列值数据 sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), # Gravatar是一个第三方头像服务商,能把头像和邮件地址相关联。用户可以到http://www.gravatar.com注册并上传头像。 # 也可以通过直接在地址后面加上邮箱的MD5散列值获取默认头像。 image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await # 制作cookie返回 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' # 在上下文环境中掩盖user对象的passwd字段,并不影响数据库中passwd字段 r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, password): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not password or not _RE_SHA1.match(password): raise APIValueError('password') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register failed!', 'email', 'Email is already in use') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, password) admin = False if email == '*****@*****.**': admin = True user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), password=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), admin=admin) yield from'save user ok.') # 构建返回信息 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(_COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) # 把要返回的实例的密码改成‘******’,这样数据库中的密码是正确的,并保证真实的密码不会因返回而泄露 user.password = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json;charset:utf-8' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): #检查注册信息合法性 if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') #根据email查找用户是否已存在 users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', '该邮箱已被注册') #若注册信息合法,生成唯一id uid = next_id() #对密码进行加密后,将用户信息存入数据库 sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from r = web.Response() #设置cookie r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passed = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' #返回json数据,ensure_ascii=False,即非ASCII字符将保持原样,不进行转义 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_authenticate(*, username, password): if not username: raise APIValueError('username', 'Invalid username') if not password or not _RE_SHA1.match(password): raise APIValueError('password', 'Invalid password') # users = yield from User.findAll('username=?', username) # if len(users)> 0: # raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') users = yield from User.findAll('username=?', username) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'username', 'Username is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, password) user = User(id=uid, username=username.strip(), password=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.password = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd):"register info:%s, %s, %s" % (name, email, passwd)) if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError("name") if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError("email") if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError("passwd") users = yield from User.findall("email=?", [email]) if users and len(users) > 0: raise APIError("register:failed", "email", "Email already in use.") uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = "%s:%s" % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), image="" % hashlib.md5(email.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()) yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = "******" r.content_type = "application/json" r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8") return r
def save_blog(): id = next_id() user_id = 'admin' user_name = 'fantianwen' file = request.files['blog_image'] file.filename = change_file_name(file.filename, id) user_image = file.filename name = request.form['blog_title'] summary = request.form['blog_summary'] content = request.form['blog_content'] category = request.form['blog_category'] created_at = time.time() year = common.get_year(created_at) month = common.get_month(created_at) day = common.get_day(created_at) if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) blog = Blog(id=id, user_id=user_id, user_name=user_name, user_image=user_image, name=name, summary=summary, content=content, category=category, created_at=created_at, year=year, month=month, day=day) flash('保存成功') return render_template('/welcome.html')
def manage_update_user(request, *, id, upfile): check_admin(request) print("filename:%s" % upfile.filename) f = upfile.file save_name = next_id() + os.path.splitext(upfile.filename)[1] url = '/static/umeditor/images/' + save_name store_path = os.path.join(get_cur_dir(), 'static\\umeditor\\images\\' + save_name) print("cur dir:%s, store path:%s" % (get_cur_dir(), store_path)) if f: image = open(store_path, "w+b") image.write( image.close() user = yield from User.find(id) if len(user) == 0: raise APIResourceNotFoundError("user was not found.") user.image = url yield from user.update() blogs = yield from Blog.findall("user_id=?", id) for blog in blogs: blog.user_image = user.image yield from blog.update() comments = yield from Comment.findall("user_id=?", id) for comment in comments: comment.user_image = user.image yield from comment.update() return None
async def api_register_user(*,name,email,passwd): if not name or not name.strip():#如果名字是空格或没有返错 raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd and not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('password') users = await User.findAll(where='email=?', args=[email])# 查询邮箱是否已注册,查看ORM框架源码 if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed','email','Email is already in use.') # 接下来就是注册到数据库上,具体看会ORM框架中的models源码 # 这里用来注册数据库表id不是使用Use类中的默认id生成,而是调到外部来,原因是后面的密码存储摘要算法时,会把id使用上。 uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())# await #制作cookie返回返回浏览器客户端 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' # 掩盖passwd r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): """kw var : email, name, passwd""" if not email or not _reEmail.match(email): #判断该邮箱是否符合自己的规范 raise APIValueError('email') if not name or not name.strip(): # 移除字符串头尾的空格 raise APIValueError( 'name' ) #如果名字是空格或没有返错,这里感觉not name可以省去,因为在web框架中的RequsetHandler已经验证过一遍了 if not passwd or not _reSha1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email] ) # 对应 where, args 参数 #查询邮箱是否已注册,查看ORM框架源码 if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('注册失败', email, '邮箱已经被使用') uid = next_id() #随机生成一个主键 sha1Passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) #进行密码加密 ,密码再加密 user = User(id=uid, email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1Passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), name=name.strip(), image='about:blank') await #进行注册 # cookie的制作 r = web.Response() #设置cookie r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) # httponly指定JS不能获取COOKIE user.passwd = '******' # 清理内存中的passwd r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') # 转换成JSON格式 return r
async def api_register_user(*, name, email, password, image): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not password or not _RE_SHA1.match(password): raise APIValueError('password') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) # 判断邮箱是否已被注册 if len(users)>0: raise APIError('register: failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid=next_id() user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, password=password, # Gravatar是一个第三方头像服务商,能把头像和邮件地址相关联。用户可以到http://www.gravatar.com注册并上传头像。 # 也可以通过直接在地址后面加上邮箱的MD5散列值获取默认头像。 image=image ) #保存注册用户 await # 制作cookie返回 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.password = '******' # 在上下文环境中掩盖user对象的password字段,并不影响数据库中password字段 r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) # 保存注册的用户信息 yield from # 组织session cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in user.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image= '' ) await r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_create_comment(request, *, user, content): #新建系统消息 check_admin(request) if not user or not user.strip(): raise APIValueError('user', 'user cannot be empty.') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content', 'content cannot be empty.') uid = next_id() if user == '*': users = await User.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc') for item in users: item.message += '#%s' % uid await item.update() else: users = await User.findAll('name=?', [user]) if len(users) == 0: raise APIValueError('user', 'user do not exit.') users[0].message += '#%s' % uid await users[0].update() comment = Comment(id=uid, xinxi_id='0', ku=user, user_id='0', user_name='admin', user_image=' ', content=content.strip()) await return comment
async def api_register_user(*, school_num, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not school_num or not _RE_NUM.match(school_num): raise APIValueError('school_num') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('school_num=?', [school_num]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError(4, 'register:failed', 'school_num', 'School_num is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), school_num=school_num, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(school_num.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, usertocookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) #存cookie user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') #print(r.body) return r
def mymanage_create_blog(): return { '__template__': 'mymanage_blog_edit.html', 'id': '', 'new_id': next_id(), 'action': '/myapi/blogs' }
def api_register_user(*, email, name, password): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not password or not _RE_SHA256.match(password): raise APIValueError('password') users = yield from User.find_all('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('Register failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_password = '******'.format(uid, password)'register password:{}, sha1_password:{}'.format( password, sha1_password)) user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, password=hashlib.sha1(sha1_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='{}?d=identicon&s=120'.format( hashlib.md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())) yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.password = '******' * 8 r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd,img_uuid): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIValueError('email', 'Email is already in use.') users = yield from User.findAll('name=?', [name]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIValueError('name', 'name is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) img_path="/static/HeadImg/" img_path=img_path+img_uuid img_path=img_path+".jpg" path=os.path.abspath('.') path=os.path.join(path,"static") path=os.path.join(path,"HeadImg") path=os.path.join(path,"%s.jpg" % img_uuid) if not os.path.exists(path): img_path="/static/img/default.jpg" user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image=img_path) yield from # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): # 对客户端传递过来的参数进行校验 # strip()函数用于出去字符串两端的空格 if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') # 该邮箱是否已注册 users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) # 根据email条件查找该邮箱是否已经注册 if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() # 数据库中存储的passwd是经过SHA1计算后的40位Hash字符串,所以服务器端并不知道用户的原始口令。 sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) # 利用uid和用户提交的密码混合,作为sha1_passwd user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) # 将用户保存到数据库中 await # make session cookie: r = web.Response() # 86400秒为24小时 # 设置cookie r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '********' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match * email: raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIValueError('register: failed', 'email', 'Email is already in user.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s: %s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd)) yield from # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def API_UserRegister(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email = ?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User( id = uid, name = name.strip(), email = email, passwd = hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image = r'E:\Study\Git\Python\myPython3WebApp\www\static\img\user.png' ) await #make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, pwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError("name") if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError("email") if not pwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(pwd): raise APIValueError("password") users = await User.find_all("email=?", [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError("register: failed", "email", "Email is already in use.") uid = next_id() sha1_pwd = f"{uid}:{pwd}" user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, pwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_pwd.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), image= f"{hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()}?d=mm&s=120" ) await # 生成session r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, _COOKIE_TIMEOUT), max_age=_SESSION_TIMEOUT, httponly="True") user.pwd = "123123" r.content_type = "application/json" r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8") return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, password): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError("name") if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError("email") if not password or not _RE_SHA1.match(password): raise APIValueError("password") users = yield from User.findAll("email=?", [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError("register:failed", "email", "Email is already in use.") uid = next_id() sha1_password = "******" % (uid, password) user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, password=hashlib.sha1(sha1_password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), image="/static/img/user.png", ) yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.password = "******" r.content_type = "application/json" r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8") return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): """ 用户注册api """ if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not Glo._RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not Glo._RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is alrealy used.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '{}:{}'.format(uid, passwd) user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image=Glo.get_avatar(hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) ) await # make session cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie( Glo._COOKIE_NAME, Glo.user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True ) user.passwd = '****' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('passwd') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email = ?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id = uid, name = name.strip(), email = email, passwd = hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image = '' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await #制作会话cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age = 86400, httponly = True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8') return r # @get('/api/users') # async def api_get_users(*, page = '1'): # # page_index = get_page_index(page) # # num = await User.findNumber('c**t(id)') # # p = Page(num, page_index) # # if num == 0: # # return dict(page = p, users = ()) # users = await User.findAll(orderBy = 'created_at desc') # for u in users: # u.passwd = '******' # return dict( users = users)
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('password') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) passwd = hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() image = '' % hashlib.md5( email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() user = User(uid=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=passwd, image=image) await # make session in cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '********' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def apiCreateUser(*, name, email, passwd): '''用户注册''' # 输入验证 if name is None or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name', 'invalid name') if email is None or not _reEmail.match(email): raise APIValueError('email', 'invalid email') if passwd is None or not _reSha1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd', 'invalid password') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use') # password 加密 uid = next_id() sha1Passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) u = User(id=uid, email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1Passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), name=name, image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await # session resp = web.Response() resp.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(u, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) u.passwd = '******' resp.content_type = 'application/json' resp.body = json.dumps(u, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return resp
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') d = dict() d['email'] = email users = await User.findAll(**d) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='about:blank') await # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) r.content_type = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' r.body = 'register:success'.encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): ''' Store user register info ''' if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') users = await User.findAll('name=?', [name]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'name', 'Username is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) # hashlib.sha1().hexdigest():取得SHA1哈希摘要算法的摘要值。 # 用户口令是客户端传递的经过SHA1计算后的40位Hash字符串,所以服务器端并不知道用户的原始口令 user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await # make session cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' # 以json格式序列化响应信息; ensure_ascii默认为True,非ASCII字符也进行转义。如果为False,这些字符将保持原样。 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, password): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not password or not _RE_SHA1.match(password): raise APIValueError('password') users = await User.find_all('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register: failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use') uid = next_id() sha1_password = '******' % (uid, password) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, password=hashlib.sha1( sha1_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='blank:about') await ret = web.Response() ret.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.password = '******' ret.content_type = 'application/json' ret.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return ret
def api_register_fbuser(*, email, name, passwd, number, birthday): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') if not number.isdigit(): raise APIValueError('number should > 0') #if not birthday: # raise APIValueError('birthday') print("number:" + number) #validation user fbusers = yield from FBUser.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(fbusers) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) fbuser = FBUser(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), number=number, birthday=birthday.strip()) yield from # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(fbuser, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) fbuser.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(fbuser, cls=CJsonEncoder, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(): uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, request.json['passwd']) user = User(id=uid, name=request.json['name'].strip(), email=request.json['email'], passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() r=jsonify({'db':'1'}) r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) r.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8' return r
def api_create_comments(id, request, *, content): user = request.__user__ if user is None: raise APIPermissionError('content') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content') blog = yield from Blog.find(id) if blog is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog') comment = Comment(id=next_id(),,, image=user.image, content=content.strip()) yield from return comment
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd):'api_register_user...') #判断name是否存在,且是否'\n','\r','\t',' '这种特殊字符 if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') #判断email是否存在,且符合格式 if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email):'email api_register_user...') raise APIValueError('email') #判断passwd是否存在,且是否符合格式 if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd):'passwd api_register_user...') raise APIValueError('passwd') #查一下库里是否有相同的email地址,如果有的话提示用户email已经被注册过 users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use') #生成一个当前要注册的用户的唯一uid uid = next_id() #构建shal_passwd sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) admin = False if email == '*****@*****.**': admin = True #创建一个用户,密码通过sha1加密保存 user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode( 'utf-8')).hexdigest(), admin=admin) #保存这个用户到数据库用户表 yield from'save user OK') #构建返回信息 r = web.Response() #添加cookie r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) #只把要返回的实例的密码改成‘******’,库里的密码依然是真实的,以保证真实的密码不会因返回而暴露 user.passwd = '******' #返回的是json数据,所以设置content-type为json的 r.content_type = 'application/json' #把对象转换成json格式返回 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not email and not name and not passwd: raise Exception('missing arguments for register') if not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise Exception('illegal email') if not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise Exception('illegal passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise Exception('email existed') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid , passwd) user = User(id=uid, email=email, name=name.strip(), passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image="blank:about", created_at=time.time()) await r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 60*60*24), max_age=60*60*24, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', email) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode()).hexdigest(), # image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode()).hexdigest()) image='/static/img/user.png', admin=True) yield from r = web.Response() r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode() return r
def api_register(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), groups='001449655503983177fbe60d9744c9d99c77ed1a7612acd000') yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, MAX_AGE), max_age=MAX_AGE, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return(r)
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): """ save in table: USER 登录之后,可以增加邮箱激活模块,邮件激活。 """"......................") if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError("name") if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError("email") if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError("passwd") users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) # 创建用户对象, 其中密码并不是用户输入的密码,而是经过复杂处理后的保密字符串 # sha1(secure hash algorithm),是一种不可逆的安全算法. # hexdigest()函数将hash对象转换成16进制表示的字符串 # md5是另一种安全算法 # Gravatar(Globally Recognized Avatar)是一项用于提供在全球范围内使用的头像服务。 # 便可以在其他任何支持Gravatar的博客、论坛等地方使用它。此处image就是一个根据用户email生成的头像 user = User( id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), # image="" % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image="about:blank" ) yield from # 此处的cookie:网站为了辨别用户身份而储存在用户本地终端的数据 # http协议是一种无状态的协议,即服务器并不知道用户上一次做了什么.服务器通过cookie跟踪用户状态。 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) # 86400s=24h # 修改密码的外部显示为* ? user.passwd = '*****' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*,email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError("name") if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError("email") if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError("passwd") users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) # mysql parameters are listed in list if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image="" % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from # make session cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '*****' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='') await # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): # 判断name是否存在,且是否只是'\n', '\r', '\t', ' ',这种特殊字符 if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') # 判断email和passwd是否存在,且是否符合规定的正则表达式 if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') # 查一下库里是否有相同的email地址,如果有的话提示用户email已经被注册过 users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') # 生成一个当前要注册用户的唯一uid uid = next_id() # 构建shal_passwd sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) admin = False if email == '*****@*****.**': admin = True # 创建一个用户 # 用户口令是客户端传递的经过SHA1计算后的40位Hash字符串,所以服务器端并不知道用户的原始口令 user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) # 保存这个用户到数据库用户表 yield from'save user OK') # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) # 只把要返回的实例的密码改成'******',库里的密码依然是正确的,以保证真实的密码不会因返回而暴漏 user.passwd = '******' # 返回的是json数据,所以设置content-type为json的 r.content_type = 'application/json' # 把对象转换成json格式返回 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): # 判断email是否存在,且是否符合规定的正则表达式 raise APIError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) # 查一下库里是否有相同的email地址,如果有的话提示用户email已经被注册过 if len(users): raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() # 生成一个当前要注册用户的唯一uid sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) admin = False if email == _ADMIN_EMAIL: admin = True # 创建一个用户(密码是通过sha1加密保存) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), admin=admin) # 注意数据库中存储的passwd是经过SHA1计算后的40位Hash字符串,所以服务器端并不知道用户的原始口令。 await # 保存这个用户到数据库用户表'save user OK') r = web.Response() # 构建返回信息 r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) # 86400代表24小时 user.passwd = '******' # 只把要返回的实例的密码改成'******',库里的密码依然是正确的,以保证真实的密码不会因返回而暴漏 r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False, default=lambda o: o.__dict__).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*,name, email, passwd): # 注册信息包括用户名,邮箱与密码 # 验证输入的正确性 if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError("name") if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError("email") if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError("passwd") # 在数据库里查看是否已存在该email users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) # mysql parameters are listed in list if len(users) > 0: # findAll的结果不为0,说明数据库已存在同名email,抛出异常报错 raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') # 数据库内无相应的email信息,说明是第一次注册 uid = next_id() # 利用当前时间与随机生成的uuid生成user id sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) # 将user id与密码的组合赋给sha1_passwd变量 # 创建用户对象, 其中密码并不是用户输入的密码,而是经过复杂处理后的保密字符串 # unicode对象在进行哈希运算之前必须先编码 # sha1(secure hash algorithm),是一种不可逆的安全算法.这在一定程度上保证了安全性,因为用户密码只有用户一个人知道 # hexdigest()函数将hash对象转换成16进制表示的字符串 # md5是另一种安全算法 # Gravatar(Globally Recognized Avatar)是一项用于提供在全球范围内使用的头像服务。只要在Gravatar的服务器上上传了你自己的头像,便可以在其他任何支持Gravatar的博客、论坛等地方使用它。此处image就是一个根据用户email生成的头像 user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image="" % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from # 将用户信息储存到数据库中,save()方法封装的实际是数据库的insert操作 # 这其实还是一个handler,因此需要返回response. 此时返回的response是带有cookie的响应 r = web.Response() # 刚创建的的用户设置cookiei(网站为了辨别用户身份而储存在用户本地终端的数据) # http协议是一种无状态的协议,即服务器并不知道用户上一次做了什么. # 因此服务器可以通过设置或读取Cookies中包含信息,借此维护用户跟服务器会话中的状态 # user2cookie设置的是cookie的值 # max_age是cookie的最大存活周期,单位是秒.当时间结束时,客户端将抛弃该cookie.之后需要重新登录 r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 600), max_age=600, httponly=True) # 设置cookie最大存会时间为10min # r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) #86400s=24h user.passwd = '*****' # 修改密码的外部显示为* # 设置content_type,将在data_factory中间件中继续处理 r.content_type = 'application/json' # json.dumps方法将对象序列化为json格式 r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): # strip():去除多余空格 if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.find_all('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() # 密码以sha1形式保存在数据库(uid:passwd)=> sha1 sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) yield from r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email])'valid pass') if len(users) > 0: raise APIValueError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id = uid, name = name.strip(), email = email, passwd = hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image = '') yield from # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age = 86400, httponly = True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8') return r
def test(*,objectid,qrcontent): nextId=next_id() arr=yield from queryQrObjectId(objectid) rows=0 if len(arr)>0: ##update"update objectid() %s" % objectid) q=arr[0] q["qrcontent"]=qrcontent rows=yield from q.update() else: ##insert q=QrTable(objectid=objectid,qrindex=nextId,qrcontent=qrcontent)"insert qrindex() %s" % nextId) rows= yield from if rows!=1: return dict(errCode=False,content="") else: arr=yield from queryQrObjectId(objectid) qOBJ=arr[0] return dict(errCode=True,content=qrindexUrl(qOBJ))
def api_post_users(*,email,name,passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_PASSWD_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('password') users=yield from User.findAll('email=?',[email])#this ,I have implemented this? if len(users)>0: raise APIError('register:failed','email','same email was already used') uid=next_id() password_sha1='%s:%s' % (uid,passwd) user=User(id=uid,name=name.strip(),email=email,passwd=hashlib.sha1(password_sha1.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() , image='12345') yield from #make session cookies r=web.Response() #r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME,user2cookie(user,86400),max_age=86400,httponly=True) user.passwd='******' r.content_type='application/json' r.body=json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = yield from User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) #user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='../timg.jpg') user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) #user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='') yield from # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r