def __main_process__(input_string): # the game model global game, counter, game_limit, game_hints, main_word, bool_index global game_score if len(input_string) == 1: # if user input was a single char indexes =, input_string) if len(indexes) != 0: H.update(bool_index, indexes) counter += len(indexes) else: # less or more than one words compare differently if input_string == main_word: H.game_done(bool_index) game_score += game_hints game = False elif input_string == "hint()": # using the hints if game_hints > 0: H.hint(bool_index, main_word) game_hints -= 1 game_limit += 1 counter += 1 else: return if counter == word_len: game_score += 1 game = False if game_limit == 0: game = False game_limit += 1 game_limit -= 1
def update_movie(movie_id): try: movie = Movies.query.filter( == movie_id).first_or_404() if not movie: raise movie_props = ['title', 'release_date', 'actors'] movie_data = {} for prop in movie_props: if prop in request.get_json(): movie_data[prop] = request.get_json()[prop] movie_data = validate_movie(**movie_data, updating=True) for prop, val in movie_data.items(): setattr(movie, prop, val) update() response = { 'success': True, 'movies': [movie.format()] } except UnprocessableEntity: raise except NotFound: raise except Exception: print(sys.exc_info()) raise BadRequest return jsonify(response)
def update_actor(actor_id): try: actor = Actors.query.filter( == actor_id).first_or_404() actor_props = ['name', 'gender', 'age', 'movies'] actor_data = {} for prop in actor_props: if prop in request.get_json(): actor_data[prop] = request.get_json()[prop] actor_data = validate_actor(**actor_data, updating=True) for prop, val in actor_data.items(): setattr(actor, prop, val) update() response = { 'success': True, 'actors': [actor.format()] } except UnprocessableEntity: raise except NotFound: raise except Exception: print(sys.exc_info()) raise BadRequest return jsonify(response)
def update(): if 'editid' in s: userid = s['editid'] else: userid = s['name'] form = UpdateForm(request.form) get_info = models.get_info(userid) if request.method == 'POST': user = models.update(, userid,,, ) if user != 1: hriks( "ERROR! Already on this role, or you hadn't updated anything" ) return redirect(url_for('update')) else: hriks( 'Successfully role changed for %s to %s' % ( userid, ) s['editid'] = None return redirect(url_for('users')) return render( 'forms/update.html', form=form, userid=userid, get_info=get_info )
def manage(taxonomy): if taxonomy not in models.TAXONOMY['types']: return render_template("404.html"), 404 if request.method == 'POST': if request.form['action'] == "NEW": models.add_new(taxonomy, request.form) elif request.form['action'] == "DELETE": models.delete(taxonomy, request.form['key']) elif request.form['action'] == "UPDATE": models.update(taxonomy, request.form) elif "ADD_MEMBER" in request.form['action']: member_typ = request.form['action'][10:] models.add_member(taxonomy, member_typ, request.form) name = views.key2name(taxonomy) collection = views.get_all(taxonomy) fields = models.get_fields(taxonomy) return render_template('manage.html', name=name, collection=collection, fields=fields)
def post(request): """Post to Twitter""" form = PostForm(request.REQUEST) u = session_user(request.session) tw = Twitter(request.session["access_token"]) if request.method == u"POST" and not form.errors: status = form.cleaned_data["status"] in_reply_to = form.cleaned_data.get("in_reply_to", u"") if status.startswith(u"d "): recipient = status.split()[1] if not is_follower(tw, recipient): return cant_dm(request, recipient) try: update(tw, request.session["screen_name"], status, in_reply_to) except: return fail(request, _(u"Couldn't post to Twitter, they are lame." u" Refresh to try again.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("home")) if request.method == u"GET": status = request.GET.get("status", u"") if status.startswith(u"d "): recipient = status.split()[1] if not is_follower(tw, recipient): return cant_dm(request, recipient) form["status"].field.required = False if "in_reply_to" in form.errors: return fail(request, _(u"%s is not a valid status to reply to." % request.REQUEST["in_reply_to"])) ctx = { "form": form, "user": u, } return render_to_response(u"followize/post.html", ctx)
def id(id): book = Book.query.filter_by(id=id).first() #id = form = SelectForm(title=book.title,, quantity=book.quantity, price=book.price) if form.validate_on_submit(): if models.remove(id=id) return home() elif title = author = quantity = price = models.update(id, title, author, quantity, price) return home() return render_template("id.html", form=form)
def prediction_show(self): ''' show prediction, and emit signal with prediction to controller :return: ''' # draw probability plot plot = models.update() cmd = None # write result if len(global_vars.jsonarray) > 0: prediction = max(global_vars.jsonarray, key=lambda x: global_vars.jsonarray[x]) if global_vars.jsonarray[prediction] * 100 > self.threshold: self.label_predict.setText(GESTURE_CLASSES[int(prediction)]) cmd = GESTURE_CLASSES[int(prediction)] else: self.label_predict.setText('nothing') showImage = QtGui.QImage(, plot.shape[1], plot.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.label_probability.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) # emit sigal if cmd is not None and self.controller.status == 'online': self.signal_command_send.emit(cmd)
def put(self, book_id): # PUT http://[hostname]/api/books/[book_id] 更新書本資料 args = self.reqparse.parse_args() return models.update(book_id, args)
def put(self): update(request.json["id"], request.json["name"], request.json["status"], request.json["limit"])
def Main(): global turn_on_prediction, model, binaryMode, bkgrndSubMode, mask, takebkgrndSubMask, x0, y0, width, height, saveImg, gestname, path quietMode = False font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX size = 0.5 fx = 10 fy = 350 fh = 18 # Call CNN model loading callback while True: ans = int(input(banner)) if ans == 1: model = models.load_model() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model.cuda() break elif ans == 2: global_vars.use_gpu = False model = models.load_model() break elif ans == 3: model = models.load_model(False) models.trainModel(model) input("Press any key to continue") break else: print("Get out of here!!!") return 0 ## Grab camera input cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cv2.namedWindow('Original', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # set rt size as 640x480 ret = cap.set(3, 640) ret = cap.set(4, 480) framecount = 0 fps = "" start = time.time() plot = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), np.uint8) while (True): # 持续识别 ret, frame = max_area = 0 frame = cv2.flip(frame, 3) frame = cv2.resize(frame, (640, 480)) # 图像预处理 if ret == True: if bkgrndSubMode == True: roi = bkgrndSubMask(frame, x0, y0, width, height, framecount, plot) elif binaryMode == True: roi = binaryMask(frame, x0, y0, width, height, framecount, plot) else: roi = skinMask(frame, x0, y0, width, height, framecount, plot) framecount = framecount + 1 end = time.time() timediff = (end - start) if (timediff >= 1): # timediff = end - start fps = 'FPS:%s' % (framecount) start = time.time() framecount = 0 # roi = frame[y0:y0 + height, x0:x0 + width] # if turn_on_prediction == True and (framecount % 5) == 4: # t = threading.Thread(target=myNN.guessGesture, args=[model, roi,False]) # t.start() cv2.putText(frame, fps, (10, 20), font, 0.7, (0, 255, 0), 2, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'Options:', (fx, fy), font, 0.7, (0, 255, 0), 2, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'b - Toggle Binary/SkinMask', (fx, fy + fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'x - Toggle Background Sub Mask', (fx, fy + 2 * fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'g - Toggle Prediction Mode', (fx, fy + 3 * fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'q - Toggle Quiet Mode', (fx, fy + 4 * fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'n - To enter name of new gesture folder', (fx, fy + 5 * fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 's - To start capturing new gestures for training', (fx, fy + 6 * fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.putText(frame, 'ESC - Exit', (fx, fy + 7 * fh), font, size, (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) ## If enabled will stop updating the main openCV windows ## Way to reduce some processing power :) if not quietMode: cv2.imshow('Original', frame) cv2.imshow('ROI', roi) if turn_on_prediction == True: # plot = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), np.uint8) plot = models.update() cv2.imshow('Gesture Probability', plot) ############## Keyboard inputs ################## key = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xff ## Use Esc key to close the program if key == 27: break ## Use b key to toggle between binary threshold or skinmask based filters elif key == ord('b'): binaryMode = not binaryMode bkgrndSubMode = False if binaryMode: print("Binary Threshold filter active") else: print("SkinMask filter active") ## Use x key to use and refresh Background SubMask filter elif key == ord('x'): takebkgrndSubMask = True bkgrndSubMode = True print("BkgrndSubMask filter active") ## Use g key to start gesture predictions via CNN elif key == ord('g'): turn_on_prediction = not turn_on_prediction print("Prediction Mode - {}".format(turn_on_prediction)) ## Use i,j,k,l to adjust ROI window elif key == ord('i'): y0 = y0 - 5 elif key == ord('k'): y0 = y0 + 5 elif key == ord('j'): x0 = x0 - 5 elif key == ord('l'): x0 = x0 + 5 ## Quiet mode to hide gesture window elif key == ord('q'): quietMode = not quietMode print("Quiet Mode - {}".format(quietMode)) ## Use s key to start/pause/resume taking snapshots ## numOfSamples controls number of snapshots to be taken PER gesture elif key == ord('s'): saveImg = not saveImg if gestname != '': saveImg = True else: print("Enter a gesture group name first, by pressing 'n'") saveImg = False ## Use n key to enter gesture name elif key == ord('n'): gestname = input("Enter the gesture folder name: ") try: os.makedirs(gestname) except OSError as e: # if directory already present if e.errno != 17: print('Some issue while creating the directory named -' + gestname) path = "./" + gestname + "/" # elif key != 255: # print key # Realse & destroy cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()