예제 #1
    def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
        # validate that the json exists and is valid
            if not request.json:
                return jsonify(**error_responses_all('json_invalid'))
        except JSONDecodeError:
            return jsonify(**error_responses_all('json_invalid'))

        # validate that token exists
        token = request.json.get('access_token', None)

        if not token:
            return jsonify(**error_responses_all('access_token_missing'))

        # validate that an authorization exists matching the provided token
        # the token should have been obtained from the /authorize endpoint
        # per the oauth 2 draft spec
        auth = Authorization.get_with_token(token)

        # obviosly if there's no matching authorization break and notify
        if not auth:
            return jsonify(**error_responses_all('access_token_invalid'))

        return route(auth.authorizer, *args, **kwargs)