예제 #1
 def test_put_bad_data(self):
     # invalid request.data should get a 400 response 
     av = Av(key=self.key)
     # Good data would be newline delimited key=val pairs.  Form-encoded
     # data is invalid.
     bad_data = 'owners=foo,bar&favcolor=blue'
     res = self.put(self.url, bad_data)
     assert res.status_code == 400
예제 #2
    def test_bad_create_user(self):
        # non-superuser should not be able to create new user
        regular_joe = Av(key=self.key)

        other_key = random_chars(20)
        url = '/api/1/av/%s/' % other_key
        res = self.put(url, 'owners=foo,bar')
        assert res.status_code == 404
예제 #3
    def test_good_get(self):
        # existing user should be able to get own data
        av = Av(key=self.key)
        res = self.get(self.url)
        assert res.status_code == 200

        # The first line of responses should have "MCDATA", followed by a
        # space, followed by the key of the av whose data was just fetched.
        assert res.data.split('\n')[0] == 'MCDATA ' + self.key 
예제 #4
    def test_own_owner_save_data(self):
        # I saw a bug where someone couldn't edit data because they were in
        # their own owner list and I had misjudged the order of evaluation for
        # a 'not' and an 'or' in the same expression.  This test would fail if
        # that bug were still around.

        # Make an av with himself in owner list
        av = Av(
            owners=[Owner(key=self.key, name=self.key)]

        # Now try to PUT new data
        new_owners = [av.key, av.key, random_chars(10), random_chars(10)]
        new_data = 'owners=%s' % new_owners
        res = self.put(self.url, new_data)
        assert res.status_code == 200
예제 #5
def av_by_key(key):
    requester = request.headers[OWNER_HEADER]
        av = Av.objects.get(key=key)
    except Av.DoesNotExist:
        if request.method == 'PUT' and requester==SUPERUSER:
            # Only the superuser may create new records.
            logging.info('Creating new av record for %s' % key)
            av = Av(key=key)
            # XXX Unauthorized access has to return exactly the same response as
            # an av not existing in the DB.  Otherwise people can make requests to
            # others' urls and use the differing responses to see who has used the
            # service.
            logging.info('Av %s does not exist' % key)

    # Ensure that this person is allowed to access this data
    if not (key == av.key or av.has_owner(requester)):
        logging.info('%s denied access to %s' % (requester, av.key))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        return text(av.to_lsl())
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        if 'owners' in request.lsldata:
            # owners string will look like avkey,avname,av2key,av2name etc.
            # split it on commas, then zip into tuples of (key,name).  Iterate
            # over those tuples and ensure that there's a record for each one
            # in the DB's owner list.
            vals = request.lsldata['owners'].split(",")
            av.owners = [Owner(**{'key':i[0], 'name':i[1]}) for i in
                         zip(vals[::2], vals[1::2])]

        return text(av.to_lsl())
예제 #6
 def test_unsubscribed_put(self):
     # non-existent user should not be able to save data
     res = self.put(self.url, 'owners=foo,bar')
     assert Av.objects(key=self.key).count() == 0
     assert res.status_code == 404