예제 #1
  def update_bill(self, bill):
	Check if a bill exists in datastore, and update its stats.
	this_bill = Bill.get_by_key_name(bill['title']) 
	if this_bill is None: 
		this_bill = self.create_bill(bill)
		is_new_bill = True
	else: is_new_bill = False
	this_bill.rank = bill['rank']
	import urllib
	self.request_args = {'bill_id':  bill['id']}
	self.formatted_args = urllib.urlencode(self.request_args)
	from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
	fetch_page = urlfetch.fetch( url = OPENCONGRESS_INFO_URL + self.formatted_args,
								method = urlfetch.GET) 
	from utils.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup	
	document = BeautifulSoup(fetch_page.content)
	property_count = 0	 
	this_bill.introduction_date = str(document.findAll('li')[property_count]).split('</strong> ')[1].split('</li>')[0]
	this_bill.status = str(document.findAll('li')[property_count + 1]).split('</strong> ')[1].split('</li>')[0]
	if this_bill.status == "This Bill Has Become Law":  property_count = -1 # no next step
	else: this_bill.next_step = str(document.findAll('li')[property_count + 2]).split('</strong> ')[1].split('</li>')[0]
	this_bill.latest_action = str(document.findAll('li')[property_count + 3]).split('</strong> ')[1].split('</li>')[0]
	if len( this_bill.latest_action ) > 68: this_bill.latest_action = " ".join(this_bill.latest_action.split(' ')[:9]) + "..."
	this_bill.sponsor = str(document.findAll('li')[property_count + 4]).split('</strong> ')[1].split('</li>')[0].decode('utf-8')
	this_bill.sponsor_name = this_bill.sponsor.split("[")[0] 
	if is_new_bill: self.send_email_updates(this_bill)
예제 #2
  def get(self):    
	Renders an frame with a webpage used to create quizzes. For this app,
	the frame contains the text of pending Congressional legislation.
	import urllib 
	bill_name = urllib.unquote( self.request.path.split('/bill/')[1] )
	self.this_bill = Bill.get_by_key_name(bill_name)
	if self.this_bill is None:
	  logging.error('bill %s not found', bill_name) 
	  return self.redirect('/bill_not_found')
	from models import ProficiencyTopic
	template_values = {'url': self.get_bill_url(), 'subject_key': APP_NAME,
	                   'topic_name': self.this_bill.title, }
	path = tpl_path(TEMPLATE_PATH + 'iframe.html')
	self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))