예제 #1
def create_conversation(user_id, conversation):

	conversation_type = conversation.get('conversation_type')
	conversationees_list = conversation.get('conversationees_list')
	conversationees_list = list(set(conversation.get('conversationees_list',[])))

	if conversation_type == conversations_config.get('CONVERSATION_DIRECT_TYPE') and len(conversationees_list) != 2:
		raise InvalidConversationException('Direct conversations should have 2 conversationees')

	ct = ConversationType.get(ConversationType.name == conversation_type)
	c = Conversation()
	c.conversation_type = ct

	p_url = conversation.get('picture','')
	picture = None
	if p_url:
		picture = Photo()
		picture.url = p_url

	name = conversation.get('name','')
	cps = []
	myself = None

	for index, conversationee in enumerate(conversationees_list):
		n = None
		p = None

		if conversation_type == 'group':
			n = name
			p = picture
			data = get_user_data(index, conversationees_list)
			n = data[0]
			p = data[1]

		cp = ConversationParty()
		cp.conversation = c
		cp.name = n 
		cp.user = User.get(User.id==conversationee)
		cp.picture = p

		if conversationee == user_id:
			myself = cp

	with database.transaction():
		if picture:
		for cp in cps:

	return __jsonify_one_conversation(myself)
from models import BaseModel, User, Conversation, ConversationParty, ConversationType, Message, database
from web.chat_config import config as conversation_config
from datetime import datetime

# Conversations and ConversationParties
conversations = []
conversationparties = []

grupo = ConversationType()
grupo.name = conversation_config.get('CONVERSATION_GROUP_TYPE')

c1 = Conversation()
c1.conversation_type = grupo

# c2 = Conversation()
# c2.conversation_type = grupo
# conversations.append(c2)

# cp133 = ConversationParty()
# cp133.conversation=c2
# cp133.user=User.get(User.username=='ricardinho')
# cp133.name='Vale-Refeição'
# conversationparties.append(cp133)

# cp144 = ConversationParty()
# cp144.conversation=c2
# cp144.user=User.get(User.username=='felipinho')
# cp144.name='Vale-Refeição'
# conversationparties.append(cp144)