예제 #1
 def delete(id):
     entity = Facility.get(id)
     if (entity is None):
         raise ValueError("Facility does not exists")
         entity.active = False
	def _create_or_update_facility(self,submission,distance_threshold=1):
		Gets nearby submissions to determine duplicate by comparing name and submitter
		If the submitted facility already exists, it is updated; if not, it is created
		# # get facility/submissions within the set distance (in km)
		# distance_filter = (submission.location,D(km=distance_threshold))
		# for facility in Facility.objects.filter(location__dwithin=distance_filter):
			# if not facility.name or facility.name == submission.name: # TODO: use proper string comparison function
				# for field in 'name address type'.split():
					# new_value = getattr(submission,field,None)
					# existing_value = getattr(facility,field,None)
					# if new_value and not existing_value:
						# # currently keeps existing value
						# # TODO: if a value already exists, select the value with the highest submitter rating
						# setattr(facility,field,getattr(submission,field,None))
				# nearby_submissions = Submission.objects.filter(location__dwithin=distance_filter)
				# facility.location = nearby_submissions.collect().centroid()
				# facility.save()
				# return facility

		logging.info('The submission is new')
		facility_args = {}
		for field in 'name address type location'.split():
			facility_args[field] = getattr(submission,field)
		facility = Facility(**facility_args)
		return facility
예제 #3
 def save(entity):
     if entity.key is None:
         entity = Facility.save(entity)
         current = Facility.get(entity.key.urlsafe())
         if current is not None:
             current.facility_name = entity.facility_name
             current.facility_address = entity.facility_address
             current.facility_zipcode = entity.facility_zipcode
             current.facility_state = entity.facility_state
             current.facility_city = entity.facility_city
             current.contact_name = entity.contact_name
             current.contact_email = entity.contact_email
             current.contact_phone = entity.contact_phone
             current.hours_of_operation = entity.hours_of_operation
             current.active = entity.active
             current.latitude = entity.latitude
             current.longitude = entity.longitude
             entity = Facility.save(entity)
             raise ValueError("Facility does not exists")
     return entity