예제 #1
파일: load.py 프로젝트: mci/mpatlas
def wdpapoly2mpa():
    wpolys = WdpaPolygon.objects.all().defer(*WdpaPolygon.get_geom_fields()).order_by("wdpaid")
    count = 0
    for wpoly in wpolys:
        mpa, created = Mpa.objects.get_or_create(wdpa_id=wpoly.wdpaid)
        count += 1
        print count
        mpa.name = wpoly.name
        mpa.wdpa_id = wpoly.wdpaid
        mpa.country = wpoly.country
        mpa.sub_location = wpoly.sub_loc
        mpa.designation = wpoly.desig
        mpa.designation_eng = wpoly.desig_eng
        mpa.designation_type = wpoly.desig_type
        mpa.iucn_category = wpoly.iucn_cat
        mpa.int_criteria = wpoly.int_crit
        mpa.marine = wpoly.marine
        mpa.status = wpoly.status
        mpa.status_year = wpoly.status_yr
        mpa.area_notes = wpoly.area_notes
        mpa.rep_m_area = wpoly.rep_m_area
        mpa.calc_m_area = wpoly.gis_m_area
        mpa.rep_area = wpoly.rep_area
        mpa.calc_area = wpoly.gis_area
        mpa.gov_type = wpoly.gov_type
        mpa.mgmt_auth = wpoly.mang_auth
        mpa.mgmt_plan_ref = wpoly.mang_plan

        # mpa.geom_smerc = wpoly.geom_smerc
        # mpa.geom = wpoly.geom
        # mpa.geog = wpoly.geog


    # SQL update all geometry rows, much faster than through django
    print "UPDATE geometry columns"
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("UPDATE mpa_mpa SET geog = w.geog FROM wdpa_wdpapolygon as w WHERE mpa_mpa.wdpa_id = w.wdpaid")
    print "UPDATE complete"

예제 #2
파일: load.py 프로젝트: mci/mpatlas
def usmpa2mpa(usmpa_id=None):
    usmpas = USMpaPolygon.objects.all().defer(*USMpaPolygon.get_geom_fields()).order_by("site_id")
    if usmpa_id is not None:
        usmpas = usmpas.filter(site_id=usmpa_id)
    count = 0
    for usmpa in usmpas:
        mpa, created = Mpa.objects.get_or_create(usmpa_id=usmpa.site_id)
        count += 1
        print count, usmpa.site_name, usmpa.state, usmpa.site_id
        mpa.name = usmpa.site_name
        mpa.long_name = usmpa.site_name
        mpa.short_name = usmpa.site_label
        mpa.usmpa_id = usmpa.site_id
        mpa.country = "USA"

        mpa.mgmt_auth = usmpa.mgmt_agency
        if usmpa.mgmt_plan and usmpa.mgmt_plan.lower() != "no management plan":
            mpa.mgmt_plan_type = usmpa.mgmt_plan
        mpa.mgmt_plan_ref = None
        mpa.gov_type = usmpa.gov_level

        statecode = re.compile(r"^(\D\D)\d*")
        match = statecode.match(usmpa.site_id)
        if match:
            mpa.sub_location = match.group(1)
            print "  ", mpa.sub_location

        mpa.constancy = usmpa.constancy
        if usmpa.permanence == "Permanent":
            mpa.permanence = "Permanent"
        elif usmpa.permanence == "Conditional":
            mpa.permanence = "Non-Permanent - Conditional"
        elif usmpa.permanence == "Temporary":
            mpa.permanence = "Non-Permanent - Temporary"

        # mpa.designation = usmpa.desig
        # mpa.designation_eng = usmpa.desig_eng
        mpa.designation_type = "National"
        mpa.marine = True
        mpa.status = "Designated"

        if usmpa.establishment_year:
            mpa.status_year = int(usmpa.establishment_year)

        # mpa.protection_level

        if usmpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Natural Heritage":
            mpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Biodiversity Protection"
        elif usmpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Sustainable Production":
            mpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Biomass Enhancement"
        elif usmpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Cultural Heritage":
            mpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Cultural Heritage"
            mpa.primary_conservation_focus == "Unknown"

        confoci = usmpa.conservation_focus.split(" and ")
        for i in range(0, len(confoci)):
            confocus = confoci[i]
            if confocus == "Natural Heritage":
                confocus == "Biodiversity Protection"
            elif confocus == "Sustainable Production":
                confocus == "Biomass Enhancement"
            elif confocus == "Cultural Heritage":
                confocus == "Cultural Heritage"
                confocus == "Unknown"
            if i == 0:
                mpa.secondary_conservation_focus = confocus
                tertiary_conservation_focus = confocus

        if usmpa.protection_focus == "Ecosystem":
            mpa.protection_focus = "Ecosystem"
        elif usmpa.protection_focus == "Focal Resource":
            mpa.protection_focus = "Focal Species"

        if usmpa.fishing_restriction == "No Site Restrictions":
            mpa.fishing = "Yes"
        elif usmpa.fishing_restriction == "Commercial and Recreational Fishing Prohibited":
            mpa.fishing = "No"
        elif usmpa.fishing_restriction == "Restrictions Unknown":
            mpa.fishing = "Unknown"
            mpa.fishing = "Some Restrictions"
        mpa.fishing_info = usmpa.fishing_restriction

        if usmpa.vessel == "Prohibited":
            mpa.access = "No"
        elif usmpa.vessel == "Restricted":
            mpa.access = "Restricted"
        elif usmpa.vessel == "Unrestricted":
            mpa.access = "Yes"

        # Create a contact and url for this site
        c, created = Contact.objects.get_or_create(agency=usmpa.site_label + " Website", url=usmpa.url)
        # c.mpa_main_set.add(mpa)
        mpa.contact = c

        # mpa.geom_smerc = wpoly.geom_smerc
        # mpa.geom = wpoly.geom
        # mpa.geog = wpoly.geog


    # SQL update all geometry rows, much faster than through django
    print "UPDATE geometry columns"
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        "UPDATE mpa_mpa SET geom = u.geom, geog = u.geog, geom_smerc = u.geom_smerc FROM usmpa_usmpapolygon as u WHERE mpa_mpa.usmpa_id = u.site_id"
    print "UPDATE complete"

예제 #3
파일: load.py 프로젝트: mci/mpatlas
def wdpapoint2mpa():
    wpoints = WdpaPoint.objects.all().order_by("wdpaid")
    count = 0
    for wpoint in wpoints:
            mpa, created = Mpa.objects.get_or_create(wdpa_id=wpoint.wdpaid)
            mpa = Mpa()  # create a new object if wpoint has no wdpaid
            print "wdpaid error", wpoint.wdpaid, wpoint.pk
        count += 1
        print count
        mpa.is_point = True
        mpa.name = wpoint.name
        mpa.wdpa_id = wpoint.wdpaid
        mpa.country = wpoint.country
        mpa.sub_location = wpoint.sub_loc
        mpa.designation = wpoint.desig
        mpa.designation_eng = wpoint.desig_eng
        mpa.designation_type = wpoint.desig_type
        mpa.iucn_category = wpoint.iucn_cat
        mpa.int_criteria = wpoint.int_crit
        mpa.marine = wpoint.marine
        mpa.status = wpoint.status
        mpa.status_year = wpoint.status_yr
        mpa.rep_m_area = wpoint.rep_m_area
        mpa.rep_area = wpoint.rep_area
        mpa.gov_type = wpoint.gov_type
        mpa.mgmt_auth = wpoint.mang_auth
        mpa.mgmt_plan_ref = wpoint.mang_plan

        # mpa.point_geom_smerc = wpoint.point_geom_smerc
        # mpa.point_geom = wpoint.point_geom
        # mpa.point_geog = wpoint.point_geog


    # SQL update all geometry rows, much faster than through django
    print "UPDATE point geometry columns"
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("UPDATE mpa_mpa SET point_geog = w.geog FROM wdpa_wdpapoint as w WHERE mpa_mpa.wdpa_id = w.wdpaid")
    print "UPDATE complete"
