def crawl_publication(): """ Crawls Google Scholar in order to retrieve information about a publication. """ # The ID of the publication in Google Scholar. scholar_id = request.form['scholar_id'] print 'Crawl publication ' + scholar_id + '.' url = ''; publication = Publication.query.filter_by(scholar_id = scholar_id).first() if publication is None: publication = Publication() cookie_jar = CookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) install_opener(opener) url = ''; params = urlencode({'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'view_citation', 'citation_for_view': scholar_id}) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) publication.scholar_id = scholar_id ntitle = doc.find('.//a[@class="gsc_title_link"]') if ntitle is not None: # The title of the publication. publication.title = ntitle.text_content() ntype = doc.find('.//div[@class="gs_scl"][3]//div[@class="gsc_field"]') if ntype is not None: # The type of the publication. publication.type = ntype.text_content() if publication.type == 'Description': publication.type = 'Other' nyear = doc.xpath('.//div[text()="Publication date"]/ancestor::div[@class="gs_scl"]//div[@class="gsc_value"]') if nyear is not None and len(nyear): # The year of the publication. publication.year_of_publication = int(nyear[0].text.split('/')[0]) ncitations = doc.xpath('.//div[text()="Total citations"]/ancestor::div[@class="gs_scl"]//div[@class="gsc_value"]//a') if ncitations is not None and len(ncitations): # The total citations for the publication. publication.total_citations = ncitations[0].text.split(' ')[-1] nauthors = doc.xpath('.//div[text()="Authors"]/ancestor::div[@class="gs_scl"]//div[@class="gsc_value"]') if nauthors is not None and len(nauthors): # The authors of the publication. publication.author_names = nauthors[0].text # The citations per year for the publication. publication_citations_per_year = [] nhistogram = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_graph_bars"]') if nhistogram is not None: years = [x.text for x in nhistogram.xpath('.//span[@class="gsc_g_t"]')] for a in nhistogram.xpath('.//a[@class="gsc_g_a"]'): i = int(a.get('style').split('z-index:')[1]) year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year = PublicationCitationsPerYear.query.filter_by(publication_id =, year = year).first() if citations_per_year is None: citations_per_year = PublicationCitationsPerYear() citations_per_year.year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year.citations = int(a.xpath('./span[@class="gsc_g_al"]')[0].text) publication_citations_per_year.append(citations_per_year) publication.citations_per_year = publication_citations_per_year # When information about the author was retrieved from Google Scholar. publication.retrieved_at = db.session.add(publication) db.session.commit() print 'Crawled publication ' + scholar_id + '.' return 'Done.'
def crawl_publication(): """ Crawls Google Scholar in order to retrieve information about a publication. """ # The ID of the publication in Google Scholar. scholar_id = request.form['scholar_id'] print 'Crawl publication ' + scholar_id + '.' url = '' publication = Publication.query.filter_by(scholar_id=scholar_id).first() if publication is None: publication = Publication() cookie_jar = CookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) install_opener(opener) url = '' params = urlencode({ 'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'view_citation', 'citation_for_view': scholar_id }) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) publication.scholar_id = scholar_id ntitle = doc.find('.//a[@class="gsc_title_link"]') if ntitle is not None: # The title of the publication. publication.title = ntitle.text_content() ntype = doc.find('.//div[@class="gs_scl"][3]//div[@class="gsc_field"]') if ntype is not None: # The type of the publication. publication.type = ntype.text_content() if publication.type == 'Description': publication.type = 'Other' nyear = doc.xpath( './/div[text()="Publication date"]/ancestor::div[@class="gs_scl"]//div[@class="gsc_value"]' ) if nyear is not None and len(nyear): # The year of the publication. publication.year_of_publication = int(nyear[0].text.split('/')[0]) ncitations = doc.xpath( './/div[text()="Total citations"]/ancestor::div[@class="gs_scl"]//div[@class="gsc_value"]//a' ) if ncitations is not None and len(ncitations): # The total citations for the publication. publication.total_citations = ncitations[0].text.split(' ')[-1] nauthors = doc.xpath( './/div[text()="Authors"]/ancestor::div[@class="gs_scl"]//div[@class="gsc_value"]' ) if nauthors is not None and len(nauthors): # The authors of the publication. publication.author_names = nauthors[0].text # The citations per year for the publication. publication_citations_per_year = [] nhistogram = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_graph_bars"]') if nhistogram is not None: years = [x.text for x in nhistogram.xpath('.//span[@class="gsc_g_t"]')] for a in nhistogram.xpath('.//a[@class="gsc_g_a"]'): i = int(a.get('style').split('z-index:')[1]) year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year = PublicationCitationsPerYear.query.filter_by(, year=year).first() if citations_per_year is None: citations_per_year = PublicationCitationsPerYear() citations_per_year.year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year.citations = int( a.xpath('./span[@class="gsc_g_al"]')[0].text) publication_citations_per_year.append(citations_per_year) publication.citations_per_year = publication_citations_per_year # When information about the author was retrieved from Google Scholar. publication.retrieved_at = db.session.add(publication) db.session.commit() print 'Crawled publication ' + scholar_id + '.' return 'Done.'
def crawl_author(): """ Crawls Google Scholar in order to retrieve information about an author. """ # The ID of the author in Google Scholar. scholar_id = request.form['scholar_id'] print 'Crawl author ' + scholar_id + '.' # Retrieve the author with that ID (if any). author = Author.query.filter_by(scholar_id = scholar_id).first() if author is None: author = Author() cookie_jar = CookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) install_opener(opener) url = ''; params = urlencode({'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'list_works', 'sortby': 'pubdate', 'user': scholar_id, 'cstart': 0, 'pagesize': 20}) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) no_content = doc.xpath('.//div[contains(text(), "Sorry, no content found for this URL")]') if len(no_content): print 'Author ' + scholar_id + ' not found.' return 'Done.' author.scholar_id = scholar_id nname = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_prf_in"]') if nname is not None: # The name of the author. = nname.text_content() nemaildomain = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_prf_ivh"]') if nemaildomain is not None: # The domain where the author has an email. author.email_domain = nemaildomain.text_content().split(" - ")[0].split()[-1] ncitations = doc.find('.//table[@id="gsc_rsb_st"]') if ncitations is not None: # The total citations for the author. author.total_citations = ncitations.xpath('.//tr[2]/td')[1].text # The h-index for the author. author.h_index = ncitations.xpath('.//tr[3]/td')[1].text # The i10-index for the author. author.i10_index = ncitations.xpath('.//tr[4]/td')[1].text params = urlencode({'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'citations_histogram', 'user': scholar_id}) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) # The citations per year for the author. author_citations_per_year = [] nhistogram = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_md_hist_b"]') if nhistogram is not None: years = [x.text for x in nhistogram.xpath('.//span[@class="gsc_g_t"]')] for a in nhistogram.xpath('.//a[@class="gsc_g_a"]'): i = int(a.get('style').split('z-index:')[1]) year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year = AuthorCitationsPerYear.query.filter_by(author_id =, year = year).first() if citations_per_year is None: citations_per_year = AuthorCitationsPerYear() citations_per_year.year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year.citations = int(a.xpath('./span[@class="gsc_g_al"]')[0].text) author_citations_per_year.append(citations_per_year) author.citations_per_year = author_citations_per_year params = urlencode({'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'list_colleagues', 'user': scholar_id}) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) # The co-authors of the author. author_coauthors = [] for a in doc.xpath('.//h3[@class="gsc_1usr_name"]//a'): co_scholar_id = a.get('href').split('user='******'&hl')[0] coauthor = Author.query.filter_by(scholar_id = co_scholar_id).first() if coauthor is None: coauthor = Author() coauthor.scholar_id = co_scholar_id author_coauthors.append(coauthor) author.coauthors = author_coauthors # The publications. author_publications = [] cstart = 0 pagesize = 100 while True: params = urlencode({'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'list_works', 'sortby': 'pubdate', 'user': scholar_id, 'cstart': cstart, 'pagesize': pagesize}) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) for tr in doc.xpath('.//tr[@class="gsc_a_tr"]'): a = tr.find('.//td[@class="gsc_a_t"]//a') # NOTE: When there are no publications, there is a single tr. # <tr class="gsc_a_tr"><td class="gsc_a_e" colspan="3">There are no articles in this profile.</td></tr> if a is None: continue purl = a.get('href') # The ID of the publication in Google Scholar. pub_scholar_id = purl.split('citation_for_view=')[1] # Retrieve the publication with that ID (if any). publication = Publication.query.filter_by(scholar_id = pub_scholar_id).first() if publication is None: publication = Publication() publication.scholar_id = pub_scholar_id # The title of the publication. publication.title = a.text_content() pub_nyear = tr.find('.//td[@class="gsc_a_y"]//span') if pub_nyear is not None: year_of_publication = pub_nyear.text_content().strip() if year_of_publication: # The year of the publication. publication.year_of_publication = int(year_of_publication) pub_ncitations = tr.find('.//a[@class="gsc_a_ac"]') if pub_ncitations is not None: total_citations = pub_ncitations.text_content().strip() if total_citations: # The total citations for the publication. publication.total_citations = int(total_citations) author_publications.append(publication) if doc.xpath('.//button[@id="gsc_bpf_next"]')[0].get("disabled"): break cstart += 100 author.publications = author_publications # When information about the author was retrieved from Google Scholar. author.retrieved_at = db.session.add(author) db.session.commit() print 'Crawled author ' + scholar_id + '.' return 'Done.'
def crawl_author(): """ Crawls Google Scholar in order to retrieve information about an author. """ # The ID of the author in Google Scholar. scholar_id = request.form['scholar_id'] print 'Crawl author ' + scholar_id + '.' # Retrieve the author with that ID (if any). author = Author.query.filter_by(scholar_id=scholar_id).first() if author is None: author = Author() cookie_jar = CookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) install_opener(opener) url = '' params = urlencode({ 'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'list_works', 'sortby': 'pubdate', 'user': scholar_id, 'cstart': 0, 'pagesize': 20 }) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) no_content = doc.xpath( './/div[contains(text(), "Sorry, no content found for this URL")]') if len(no_content): print 'Author ' + scholar_id + ' not found.' return 'Done.' author.scholar_id = scholar_id nname = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_prf_in"]') if nname is not None: # The name of the author. = nname.text_content() nemaildomain = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_prf_ivh"]') if nemaildomain is not None: # The domain where the author has an email. author.email_domain = nemaildomain.text_content().split( " - ")[0].split()[-1] ncitations = doc.find('.//table[@id="gsc_rsb_st"]') if ncitations is not None: # The total citations for the author. author.total_citations = ncitations.xpath('.//tr[2]/td')[1].text # The h-index for the author. author.h_index = ncitations.xpath('.//tr[3]/td')[1].text # The i10-index for the author. author.i10_index = ncitations.xpath('.//tr[4]/td')[1].text params = urlencode({ 'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'citations_histogram', 'user': scholar_id }) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) # The citations per year for the author. author_citations_per_year = [] nhistogram = doc.find('.//div[@id="gsc_md_hist_b"]') if nhistogram is not None: years = [x.text for x in nhistogram.xpath('.//span[@class="gsc_g_t"]')] for a in nhistogram.xpath('.//a[@class="gsc_g_a"]'): i = int(a.get('style').split('z-index:')[1]) year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year = AuthorCitationsPerYear.query.filter_by(, year=year).first() if citations_per_year is None: citations_per_year = AuthorCitationsPerYear() citations_per_year.year = int(years[-i]) citations_per_year.citations = int( a.xpath('./span[@class="gsc_g_al"]')[0].text) author_citations_per_year.append(citations_per_year) author.citations_per_year = author_citations_per_year params = urlencode({ 'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'list_colleagues', 'user': scholar_id }) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) # The co-authors of the author. author_coauthors = [] for a in doc.xpath('.//h3[@class="gsc_1usr_name"]//a'): co_scholar_id = a.get('href').split('user='******'&hl')[0] coauthor = Author.query.filter_by(scholar_id=co_scholar_id).first() if coauthor is None: coauthor = Author() coauthor.scholar_id = co_scholar_id author_coauthors.append(coauthor) author.coauthors = author_coauthors # The publications. author_publications = [] cstart = 0 pagesize = 100 while True: params = urlencode({ 'hl': 'en', 'view_op': 'list_works', 'sortby': 'pubdate', 'user': scholar_id, 'cstart': cstart, 'pagesize': pagesize }) req = Request(url + '?' + params) res = doc = html.parse(res) for tr in doc.xpath('.//tr[@class="gsc_a_tr"]'): a = tr.find('.//td[@class="gsc_a_t"]//a') # NOTE: When there are no publications, there is a single tr. # <tr class="gsc_a_tr"><td class="gsc_a_e" colspan="3">There are no articles in this profile.</td></tr> if a is None: continue purl = a.get('href') # The ID of the publication in Google Scholar. pub_scholar_id = purl.split('citation_for_view=')[1] # Retrieve the publication with that ID (if any). publication = Publication.query.filter_by( scholar_id=pub_scholar_id).first() if publication is None: publication = Publication() publication.scholar_id = pub_scholar_id # The title of the publication. publication.title = a.text_content() pub_nyear = tr.find('.//td[@class="gsc_a_y"]//span') if pub_nyear is not None: year_of_publication = pub_nyear.text_content().strip() if year_of_publication: # The year of the publication. publication.year_of_publication = int(year_of_publication) pub_ncitations = tr.find('.//a[@class="gsc_a_ac"]') if pub_ncitations is not None: total_citations = pub_ncitations.text_content().strip() if total_citations: # The total citations for the publication. publication.total_citations = int(total_citations) author_publications.append(publication) if doc.xpath('.//button[@id="gsc_bpf_next"]')[0].get("disabled"): break cstart += 100 author.publications = author_publications # When information about the author was retrieved from Google Scholar. author.retrieved_at = db.session.add(author) db.session.commit() print 'Crawled author ' + scholar_id + '.' return 'Done.'