예제 #1
    def createSessionObject(self, request):
        """Create or update Session object, returning SessionForm/request."""
        # check if user is logged in
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # get conference object using websafeConferenceKey
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey

        # check that user is owner of conference
        if user_id != conf.organizerUserId:
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
                'Only the owner can update the conference.')

        # convert date string to date object
        date_convert = request.date
        if date_convert:
            date_convert = datetime.strptime(date_convert[:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        # saving variables in the request to Session()
        sess = Session()
        sess.name = request.name
        sess.highlights = request.highlights
        sess.speaker = request.speaker
        sess.duration = request.duration
        sess.typeOfSession = request.typeOfSession
        sess.date = date_convert
        #sess.websafeConferenceKey = request.websafeConferenceKey
        #sess.conferenceName = conf.name
        sess.startTime = request.startTime
        sess.endTime = request.endTime

        # getting sessionkey with conference as parent
        c_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey)
        s_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=c_key)[0]
        s_key = ndb.Key(Session, s_id, parent=c_key)
        sess.key = s_key
        sess.websafeKey = s_key.urlsafe()

        # calling cacheFeaturedSpeaker using taskqueue
                'speaker': request.speaker,
                'websafeConferenceKey': request.websafeConferenceKey
        return self._copySessionToForm(sess)
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: padznich/web
def do_login(login, password):
        user = User.objects.get(login=login)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        return None
    hashed_pass = salt_and_hash(password)
    if user.password != hashed_pass:
        return None
    session = Session()
    session.key = generate_long_random_key()
    session.user = user
    session.expires = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=5)
    return session.key
예제 #3
 def _createSessionObject(self, request):
     :param request: the endpoint request
     :return: session_form, message of the newly created session
     user = endpoints.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required.')
     user_id = getUserId(user)
     # make sure we're given a websafe conference key
     conference_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeConferenceKey,
     # if we're given a websafe speaker key, make sure it's valid
     if request.speaker:
         validate_websafe_key(request.speaker, 'Speaker')
     # get the conference
     conference = conference_key.get()
     # make sure the user can edit this conference
     if conference.organizerUserId != user_id:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             'You cannot edit this conference.')
     # create a session object
     session = Session()
     # list the fields we want to exclude
     exclusions = ['websafeConferenceKey', 'typeOfSession']
     # use our handy copy function to copy the other fields
     session = message_to_ndb(request, session, exclusions)
     # deal with typeOfSession and get the enum value
     if request.typeOfSession:
         session.typeOfSession = str(SessionType(request.typeOfSession))
         session.typeOfSession = str(SessionType.NOT_SPECIFIED)
     # allocate an id and create the key
     session_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=conference_key)[0]
     session.key = ndb.Key(Session, session_id, parent=conference_key)
     # save the session to ndb
     # kick off the featured speaker task
                   params={'conference_key': conference_key.urlsafe()})
     # return the newly created session
     return self._copySessionToForm(session)
예제 #4
    def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        """Creates a new Session object from the request."""

        # fetch the user
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required.')

        user_id = getUserId(user)

         # build the conference key
        wsck = request.websafeConferenceKey
        conference = ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck).get()

        if not conference:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('The conference does not exist.')

        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

        # make sure the conference was created by the current user
        if p_key != conference.key.parent():
            raise endpoints.ForbiddenException('You may only create sessions for your own conferences.')

        # create the session and add the required and optional fields
        session = Session()

        if not request.name:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'name' field required.")

        session.name = request.name

        if not request.speaker:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'speaker' field required.")

        session.speaker = request.speaker

        if not request.date:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'date' field required")

        session.date = datetime.strptime(request.date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()

        if not request.startTime:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'startTime' field required.")

        session.startTime = datetime.strptime(request.startTime, '%H:%M').time()

        if not request.duration:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'duration' field required.")

        session.duration = int(request.duration)

        if request.typeOfSession:
            session.typeOfSession = request.typeOfSession

        if request.highlights:
            session.highlights = request.highlights

        # generate a key based on the parent conference
        s_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=conference.key)[0]
        s_key = ndb.Key(Session, s_id, parent=conference.key)

        session.key = s_key

        # store the new session

        # add a new task to update the featured speaker
        taskqueue.add(params={'speaker': session.speaker,
            'websafeConferenceKey': wsck},

        return self._copySessionToForm(session)
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: Vycas/1000-online
 def post(self):
     user = users.get_current_user()
     session = Session()
     domain = self.request.headers.get('host', 'no host')
     self.response.out.write(render('host.html', options({'id': session.key().id(), 'domain': domain})))