예제 #1
from models import Table
from utils import clearscreen

# start with blank screen
# building the blank sudoku table
sudoku = Table()
# Having the user enter the sudoku puzzle

print("This is your sudoku puzzle:")
num = 1
row = 0
col = 0
counter = 0
max_tries = 1000
# This will loop through while the puzzle isn't solved, or until it's
# reached the maximum tries.
while sudoku.puzzle_has_blanks() and counter < max_tries:
    for num in range(10):
        # this will cause it to iterate through the sectors in the grid
        for sector_id in range(9):
            # setting the number of flagged/possible spots to 0
            sudoku.flagged_spots = 0
            # the massive if statements that looks at a box in the puzzle to
            # determine if those things are all true.
            for number_in_block, row, col in sudoku.iter_sector(sector_id):
                if (sudoku.current_box_is_blank(row, col)
                        and sudoku.num_is_not_in_sector(row, col, num)
                        and sudoku.num_is_not_in_row(row, col, num)