def testquery(request): # creates dummy posts p1 = Post( url="boobies", date="", last_track=datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc), image="", note_count=2, note_inc=165, text="big", ) tracking1 = Tracking( post=p1, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc), sequence=0, increment=0, count=0 ) print( # p2=Post(url='ilikecouches', date='', image='', note_count=2, note_inc=33, text='sofa') # # p3=Post(url='foodporn', date='', image='', note_count=2, note_inc=66, text='bbq') # # p4=Post(url='artandstuff', date='', image='', note_count=2, note_inc=0, text='hipster') # # create a blog b = Blog(host_name="MOFOBITCH", timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)) # add the dummy posts to the blog's likes field # b.likes.add(p1,p2,p3,p4) # query the blog 'MOFOBITCH' and sort all of its likes field by note_inc in descending # order, and return a QuerySet of the top 3 note_inc posts # b2=Blog.objects.get(host_name='MOFOBITCH').likes.order_by('-note_inc')[0:3] # for e in b2: # print(e) return HttpResponse(200)
def _parse_post_json(blog_host_name, liked_post_json): ''' Takes the json from a post and extracts all its juicy goodness, then makes a database entry for it, if necessary.''' # Check the last time this post was tracked and ignore if # it's within the last hour. new_post = not Post.objects.filter(post_id = liked_post_json['id']).exists() if (not new_post): this_post = Post.objects.get(post_id = liked_post_json['id']) deltatime = - \ this_post.last_track.replace(tzinfo=utc) if (deltatime.total_seconds()/pv.tracking_interval < 1): return 0 # TODO: this could return an error if the post in our database belongs to another blog!!!!! blog_obj = Blog.objects.get(host_name = blog_host_name) # Example: liked_post_json['post_url'] to get the url post_id = liked_post_json['id'] post_url = liked_post_json['post_url'] post_date = convert_date(liked_post_json['date']) post_count = liked_post_json['note_count'] current_datetime = # Different posts have different types of text fields. text_field = {"text": "body", "chat": "body", "photo": "caption", "link": "description", "quote": "source", "answer": "answer", "audio": "caption", "video": "caption"} # Set default image. def_img = "" img_field = {"text": lambda: def_img, "chat": lambda: def_img, "photo": lambda:liked_post_json['photos'][0]['alt_sizes'][0]['url'], "link": lambda: def_img, "quote": lambda: def_img, "answer": lambda: def_img, "audio": lambda: liked_post_json.get('album_art', def_img), "video": lambda: def_img} updated_times_tracked = 1 img = img_field[liked_post_json['type']]() txt = strip_tags(liked_post_json[text_field[liked_post_json['type']]].encode('utf-8')) # Reduce text length if too long. if len(txt) > 100: txt = txt[:100] + "..." if (new_post): post_obj = Post(post_id = post_id, url = post_url, date = post_date, last_track = current_datetime, times_tracked = 1, image = img, note_count = post_count, note_inc = 0, text = txt) blog_obj.likes.add(post_obj) else: # update note_count and last_track. post_obj = Post.objects.get(post_id=post_id) prev_count = post_obj.note_count updated_times_tracked = post_obj.times_tracked + 1 Post.objects.filter(post_id=post_id).update(times_tracked = updated_times_tracked, note_inc = post_count - prev_count, note_count = post_count, last_track = current_datetime) # Create new tracking object for post. tracking = Tracking(post = post_obj, timestamp = current_datetime, increment = post_obj.note_inc, sequence = updated_times_tracked, count = post_obj.note_count) return 0