def test_publication_logic(self): """ Verify that unpublished entries cannot be viewed """ unpub_state = filter( lambda s: s[0] not in BloggingSettings.PUBLISHED_ENTRY_STATES, BloggingSettings.PUB_STATES )[0][0] pub_state = BloggingSettings.PUBLISHED_ENTRY_STATES[0] slug = 'publication-test' # Start by creating a new, unpublished entry: entry = TumblelogEntry( slug=slug, title='Headline TKTK', post='Loren ipsum...', author=Author.objects.all()[0], #any author is fine... status=unpub_state, ) # Trying to view it should show a 404: response = self.client.get(entry.get_absolute_url()) self.assertTrue(response.status_code == 404) # Now publish it: entry.status = pub_state # Should be visible: response = self.client.get(entry.get_absolute_url()) self.assertTrue(response.status_code == 200)
def create_sample_tumblelog_entries(klass, count=50): """ Create N number of sample tumblelog entries where N = the count parameter. Text in posts till be random lorem ipsum text. Author will be a randomly selected author from the system, and date will be a random date from the last 2 years. All test entries will be marked "published". """ klass._setup(TumblelogEntry, count) while count > 0: title = words(randrange(3,12), common=False).capitalize() slug = klass._check_slug(slugify(title)[:klass.field_len]) b = TumblelogEntry( slug = slug, title= title, post = klass._join_paras( paragraphs(randrange(1,3), common=False) ), pub_date = klass._get_rand_date(), status = BloggingSettings.PUBLISHED_ENTRY_STATES[0], author = Author.objects.order_by('?')[0] ) count += -1