예제 #1
def get_work_entry(item):
    work = Work()

    b_year = item.get('DateBeginYear')
    e_year = item.get('DateEndYear')

    b_year = str(b_year) if b_year else '?'
    e_year = str(e_year) if e_year else '?'

    description = item.get('Description')
    image_url = item.get('PrimaryImage').get('Raw')

    work.name = item.get('Title')[:128]
    work.date = '{}-{}'.format(b_year, e_year)
    work.description = description[:1024] if description else None
    work.image_url = image_url

    return work
예제 #2
def parse_minutegram(msheet, csheet, sw, user):
    work = Work()

    if msheet.cell(0,7).value == '':
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="El trabajo no tiene numero"
        raise e
        work.number = msheet.cell(0, 7).value

    if column_value_search(1, 'DESCRIPCION TP:', msheet):
        drow = column_value_search(1, 'DESCRIPCION TP:', msheet)
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="El documento no tiene seccion DESCRIPCION TP"
        raise e

    if column_value_search(1, 'JUSTIFICACION: ', msheet):
        jrow = column_value_search(1, 'JUSTIFICACION: ', msheet)
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="El documento no tiene seccion JUSTIFICACION"
        raise e

    if column_value_search(1, 'OBSERVACIONES:', msheet):
        orow = column_value_search(1, 'OBSERVACIONES:', msheet)
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="El documento no tiene seccion OBSERVACIONES"
        raise e

    if column_value_search(1, 'PLAN DE TRABAJO (MINUTOGRAMA):', msheet):
        wprow = column_value_search(1, 'PLAN DE TRABAJO (MINUTOGRAMA):', msheet)
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="El documento no tiene seccion PLAN DE TRABAJO"
        raise e

    if column_value_search(1, 'PLAN DE CONTINGENCIA / ROLLBACK:', msheet):
        cprow = column_value_search(1, 'PLAN DE CONTINGENCIA / ROLLBACK:', msheet)
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="El documento no tiene seccion PLAN DE CONTINGENCIA / ROLLBACK"
        raise e

    #este bloque de codigo asigna los datos extraidos del formulario al work creado
    work.ticketArea = sw.ticketArea
    work.department = sw.department
    work.municipality = sw.municipality
    work.impact = sw.impact
    work.ticketCause = sw.ticketCause
    work.initialDate = sw.initialDate
    work.finalDate = sw.finalDate
    work.outboundDate = sw.outboundDate
    work.createdDate = datetime.date.today()
    work.affectTime = sw.affectTime
    work.rollbackTime = sw.rollbackTime
    now = timezone.make_aware(datetime.datetime.now(), timezone.get_default_timezone())

    #Si el tiempo dado para la causa esta en horas se entiende que debe pasarse a areas internas y nunca externas
    if sw.ticketCause.timeLapseType == Cause.HOURS and sw.ticketArea.type == Area.INTERN:
        if now + datetime.timedelta(days=1, hours=sw.ticketCause.internTimeLapse) <= sw.initialDate:
            work.limitResponseDate = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1, hours=sw.ticketCause.internTimeLapse)
            e = IntegrityError()
            e.__cause__="El tiempo maximo de respuesta de los clientes es mas tarde que la fecha de inicio del trabajo"
            raise e
    elif sw.ticketCause.timeLapseType == Cause.HOURS and sw.ticketArea.type == Area.EXTERN:
        e = IntegrityError()
        e.__cause__="La Causa del ticket no puede asignarse a un area externa"
        raise e
    elif sw.ticketCause.timeLapseType == Cause.DAYS and sw.ticketArea.type == Area.INTERN:
        if now + datetime.timedelta(days=1+sw.ticketCause.internTimeLapse) <= sw.initialDate:
            work.limitResponseDate = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1+sw.ticketCause.internTimeLapse)
            e = IntegrityError()
            e.__cause__="El tiempo maximo de respuesta de los clientes es mas tarde que la fecha de inicio del trabajo"
            raise e
    elif sw.ticketCause.timeLapseType == Cause.DAYS and sw.ticketArea.type == Area.INTERN:
        if now + datetime.timedelta(days=1+sw.ticketCause.externTimeLapse) <= sw.initialDate:
            work.limitResponseDate = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1+sw.ticketCause.externTimeLapse)
            e = IntegrityError()
            e.__cause__="El tiempo maximo de respuesta de los clientes es mas tarde que la fecha de inicio del trabajo"
            raise e

    #se asigna el usuario loggeado al trabajo
    if user:
        work.userCreator = user

    work.description = msheet.cell(drow+1, 1).value
    work.justification = msheet.cell(jrow+1, 1).value
    work.observations = msheet.cell(orow+1, 1).value

        group = WorkGroup.objects.get(number = work.number)
        for w in group.work_set.all():
            w.state = Work.CANCELED
            for acc in w.acceptance_set.all():
                    acc.valid = False

        work.group = group
        work.programmed = Work.REPROGRAMMED

        group = WorkGroup()
        group.number = work.number

        work.group = group


    #loads work plans
    for i in range(wprow+2,cprow):
        if check_line(i, 2, 6, msheet):
            wp = WorkPlan()
            wp.initialDate = xldate_as_datetime(msheet.cell(i, 2).value, 0)
            wp.finalDate = xldate_as_datetime(msheet.cell(i, 3).value, 0)
            wp.affectation = datetime.time(*(xldate_as_tuple(msheet.cell(i, 4).value, 0))[3:])
            wp.activity = msheet.cell(i, 5).value

            e = IntegrityError()
            e.__cause__="Alguno de los planes de trabajo tiene un campo vacio"
            raise e

    #loads contingency plans
    for i in range(cprow+2, drow-1):
        if check_line(i, 2, 6, msheet):
            cp = ContingencyPlan()
            cp.initialDate = xldate_as_datetime(msheet.cell(i, 2).value, 0)
            cp.finalDate = xldate_as_datetime(msheet.cell(i, 3).value, 0)
            cp.affectation = datetime.time(*(xldate_as_tuple(msheet.cell(i, 4).value, 0))[3:])
            cp.activity = msheet.cell(i, 5).value

            e = IntegrityError()
            e.__cause__="Alguno de los planes de contingencia tiene un campo vacio"
            raise e

    parse_corp_clients(csheet, work)