예제 #1
def estimate(dset,config,year,show=True,variables=None):

  choosers = fetch_table(dset,config)
  if 'est_sample_size' in config: 
    choosers = choosers.ix[np.random.choice(choosers.index, config['est_sample_size'],replace=False)]
  output_csv, output_title, coeff_name, output_varname = config["output_names"]
  assert 'alternatives' in config
  alternatives = eval(config['alternatives'])
  alternatives = merge(dset,alternatives,config)

  t1 = time.time()

  segments = [(None,choosers)]
  if 'segment' in config:
    for varname in config['segment']:
      if varname not in choosers.columns:
        choosers[varname] = calcvar(choosers,config,dset,varname)
    segments = choosers.groupby(config['segment'])
  for name, segment in segments:

    name = str(name)
    if name is not None: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv%name, output_title%name, coeff_name%name
    else: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv, output_title, coeff_name

    assert "dep_var" in config
    depvar = config["dep_var"]
    global SAMPLE_SIZE
    SAMPLE_SIZE = config["alt_sample_size"] if "alt_sample_size" in config else SAMPLE_SIZE 
    sample, alternative_sample, est_params = interaction.mnl_interaction_dataset(

    print "Estimating parameters for segment = %s, size = %d" % (name, len(segment.index)) 

    data = spec(alternative_sample,config,submodel=name)
    if show: print data.describe()
    data = data.as_matrix()
    fnames = config['ind_vars']
    fnames = config['ind_var_names'] if 'ind_var_names' in config else fnames

    fit, results = interaction.estimate(data,est_params,SAMPLE_SIZE)
    fnames = interaction.add_fnames(fnames,est_params)
    if show: print misc.resultstotable(fnames,results)

  print "Finished executing in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)
예제 #2
def estimate(dset,config,year,show=True,variables=None):

  choosers = fetch_table(dset,config)
  if 'est_sample_size' in config: 
    choosers = choosers.ix[np.random.choice(choosers.index, config['est_sample_size'],replace=False)]
  output_csv, output_title, coeff_name, output_varname = config["output_names"]
  assert 'alternatives' in config
  alternatives = eval(config['alternatives'])
  alternatives = merge(dset,alternatives,config)

  t1 = time.time()

  segments = [(None,choosers)]
  if 'segment' in config:
    for varname in config['segment']:
      if varname not in choosers.columns:
        choosers[varname] = calcvar(choosers,config,dset,varname)
    segments = choosers.groupby(config['segment'])
  for name, segment in segments:
    name = str(name)
    if name is not None: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv%name, output_title%name, coeff_name%name
    else: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv, output_title, coeff_name

    assert "dep_var" in config
    depvar = config["dep_var"]
    global SAMPLE_SIZE
    SAMPLE_SIZE = config["alt_sample_size"] if "alt_sample_size" in config else SAMPLE_SIZE 
    sample, alternative_sample, est_params = interaction.mnl_interaction_dataset(

    print "Estimating parameters for segment = %s, size = %d" % (name, len(segment.index)) 

    data = spec(alternative_sample,config,submodel=name)
    if show: print data.describe()
    data = data.as_matrix()
    fnames = config['ind_vars']
    fnames = config['ind_var_names'] if 'ind_var_names' in config else fnames

    fit, results = interaction.estimate(data,est_params,SAMPLE_SIZE)
    fnames = interaction.add_fnames(fnames,est_params)
    if show: print misc.resultstotable(fnames,results)

  print "Finished executing in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)
예제 #3
def estimate(dset,config,year=None,show=True,simulate=0,variables=None):

  t1 = time.time()
  buildings = fetch_table(dset,config,simulate)

  buildings = merge(dset,buildings,config)

  assert "output_names" in config
  output_csv, output_title, coeff_name, output_varname = config["output_names"]

  print "Finished specifying in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)
  t1 = time.time()

  simrents = []
  segments = [(None,buildings)]
  if 'segment' in config: segments = buildings.groupby(config['segment'])
  for name, segment in segments:
    est_data = spec(segment,config,submodel=name,dset=dset)
    if name is not None: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv%name, output_title%name, coeff_name%name
    else: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv, output_title, coeff_name

    if not simulate:

      assert "dep_var" in config
      depvar = segment[config["dep_var"]]
      if "dep_var_transform" in config: depvar = depvar.apply(eval(config['dep_var_transform']))
      if name: print "Estimating hedonic for %s with %d observations" % (name,len(segment.index))
      if show : print est_data.describe()

      model = sm.OLS(depvar,est_data)
      results = model.fit()
      if show: print results.summary()

      tmp_outcsv = output_csv if name is None else output_csv%name
      tmp_outtitle = output_title if name is None else output_title%name



      print "Generating rents on %d buildings" % (est_data.shape[0])
      vec = dset.load_coeff(tmp_coeffname)
      vec = np.reshape(vec,(vec.size,1))
      rents = est_data.dot(vec).astype('f4')
      if "output_transform" in config: rents = rents.apply(eval(config['output_transform']))

  if simulate:
    simrents = pd.concat(simrents)
    dset.buildings[output_varname] = simrents.reindex(dset.buildings.index)

  print "Finished executing in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)
예제 #4
def simulate(dset, config, year, sample_rate=.05, variables=None, show=False):

    t1 = time.time()
    choosers = fetch_table(dset, config, simulate=1)

    output_csv, output_title, coeff_name, output_varname = config[

    assert 'dep_var' in config
    dep_var = config['dep_var']

    if 'relocation_rates' in config:
        reloc_cfg = config['relocation_rates']
        assert "rate_table" in reloc_cfg and "rate_field" in reloc_cfg
        rate_table = eval(reloc_cfg['rate_table'])
        rate_field = reloc_cfg['rate_field']
        movers = dset.relocation_rates(choosers, rate_table, rate_field)
        choosers[dep_var].ix[movers] = -1
        # add current unplaced
        movers = choosers[choosers[dep_var] == -1]

        movers = choosers  # everyone moves

    print "Total new agents and movers = %d" % len(movers.index)

    assert 'alternatives' in config
    alternatives = eval(config['alternatives'])

    lotterychoices = False
    if 'supply_constraint' in config:
        empty_units = eval(config['supply_constraint'])
        if "demand_amount_scale" in config:
            empty_units /= float(config["demand_amount_scale"])
        empty_units = empty_units[empty_units > 0].order(ascending=False)
        if 'dontexpandunits' in config and config['dontexpandunits'] == True:
            alternatives = alternatives.ix[empty_units.index]
            alternatives["supply"] = empty_units
            lotterychoices = True
            alternatives = alternatives.ix[np.repeat(
                empty_units.index, empty_units.values.astype('int'))]
        print "There are %s empty units in %s locations total in the region" % (
            empty_units.sum(), len(empty_units))

    alternatives = merge(dset, alternatives, config)

    print "Finished specifying model in %f seconds" % (time.time() - t1)

    t1 = time.time()

    pdf = pd.DataFrame(index=alternatives.index)
    segments = [(None, movers)]
    if 'segment' in config:
        for varname in config['segment']:
            if varname not in movers.columns:
                movers[varname] = calcvar(movers, config, dset, varname)
        segments = movers.groupby(config['segment'])

    for name, segment in segments:

        segment = segment.head(1)

        name = str(name)
        if name is not None:
            tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv % name, output_title % name, coeff_name % name
            tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv, output_title, coeff_name

        SAMPLE_SIZE = alternatives.index.size  # don't sample
        sample, alternative_sample, est_params = \
        data = spec(alternative_sample, config)
        data = data.as_matrix()

        coeff = dset.load_coeff(tmp_coeffname)
        probs = interaction.mnl_simulate(data,
        pdf['segment%s' % name] = pd.Series(probs.flatten(),

    print "Finished creating pdf in %f seconds" % (time.time() - t1)
    if len(pdf.columns): print pdf.describe()
    t1 = time.time()

    if 'save_pdf' in config: dset.save_tmptbl(config['save_pdf'], pdf)

    if 'supply_constraint' in config:  # draw from actual units
        new_homes = pd.Series(np.ones(len(movers.index)) * -1,
        mask = np.zeros(len(alternatives.index), dtype='bool')
        for name, segment in segments:
            name = str(name)
            print "Assigning units to %d agents of segment %s" % (len(
                segment.index), name)
            p = pdf['segment%s' % name].values

            def choose(p,
                p = copy.copy(p)

                if minsize is not None: p[alternatives.supply < minsize] = 0
                else: p[mask] = 0  # already chosen
                print "Choosing from %d nonzero alts" % np.count_nonzero(p)

                    indexes = np.random.choice(len(alternatives.index),
                                               p=p / p.sum())
                    print "WARNING: not enough options to fit agents, will result in unplaced agents"
                    return mask, new_homes
                    segment.index] = alternatives.index.values[indexes]

                if minsize is not None:
                        alternatives.index.values[indexes]] -= minsize
                    mask[indexes] = 1

                return mask, new_homes

            if lotterychoices and "demand_amount" not in config:
                print "WARNING: you've specified a supply constraint but no demand_amount - all demands will be of value 1"

            if lotterychoices and "demand_amount" in config:

                tmp = segment[config["demand_amount"]]
                if "demand_amount_scale" in config:
                    tmp /= float(config["demand_amount_scale"])

                for name, subsegment in reversed(

                    print "Running subsegment with size = %s, num agents = %d" % (
                        name, len(subsegment.index))
                    mask, new_homes = choose(p,

                mask, new_homes = choose(p, mask, alternatives, segment,

        build_cnts = new_homes.value_counts()
        print "Assigned %d agents to %d locations with %d unplaced" % \

        table = eval(config['table'])  # need to go back to the whole dataset
        table[dep_var].ix[new_homes.index] = new_homes.values.astype('int32')
        if output_varname:
            dset.store_attr(output_varname, year,

    print "Finished assigning agents in %f seconds" % (time.time() - t1)
예제 #5
def estimate(dset, config, year=None, show=True, simulate=0, variables=None):

    t1 = time.time()

    buildings = fetch_table(dset, config, simulate)

    buildings = merge(dset, buildings, config)

    assert "output_names" in config
    output_csv, output_title, coeff_name, output_varname = config[

    print "Finished specifying in %f seconds" % (time.time() - t1)
    t1 = time.time()

    simrents = []
    segments = [(None, buildings)]
    if 'segment' in config: segments = buildings.groupby(config['segment'])

    for name, segment in segments:

        est_data = spec(segment, config, submodel=name, dset=dset)
        if name is not None:
            tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv % name, output_title % name, coeff_name % name
            tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv, output_title, coeff_name

        if not simulate:

            assert "dep_var" in config
            depvar = segment[config["dep_var"]]
            if "dep_var_transform" in config:
                depvar = depvar.apply(eval(config['dep_var_transform']))

            if name:
                print "Estimating hedonic for %s with %d observations" % (
                    name, len(segment.index))
            if show: print est_data.describe()

            model = sm.OLS(depvar, est_data)
            results = model.fit()
            if show: print results.summary()

            tmp_outcsv = output_csv if name is None else output_csv % name
            tmp_outtitle = output_title if name is None else output_title % name
            misc.resultstocsv((results.rsquared, results.rsquared_adj),
                              zip(results.params, results.bse,

            dset.store_coeff(tmp_coeffname, results.params.values,


            print "Generating rents on %d buildings" % (est_data.shape[0])

            vec = dset.load_coeff(tmp_coeffname)
            vec = np.reshape(vec, (vec.size, 1))
            rents = est_data.dot(vec).astype('f4')
            if "output_transform" in config:
                rents = rents.apply(eval(config['output_transform']))


    if simulate:
        simrents = pd.concat(simrents)
        dset.buildings[output_varname] = simrents.reindex(dset.buildings.index)
        dset.store_attr(output_varname, year, simrents)

    print "Finished executing in %f seconds" % (time.time() - t1)
예제 #6
def simulate(dset,config,year,sample_rate=.05,variables=None,show=False):

  t1 = time.time()
  choosers = fetch_table(dset,config,simulate=1)
  output_csv, output_title, coeff_name, output_varname = config["output_names"]
  assert 'dep_var' in config
  dep_var = config['dep_var']
  if 'relocation_rates' in config:
    reloc_cfg = config['relocation_rates']
    assert "rate_table" in reloc_cfg and "rate_field" in reloc_cfg
    rate_table = eval(reloc_cfg['rate_table'])
    rate_field = reloc_cfg['rate_field']
    movers = dset.relocation_rates(choosers,rate_table,rate_field)
    choosers[dep_var].ix[movers] = -1
    # add current unplaced
    movers = choosers[choosers[dep_var]==-1]

  else: movers = choosers # everyone moves

  print "Total new agents and movers = %d" % len(movers.index)

  assert 'alternatives' in config
  alternatives = eval(config['alternatives'])

  lotterychoices = False
  if 'supply_constraint' in config:
    empty_units = eval(config['supply_constraint'])
    if "demand_amount_scale" in config: empty_units /=  float(config["demand_amount_scale"])
    empty_units = empty_units[empty_units>0].order(ascending=False)
    if 'dontexpandunits' in config and config['dontexpandunits'] == True: 
      alternatives = alternatives.ix[empty_units.index]
      alternatives["supply"] = empty_units
      lotterychoices = True
      alternatives = alternatives.ix[np.repeat(empty_units.index,empty_units.values.astype('int'))]
    print "There are %s empty units in %s locations total in the region" % (empty_units.sum(),len(empty_units))

  alternatives = merge(dset,alternatives,config)

  print "Finished specifying model in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)

  t1 = time.time()

  pdf = pd.DataFrame(index=alternatives.index) 
  segments = [(None,movers)]
  if 'segment' in config:
    for varname in config['segment']:
      if varname not in movers.columns:
        movers[varname] = calcvar(movers,config,dset,varname)
    segments = movers.groupby(config['segment'])

  for name, segment in segments:

    segment = segment.head(1)

    name = str(name)
    if name is not None: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv%name, output_title%name, coeff_name%name
    else: tmp_outcsv, tmp_outtitle, tmp_coeffname = output_csv, output_title, coeff_name
    SAMPLE_SIZE = alternatives.index.size # don't sample
    sample, alternative_sample, est_params = \
    data = spec(alternative_sample,config)
    data = data.as_matrix()

    coeff = dset.load_coeff(tmp_coeffname)
    probs = interaction.mnl_simulate(data,coeff,numalts=SAMPLE_SIZE,returnprobs=1)
    pdf['segment%s'%name] = pd.Series(probs.flatten(),index=alternatives.index) 

  print "Finished creating pdf in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)
  if len(pdf.columns): print pdf.describe()
  t1 = time.time()
  if 'save_pdf' in config: dset.save_tmptbl(config['save_pdf'],pdf)

  if 'supply_constraint' in config: # draw from actual units
    new_homes = pd.Series(np.ones(len(movers.index))*-1,index=movers.index)
    mask = np.zeros(len(alternatives.index),dtype='bool')
    for name, segment in segments:
      name = str(name)
      print "Assigning units to %d agents of segment %s" % (len(segment.index),name)
      def choose(p,mask,alternatives,segment,new_homes,minsize=None):
        p = copy.copy(p)

        if minsize is not None: p[alternatives.supply<minsize] = 0
        else: p[mask] = 0 # already chosen
        print "Choosing from %d nonzero alts" % np.count_nonzero(p)

          indexes = np.random.choice(len(alternatives.index),len(segment.index),replace=False,p=p/p.sum())
          print "WARNING: not enough options to fit agents, will result in unplaced agents"
          return mask,new_homes
        new_homes.ix[segment.index] = alternatives.index.values[indexes]
        if minsize is not None: alternatives["supply"].ix[alternatives.index.values[indexes]] -= minsize
        else: mask[indexes] = 1
        return mask,new_homes

      if lotterychoices and "demand_amount" not in config:
        print "WARNING: you've specified a supply constraint but no demand_amount - all demands will be of value 1"

      if lotterychoices and "demand_amount" in config:
        tmp = segment[config["demand_amount"]]
        if "demand_amount_scale" in config: tmp /= float(config["demand_amount_scale"])

        for name, subsegment in reversed(list(segment.groupby(tmp.astype('int')))):
          print "Running subsegment with size = %s, num agents = %d" % (name, len(subsegment.index))
          mask,new_homes = choose(p,mask,alternatives,subsegment,new_homes,minsize=int(name))
      else:  mask,new_homes = choose(p,mask,alternatives,segment,new_homes)

    build_cnts = new_homes.value_counts()
    print "Assigned %d agents to %d locations with %d unplaced" % \

    table = eval(config['table']) # need to go back to the whole dataset
    table[dep_var].ix[new_homes.index] = new_homes.values.astype('int32')
    if output_varname: dset.store_attr(output_varname,year,copy.deepcopy(table[dep_var]))

  print "Finished assigning agents in %f seconds" % (time.time()-t1)