예제 #1
def objective_and_gradient(scene, X):
    delta = 1e-8
    distn, kappa, tau, rates = unpack(X)
    scene['tree']['edge_rate_scaling_factors'] = rates.tolist()
    log_likelihood_request = {'property' : 'snnlogl'}
    derivatives_request = {'property' : 'sdnderi'}

    # Get the log likelihood and per-edge derivatives.
    # Note that the edge derivatives are of the log likelihood
    # with respect to logs of edge rates, and we will eventually
    # multiply them by -1 to get the gradient of the cost function
    # which we want to minimize rather than the log likelihood function
    # which we want to maximize.
    process_defn, root_prior = get_process_defn_and_prior(distn, kappa, tau)
    scene['root_prior'] = root_prior
    scene['process_definitions'] = [process_defn]
    j_in = {
            'scene' : scene,
            'requests' : [log_likelihood_request, derivatives_request]
    j_out = jsonctmctree.interface.process_json_in(j_in)
    log_likelihood, edge_gradient = j_out['responses']
    cost = -log_likelihood

    # For each non-edge-specific parameter get finite-differences
    # approximation of the gradient.
    nedges = len(scene['tree']['row_nodes'])
    nparams = len(X) - nedges
    gradient = []
    for i in range(nparams):
        W = np.copy(X)
        W[i] += delta
        distn, kappa, tau, rates = unpack(W)
        process_defn, root_prior = get_process_defn_and_prior(distn, kappa, tau)
        scene['root_prior'] = root_prior
        scene['process_definitions'] = [process_defn]
        j_in = {
                'scene' : scene,
                'requests' : [log_likelihood_request]
        j_out = jsonctmctree.interface.process_json_in(j_in)
        ll = j_out['responses'][0]
        c = -ll
        slope = (c - cost) / delta
    gradient.extend([-x for x in edge_gradient])
    gradient = np.array(gradient)

    # Return cost and gradient.
    return cost, gradient
예제 #2
파일: mle.py 프로젝트: xji3/jsonctmctree
def objective(scene, X):
    distn, kappa, tau, rates = unpack(X)
    scene['root_prior']['probabilities'] = distn.tolist()
    scene['tree']['edge_rate_scaling_factors'] = rates.tolist()
    triples = list(gen_transitions(distn, kappa, tau))
    rows, cols, transition_rates = zip(*triples)
    process_definition = {
            'row_states' : [list(x) for x in rows],
            'column_states' : [list(x) for x in cols],
            'transition_rates' : list(transition_rates)
    scene['process_definitions'] = [process_definition]
    request = {'property' : 'snnlogl'}
    j_in = {'scene' : scene, 'requests' : [request]}
    j_out = jsonctmctree.interface.process_json_in(j_in)
    log_likelihood = j_out['responses'][0]
    cost = -log_likelihood
    return cost
예제 #3
def main():
    name_to_node = {
            'tamarin' : 0,
            'macaque' : 1,
            'orangutan' : 2,
            'chimpanzee' : 3,
            'gorilla' : 4}
    paralog_to_variable = {
            'ecp' : 0,
            'edn' : 1}
    nodes = []
    variables = []
    rows = []
    with open('paralogs.fasta') as fin:
        while True:
            line = fin.readline().strip().lower()
            if not line:
            name = line[1:-3]
            paralog = line[-3:]
            seq = fin.readline().strip()
            row = ['ACGT'.index(x) for x in seq]
    columns = [list(x) for x in zip(*rows)]

    distn = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    rates = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    kappa = 2.0
    tau = 3.0
    process_defn, root_prior = get_process_defn_and_prior(distn, kappa, tau)
    scene = {
            "node_count" : 9,
            "process_count" : 1,
            "state_space_shape" : [4, 4],
            "tree" : {
                "row_nodes" : [5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8],
                "column_nodes" : [0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 4],
                "edge_rate_scaling_factors" : rates,
                "edge_processes" : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            "root_prior" : root_prior,
            "process_definition" : process_defn,
            "observed_data" : {
                "nodes" : nodes,
                "variables" : variables,
                "iid_observations" : columns

    X = pack(distn, kappa, tau, rates)
    f = functools.partial(objective_and_gradient, scene)
    result = minimize(f, X, jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B')
    print('final value of objective function:', result.fun)
    distn, kappa, tau, rates = unpack(result.x)
    print('nucleotide distribution:')
    for nt, p in zip('ACGT', distn):
        print('  ', nt, ':', p)
    print('kappa:', kappa)
    print('tau:', tau)
    print('edge rate scaling factors:')
    for r in rates:
        print('  ', r)
예제 #4
파일: mle.py 프로젝트: xji3/jsonctmctree
def main():
    name_to_node = {
            'tamarin' : 0,
            'macaque' : 1,
            'orangutan' : 2,
            'chimpanzee' : 3,
            'gorilla' : 4}
    paralog_to_variable = {
            'ecp' : 0,
            'edn' : 1}
    nodes = []
    variables = []
    rows = []
    with open('paralogs.fasta') as fin:
        while True:
            line = fin.readline().strip().lower()
            if not line:
            name = line[1:-3]
            paralog = line[-3:]
            seq = fin.readline().strip()
            row = ['ACGT'.index(x) for x in seq]
    columns = [list(x) for x in zip(*rows)]

    print('number of sites in the alignment:', len(columns))
    print('number of sequences:', len(nodes))

    # Compute the empirical distribution of the nucleotides.
    counts = np.zeros(4)
    for k in np.ravel(columns):
        counts[k] += 1
    empirical_pi = counts / counts.sum()

    distn = empirical_pi
    rates = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    scene = {
            "node_count" : 9,
            "process_count" : 1,
            "state_space_shape" : [4, 4],
            "tree" : {
                "row_nodes" : [5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8],
                "column_nodes" : [0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 4],
                "edge_rate_scaling_factors" : rates,
                "edge_processes" : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            "root_prior" : {
                "states" : [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]],
                "probabilities" : distn
            "observed_data" : {
                "nodes" : nodes,
                "variables" : variables,
                "iid_observations" : columns

    X = pack(distn, 2.0, 3.0, rates)
    f = functools.partial(objective, scene)
    result = minimize(f, X, method='L-BFGS-B')
    print('final value of objective function:', result.fun)
    distn, kappa, tau, rates = unpack(result.x)
    print('nucleotide distribution:')
    for nt, p in zip('ACGT', distn):
        print('  ', nt, ':', p)
    print('kappa:', kappa)
    print('tau:', tau)
    print('edge rate scaling factors:')
    for r in rates:
        print('  ', r)
예제 #5
def custom_unpack(rate_expansion, X):
    distn, kappa, tau, rates = unpack(X)
    return distn, kappa, tau, hardcoded_rate_expand(rate_expansion, rates)