예제 #1
def goodFits(bestfitloc='posteriorpdf.fits',

    Read posterior PDF and draw Nfits realizations from the final Ngood models
    at random.  Plot the model from each realization and compare to the data.
    Also plot the residuals obtained after subtracting the model from the data
    and compare to the data.  By default: Nfits = 12, Ngood=5000.

    import modifypdf
    import numpy

    # read the posterior PDFs
    print("Found posterior PDF file: {:s}".format(bestfitloc))
    fitresults = fits.getdata(bestfitloc)
    fitresults = fitresults[-Ngood:]
    fitresults = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)

    # get keys
    from astropy.table import Table
    fitKeys = Table.read(bestfitloc).keys()

    # select the random realizations model
    Nunprune = len(fitresults)
    realids = numpy.floor(numpy.random.uniform(0, Nunprune, Nfits))

    for ifit in range(Nfits):
        realid = numpy.int(realids[ifit])
        fitresult = fitresults[realid]
        tag = 'goodfit' + str(realid).zfill(4)
        printFitParam(fitresult, fitKeys)
예제 #2
def goodFits(bestfitloc='posteriorpdf.fits', Nfits=12, Ngood=5000,
        cleanup=True, interactive=True, showOptical=False):


    Read posterior PDF and draw Nfits realizations from the final Ngood models
    at random.  Plot the model from each realization and compare to the data.
    Also plot the residuals obtained after subtracting the model from the data
    and compare to the data.  By default: Nfits = 12, Ngood=5000.

    import modifypdf
    import numpy

    # read the posterior PDFs
    print("Found posterior PDF file: {:s}".format(bestfitloc))
    fitresults = fits.getdata(bestfitloc)
    fitresults = fitresults[-Ngood:]
    fitresults = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)
    # get keys
    from astropy.table import Table
    fitKeys = Table.read(bestfitloc).keys()

    # select the random realizations model
    Nunprune = len(fitresults)
    realids = numpy.floor(numpy.random.uniform(0, Nunprune, Nfits))

    for ifit in range(Nfits):
        realid = numpy.int(realids[ifit])
        fitresult = fitresults[realid]
        tag = 'goodfit' + str(realid).zfill(4)
        printFitParam(fitresult, fitKeys)
        visualutil.plotFit(config, fitresult, tag=tag, showOptical=showOptical,
                cleanup=cleanup, interactive=interactive)
예제 #3
def plotPDF(fitresults, tag, limits='', Ngood=5000, axes='auto'):

    Plot the PDF of each parameter of the model.


    import numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from pylab import savefig
    from matplotlib import rc
    import modifypdf

    # plotting parameters
        'font', **{
            'family': 'sans-serif',
            'sans-serif': ['Arial Narrow'],
            'size': '12'

    # grab the last Ngood fits
    fitresults = fitresults[-Ngood:]
    #lnprobstring = "prior to pruning <Ln Prob>: {:f}"

    # identify the good fits
    fitresultsgood = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)

    # determine dimensions of PDF plots
    nparams = len(fitresultsgood[0])
    ncol = 4
    nrow = nparams / ncol + 1
    j = 1

    plt.figure(figsize=(12.0, 1.5 * nrow))

    # set up the plotting window

    pnames = fitresultsgood.names

    counter = 0
    for pname in pnames:

        # Position of primary lens
        frg = fitresultsgood[pname]
        rmsval = numpy.std(frg)
        if rmsval > 1e-6:
            avgval = numpy.mean(frg)
            print(pname + ' = ' + str(avgval) + ' +/- ' + str(rmsval))
            totalwidth = frg.max() - frg.min()
            nbins = totalwidth / rmsval * 5
            ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, j)
            j += 1
            plt.hist(frg, nbins, edgecolor='blue')
            if axes == 'auto':
                start, end = ax.get_xlim()
                nticks = 5
                stepsize = (end - start) / nticks
                    numpy.arange(start, end + 0.99 * stepsize, stepsize))
            elif axes == 'initial':
                oldaxis = plt.axis()
                if pname[0:6] == 'lnprob':
                    xmin = frg.min()
                    xmax = frg.max()
                elif pname[0:2] == 'mu':
                    xmin = 0
                    xmax = 30
                    p_l = limits[0]
                    p_u = limits[1]
                    xmin = p_l[counter]
                    xmax = p_u[counter]
                    counter += 1
                ymin = oldaxis[2]
                ymax = oldaxis[3]
                plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

    savefile = tag + 'PDFs.png'
예제 #4
def covariance(bestfitloc='posteriorpdf.fits'):

    Plot the covariance matrix for the parameters of the model.


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy
    from pylab import savefig
    import modifypdf
    from astropy.table import Table
    from matplotlib import rc

    # plotting parameters
    rc('font', **{
        'family': 'sans-serif',
        'sans-serif': ['Arial Narrow'],
        'size': '6'

    posteriorpdf = Table.read(bestfitloc)
    posteriorpdf = posteriorpdf[-5000:]

    # remove columns where the values are not changing
    posteriorpdfclean = modifypdf.cleanColumns(posteriorpdf)

    posteriorpdfgood = modifypdf.prune(posteriorpdfclean)

    headers = posteriorpdf.colnames
    ncol = len(headers)
    k = 0
    xsize = ncol * 2
    ysize = ncol * 1.5
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xsize, ysize))

    #for i in numpy.arange(ncol):
    #    ax = plt.subplot(ncol, ncol, i + 1)
    #    namex = 'mu_aper'
    #    namey = headers[i]
    #    datax = mupdfgood[namex]
    #    datay = posteriorpdfgood[namey]
    #    if namex == 'lnprob':
    #        datax = datax.max() - datax
    #    if namey == 'lnprob':
    #        datay = datay.max() - datay
    #    lnprob = posteriorpdfgood['lnprob'].max() - posteriorpdfgood['lnprob']
    #    plt.hexbin(datax, datay, C = lnprob)
    #    plt.xlabel(namex)
    #    plt.ylabel(namey)

    for i in numpy.arange(ncol):

        for j in numpy.arange(ncol - i - 1) + i + 1:

            plotspot = ncol * i + j
            ax = plt.subplot(ncol, ncol, plotspot)

            namex = headers[i]
            namey = headers[j]
            #datax = posteriorpdforig[namex]
            #datay = posteriorpdforig[namey]
            #lnprob = posteriorpdforig['lnprob']

            #plt.hexbin(datax, datay, C = lnprob, color='black')

            datax = posteriorpdfgood[namex]
            datay = posteriorpdfgood[namey]
            if namex == 'lnprob':
                datax = datax.max() - datax
            if namey == 'lnprob':
                datay = datay.max() - datay
            lnprob = posteriorpdfgood['lnprob'].max(
            ) - posteriorpdfgood['lnprob']

            plt.hexbin(datax, datay, C=lnprob)
            print(i, j, plotspot, namex, namey)
            k += 1

    #plt.suptitle(iau_address, x=0.5, y=0.987, fontsize='xx-large')
    # extract object name from directory
    objname = dataname[itarg]
    iauname = dataphot['iauname'][itarg]
    goodfit = goodfitdat['intrinsic'][itarg]
    #goodfit = goodfitdat['observed'][itarg]
    fitdir = anloc + dataname[itarg] + '/' + goodfit + '/'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Read posterior probability distributions
    fitloc = 'posteriorpdf.fits'
    fitresults = Table.read(fitloc)
    fitresults = fitresults[-5000:]
    fitresultsgood = modifypdf.cleanColumns(fitresults)
    fitresultsgood = modifypdf.bigScoop(fitresultsgood)
    fitresultsgood = modifypdf.prune(fitresultsgood, quiet=True)
    nfits = len(fitresultsgood)

    configfile = open('config.yaml')
    config = yaml.load(configfile)
    paramData = setuputil.loadParams(config)

    if objname != objname_previous:
        radeg_centroid = config['Region0']['RACentroid']
        decdeg_centroid = config['Region0']['DecCentroid']
        c = SkyCoord(ra=radeg_centroid*u.degree, 
        fullRA = c.ra.to_string(unit='hour', pad=True, sep=':', precision=3)
        fullDec = c.dec.to_string('deg', pad=True, alwayssign=True, sep=':', precision=2)
        msg = '${0:9}$ ${1:12}$ ${2:12}$'
        msgfmt = msg.format(objname, fullRA, fullDec)
예제 #6
def all(goodfit, update=False, mu_estimate=False):

    # Check to see whether we've already loaded the data
    if not update:
        ffile = 'flux_total_observed.dat'
        if os.path.exists(ffile):
            ffile = 'flux_total_observed.dat'
            flux_total_observed = Table.read(ffile, format='ascii')
            ffile = 'flux_indiv_observed.dat'
            flux_indiv_observed = Table.read(ffile, format='ascii')
            ffile = 'flux_indiv_intrinsic.dat'
            flux_indiv_intrinsic = Table.read(ffile, format='ascii')
            update = True
    if update:
        cwd = os.getcwd()

        # read in the sample targets
        anloc = '../../ModelFits/'
        dataphotloc = 'targetlist.dat'
        dataphot = Table.read(dataphotloc, format='ascii')
        dataname = dataphot['dataname']
        ntarg = dataname.size
        dataflag = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
        for i in range(ntarg):
            datanamei = dataname[i]
            dataloc = anloc + datanamei + '/' + goodfit
            if os.path.exists(dataloc):
                dataflag[i] = 1

        yesmodel = dataflag == 1
        dataphot = dataphot[yesmodel]
        dataname = dataphot['dataname']
        ntarg = len(dataphot)

        dataname_indiv = []
        flux_total = []
        e_flux_total = []
        flux_indiv = []
        e_flux_indiv = []
        flux_indiv_int = []
        e_flux_indiv_int = []
        for itarg in range(0, ntarg):

            # extract object name from directory
            objname = dataname[itarg]
            iauname = dataphot['iauname'][itarg]
            fitdir = anloc + dataname[itarg] + '/' + goodfit + '/'

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Read posterior probability distributions
            fitloc = 'posteriorpdf.fits'
            fitresults = Table.read(fitloc)
            fitresults = fitresults[-5000:]
            fitresultsgood = modifypdf.cleanColumns(fitresults)
            fitresultsgood = modifypdf.bigScoop(fitresultsgood)
            fitresultsgood = modifypdf.prune(fitresultsgood, quiet=True)

            configfile = open('config.yaml')
            config = yaml.load(configfile)
            paramData = setuputil.loadParams(config)

            nregions = paramData['nregions']

            flux_target = 0

            for iregion in range(nregions):
                sr = str(iregion)
                nsource = paramData['nsource_regions'][iregion]
                for isource in range(nsource):
                    ss = str(isource)
                    datanamesource = dataname[itarg] + '.Source' + ss
                    tag1 = 'IntrinsicFlux_Source' + ss + '_Region' + sr
                    if tag1 not in fitresults.keys():
                        tag1 = 'Region' + sr + ' Source' + ss  + ' IntrinsicFlux'
                    fluxdist = fitresultsgood[tag1]
                    tag2 = 'mu_tot.Source' + ss + '.Region' + sr

                    # get the by-eye magnification estimates
                    if mu_estimate:
                        datamu = Table.read('mu_estimate.dat', format='ascii')
                        muindx = datamu['target'] == datanamesource
                        muerr = datamu['muerr'][muindx][0]
                        if muerr == 0.25:
                            mu_by_eye = datamu['mu'][muindx][0]
                            mu_by_eye = 1.
                        mu_by_eye = 1.
                    flux_indiv_int.append(fluxdist.mean() / mu_by_eye)
                    e_flux_indiv_int.append(fluxdist.std() / mu_by_eye)
                    if tag2 in fitresults.keys():
                        if fitresultsgood[tag2].mean() == 100:
                        observedflux = fluxdist * fitresultsgood[tag2]
                        observedflux = fluxdist
                        print(datanamesource, 1.0)
                    flux_target += observedflux
            flux_measure = flux_target.mean()
            flux_error = flux_target.std()
            #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            #print(objname, flux_measure, ' +/- ', flux_error)

        flux_total_observed = {'targets': dataname, 'fnu': flux_total, 
                'e_fnu': e_flux_total}
        t1 = Table(flux_total_observed)
        t1.write('flux_total_observed.dat', format='ascii')
        flux_indiv_observed = {'targets': dataname_indiv, 'fnu': flux_indiv, 
                'e_fnu': e_flux_indiv}
        t1 = Table(flux_indiv_observed)
        t1.write('flux_indiv_observed.dat', format='ascii')
        flux_indiv_intrinsic = {'targets': dataname_indiv, 'fnu': flux_indiv_int, 
                'e_fnu': e_flux_indiv_int}
        t1 = Table(flux_indiv_intrinsic)
        t1.write('flux_indiv_intrinsic.dat', format='ascii')

        #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        #m1 = 0
        #m2 = 1 + int(numpy.array(flux_total + flux_indiv + flux_indiv_int).max())
        #binwidth = 2
        #bins = numpy.arange(m1, m2 + binwidth, binwidth)
        #plt.hist(flux_total, bins = bins, histtype='stepfilled')
        #binwidth = 1.8
        #bins = numpy.arange(m1, m2 + binwidth, binwidth)
        #plt.hist(flux_indiv, bins = bins, alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled')
        #binwidth = 1.6
        #bins = numpy.arange(m1, m2 + binwidth, binwidth)
        #plt.hist(flux_indiv_int, bins = bins, alpha=0.2, histtype='stepfilled')
    return flux_total_observed, flux_indiv_observed, flux_indiv_intrinsic
예제 #7
def covariance(bestfitloc='posteriorpdf.fits'):


    Plot the covariance matrix for the parameters of the model.


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy
    from pylab import savefig
    import modifypdf
    from astropy.table import Table
    from matplotlib import rc

    # plotting parameters
    rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif', 'sans-serif':['Arial Narrow'], 

    posteriorpdf = Table.read(bestfitloc)
    posteriorpdf = posteriorpdf[-5000:]

    # remove columns where the values are not changing
    posteriorpdfclean = modifypdf.cleanColumns(posteriorpdf)

    posteriorpdfgood = modifypdf.prune(posteriorpdfclean)

    headers = posteriorpdf.colnames
    ncol = len(headers)
    k = 0
    xsize = ncol * 2
    ysize = ncol * 1.5
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xsize, ysize))
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.020, bottom=0.02, right=0.99, top=0.97,
        wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5)

    #for i in numpy.arange(ncol):
    #    ax = plt.subplot(ncol, ncol, i + 1)
    #    namex = 'mu_aper'
    #    namey = headers[i]
    #    datax = mupdfgood[namex]
    #    datay = posteriorpdfgood[namey]
    #    if namex == 'lnprob':
    #        datax = datax.max() - datax
    #    if namey == 'lnprob':
    #        datay = datay.max() - datay
    #    lnprob = posteriorpdfgood['lnprob'].max() - posteriorpdfgood['lnprob']
    #    plt.hexbin(datax, datay, C = lnprob)
    #    plt.xlabel(namex)
    #    plt.ylabel(namey)

    for i in numpy.arange(ncol):

        for j in numpy.arange(ncol - i - 1) + i + 1:

            plotspot = ncol * i + j
            ax = plt.subplot(ncol, ncol, plotspot)

            namex = headers[i]
            namey = headers[j]
            #datax = posteriorpdforig[namex]
            #datay = posteriorpdforig[namey]
            #lnprob = posteriorpdforig['lnprob']

            #plt.hexbin(datax, datay, C = lnprob, color='black')

            datax = posteriorpdfgood[namex]
            datay = posteriorpdfgood[namey]
            if namex == 'lnprob':
                datax = datax.max() - datax
            if namey == 'lnprob':
                datay = datay.max() - datay
            lnprob = posteriorpdfgood['lnprob'].max() - posteriorpdfgood['lnprob']

            plt.hexbin(datax, datay, C = lnprob)
            print(i, j, plotspot, namex, namey)
            k += 1

    #plt.suptitle(iau_address, x=0.5, y=0.987, fontsize='xx-large')
예제 #8
nticks = 5

#deltachi2 = 100
posteriorloc = 'posteriorpdf.hdf5'

# read posterior PDF

print "Reading output from emcee"

fitresults = hdf5.read_table_hdf5(posteriorloc)
fitresults = fitresults[-5000:]
print 'prior to pruning: ', fitresults['lnprob'].mean()

# identify the good fits
fitresultsgood = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)

# determine dimensions of PDF plots
nparams = len(fitresultsgood[0])
ncol = 4
nrow = nparams / ncol + 1
j = 1

fig = mpl.figure(figsize=(8.0, 1.0 * nrow))

# set up the plotting window
mpl.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.95,
    wspace=0.4, hspace=0.65)

pnames = fitresultsgood.keys()
예제 #9
def plotPDF(fitresults, tag, limits='', Ngood=5000, axes='auto'):


    Plot the PDF of each parameter of the model.


    import numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from pylab import savefig
    from matplotlib import rc
    import modifypdf

    # plotting parameters
    rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif', 'sans-serif':['Arial Narrow'], 

    # grab the last Ngood fits
    fitresults = fitresults[-Ngood:]
    #lnprobstring = "prior to pruning <Ln Prob>: {:f}"

    # identify the good fits
    fitresultsgood = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)

    # determine dimensions of PDF plots
    nparams = len(fitresultsgood[0])
    ncol = 4
    nrow = nparams / ncol + 1
    j = 1

    plt.figure(figsize=(12.0, 1.5 * nrow))

    # set up the plotting window
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95,
        wspace=0.4, hspace=0.65)

    pnames = fitresultsgood.names

    counter = 0
    for pname in pnames:

        # Position of primary lens
        frg = fitresultsgood[pname]
        rmsval = numpy.std(frg)
        if rmsval > 1e-6:
            avgval = numpy.mean(frg)
            print(pname + ' = ' + str(avgval) + ' +/- ' + str(rmsval))
            totalwidth = frg.max() - frg.min()
            nbins = totalwidth / rmsval * 5
            ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, j)
            j += 1
            plt.hist(frg, nbins, edgecolor='blue')
            if axes == 'auto':
                start, end = ax.get_xlim()
                nticks = 5
                stepsize = (end - start) / nticks
                ax.xaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange(start, end + 0.99*stepsize, 
            elif axes == 'initial':
                oldaxis = plt.axis()
                if pname[0:6] == 'lnprob':
                    xmin = frg.min()
                    xmax = frg.max()
                elif pname[0:2] == 'mu':
                    xmin = 0
                    xmax = 30
                    p_l = limits[0]
                    p_u = limits[1]
                    xmin = p_l[counter]
                    xmax = p_u[counter]
                    counter += 1
                ymin = oldaxis[2]
                ymax = oldaxis[3]
                plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

    savefile = tag + 'PDFs.png'
예제 #10
def plotPDF(fitresults, tag, limits='', Ngood=5000, axes='auto'):


    Plot the PDF of each parameter of the model.

    avg_dic: dict
        key = names of the model parameters, value = average value from the last Ngood samples


    import numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from pylab import savefig
    from matplotlib import rc
    import modifypdf

    # plotting parameters
    rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif', 'sans-serif':['Arial Narrow'],

    # grab the last Ngood fits
    fitresults = fitresults[-Ngood:]
    #lnprobstring = "prior to pruning <Ln Prob>: {:f}"

    # identify the good fits
    fitresultsgood = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)

    # determine dimensions of PDF plots
    nparams = len(fitresultsgood[0])
    ncol = 4
    nrow = (nparams/ncol + 1) if nparams % ncol != 0 else nparams/ncol

    plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 2.0 * nrow))

    # set up the plotting window
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95,
        wspace=0.4, hspace=0.65)

    pnames = fitresultsgood.names
    width = 1e-6

    # intialize a dictionary w/ keywords = pnames to hold the average value of each paramter in the chain
    avg_dic = dict.fromkeys(pnames)

    for i, pname in enumerate(pnames):
        ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, i+1)     # nparams/ncol

        frg = fitresultsgood[pname]
        rmsval = numpy.std(frg)
        if rmsval > width:
            avgval = numpy.mean(frg)
            print("{:s} = {:.4f} +/- {:.4f}").format(pname, avgval, rmsval)
            avg_dic[pname] = avgval
            totalwidth = frg.max() - frg.min()
            nbins = totalwidth / rmsval * 5

            plt.hist(frg, int(nbins), edgecolor='blue')
            if axes == 'auto':
                start, end = ax.get_xlim()
                nticks = 5
                stepsize = (end - start) / nticks
                ax.xaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange(start, end + 0.99*stepsize,
            elif axes == 'initial':
                oldaxis = plt.axis()
                if pname[0:6] == 'lnprob':
                    xmin = frg.min()
                    xmax = frg.max()
                elif pname[0:2] == 'mu':
                    xmin = 0
                    xmax = 30
                    p_l = limits[0]
                    p_u = limits[1]
                    xmin = p_l[i]
                    xmax = p_u[i]
                ymin = oldaxis[2]
                ymax = oldaxis[3]
                plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
            print('*** Distribution narrorwer than {} ***').format(width)
            print('*** This is likely a fixed parameter: {}. ***').format(pname)
            print('*** Check config.yaml *** ')

    savefile = tag + 'PDFs.png'
    return avg_dic
예제 #11

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.io.misc import hdf5
import numpy
from pylab import savefig
import modifypdf

# examine each inputs_lens.dat file to determine total number of lenses

posteriorpdfloc = 'posteriorpdf.hdf5'
posteriorpdf = hdf5.read_table_hdf5(posteriorpdfloc)
posteriorpdf = posteriorpdf[-5000:]

posteriorpdfgood = modifypdf.prune(posteriorpdf)

headers = posteriorpdf.colnames()
ncol = len(headers)
k = 0
xsize = ncol * 3
ysize = ncol * 2.5
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xsize, ysize))
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.020, bottom=0.02, right=0.99, top=0.97,
    wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5)

#for i in numpy.arange(ncol):
#    ax = plt.subplot(ncol, ncol, i + 1)
#    namex = 'mu_aper'
#    namey = headers[i]
#    datax = mupdfgood[namex]
예제 #12
cwd = os.getcwd()
anloc = '../../ModelFits/'
dataphotloc = 'targetlist.dat'
dataphot = Table.read(dataphotloc, format='ascii')
dataname = dataphot['dataname']
ntarg = dataname.size
dataflag = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
for itarg in range(0, ntarg):

    dirloc = anloc + dataname[itarg] + '/' + fitid
    print dirloc
    #if dataname[itarg] == 'XMM01':
    #    continue
    burninfiles = glob.glob(burninfile)
    burninlast = burninfiles[-1]
    fitresults = Table.read(burninlast, format='ascii', data_start=-5000)
    prunedpdf = modifypdf.prune(fitresults)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    maxprob = fitresults['lnprob'].max() + 0.1
    hist1 = numpy.log10(maxprob - fitresults['lnprob'])
    plt.hist(hist1, bins=15, log=True)
    hist1 = numpy.log10(maxprob - prunedpdf['lnprob'])
    plt.hist(hist1, bins=15, log=True)
    from pylab import savefig