예제 #1
def findStraightTracks(hitlist, etraj_ends, ptraj_ends,\
                        mst = 2, returnN=True, returnHitList = False, returnTracks = False):

    strtracklist = []  # Initialize output
    hitscopy = hitlist.copy()  # Need this because hitlist gets eddited

    for hit in hitlist:  #Go through all hits, starting at the back of the ecal
        track = [hit]
        currenthit = hit  #Stores "trailing" hit in track being constructed
        possibleNeigh = False
        for h in hitscopy:
            if h.getZPos() == currenthit.getZPos():
                possibleNeigh = True  #Optimization
            if not possibleNeigh: continue
            if currenthit.getZPos() - h.getZPos() > 25:  #Optimization
                possibleNeigh = False
            neighFound = (
                    (physTools.layerofHitZ(h.getZPos()) ==\
                            physTools.layerofHitZ(currenthit.getZPos()) - 1 or\
                     physTools.layerofHitZ(h.getZPos()) ==\
                            physTools.layerofHitZ(currenthit.getZPos()) -2) and\
                     h.getXPos() == currenthit.getXPos() and\
                     h.getYPos() == currenthit.getYPos() )
            if neighFound:
                currenthit = h

        # Too short
        if len(track) < mst: continue

        # If it's exactly the min, it has to be very close to ptraj
        if len(track) == mst:
            for hitt in track:
                if physTools.distPtToLine(
                        physTools.pos(hitt), ptraj_ends[0],
                        ptraj_ends[1]) > physTools.cellWidth - 0.5:

        # Check that the track approaches the photon's and not the electron's
        trk_s = np.array(
            (track[0].getXPos(), track[0].getYPos(), track[0].getZPos()))
        trk_e = np.array(
            (track[-1].getXPos(), track[-1].getYPos(), track[-1].getZPos()))
        closest_e = physTools.distTwoLines(etraj_ends[0], etraj_ends[1], trk_s,
        closest_p = physTools.distTwoLines(ptraj_ends[0], ptraj_ends[1], trk_s,
        if closest_p > physTools.cellWidth and closest_e < 2 * physTools.cellWidth:

        # Remove hits in current track from further consideration
        for h in track:

        # Append track to track list

    # Combine tracks that should be consecutive
    # NOTE: Should maybe do this eariler in case 2 len=2 tracks add up to a passing 4
    strtracklist.sort(key=lambda h: hit.getZPos(),
                      reverse=True)  # Should be done check this

    currentInd = 0
    while currentInd < len(strtracklist):

        trk = strtracklist[currentInd]
        tmpInd = currentInd + 1
        mergeFound = False

        # Search for track compatible with current one
        while tmpInd < len(strtracklist) and not mergeFound:
            trk_ = strtracklist[tmpInd]
            trk_e = np.array((track[-1].getXPos(), track[-1].getYPos(),
            trk_s = np.array(
                (track[0].getXPos(), track[0].getYPos(), track[0].getZPos()))
            # If head+tail are w/in one cell of each other
            if physTools.dist(trk_e, trk_s) < physTools.cellWidth:
                for hit in trk_:
                mergeFound = True
            tmpInd += 1
        if not mergeFound:
            currentInd += 1

    # Prepare and return desired output
    out = []
    if returnN: out.append(len(strtracklist))
    if returnHitList: out.append(hitlist)
    if returnTracks: out.append(strtracklist)

    return out
예제 #2
def nStraightTracks_c(trackingHitList, e_traj_ends, g_traj_ends):

    nTracks = 0

    # Seed a track with each hit
    iHit = 0
    while iHit < len(trackingHitList):
        track = 34 * [999]
        track[0] = iHit
        currentHit = iHit
        trackLen = 1

        # Search for hits in next two layers
        jHit = 0
        while jHit < len(trackingHitList):

            if trackingHitList[jHit].layer == trackingHitList[currentHit].layer or\
                    trackingHitList[jHit].layer > trackingHitList[currentHit].layer + 2:
                jHit += 1  # Don't keep checking this hit over and over again
                continue  # Continue if not in the right range

            # If it's also directly behind the current hit, add it to the current track
            if trackingHitList[jHit].pos[:1] == trackingHitList[
                track[trackLen] = jHit
                currentHit = jHit  # Update end of track
                trackLen += 1

            jHit += 1  # Move j along

        # Confirm if track is valid
        if trackLen >= 2:  # Set min track length

            # Make sure the track is near the photon trajectory and away from the electron
            closest_e = physTools.distTwoLines(
                trackingHitList[track[trackLen - 1]].pos, e_traj_ends[0],
            closest_g = physTools.distTwoLines(
                trackingHitList[track[trackLen - 1]].pos, g_traj_ends[0],
            if closest_g > physTools.cellWidth and closest_e < 2 * physTools.cellWidth:
                iHit += 1
            if trackLen < 4 and closest_e > closest_g:
                iHit += 1

            # If valid track is found, remove hits in track from hitList
            for kHit in range(trackLen):
                trackingHitList.pop(track[kHit] - kHit)

            # nStraightTracks++
            nTracks += 1

            # Decrease iHit because the *current" seed will have been removed
            iHit -= 1

        iHit += 1  # Move iHit along

        # Possibley merge tracks later

    # return the trackingHitlist as is so Linreg doesn't look through 'removed' points
    return nTracks, trackingHitList