def talk(): #Checks to See If There Is Internet l = internetOn() if l == True: speechGoogle() #More Accurate and Faster if l == False: say("There is no Internet connection") #Offline
def listen(): while True: with sr.Microphone() as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) print("Speak:") audio = r.listen(source) try: print("You said " + r.recognize_google(audio).upper()) return r.recognize_google(audio).upper() except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Could not understand audio") say("NOTHING") except sr.RequestError as e: say("NOTHING") print("Could not request results; {0}".format(e))
def temp(): #Tells The Temperature Using PiHat: Calibrate humidity = sense.get_humidity() sense.show_message("Humidity: " + str(humidity)) temperature = int(sense.get_temperature()) Celcius = str(temperature) + "C" temperature = int(temperature * 1.8 + 32) Fahren = str(temperature) + " Degrees Fahrenheit" say("The temperature is " + Fahren) Fahren1 = Fahren.replace("Degrees", "") sense.show_message(Fahren1) say("DONE")
def quote(): #Get Quotes : Add option to get another while True: try: url = "" req = requests.get(url) req = req.json() quote = req["quoteText"] print(quote) say(quote) say("DONE") break except Exception as e: say("ERROR") print(e)
def ssh(available_SSH): #Clean Up: Find Better Method availablePi = [] say("Would you like me to tell you your SSH Options?") while True: try: recognized_Audio = "NO" if "YES" in recognized_Audio: for each in available_SSH.items(): say("For Pi {0}, the IP Address is {1}".format( each[0], each[1][0])) print(each[0], each[1]) break if "NO" in recognized_Audio: say("Alright") break except Exception as e: print(e) say("NOTHING") continue say("Which Pi would you like to SSH in to?") while True: try: recognized_Audio = "1" if "ONE" in recognized_Audio: recognized_Audio = "1" if recognized_Audio in available_SSH: say("Going to Log in to Pi " + recognized_Audio) print(available_SSH[recognized_Audio]) ADDRESS = available_SSH[recognized_Audio][0] USERNAME = available_SSH[recognized_Audio][1] PASSWORD = available_SSH[recognized_Audio][2] ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ADDRESS, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("ls") output = stdout.readlines() print(len(output)) say("There are {0} entries in the Home Folder.".format( len(output))) say("DONE") break elif recognized_Audio not in available_SSH: say("This is not a valid number.") print(recognized_Audio) print(available_SSH) continue except paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError as e: say("Could not make the connection. SSH may not be enabled on the remote machine." ) say("Would you like to try again?") recognized_Audio = listen() if "YES" in recognized_Audio: say("Retrying") continue if "NO" in recognized_Audio: say("Okay") break except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException as e: say("There was an Authentication Error. You may want to go back to the CSV file and make the required changes." ) break except Exception as e: print(e) say("NOTHING") continue
def ipSend(): #Tells the IP Address of the Raspberry PI IPADDRESS = ni.ifaddresses("wlp3s0")[ni.AF_INET][0][ 'addr'] #Tells Current IP PUB_IP = requests.get("") PUB_IP = PUB_IP.json()["ip"] print(PUB_IP) say("The IP Address is {0}".format(IPADDRESS)) say("And The Public IP Address is {0}".format(PUB_IP), slow=True) while True: say("EMAIL") try: recognized_Audio = listen() if "YES" in recognized_Audio: Combined_IP = [IPADDRESS, PUB_IP] sendMail(Combined_IP) print(Combined_IP) say("DONE") break if "NO" in recognized_Audio: say("DONE") break except Exception as e: say("NOTHING") continue
def introduction(): #Just An Introduction say("Hello") say(""" My name is Tina. I was built in 2017 to be an artificial intelligence that's sole purpose is to make your life easier.""")
def Google(): #Google Speech Recognizer for running commands now = nowTime = now.strftime("%I") nowTimeOfDay = now.strftime("%p") if nowTimeOfDay == "AM": print(MORNING) say("GOOD", TimeOfDay=MORNING) elif int(nowTime) <= 5 or int(nowTime) == 12 and nowTimeOfDay == "PM": print(DAY) say("GOOD", TimeOfDay=DAY) elif int(nowTime) >= 6 and nowTimeOfDay == "PM": print(EVENING) say("GOOD", TimeOfDay=EVENING) else: say("GOOD", "Day") while True: try: recognized_Audio = "INTRODUCE YOURSELF" #listen() if "TEMPERATURE" in recognized_Audio: print(recognized_Audio) temp() break elif "ADDRESS" in recognized_Audio: print(recognized_Audio) ipSend() break elif "SSH" in recognized_Audio: print(recognized_Audio) ssh(available_SSH) break #Make Dynamic elif "QUOTE" in recognized_Audio: print(recognized_Audio) quote() break elif "TEST" and "HAT" in recognized_Audio: print(recognized_Audio) hatTest() break elif ("MY NAME" in recognized_Audio) or ("INTRODUCE" in recognized_Audio): print(recognized_Audio) introduction() break elif recognized_Audio == "GOOGLE": googleSearch() break else: say("NOTHING") except sr.UnknownValueError: say("NOTHING") continue except sr.RequestError as e: say("NOTHING") continue talk()