예제 #1
    def get_rt_update(self):
        rtUpdate = self.retrieve("rtUpdate")
        if rtUpdate:
            return rtUpdate

        if (
            self.retrieve("version") is not self.__version__
            or int(self.retrieve("timestamp", 0)) + 86400000 < timestamp()
            #: that's right, we are even using jdownloader updates
            rtUpdate = self.load("http://update0.jdownloader.org/pluginstuff/tbupdate.js")
            rtUpdate = self.decrypt(rtUpdate.splitlines()[1])
            #: But we still need to fix the syntax to work with other engines than rhino
            rtUpdate = re.sub(
                r"for each\(var (\w+) in(\[[^\]]+\])\)\{",
                r"zza=\2;for(var zzi=0;zzi<zza.length;zzi++){\1=zza[zzi];",
            rtUpdate = re.sub(r"for\((\w+)=", r"for(var \1=", rtUpdate)

            self.store("rtUpdate", rtUpdate)
            self.store("timestamp", timestamp())
            self.store("version", self.__version__)
            self.log_error(_("Unable to download, wait for update..."))

        return rtUpdate
예제 #2
    def handle_free(self, pyfile):
        action, inputs = self.parse_html_form('id="frm-downloadDialog-freeDownloadForm"')
        if not action or not inputs:
            self.error(_("Free download form not found"))

        self.log_debug("inputs.keys = %s" % inputs.keys())
        #: Get and decrypt captcha
        if all(key in inputs for key in ("captcha_value", "captcha_id", "captcha_key")):
            #: Old version - last seen 9.12.2013
            self.log_debug('Using "old" version')

            captcha_value = self.captcha.decrypt("http://img.uloz.to/captcha/%s.png" % inputs['captcha_id'])
            self.log_debug("CAPTCHA ID: " + inputs['captcha_id'] + ", CAPTCHA VALUE: " + captcha_value)

            inputs.update({'captcha_id': inputs['captcha_id'], 'captcha_key': inputs['captcha_key'], 'captcha_value': captcha_value})

        elif all(key in inputs for key in ("captcha_value", "timestamp", "salt", "hash")):
            #: New version - better to get new parameters (like captcha reload) because of image url - since 6.12.2013
            self.log_debug('Using "new" version')

            xapca = self.load("http://www.ulozto.net/reloadXapca.php",
                              get={'rnd': timestamp()})

            xapca = xapca.replace('sound":"', 'sound":"http:').replace('image":"', 'image":"http:')
            self.log_debug("xapca: %s" % xapca)

            data = json.loads(xapca)
            captcha_value = self.captcha.decrypt(data['image'])
            self.log_debug("CAPTCHA HASH: " + data['hash'], "CAPTCHA SALT: %s" % data['salt'], "CAPTCHA VALUE: " + captcha_value)

            inputs.update({'timestamp': data['timestamp'], 'salt': data['salt'], 'hash': data['hash'], 'captcha_value': captcha_value})

            self.error(_("CAPTCHA form changed"))

        self.download("http://www.ulozto.net" + action, post=inputs)
    def handle_premium(self, pyfile):
        postData = {'action': 'get_link',
                    'code'  : self.info['pattern']['ID'],
                    'pass'  : 'undefined'}

        self.data = self.load('http://uploading.com/files/get/?JsHttpRequest=%d-xml' % timestamp(), post=postData)
        url = re.search(r'"link"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"', self.data)
        if url:
            self.link = url.group(1).replace("\\/", "/")

        raise Exception("Plugin defect")