required=True, dest='outFilePath', help='Path of the output directory') ######### Recuperation arguments ########### args = parser.parse_args() directory = args.dirPath outFile = args.outFilePath ########### Gestion directory ############## directory = verifDir(directory, True) ############### start message ######################## print( form("\n\t---------------------------------------------------------", 'yellow', 'bold')) print("\t" + form("|", 'yellow', 'bold') + form(" Welcome in Quality (Version " + version + ") ", type='bold') + form("|", 'yellow', 'bold')) print( form("\t---------------------------------------------------------", 'yellow', 'bold') + '\n') ############# Main ######################### # listeID = [] # for ID in os.listdir(directory) : # listeID.append(ID) # listeID.sort() with open(outFile, "w") as qualityR: qualityR.write(
filesreq = parser.add_argument_group('Input mandatory infos for running') filesreq.add_argument('-d', '--directory',type = str , required=True,dest = 'dir', help = 'Path of the output directory') filesreq.add_argument('-s', '--strain',type = str , required=True,dest = 'strain', help = 'Name of the strain') ######### Recuperation arguments ########### args = parser.parse_args() directory = os.path.abspath(args.dir) folder= args.strain ############### start message ######################## print(form("\n\t---------------------------------------------------------",'yellow','bold')) print("\t"+form("|",'yellow','bold')+form(" Welcome in renameFasta (Version " + version + ") ",type='bold')+form("|",'yellow','bold')) print(form("\t---------------------------------------------------------",'yellow','bold')+'\n') ############## Main ################################## dico_Gff = {} cdsFile = directory +"/"+ folder + '_cds.fna' protFile = directory +"/"+ folder + '_protein.faa' gffFile = directory +"/"+ folder + '_merge.gff3' f = open(gffFile,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() print('Creation dico GFF') for line in lines : if 'mRNA' in line :
######### Recuperation arguments ########### args = parser.parse_args() brakerFile = os.path.abspath(args.BRAKER) augustusFile = os.path.abspath(args.augustus) outFile = os.path.abspath(args.outFile) ########### Gestion directory ############## name = augustusFile.split('/')[-1].replace('.gff3', '') brakerPath = brakerFile.replace(brakerFile.split('/')[-1], '') augustusPath = augustusFile.replace(augustusFile.split('/')[-1], '') ############### start message ######################## print( form("\n\t---------------------------------------------------------", 'yellow', 'bold')) print("\t" + form("|", 'yellow', 'bold') + form(" Welcome in mergeBraker_augustus (Version " + version + ") ", type='bold') + form("|", 'yellow', 'bold')) print( form("\t---------------------------------------------------------", 'yellow', 'bold') + '\n') ####################### main #################" nouveauGene = [] listeGene = [] liste = [] liste1 = [] nbAjout = 0 if nbAjout != 0:
args = parser.parse_args() directory = os.path.abspath(args.dirPath) genome = os.path.abspath(args.genome) output = os.path.abspath(args.outfile) ########### Gestion directory ############## directory = verifDir(directory, True) if __name__ == "__main__": version = "0.1" ############### start message ######################## print( form("\n\t---------------------------------------------------------", 'yellow', 'bold')) print("\t" + form("|", 'yellow', 'bold') + form(" Welcome in RecupInfoGFF (Version " + version + ") ", type='bold') + form("|", 'yellow', 'bold')) print( form("\t---------------------------------------------------------", 'yellow', 'bold') + '\n') ################## Main ################################ f = open(output, 'w') f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ('Strain'.center(10), 'Augustus'.center(10), 'Braker'.center(10), 'nb Gene'.center(10), 'Length mean'.center(10), 'Length (mb)'.center(10)))