def __init__( self, selfExternal, parent, keepPreviousPlot, xwin, ywin, colorbg, xxDataLists, yyDataLists, numberOfTableCurves, numberOfBufferCurves, numberPylabPlotFigure, # **kwargs showTitle, showYLabel, showXLabel, showLegend, showLegendShadow, showGrid, showReferenceCurve, showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve, showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve, showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve, colorBackground, colorXYLabels, colorXTicks, colorYTicks, colorTitle, colorPlotBorder, fontsizeTitle, fontsizeXYLabels, fontsizeXTicks, fontsizeYTicks, fontsizeLegend, valueTitle, valueLabelY, valueLabelX, valueLegendLocation, valuesLegendLabels, valueRefCurveMultiplier, valueRefCurveLabel, valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel, valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel, valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel, valuesRefCurvePlotYList, valuesRefCurvePlotXList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, plotStyle, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, lineWidthCurveFit, numPointsForCurveFit, markerSize, connectDataPoints, polyDegree, plotPolyDegree, plotAllLesserDegrees, numberDecimalPlacesInEqn, # 0 for integers; otherwise, range is 1 to 10, editable formatPolyCoefs, ): selfExternal.MySQL_Output( 1, '\n** In class ScatterPlot in module_PylabPlotMySQL_ScatterPlot' ) if DEBUG: print('\nHorizontal xlist:') print(valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList) print('\nHorizontal ylist:') print(valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList) # reset defaults pylab.rcdefaults() # tell pylab which figue we are dealing with; otherwise, defaults to Figure 1, which conflicts with regular x-y plots pylab.figure( numberPylabPlotFigure, facecolor=colorPlotBorder ) # color plot border # pylab.figure().patch.set_facecolor(colorPlotBorder) # clear the figure if not keepPreviousPlot: pylab.clf() # set plot background color matplotlib.rc('axes', facecolor = colorBackground) matplotlib.rc('axes', labelsize = int(fontsizeXYLabels)) matplotlib.rc('axes', labelcolor = colorXYLabels) matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize = int(fontsizeXTicks)) matplotlib.rc('xtick', color = colorXTicks) matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize = int(fontsizeYTicks)) matplotlib.rc('ytick', color = colorYTicks) # scatter plot plotting options (4 colors, 4 line styles, and 7 markers = 112 unique plot possibilities); # however, since line styles are not used with scatterplots, there are 28 unique plot possibilities # ... colors: b = blue, g = green, k = black, m = magenta # ... NOTE: Don't use red here; red is used for polynomial curve fits plotOptions_Colors = ['b','g','k','m',] # ... line style: '-' solid line, '--' dashed line, ':' dotted line, '-.' dash-dot line # ... NOTE: these are not used for data plotted with scatterplots! plotOptions_LineStyles = ['-','--',':','-.'] plotOptions_LineStyles = ['--'] # ... markers: s = square, o = filled circle, d = diamond, v = down triangle, # ^ = up triangle, < = triangle left, > triangle right plotOptions_Markers = ['s','o','d','v','^','<','>'] # curve fit plotting options # ... colors: r = red curveFitOptions_Colors = ['r'] # ... line style: '-' solid line, '--' dashed line, ':' dotted line, '-.' dash-dot line curveFitOptions_LineStyles = ['-','--',':','-.'] # markers: s = square, o = filled circle, d = diamond, v = down triangle, # ^ = up triangle, < = triangle left, > triangle right # NOTE: do not use markers for curve fits, just use solid lines, dashed lines, etc. curveFitOptions_Markers = ['s','o','d','v','^','<','>'] # form list of plot options for data plotOptions = [] if connectDataPoints: for style in plotOptions_LineStyles: for color in plotOptions_Colors: for marker in plotOptions_Markers: plotOptions.append(color + style + marker) else: for color in plotOptions_Colors: for marker in plotOptions_Markers: plotOptions.append(color + marker) # determine total number of options, so that when plotting, we can cycle thru the option using modulo function plotOptions_Total = len(plotOptions) # form list of plot options for curve fit curveFitOptions = [] for style in curveFitOptions_LineStyles: for color in curveFitOptions_Colors: # for marker in curveFitOptions_Markers: curveFitOptions.append(color + style) # curveFitOptions.append(color + style + marker) # determine total number of options so that when plotting we can cycle thru the option using modulo funtion curveFitOptions_Total = len(curveFitOptions) if DEBUG: print('plotOptions = \n%s\n' % plotOptions) print('curveFitOptions = \n%s\n' % curveFitOptions) # create plots # ... only one plot subplot=111 self.pylabSubplot = pylab.subplot(subplot) if DEBUG: print('\nxxDataLists from calling program:') print(xxDataLists) print('\nyyDataLists from calling program:') print(yyDataLists) print('') # keep track of global values for xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax self.xMin_Global = [] self.xMax_Global = [] self.yMin_Global = [] self.yMax_Global = [] # plot data; each list of data is plotted with separate markers for numberPlot in range(len(yyDataLists)): # plot based on plotStyle plotOptionsIndex = numberPlot%plotOptions_Total module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, xxDataLists[numberPlot], yyDataLists[numberPlot], plotOptions[plotOptionsIndex], lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, xxDataLists[numberPlot], yyDataLists[numberPlot] ) # compute 1-D vectors for both x and y by joining all data together # ... used for determining polynomial coefficients by calling pylab.polyfit() x = [] y = [] for i in range(len(xxDataLists)): x.extend(xxDataLists[i]) y.extend(yyDataLists[i]) # print('\n x scatter = %s' % x) # print('\n y scatter = %s' % y) # find min and max values for both x and y xmax = max(x) xmin = min(x) # ... 'bestX' values for later determining 'bestY' deltaX = (xmax - xmin)/float(numPointsForCurveFit) bestX = [] for i in range(numPointsForCurveFit + 1): if i == 0: xtemp = xmin else: xtemp += deltaX bestX.append(xtemp) if DEBUG: print('\nx = %s\n' % x) print('\ny = %s\n' % y) print('\nlen(x) = %s\n' % len(x)) print('\nlen(y) = %s\n' % len(y)) print('\nxmin = %s\n' % xmin) print('\nxmax = %s\n' % xmax) print('\nbestX = %s\n' % bestX) # determine bestY best fit for bestX; # ... also, string for polynomial equation to be listed in legend bestY, stringEqn, stringEqnForLegend = \ self.dataFit(x,y,bestX,polyDegree,numberDecimalPlacesInEqn,formatPolyCoefs) # ... parameters stored for use in calling program to place in storage buffer # ... initialization selfExternal.curvefit_CurveFitEquations_Scatter = [] selfExternal.curvefit_BestY_Scatter = [] selfExternal.curvefit_YHeader_Scatter = [] # ... define values for main curve fit equation selfExternal.curvefit_CurveFitEquations_Scatter.append(stringEqnForLegend.lstrip()) selfExternal.curvefit_BestY_Scatter.append(bestY) selfExternal.curvefit_BestX_Scatter = bestX # selfExternal.curvefit_YHeader_Scatter.append(valueLabelY) selfExternal.curvefit_YHeader_Scatter.append(stringEqnForLegend.lstrip()) selfExternal.curvefit_XHeader_Scatter = valueLabelX selfExternal.curvefit_Title_Scatter = valueTitle if DEBUG: print('\ncurveFitOptions = \n') print(curveFitOptions) print() # plot polynomial curve fit if plotPolyDegree: valuesLegendLabels.append(stringEqnForLegend) module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, bestX, bestY, curveFitOptions[0], lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues(self,bestX,bestY) # fit all lesser degrees if (plotAllLesserDegrees) and (polyDegree > 1): optionsIndex = 0 for i in range(polyDegree - 1,0,-1): bestY, stringEqn, stringEqnForLegend = \ self.dataFit(x,y,bestX,i,numberDecimalPlacesInEqn,formatPolyCoefs) if DEBUG: print('For polynomial of degree %s: %s' % (i,stringEqn)) # ... store for use in calling program; strip leading white space selfExternal.curvefit_CurveFitEquations_Scatter.append(stringEqnForLegend.lstrip()) selfExternal.curvefit_BestY_Scatter.append(bestY) selfExternal.curvefit_YHeader_Scatter.append(stringEqnForLegend.lstrip()) # ... define options index optionsIndex += 1 # ... cycle thru the values using the modulo operator curveFitOptionsIndex = optionsIndex%curveFitOptions_Total valuesLegendLabels.append(stringEqnForLegend) module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, bestX, bestY, curveFitOptions[curveFitOptionsIndex], lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues(self,bestX,bestY) # reference plot, if desired if showReferenceCurve: valuesLegendLabels.append( str(valueRefCurveMultiplier) + ' * (' + valueRefCurveLabel + ') [ref]' ) stringInvalidMultiplier = ( 'Unable to plot reference curve:' + '\n' ' Invalid value for reference curve multiplier.\n' + ' Multiplier must be a string representing either\n' + ' an integer, float, or fraction (e.g., 1/5).\n' ) # change multiplier to decimal tempMult = valueRefCurveMultiplier if tempMult == '1/10': multiplier = 1./10. elif tempMult == '1/9': multiplier = 1./9. elif tempMult == '1/8': multiplier = 1./8. elif tempMult == '1/7': multiplier = 1./7. elif tempMult == '1/6': multiplier = 1./6. elif tempMult == '1/5': multiplier = 1./5. elif tempMult == '1/4': multiplier = 1./4. elif tempMult == '1/3': multiplier = 1./3. elif tempMult == '1/2': multiplier = 1./2. elif tempMult == '2': multiplier = 2. elif tempMult == '3': multiplier = 3. elif tempMult == '4': multiplier = 4. elif tempMult == '5': multiplier = 5. elif tempMult == '6': multiplier = 6. elif tempMult == '7': multiplier = 7. elif tempMult == '8': multiplier = 8. elif tempMult == '9': multiplier = 9. elif tempMult == '10': multiplier = 10. elif tempMult.count('/') == 1: # just one division sign is present in string, so try arbitrary fraction; if fails, nothing left to try tempMult_New = tempMult.split('/') try: multiplier = float(tempMult_New[0]) / float(tempMult_New[1]) except: # form error string selfExt.MySQL_Output( 1, stringInvalidMultiplier ) showinfo( 'Error: invalid value', '\n' + stringInvalidMultiplier + '\n' ) return else: # last ditch chance to just float the string representing a number; if fails, nothing left to try try: multiplier = float(valueRefCurveMultiplier) except: selfExt.MySQL_Output( 1, stringInvalidMultiplier ) showinfo( 'Error: invalid value', '\n' + stringInvalidMultiplier + '\n' ) return # choose correct X-values for reference curve # ... plot X and Y lists plot_X_RefCurve = valuesRefCurvePlotXList plot_Y_RefCurve = [float(y)*float(multiplier) for y in valuesRefCurvePlotYList] # ... set up plots module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, plot_X_RefCurve, plot_Y_RefCurve, 'r--d', lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, plot_X_RefCurve, plot_Y_RefCurve ) # sloped straight-line reference curve, if desired if showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve: valuesLegendLabels.append( valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel ) # ... no need to error check; validation done in "SCATTER PLOT SPECS" window module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, 'r--s', lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList ) # horizontal straight-line reference curve, if desired if showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve: valuesLegendLabels.append( valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel ) # ... no need to error check; validation done in "SCATTER PLOT SPECS" window module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, 'r--s', lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList ) # vertical straight-line reference curve, if desired if showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve: valuesLegendLabels.append( valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel ) # ... no need to error check; validation done in "SCATTER PLOT SPECS" window module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, 'r--s', lineWidthCurveFit, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList ) # display legend if showLegend: if DEBUG: print '\n====\nvaluesLegendLabels:\n',valuesLegendLabels # legend labels stringLegendLabels = [] # lenLabels = len(self.plot_Labels) lenLabels = len(valuesLegendLabels) # for label in self.plot_Labels: for label in valuesLegendLabels: stringLegendLabels.append(label) # title (fontsize specified in rcparams) if showTitle: pylab.title( valueTitle, color=colorTitle, size=fontsizeTitle, ) # y label (fontsize specified in rcparams) if showYLabel: pylab.ylabel( valueLabelY, color=colorXYLabels, size=fontsizeXYLabels, ) # x label (fontsize specified in rcparams) if showXLabel: pylab.xlabel( valueLabelX, color=colorXYLabels, size=fontsizeXYLabels, ) # legend if showLegend: pylab.legend( stringLegendLabels, prop={'size':fontsizeLegend}, loc=valueLegendLocation, shadow=showLegendShadow, ) # if any plots have base 'e', form new labels; # ... pass in all min-max data if DEBUG: print('\nself.xMin_Global:') print(self.xMin_Global) print('\nself.xMax_Global:') print(self.xMax_Global) print('\nself.yMin_Global:') print(self.yMin_Global) print('\nself.yMax_Global:') print(self.yMax_Global) print('') if plotStyle == 'semilogx' or plotStyle == 'loglog': if plotBaseX == 'e': xMin_Local = min(self.xMin_Global) xMax_Local = max(self.xMax_Global) okXLabels = module_PlotUtilities.formNewXLabels( self,pylab,xMin_Local,xMax_Local,colorXTicks,fontsizeXTicks ) if not okXLabels: return if plotStyle == 'semilogy' or plotStyle == 'loglog': if plotBaseY == 'e': yMin_Local = min(self.yMin_Global) yMax_Local = max(self.yMax_Global) okYLabels = module_PlotUtilities.formNewYLabels( self,pylab,yMin_Local,yMax_Local,colorYTicks,fontsizeYTicks ) if not okYLabels: return # grid if showGrid: pylab.grid(showGrid) # finally, plot it return
def plot_OnePlotPerCurve(self, showMainTitle, showPlotTitles, showGrids, mainTitle, colorMainTitle, fontsizeMainTitle, fontsizePlotTitles, fontsizeXYLabels, colorXYLabels, fontsizeXTicks, colorXTicks, fontsizeYTicks, colorYTicks, colorChartBackground, colorPlotBorder, plotStyle, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, lineWidth, markerSize, ): ''' Calls pylab.plot to do the actual plotting; data is specified. Max number of plots: 25 Variables: self.plot_X[] (x list of length 1) self.plot_Y[] (y list of lists of variable length) Plot Options: self.plotOptions (list of third argument plot line colors, line styles, line markers) plotOptions_SubPlot (number determining rows x columns x plot_number) Labels: x label: self.varLabelX y label: self.varLabelY[] plot title: self.varPlotTitle ''' if DEBUG: print('\n-- DEBUG --') print('showMainTitle: %s (%s)' % (showMainTitle, type(showMainTitle))) print('showPlotTitles: %s (%s)' % (showPlotTitles,type(showPlotTitles))) print('showGrids: %s (%s)' % (showGrids,type(showGrids))) print('mainTitle: %s (%s)' % (mainTitle,type(mainTitle))) print('fontsizeMainTitle: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeMainTitle,type(fontsizeMainTitle))) print('fontsizePlotTitles: %s (%s)' % (fontsizePlotTitles,type(fontsizePlotTitles))) print('fontsizeXYLabels: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeXYLabels,type(fontsizeXYLabels))) print('colorXYLabels: %s (%s)' % (colorXYLabels,type(colorXYLabels))) print('fontsizeXTicks: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeXTicks,type(fontsizeXTicks))) print('colorXTicks: %s (%s)' % (colorXTicks,type(colorXTicks))) print('fontsizeYTicks: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeYTicks,type(fontsizeYTicks))) print('colorYTicks: %s (%s)' % (colorYTicks,type(colorYTicks))) print('colorChartBackground: %s (%s)' % (colorChartBackground,type(colorChartBackground))) print('plotStyle: %s (%s)' % (plotStyle,type(plotStyle))) print('plotBaseX: %s (%s)' % (plotBaseX,type(plotBaseX))) print('plotBaseY: %s (%s)' % (plotBaseY,type(plotBaseY))) print('lineWidth: %s (%s)' % (lineWidth,type(lineWidth))) print('markerSize: %s (%s)' % (markerSize,type(markerSize))) print('-- END OF DEBUG --\n') # destroy old popup # try: # self.frame_ToplevelPylabPlotMySQL.destroy() # except: # pass # determine dimension of subplot, upto 'numberCurvesMax' plots max lenYList = len(self.plot_Y) # tells how many curves, and therefore how many plots, are to be drawn # bounds check; no more than 'numberCurvesMax' plots in a 5x5 array allowed; if lenYList > numberCurvesMax: stringLenYList = ( 'Number of plots out of range:\n\n' + ' Number of plots attempted: ' + str(lenYList) + '\n' + ' Max number of plots allowed: ' + str(numberCurvesMax) + '\n\n' + 'To continue with plotting the first ' + str(numberCurvesMax) + '\n' + ' of ' + str(lenYList) + ' plots selected, click "OK".' + '\n\n' + 'To halt plotting, click "CANCEL".' + '\n' ) ans = askokcancel( 'Max number of plots exceeded', stringLenYList ) if not ans: return else: lenYList = numberCurvesMax plotOptions_SubPlot = [] if lenYList == 1: plotOptions_SubPlot = [1,1,0] elif lenYList <= 2: plotOptions_SubPlot = [2,1,0] elif lenYList <= 4: plotOptions_SubPlot = [2,2,0] elif lenYList <= 6: plotOptions_SubPlot = [3,2,0] elif lenYList <= 9: plotOptions_SubPlot = [3,3,0] elif lenYList <= 12: plotOptions_SubPlot = [4,3,0] elif lenYList <= 16: plotOptions_SubPlot = [4,4,0] elif lenYList <= 20: plotOptions_SubPlot = [5,4,0] elif lenYList <= 25: plotOptions_SubPlot = [5,5,0] else: stringLenYList = ( 'Number of plots out of range:\n' + ' Number of plots attempted: ' + str(lenYList) + '\n' + ' Max number of plots allowed: ' + str(lenYList_Max) + '\n\n' + 'Please choose 25 or less plots and try again.\n' ) print stringLenYList self.MySQL_Output( 1, stringLenYList ) showinfo( 'Error: too many plots', '\n' + stringLenYList + '\n' ) return # reset defaults pylab.rcdefaults() # tell pylab which figue we are dealing with; otherwise, defaults to Figure 1 pylab.figure( self.numberPylabPlotFigure, facecolor=colorPlotBorder ) # color plot border # pylab.figure().patch.set_facecolor(colorPlotBorder) # clear the figure if not self.keepPreviousPlot: pylab.clf() # set some plot params params = { # 'font.size' : int(fontsizePlotTitles), #fontsizeGeneral for title 'axes.facecolor' : colorChartBackground, #chart background color 'axes.labelsize' : int(fontsizeXYLabels), #fontsizeChartLabels, 'axes.labelcolor' : colorXYLabels, #chart x-y label colors 'xtick.labelsize' : int(fontsizeXTicks), #fontsizeXTickLabels, 'xtick.color' : colorXTicks, #colorXTickLabels, 'ytick.labelsize' : int(fontsizeYTicks), #fontsizeYTickLabels, 'ytick.color' : colorYTicks, #colorYTickLabels, # 'lines.linewidth' : lineWidth, # width of data plot lines (0=thin, 5=thick) } # update the params pylab.rcParams.update(params) # create plots # ... subplot base number, which determines plot layout in plot window numRowsTotal = plotOptions_SubPlot[0] numColumnsTotal = plotOptions_SubPlot[1] subplot = 0 # iterate over plots for numberPlot in range(lenYList): # keep track of subplot number subplot+=1 # define subplot FIRST before defining other parameters self.pylabSubplot = pylab.subplot(numRowsTotal,numColumnsTotal,subplot) # set plot sizes within frame; also set distance from each other vertically and horizontally pylab.subplots_adjust( left=0.125, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=0.9, wspace=0.30, hspace=0.5, ) pylab.grid(showGrids) # use following x and y label for multiplot labeling # ... x label try: pylab.xlabel(self.label_X[numberPlot]) except: stringErrorXLabel = ( 'The value\n\n' + ' self.label_X[numberPlot]\n\n' + 'is out of range in module_PylabPlotMySQL_Single.\n\n' + 'This is a coding error. Please contact the\n' + 'code administrator.' ) print stringErrorXLabel showinfo( 'Error: out of range', stringErrorXLabel ) return # ... y label try: pylab.ylabel(self.label_Y[numberPlot]) except: stringErrorYLabel = ( 'The value\n\n' + ' self.label_Y[numberPlot]\n\n' + 'is out of range in module_PylabPlotMySQL_Single.\n\n' + 'This is a coding error. Please contact the\n' + 'code administrator.' ) print stringErrorYLabel showinfo( 'Error: out of range', stringErrorYLabel ) return # ... use title for single plots only # pylab.title(self.varPlotTitle.get()) if showPlotTitles: colorTitle = 'black' pylab.title( self.label_Y[numberPlot], color=colorTitle, size=fontsizePlotTitles ) if DEBUG: print('self.plotOptions[0]: %s',self.plotOptions[0]) # self.plotStyleForCurve( module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, self.plot_X[numberPlot], self.plot_Y[numberPlot], self.plotOptions[0], lineWidth, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) # zero out global values for xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax for each plot self.xMin_Global = [] self.xMax_Global = [] self.yMin_Global = [] self.yMax_Global = [] # determine min and max values for each plot # self.globalMinMaxValues( module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, self.plot_X[numberPlot], self.plot_Y[numberPlot] ) # change labels to 'e' if needed if plotStyle == 'semilogx' or plotStyle == 'loglog': if plotBaseX == 'e': xMin_Local = min(self.xMin_Global) xMax_Local = max(self.xMax_Global) # self.formNewXLabels(xMin_Local,xMax_Local,colorXTicks,fontsizeXTicks) okXLabels = module_PlotUtilities.formNewXLabels( self,pylab,xMin_Local,xMax_Local,colorXTicks,fontsizeXTicks ) if not okXLabels: return if plotStyle == 'semilogy' or plotStyle == 'loglog': if plotBaseY == 'e': yMin_Local = min(self.yMin_Global) yMax_Local = max(self.yMax_Global) # self.formNewYLabels(yMin_Local,yMax_Local,colorYTicks,fontsizeYTicks) okYLabels = module_PlotUtilities.formNewYLabels( self,pylab,yMin_Local,yMax_Local,colorYTicks,fontsizeYTicks ) if not okYLabels: return # --- end of for loop --- # show overall plot title if showMainTitle: pylab.suptitle( mainTitle, color=colorMainTitle, fontsize=fontsizeMainTitle ) # graph the plot return
def plot_SeveralCurvesOnOnePlot(self, selfExt, showTitle, showYLabel, showXLabel, showLegend, showGrid, showReferenceCurve, showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve, showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve, showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve, colorBackground, colorPlotBorder, colorXYLabels, colorXTicks, colorYTicks, colorTitle, fontsizeTitle, fontsizeXYLabels, fontsizeXTicks, fontsizeYTicks, fontsizeLegend, valueTitle, valueLabelY, valueLabelX, valueLegendLocation, valuesLegendLabels, valueRefCurveMultiplier, valueRefCurveLabel, valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel, valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel, valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel, valuesRefCurvePlotYList, valuesRefCurvePlotXList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, plotStyle, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, lineWidth, markerSize ): ''' Calls pylab.plot to do the actual plotting; data is specified. These are NOT demo plots. Max number of plots: 25 + 1 reference curve Variables: self.plot_X[] (x list of length 1) self.plot_Y[] (y list of lists of variable length) Plot Options: self.plotOptions (list of third argument plot line colors, line styles, line markers) plotOptions_SubPlot (number determining rows x columns x plot_number) Labels and such from handlerPlotPreprocess: plot title: button status self.varCheckbuttonShowTitle_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() value self.varShowTitle_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() y label: button status self.varCheckbuttonShowLabelY_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() value self.varShowLabelY_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() x label: button status self.varCheckbuttonShowLabelX_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() value self.varShowLabelX_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() show grid: button status self.varCheckbuttonShowGrid_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() reference curve: button status self.varCheckbuttonShowReferenceCurve_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() scale self.comboboxShowReferenceCurveMultiplier_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() curve self.comboboxShowReferenceCurveLabeled_AllCurvesOnePlot.get() ''' if DEBUG: print('\n-- DEBUG --') print('showTitle: %s (%s)' % (showTitle, type(showTitle))) print('showYLabel: %s (%s)' % (showYLabel,type(showYLabel))) print('showXLabel: %s (%s)' % (showXLabel,type(showXLabel))) print('showLegend: %s (%s)' % (showLegend,type(showLegend))) print('showGrid: %s (%s)' % (showGrid,type(showGrid))) print('showReferenceCurve: %s (%s)' % (showReferenceCurve,type(showReferenceCurve))) print('showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve: %s (%s)' % ( showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve, type(showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve)) ) print('showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve: %s (%s)' % ( showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve, type(showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve)) ) print('showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve: %s (%s)' % ( showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve, type(showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve)) ) print('colorBackground: %s (%s)' % (colorBackground,type(colorBackground))) print('colorXYLabels: %s (%s)' % (colorXYLabels,type(colorXYLabels))) print('colorXTicks: %s (%s)' % (colorXTicks,type(colorXTicks))) print('colorYTicks: %s (%s)' % (colorYTicks,type(colorYTicks))) print('colorTitle: %s (%s)' % (colorTitle,type(colorTitle))) print('fontsizeTitle: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeTitle,type(fontsizeTitle))) print('fontsizeXYLabels: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeXYLabels,type(fontsizeXYLabels))) print('fontsizeXTicks: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeXTicks,type(fontsizeXTicks))) print('fontsizeYTicks: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeYTicks,type(fontsizeYTicks))) print('fontsizeLegend: %s (%s)' % (fontsizeLegend,type(fontsizeLegend))) print('valueTitle: %s (%s)' % (valueTitle,type(valueTitle))) print('valueLabelY: %s (%s)' % (valueLabelY,type(valueLabelY))) print('valueLabelX: %s (%s)' % (valueLabelX,type(valueLabelX))) print('valueLegendLocation: %s (%s)' % (valueLegendLocation,type(valueLegendLocation))) print('valuesLegendLabels: %s (%s)' % (valuesLegendLabels,type(valuesLegendLabels))) print('valueRefCurveMultiplier: %s (%s)' % (valueRefCurveMultiplier,type(valueRefCurveMultiplier))) print('valueRefCurveLabel: %s (%s)' % (valueRefCurveLabel,type(valueRefCurveLabel))) print('valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel: %s (%s)' % ( valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel, type(valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel)) ) print('valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel: %s (%s)' % ( valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel, type(valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel)) ) print('valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel: %s (%s)' % ( valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel, type(valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel)) ) print('valuesRefCurvePlotYList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesRefCurvePlotYList, type(valuesRefCurvePlotYList)) ) print('valuesRefCurvePlotXList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesRefCurvePlotXList, type(valuesRefCurvePlotXList)) ) print('valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, type(valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList)) ) print('valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, type(valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList)) ) print('valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, type(valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList)) ) print('valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, type(valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList)) ) print('valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, type(valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList)) ) print('valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList: %s (%s)' % ( valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, type(valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList)) ) print('plotStyle: %s (%s)' % (plotStyle,type(plotStyle))) print('plotBaseX: %s (%s)' % (plotBaseX,type(plotBaseX))) print('plotBaseY: %s (%s)' % (plotBaseY,type(plotBaseY))) print('lineWidth: %s (%s)' % (lineWidth,type(lineWidth))) print('markerSize: %s (%s)' % (markerSize,type(markerSize))) print('-- END OF DEBUG --\n') # destroy old popup # try: # self.frame_ToplevelPylabPlotMySQL.destroy() # except: # pass # determine dimension of subplot, upto 'numberCurvesMax' plots max lenYList = len(self.plot_Y) # tells how many curves, and therefore how many plots, are to be drawn # bounds check; no more than 'numberCurvesMax' plots in a 5x5 array allowed; if lenYList > numberCurvesMax: stringLenYList = ( 'Number of curves to plot is out of range:\n\n' + ' Number of curves attempted: ' + str(lenYList) + '\n' + ' Max number of curves allowed: ' + str(numberCurvesMax) + '\n\n' + 'To continue with plotting the first ' + str(numberCurvesMax) + '\n' + ' of ' + str(lenYList) + ' curves selected, click "OK".' + '\n\n' + 'To halt plotting, click "CANCEL".' + '\n' ) ans = askokcancel( 'Max number of curves exceeded', stringLenYList ) if not ans: return else: lenYList = numberCurvesMax # print figure number: if DEBUG: print( '\n------------------\n' + 'In module_PylabPlotMySQL_All\n' + ' self.numberPylabPlotFigure = %s' ) % self.numberPylabPlotFigure # reset defaults pylab.rcdefaults() # tell pylab which figue we are dealing with; otherwise, defaults to Figure 1, which conflicts with regular x-y plots pylab.figure( self.numberPylabPlotFigure, facecolor=colorPlotBorder ) # color plot border # pylab.figure().patch.set_facecolor(colorPlotBorder) # clear the figure if not self.keepPreviousPlot: pylab.clf() # set some plot params params = { 'axes.facecolor' : colorBackground, #colorChartBackground, # plot bg USE THIS! 'axes.labelsize' : int(fontsizeXYLabels), #fontsizeChartLabels, 'axes.labelcolor' : colorXYLabels, #colorChartLabels, # x-y labels 'xtick.labelsize' : int(fontsizeXTicks), #fontsizeXTickLabels, 'xtick.color' : colorXTicks, #colorXTickLabels, 'ytick.labelsize' : int(fontsizeYTicks), #fontsizeYTickLabels, 'ytick.color' : colorYTicks, #colorYTickLabels, 'legend.fontsize' : int(fontsizeLegend), # 'lines.linewidth' : lineWidth, # width of data plot lines and legend labels (0=thin, 5=thick) # 'figure.titlesize': 24, # 'figure.facecolor' : 'darkgray', # 'figure.edgecolor' : 'cyan', # 'figure.figsize' : [float(widthChartFigure), float(heightChartFigure)], # 'axes.titlesize' : 8, #fontsizeChartTitle, } # update the params pylab.rcParams.update(params) # create plots # ... only one plot; all curves on one plot subplot=111 # ... define subplot FIRST before defining other parameters self.pylabSubplot = pylab.subplot(subplot) # ... apply grid pylab.grid(showGrid) # ... x and y labels if showXLabel: pylab.xlabel(valueLabelX) if showYLabel: pylab.ylabel(valueLabelY) # ... plot title if showTitle: pylab.title( valueTitle, color=colorTitle, size=fontsizeTitle ) if DEBUG: print( '\nmodule_PylabPlotMySQL_All self.plot_X = ' ) print(self.plot_X) print( '\nmodule_PylabPlotMySQL_All self.plot_Y = ' ) print(self.plot_Y) if lenYList > numberCurvesMax: stringErrorNumberPlot = ( 'Number of curves requested for plotting is over\n' + 'the maximum:\n\n' + ' number of curves requested: %s\n' + ' number of curves allowed: %s\n\n' + 'Reduce the number of curves to be plotted and try again.' ) % ( lenYList, numberCurvesMax ) print stringErrorNumberPlot showinfo( 'Error: too many curves', stringErrorNumberPlot ) return # keep track of global values for xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax self.xMin_Global = [] self.xMax_Global = [] self.yMin_Global = [] self.yMax_Global = [] # ... plot x-y for numberPlot in range(lenYList): module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, self.plot_X[numberPlot], self.plot_Y[numberPlot], self.plotOptions[numberPlot], lineWidth, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self,self.plot_X[numberPlot], self.plot_Y[numberPlot] ) # reference plot, if desired if showReferenceCurve: stringInvalidMultiplier = ( 'Unable to plot reference curve:' + '\n' ' Invalid value for reference curve multiplier.\n' + ' Multiplier must be a string representing either\n' + ' an integer, float, or fraction (e.g., 1/5).\n' ) # change multiplier to decimal tempMult = valueRefCurveMultiplier # print 'tempMult, type = ',tempMult,type(tempMult) if tempMult == '1/10': multiplier = 1./10. elif tempMult == '1/9': multiplier = 1./9. elif tempMult == '1/8': multiplier = 1./8. elif tempMult == '1/7': multiplier = 1./7. elif tempMult == '1/6': multiplier = 1./6. elif tempMult == '1/5': multiplier = 1./5. elif tempMult == '1/4': multiplier = 1./4. elif tempMult == '1/3': multiplier = 1./3. elif tempMult == '1/2': multiplier = 1./2. elif tempMult == '2': multiplier = 2. elif tempMult == '3': multiplier = 3. elif tempMult == '4': multiplier = 4. elif tempMult == '5': multiplier = 5. elif tempMult == '6': multiplier = 6. elif tempMult == '7': multiplier = 7. elif tempMult == '8': multiplier = 8. elif tempMult == '9': multiplier = 9. elif tempMult == '10': multiplier = 10. elif tempMult.count('/') == 1: # just one division sign is present in string, so try arbitrary fraction; if fails, nothing left to try tempMult_New = tempMult.split('/') try: multiplier = float(tempMult_New[0]) / float(tempMult_New[1]) except: # form error string selfExt.MySQL_Output( 1, stringInvalidMultiplier ) showinfo( 'Error: invalid value', '\n' + stringInvalidMultiplier + '\n' ) return else: # last ditch chance to just float the string representing a number; if fails, nothing left to try try: multiplier = float(valueRefCurveMultiplier) except: selfExt.MySQL_Output( 1, stringInvalidMultiplier ) showinfo( 'Error: invalid value', '\n' + stringInvalidMultiplier + '\n' ) return # choose correct X-values for reference curve plot_X_RefCurve = valuesRefCurvePlotXList plot_Y_RefCurve = [float(y)*float(multiplier) for y in valuesRefCurvePlotYList] # ... set up plots module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, plot_X_RefCurve, plot_Y_RefCurve, 'r--d', lineWidth, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self,plot_X_RefCurve,plot_Y_RefCurve ) # sloped straight-line reference curve, if desired if showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve: module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, 'r--s', lineWidth, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesSlopedStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList ) # horizontal straight-line reference curve, if desired if showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve: # ... no need to error check; validation done in "X-Y PLOTTING SPECS" window module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, 'r--s', lineWidth, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesHorizontalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList ) # vertical straight-line reference curve, if desired if showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve: module_PlotUtilities.plotStyleForCurve( self, pylab, plotStyle, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList, 'r--s', lineWidth, markerSize, plotBaseX, plotBaseY, ) module_PlotUtilities.globalMinMaxValues( self, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotXList, valuesVerticalStraightLineRefCurvePlotYList ) # display legend # print '\nself.legend_buttonStatus = %s\n' % self.legend_buttonStatus if showLegend: if DEBUG: print '\n====\nvaluesLegendLabels:\n',valuesLegendLabels # set legend shadow stringLegendShadow = 'True' # legend labels stringLegendLabels = [] # lenLabels = len(self.plot_Labels) lenLabels = len(valuesLegendLabels) # for label in self.plot_Labels: for label in valuesLegendLabels: stringLegendLabels.append(label) if showReferenceCurve: # include reference curve in legend # stringLegendLabels.append(str(multiplier) + ' * ' + self.refCurveLabel) stringLegendLabels.append( str(valueRefCurveMultiplier) + ' * (' + valueRefCurveLabel + ') [ref]' ) if showSlopedStraightLineReferenceCurve: # include horizontal straight-line reference curve in legend stringLegendLabels.append( # 'straight line [ref]' valueSlopedStraightLineRefCurveLabel ) if showHorizontalStraightLineReferenceCurve: # include horizontal straight-line reference curve in legend stringLegendLabels.append( # 'straight line [ref]' valueHorizontalStraightLineRefCurveLabel ) if showVerticalStraightLineReferenceCurve: # include vertical straight-line reference curve in legend stringLegendLabels.append( # 'straight line [ref]' valueVerticalStraightLineRefCurveLabel ) # form legend pylab.legend( tuple(stringLegendLabels), loc=valueLegendLocation, shadow=stringLegendShadow ) if plotStyle == 'semilogx' or plotStyle == 'loglog': if plotBaseX == 'e': xMin_Local = min(self.xMin_Global) xMax_Local = max(self.xMax_Global) okXLabels = module_PlotUtilities.formNewXLabels( self,pylab,xMin_Local,xMax_Local,colorXTicks,fontsizeXTicks ) if not okXLabels: return if plotStyle == 'semilogy' or plotStyle == 'loglog': if plotBaseY == 'e': yMin_Local = min(self.yMin_Global) yMax_Local = max(self.yMax_Global) okYLabels = module_PlotUtilities.formNewYLabels( self,pylab,yMin_Local,yMax_Local,colorYTicks,fontsizeYTicks ) if not okYLabels: return # graph the plot return