예제 #1
def validate_mmd(mmd):
    """Validate module metadata

    If everything is ok, just keep quiet, otherwise error is raised for
    specific problem.

    :param mmd: modulemd object representing module metadata.
    :type mmd: Modulemd.Module
    :raises Forbidden: if metadata contains module repository but it is not
    :raise ValidationError: if the xmd has the "mbs" key set.
    for modname in mmd.get_module_component_names():
        mod = mmd.get_module_component(modname)
        if mod.get_repository() and not conf.modules_allow_repository:
            raise Forbidden(
                "Custom module repositories aren't allowed.  "
                "%r bears repository %r" % (modname, mod.get_repository())

    name = mmd.get_module_name()
    xmd = mmd.get_xmd()
    if "mbs" in xmd:
        if name not in conf.allowed_privileged_module_names:
            raise ValidationError('The "mbs" xmd field is reserved for MBS')

        allowed_keys = ["disttag_marking", "koji_tag_arches"]
        for key in xmd["mbs"].keys():
            if key not in allowed_keys:
                raise ValidationError('The "mbs" xmd field is reserved for MBS')

    if name in conf.base_module_names:
        raise ValidationError(
            'You cannot build a module named "{}" since it is a base module'.format(name))
예제 #2
    def patch(self, api_version, id):
        username, groups = module_build_service.web.auth.get_user(request)

            r = json.loads(request.get_data().decode("utf-8"))
        except Exception:
            log.exception("Invalid JSON submitted")
            raise ValidationError("Invalid JSON submitted")

        if "owner" in r:
            if conf.no_auth is not True:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "The request contains 'owner' parameter, however NO_AUTH is not allowed"
            elif username == "anonymous":
                username = r["owner"]

        self.check_groups(username, groups)

        module = models.ModuleBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if not module:
            raise NotFound("No such module found.")

        if module.owner != username and not (conf.admin_groups & groups):
            raise Forbidden(
                "You are not owner of this build and therefore cannot modify it."

        if not r.get("state"):
            log.error("Invalid JSON submitted")
            raise ValidationError("Invalid JSON submitted")

        state = r["state"]
        valid_input_states = ("failed", str(models.BUILD_STATES["failed"]))
        if state not in valid_input_states:
            raise ValidationError(
                "An invalid state was submitted. Valid states values are: {}".
                format(", ".join(valid_input_states)))

        valid_states_to_cancel = ("build", "init", "wait")
        module_state_name = models.INVERSE_BUILD_STATES[module.state]
        if module_state_name not in valid_states_to_cancel:
                "The user %s attempted to cancel a build in the %s state",
            raise ValidationError(
                "To cancel a module build, it must be in one of the following states: {}"
                .format(", ".join(valid_states_to_cancel)))

        module.transition(db.session, conf, models.BUILD_STATES["failed"],
                          "Canceled by %s." % username)

        return jsonify(module.extended_json(db.session, True,
                                            api_version)), 200
예제 #3
def filter_component_builds(flask_request):
    Returns a flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination object based on the request parameters
    :param request: Flask request object
    :return: flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination
    search_query = dict()
    for key in request.args.keys():
        # Search by state will be handled separately
        if key == "state":
        # Only filter on valid database columns
        if key in models.ComponentBuild.__table__.columns.keys():
            if isinstance(models.ComponentBuild.__table__.columns[key].type,
                search_query[key] = str_to_bool(flask_request.args[key])
                search_query[key] = flask_request.args[key]

    # Multiple states can be supplied => or-ing will take place
    states = flask_request.args.getlist("state")
    search_states = []
    for state in states:
        if state.isdigit():
                import koji
            except ImportError:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Cannot filter by state names because koji isn't installed"

            if state.upper() in koji.BUILD_STATES:
                raise ValidationError("Invalid state was supplied: %s" % state)

    # Allow the user to specify the module build ID with a more intuitive key name
    if "module_build" in flask_request.args:
        search_query["module_id"] = flask_request.args["module_build"]

    query = models.ComponentBuild.query

    if search_query:
        query = query.filter_by(**search_query)
    if search_states:
        query = query.filter(models.ComponentBuild.state.in_(search_states))

    query = _add_order_by_clause(flask_request, query, models.ComponentBuild)

    page = flask_request.args.get("page", 1, type=int)
    per_page = flask_request.args.get("per_page", 10, type=int)
    return query.paginate(page, per_page, False)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, url, branch=None, allowed_scm=None, allow_local=False):
        Initialize the SCM object using the specified SCM URL.

        If url is not in the list of allowed_scm, an error will be raised.

        :param str url: The unmodified scmurl
        :param str branch: The optional source control branch. This defaults to "master" when git
            is used.
        :param list allowed_scm: The optional list of allowed SCM URL prefixes
        :param bool allow_local: Allow SCM URLs that start with "file://"
        :raises: Forbidden or ValidationError

        if allowed_scm:
            if not (url.startswith(tuple(allowed_scm)) or
                    (allow_local and url.startswith("file://"))):
                raise Forbidden("%s is not in the list of allowed SCMs" % url)

        # If we are given the option for the git protocol or the http(s) protocol,
        # then just use http(s)
        if re.match(r"(git\+http(?:s)?:\/\/)", url):
            url = url[4:]
        url = url.rstrip("/")

        self.url = url
        self.sourcedir = None

        # once we have more than one SCM provider, we will need some more
        # sophisticated lookup logic
        for scmtype, schemes in SCM.types.items():
            if self.url.startswith(schemes):
                self.scheme = scmtype
            raise ValidationError("Invalid SCM URL: %s" % url)

        # git is the only one supported SCM provider atm
        if self.scheme == "git":
            match = re.search(
            self.repository = match.group("repository")
            self.name = match.group("name")
            self.repository_root = self.repository[:-len(self.name)]
            if self.name.endswith(".git"):
                self.name = self.name[:-4]
            self.commit = match.group("commit")
            self.branch = branch if branch else "master"
            self.version = None
            self._cloned = False
            raise ValidationError("Unhandled SCM scheme: %s" % self.scheme)
예제 #5
def _check_buildopts_arches(mmd, arches):
    Returns buildopts arches if valid, or otherwise the arches provided.

    :param mmd: Module MetaData
    :param arches: list of architectures
    :return: list of architectures
    buildopts = mmd.get_buildopts()
    if not buildopts:
        return arches
        buildopts_arches = buildopts.get_arches()
    except AttributeError:
        # libmodulemd version < 2.8.3
        return arches
    # Must be a subset of the input module arches
    unsupported_arches = set(buildopts_arches) - set(arches)
    if unsupported_arches:
        raise ValidationError(
            "The following buildopts arches are not supported with these "
            "buildrequires: %r" % unsupported_arches)
    if buildopts_arches:
            "Setting build arches of %s to %r based on the buildopts arches." %
            (mmd.get_nsvc(), buildopts_arches))
        return buildopts_arches
    return arches
예제 #6
def submit_module_build_from_yaml(
    db_session, username, handle, params, stream=None, skiptests=False
    yaml_file = to_text_type(handle.read())
    mmd = load_mmd(yaml_file)
    dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    if hasattr(handle, "filename"):
        def_name = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(handle.filename))[0])
    elif not mmd.get_module_name():
        raise ValidationError(
            "The module's name was not present in the modulemd file. Please use the "
            '"module_name" parameter'
    def_version = int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
    module_name = mmd.get_module_name() or def_name
    module_stream = stream or mmd.get_stream_name() or "master"
    if module_name != mmd.get_module_name() or module_stream != mmd.get_stream_name():
        # This is how you set the name and stream in the modulemd
        mmd = mmd.copy(module_name, module_stream)
    mmd.set_version(mmd.get_version() or def_version)
    if skiptests:
        buildopts = mmd.get_buildopts() or Modulemd.Buildopts()
        macros = buildopts.get_rpm_macros() or ""
        buildopts.set_rpm_macros(macros + "\n\n%__spec_check_pre exit 0\n")
    return submit_module_build(db_session, username, mmd, params)
예제 #7
    def get(self, api_version, id):

        module = models.ModuleBuild.get_by_id(db.session, id)
        if not module:
            raise ValidationError("The module could not be found")

        if conf.system == "koji":
            # We are importing KojiContentGenerator here so we can generate the final modulemds.
            # If we imported this regularly we would have gotten a circular import error.
            from module_build_service.builder.KojiContentGenerator import KojiContentGenerator  # noqa
            cg = KojiContentGenerator(module, conf)
            finalmmds = cg.get_final_mmds()
            raise ValidationError(
                "Configured builder not able to generate final modulemds!")

        return jsonify(finalmmds), 200
예제 #8
def _is_eol_in_pdc(name, stream):
    """ Check PDC if the module name:stream is no longer active. """

    params = {"type": "module", "global_component": name, "name": stream}
    url = conf.pdc_url + "/component-branches/"

    response = requests.get(url, params=params)
    if not response:
        raise ValidationError("Failed to talk to PDC {}{}".format(
            response, response.text))

    data = response.json()
    results = data["results"]
    if not results:
        raise ValidationError("No such module {}:{} found at {}".format(
            name, stream, response.request.url))

    # If the module is active, then it is not EOL and vice versa.
    return not results[0]["active"]
예제 #9
def _dict_from_request(request):
    if "multipart/form-data" in request.headers.get("Content-Type", ""):
        data = request.form.to_dict()
            data = json.loads(request.get_data().decode("utf-8"))
        except Exception:
            log.exception("Invalid JSON submitted")
            raise ValidationError("Invalid JSON submitted")
    return data
예제 #10
def _add_order_by_clause(flask_request, query, column_source):
    Orders the given SQLAlchemy query based on the GET arguments provided.

    :param flask_request: a Flask request object
    :param query: a SQLAlchemy query object
    :param column_source: a SQLAlchemy database model
    :return: a SQLAlchemy query object
    order_by = flask_request.args.getlist("order_by")
    order_desc_by = flask_request.args.getlist("order_desc_by")
    # Default to ordering by ID in descending order
    descending = True
    requested_order = ["id"]

    if order_by and order_desc_by:
        raise ValidationError(
            "You may not specify both order_by and order_desc_by")
    elif order_by:
        descending = False
        requested_order = order_by
    elif order_desc_by:
        descending = True
        requested_order = order_desc_by

    column_dict = dict(column_source.__table__.columns)
    order_args = []
    for column_name in requested_order:
        if column_name not in column_dict:
            raise ValidationError(
                'An invalid ordering key of "{}" was supplied'.format(
        column = column_dict[column_name]
        # If the version column is provided, cast it as an integer so the sorting is correct
        if column_name == "version":
            column = sqlalchemy.cast(column, sqlalchemy.BigInteger)
        if descending:
            column = column.desc()


    return query.order_by(*order_args)
예제 #11
    def get(self, api_version, id):
        id_flag = request.args.get("id")
        if id_flag:
            endpoint = request.endpoint.split("s_list")[0]
            raise ValidationError(
                'The "id" query option is invalid. Did you mean to go to "{0}"?'
                .format(url_for(endpoint, api_version=api_version,
        verbose_flag = request.args.get("verbose", "false").lower()
        short_flag = request.args.get("short", "false").lower()
        json_func_kwargs = {}
        json_func_name = "json"

        if id is None:
            # Lists all tracked builds
            p_query = self.query_filter(request)
            json_data = {
                "meta": pagination_metadata(p_query, api_version, request.args)

            if verbose_flag == "true" or verbose_flag == "1":
                json_func_name = "extended_json"
                json_func_kwargs["show_state_url"] = True
                json_func_kwargs["api_version"] = api_version
            elif short_flag == "true" or short_flag == "1":
                if p_query.items and hasattr(p_query.items[0], "short_json"):
                    json_func_name = "short_json"
            if json_func_name == "json" or json_func_name == "extended_json":
                # Only ModuleBuild.json and ModuleBuild.extended_json has argument db_session
                json_func_kwargs["db_session"] = db.session
            json_data["items"] = [
                getattr(item, json_func_name)(**json_func_kwargs)
                for item in p_query.items

            return jsonify(json_data), 200
            # Lists details for the specified build
            instance = self.model.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
            if instance:
                if verbose_flag == "true" or verbose_flag == "1":
                    json_func_name = "extended_json"
                    json_func_kwargs["show_state_url"] = True
                    json_func_kwargs["api_version"] = api_version
                elif short_flag == "true" or short_flag == "1":
                    if getattr(instance, "short_json", None):
                        json_func_name = "short_json"
                if json_func_name == "json" or json_func_name == "extended_json":
                    # Only ModuleBuild.json and ModuleBuild.extended_json has argument db_session
                    json_func_kwargs["db_session"] = db.session
                return jsonify(
                    getattr(instance, json_func_name)(**json_func_kwargs)), 200
                raise NotFound("No such %s found." % self.kind)
예제 #12
    def _validate_dep_overrides_format(self, key):
        Validate any dependency overrides provided to the API.

        :param str key: the override key to validate
        :raises ValidationError: when the overrides are an invalid format
        if not self.data.get(key):
        invalid_override_msg = (
            'The "{}" parameter must be an object with the keys as module '
            "names and the values as arrays of streams".format(key))
        if not isinstance(self.data[key], dict):
            raise ValidationError(invalid_override_msg)
        for streams in self.data[key].values():
            if not isinstance(streams, list):
                raise ValidationError(invalid_override_msg)
            for stream in streams:
                if not isinstance(stream, string_types):
                    raise ValidationError(invalid_override_msg)
예제 #13
def _validate_stream_name_for_static_context(module, stream, context,
    Validates the the streams of static contexts.

    :param str module: name of the module
    :param str stream: name of the stream
    :param str context: name of the context
    :param str dep_type: type of the dependencies the module stream belongs to i. e. requires,
    :return None

    if not stream:
        raise ValidationError(
            ("The '{module}' module in '{dep_type}' of the '{context}' static "
             "context has no stream defined.").format(module=module,

    stream_type = type(stream)
    if stream_type is not str:
        raise ValidationError(
            ("The module '{module}' in '{dep_type}' of the '{context}' "
             "static context is of type '{stream_type}' should be "
             "'str' type.").format(stream=stream,

    if stream.startswith("-"):
        raise ValidationError((
            "The '{stream}' stream of module '{module}' in '{dep_type}' of the"
            "'{context}' static contexts is using stream expansion. Usage of "
            "stream expansion with static context is forbidden.").format(
예제 #14
    def validate(self, skip_branch=False, skip_optional_params=False):
        if "scmurl" not in self.data:
            log.error("Missing scmurl")
            raise ValidationError("Missing scmurl")

        url = self.data["scmurl"]
        allowed_prefix = any(url.startswith(prefix) for prefix in conf.scmurls)
        if not conf.allow_custom_scmurls and not allowed_prefix:
            log.error("The submitted scmurl %r is not allowed" % url)
            raise Forbidden("The submitted scmurl %s is not allowed" % url)

        if not get_scm_url_re().match(url):
            log.error("The submitted scmurl %r is not valid" % url)
            raise ValidationError("The submitted scmurl %s is not valid" % url)

        if not skip_branch and "branch" not in self.data:
            log.error("Missing branch")
            raise ValidationError("Missing branch")

        if "module_name" in self.data:
                "Module name override is only allowed when a YAML file is submitted"
            raise ValidationError(
                "Module name override is only allowed when a YAML file is submitted"
        if "module_stream" in self.data:
                "Stream name override is only allowed when a YAML file is submitted"
            raise ValidationError(
                "Stream name override is only allowed when a YAML file is submitted"

        if not skip_optional_params:
예제 #15
    def get(self, api_version, id, model):

        if not model:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Model is not set for this log messages endpoint")

        query = model.query.filter_by(id=id).first().log_messages.order_by(

        page = request.args.get("page", 1, type=int)
        per_page = request.args.get("per_page", 10, type=int)
        p_query = query.paginate(page, per_page, False)

        request_args = {"id": id}
        json_data = {
            "meta": pagination_metadata(p_query, api_version, request_args)
        json_data["messages"] = [
            getattr(message, "json")() for message in p_query.items

        return jsonify(json_data), 200
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, request, data=None):
        self.username, self.groups = module_build_service.web.auth.get_user(
        self.data = data or _dict_from_request(request)

        # canonicalize and validate scratch option
        if "scratch" in self.data and str_to_bool(str(self.data["scratch"])):
            self.data["scratch"] = True
            if conf.modules_allow_scratch is not True:
                raise Forbidden("Scratch builds are not enabled")
            self.data["scratch"] = False

        # canonicalize and validate srpms list
        if "srpms" in self.data and self.data["srpms"]:
            if not self.data["scratch"]:
                raise Forbidden(
                    "srpms may only be specified for scratch builds")
            if not isinstance(self.data["srpms"], list):
                raise ValidationError("srpms must be specified as a list")
            self.data["srpms"] = []
예제 #17
    def verify(self):
        Verifies that the information provided by a user in SCM URL and branch
        matches the information in SCM repository. For example verifies that
        the commit hash really belongs to the provided branch.

        :raises ValidationError
        if not self.sourcedir:
            raise ProgrammingError("Do .checkout() first.")

        found = False
        branches = SCM._run(["git", "branch", "-r", "--contains", self.commit],
        for branch in branches.decode("utf-8").split("\n"):
            branch = branch.strip()
            if branch[len("origin/"):] == self.branch:
                found = True
        if not found:
            raise ValidationError("Commit %s is not in branch %s." %
                                  (self.commit, self.branch))
예제 #18
def submit_module_build(db_session, username, mmd, params):
    Submits new module build.

    :param db_session: SQLAlchemy session object.
    :param str username: Username of the build's owner.
    :param Modulemd.ModuleStream mmd: Modulemd defining the build.
    :param dict params: the API parameters passed in by the user
    :rtype: list with ModuleBuild
    :return: List with submitted module builds.
        "Submitted %s module build for %s:%s:%s",
        ("scratch" if params.get("scratch", False) else "normal"),

    raise_if_stream_ambigous = False
    default_streams = {}
    # For local builds, we want the user to choose the exact stream using the default_streams
    # in case there are multiple streams to choose from and raise an exception otherwise.
    if "local_build" in params:
        raise_if_stream_ambigous = True
    # Get the default_streams if set.
    if "default_streams" in params:
        default_streams = params["default_streams"]

    xmd = mmd.get_xmd()
    # we check if static contexts are enabled by the `contexts` property defined by the user i
    # as an build option.
    static_context = "mbs_options" in xmd and "contexts" in xmd["mbs_options"]
    input_mmds = generate_mmds_from_static_contexts(mmd) if static_context else [mmd]

    mmds = []
    for mmd in input_mmds:
        _apply_dep_overrides(mmd, params)
        _modify_buildtime_streams(db_session, mmd, resolve_base_module_virtual_streams)
        _process_support_streams(db_session, mmd, params)
        mmds += generate_expanded_mmds(db_session, mmd, raise_if_stream_ambigous,
                                       default_streams, static_context=static_context)

    if not mmds:
        raise ValidationError(
            "No dependency combination was satisfied. Please verify the "
            "buildrequires in your modulemd have previously been built."
    modules = []

    # True if all module builds are skipped so MBS will actually not rebuild
    # anything. To keep the backward compatibility, we need to raise an exception
    # later in the end of this method.
    all_modules_skipped = True

    for mmd in mmds:
        # Prefix the version of the modulemd based on the base module it buildrequires
        version = get_prefixed_version(mmd)
        nsvc = mmd.get_nsvc()

        log.debug("Checking whether module build already exists: %s.", nsvc)
        module = models.ModuleBuild.get_build_from_nsvc(db_session, *nsvc.split(":"))
        if module and not params.get("scratch", False):
            if module.state != models.BUILD_STATES["failed"]:
                    "Skipping rebuild of %s, only rebuild of modules in failed state is allowed.",

            rebuild_strategy = params.get("rebuild_strategy")
            if rebuild_strategy and module.rebuild_strategy != rebuild_strategy:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You cannot change the module\'s "rebuild_strategy" when '
                    "resuming a module build"

            log.debug("Resuming existing module build %r" % module)
            # Reset all component builds that didn't complete
            for component in module.component_builds:
                if not component.is_waiting_for_build and not component.is_completed:
                    component.state = None
                    component.state_reason = None
            module.username = username
            prev_state = module.previous_non_failed_state
            if prev_state == models.BUILD_STATES["init"]:
                transition_to = models.BUILD_STATES["init"]
                transition_to = models.BUILD_STATES["wait"]
                module.batch = 0
            module.transition(db_session, conf, transition_to, "Resubmitted by %s" % username)
            log.info("Resumed existing module build in previous state %s" % module.state)
            # make NSVC unique for every scratch build
            context_suffix = ""
            if params.get("scratch", False):
                log.debug("Checking for existing scratch module builds by NSVC")
                scrmods = models.ModuleBuild.get_scratch_builds_from_nsvc(
                    db_session, *nsvc.split(":"))
                scrmod_contexts = [scrmod.context for scrmod in scrmods]
                    "Found %d previous scratch module build context(s): %s",
                    len(scrmods), ",".join(scrmod_contexts),
                # append incrementing counter to context
                context_suffix = "_" + str(len(scrmods) + 1)
                mmd.set_context(mmd.get_context() + context_suffix)
                # In case the branch is defined, check whether user is allowed to submit
                # non-scratch build from this branch. Note that the branch is always defined
                # for official builds from SCM, because it is requested in views.py.
                branch = params.get("branch")
                if branch:
                    for regex in conf.scratch_build_only_branches:
                        branch_search = re.search(regex, branch)
                        if branch_search:
                            raise ValidationError(
                                "Only scratch module builds can be built from this branch."

            log.debug("Creating new module build")
            module = models.ModuleBuild.create(
            module.build_context, module.runtime_context, module.context, \
                module.build_context_no_bms = module.contexts_from_mmd(module.modulemd)

            xmd = mmd.get_xmd()
            if xmd["mbs"].get("static_context"):
                module.context = mmd.get_context()

            module.context += context_suffix

                # Note the state is "init" here...
                module.json(db_session, show_tasks=False)

        all_modules_skipped = False
        log.info('The user "%s" submitted the build "%s"', username, nsvc)

    if all_modules_skipped:
        err_msg = (
            "Module (state=%s) already exists. Only a new build, resubmission of "
            "a failed build or build against new buildrequirements is "
            "allowed." % module.state
        raise Conflict(err_msg)

    return modules
예제 #19
def filter_module_builds(flask_request):
    Returns a flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination object based on the request parameters
    :param request: Flask request object
    :return: flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination
    search_query = dict()
    special_columns = {
    columns = models.ModuleBuild.__table__.columns.keys()
    for key in set(request.args.keys()) - special_columns:
        # Only filter on valid database columns but skip columns that are treated specially or
        # ignored
        if key in columns:
            search_query[key] = flask_request.args[key]

    # Multiple states can be supplied => or-ing will take place
    states = flask_request.args.getlist("state")
    search_states = []
    for state in states:
        if state.isdigit():
            if state in models.BUILD_STATES:
                raise ValidationError("Invalid state was supplied: %s" % state)

    nsvc = flask_request.args.get("nsvc", None)
    if nsvc:
        nsvc_parts = nsvc.split(":")
        query_keys = ["name", "stream", "version", "context"]
        for key, part in zip(query_keys, nsvc_parts):
            search_query[key] = part

    rpm = flask_request.args.get("rpm", None)
    koji_tags = []
    if rpm:
        if conf.system == "koji":
            # we are importing the koji builder here so we can search for the rpm metadata
            # from koji. If we imported this regulary we would have gotten a circular import error.
            from module_build_service.builder.KojiModuleBuilder import KojiModuleBuilder  # noqa

            koji_tags = KojiModuleBuilder.get_rpm_module_tag(rpm)
            raise ValidationError(
                "Configured builder does not allow to search by rpm binary name!"

    query = models.ModuleBuild.query

    if search_query:
        query = query.filter_by(**search_query)
    if search_states:
        query = query.filter(models.ModuleBuild.state.in_(search_states))
    if koji_tags:
        query = query.filter(

    # This is used when filtering the date request parameters, but it is here to avoid recompiling
    utc_iso_datetime_regex = re.compile(

    # Filter the query based on date request parameters
    for item in ("submitted", "modified", "completed"):
        for context in ("before", "after"):
            request_arg = "%s_%s" % (item, context)  # i.e. submitted_before
            iso_datetime_arg = request.args.get(request_arg, None)

            if iso_datetime_arg:
                iso_datetime_matches = re.match(utc_iso_datetime_regex,

                if not iso_datetime_matches or not iso_datetime_matches.group(
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'An invalid Zulu ISO 8601 timestamp was provided for the "%s" parameter'
                        % request_arg)
                # Converts the ISO 8601 string to a datetime object for SQLAlchemy to use to filter
                item_datetime = datetime.strptime(
                # Get the database column to filter against
                column = getattr(models.ModuleBuild, "time_" + item)

                if context == "after":
                    query = query.filter(column >= item_datetime)
                elif context == "before":
                    query = query.filter(column <= item_datetime)

    # Multiple virtual_streams can be supplied for "or" logic filtering
    virtual_streams = flask_request.args.getlist("virtual_stream")
    query = models.ModuleBuild._add_virtual_streams_filter(
        db.session, query, virtual_streams)

    stream_version_lte = flask_request.args.get("stream_version_lte")
    if stream_version_lte is not None:
        invalid_error = (
            "An invalid value of stream_version_lte was provided. It must be an "
            "integer or float greater than or equal to 10000.")
            stream_version_lte = float(stream_version_lte)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValidationError(invalid_error)

        if stream_version_lte < 10000:
            raise ValidationError(invalid_error)

        query = models.ModuleBuild._add_stream_version_lte_filter(
            db.session, query, stream_version_lte)

    br_joined = False
    module_br_alias = None
    for item in (
        if item == "base_module_br":
            request_arg_name = item
            request_arg_name = "base_module_br_{}".format(item)
        request_arg = flask_request.args.get(request_arg_name)

        if not request_arg:

        if not br_joined:
            module_br_alias = aliased(models.ModuleBuild, name="module_br")
            # Shorten this table name for clarity in the query below
            mb_to_br = models.module_builds_to_module_buildrequires
            # The following joins get added:
            # JOIN module_builds_to_module_buildrequires
            #     ON module_builds_to_module_buildrequires.module_id = module_builds.id
            # JOIN module_builds AS module_br
            #     ON module_builds_to_module_buildrequires.module_buildrequire_id = module_br.id
            query = query.join(
                mb_to_br, mb_to_br.c.module_id == models.ModuleBuild.id).join(
                    mb_to_br.c.module_buildrequire_id == module_br_alias.id)
            br_joined = True

        if item == "base_module_br":
                name, stream, version, context = flask_request.args[
            except ValueError:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'The filter argument for "base_module_br" must be in the format of N:S:V:C'
            query = query.filter(
                module_br_alias.name == name,
                module_br_alias.stream == stream,
                module_br_alias.version == version,
                module_br_alias.context == context,
        elif item.endswith("_lte"):
            column = getattr(module_br_alias, item[:-4])
            query = query.filter(column <= request_arg)
        elif item.endswith("_gte"):
            column = getattr(module_br_alias, item[:-4])
            query = query.filter(column >= request_arg)
            column = getattr(module_br_alias, item)
            query = query.filter(column == request_arg)

    query = _add_order_by_clause(flask_request, query, models.ModuleBuild)

    page = flask_request.args.get("page", 1, type=int)
    per_page = flask_request.args.get("per_page", 10, type=int)
    return query.paginate(page, per_page, False)
예제 #20
def _apply_dep_overrides(mmd, params):
    Apply the dependency override parameters (if specified) on the input modulemd.

    :param Modulemd.ModuleStream mmd: the modulemd to apply the overrides on
    :param dict params: the API parameters passed in by the user
    :raises ValidationError: if one of the overrides doesn't apply
    dep_overrides = {
        "buildrequires": copy.copy(params.get("buildrequire_overrides", {})),
        "requires": copy.copy(params.get("require_overrides", {})),

    # Parse the module's branch to determine if it should override the stream of the buildrequired
    # module defined in conf.br_stream_override_module
    branch_search = None
    if params.get("branch") and conf.br_stream_override_module and conf.br_stream_override_regexes:
        # Only parse the branch for a buildrequire override if the user didn't manually specify an
        # override for the module specified in conf.br_stream_override_module
        if not dep_overrides["buildrequires"].get(conf.br_stream_override_module):
            branch_search = None
            for regex in conf.br_stream_override_regexes:
                branch_search = re.search(regex, params["branch"])
                if branch_search:
                        "The stream override regex `%s` matched the branch %s",
                log.debug('No stream override regexes matched the branch "%s"', params["branch"])

    # If a stream was parsed from the branch, then add it as a stream override for the module
    # specified in conf.br_stream_override_module
    if branch_search:
        # Concatenate all the groups that are not None together to get the desired stream.
        # This approach is taken in case there are sections to ignore.
        # For instance, if we need to parse `el8.0.0` from `rhel-8.0.0`.
        parsed_stream = "".join(group for group in branch_search.groups() if group)
        if parsed_stream:
            dep_overrides["buildrequires"][conf.br_stream_override_module] = [parsed_stream]
                'The buildrequired stream of "%s" was overriden with "%s" based on the branch "%s"',
                conf.br_stream_override_module, parsed_stream, params["branch"],
                'The regex `%s` only matched empty capture groups on the branch "%s". The regex is '
                " invalid and should be rewritten.",
                regex, params["branch"],

    unused_dep_overrides = {
        "buildrequires": set(dep_overrides["buildrequires"].keys()),
        "requires": set(dep_overrides["requires"].keys()),

    deps = mmd.get_dependencies()
    for dep in deps:
        overridden = False
        new_dep = Modulemd.Dependencies()
        for dep_type, overrides in dep_overrides.items():
            if dep_type == "buildrequires":
                mmd_dep_type = "buildtime"
                mmd_dep_type = "runtime"
            # Get the existing streams
            reqs = deps_to_dict(dep, mmd_dep_type)
            # Get the method to add a new stream for this dependency type
            # (e.g. add_buildtime_stream)
            add_func = getattr(new_dep, "add_{}_stream".format(mmd_dep_type))
            add_empty_func = getattr(
                new_dep, "set_empty_{}_dependencies_for_module".format(mmd_dep_type))
            for name, streams in reqs.items():
                if name in dep_overrides[dep_type]:
                    streams_to_add = dep_overrides[dep_type][name]
                    overridden = True
                    streams_to_add = reqs[name]

                if not streams_to_add:
                    for stream in streams_to_add:
                        add_func(name, stream)
        if overridden:
            # Set the overridden streams

    for dep_type in unused_dep_overrides.keys():
        # If a stream override was applied from parsing the branch and it wasn't applicable,
        # just ignore it
        if branch_search and conf.br_stream_override_module in unused_dep_overrides[dep_type]:
        if unused_dep_overrides[dep_type]:
            raise ValidationError(
                "The {} overrides for the following modules aren't applicable: {}".format(
                    dep_type[:-1], ", ".join(sorted(unused_dep_overrides[dep_type])))
예제 #21
def fetch_mmd(url,
    td = None
    scm = None
        log.debug("Verifying modulemd")
        td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        if whitelist_url:
            scm = module_build_service.common.scm.SCM(url, branch, [url],
            scm = module_build_service.common.scm.SCM(url, branch,
        if not whitelist_url and mandatory_checks:
        cofn = scm.get_module_yaml()
        mmd = load_mmd_file(cofn)
            if td is not None:
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning("Failed to remove temporary directory {!r}: {}".format(
                td, str(e)))

    if conf.check_for_eol:
        if _is_eol_in_pdc(scm.name, scm.branch):
            raise ValidationError(
                "Module {}:{} is marked as EOL in PDC.".format(
                    scm.name, scm.branch))

    if not mandatory_checks:
        return mmd, scm

    # If the name was set in the modulemd, make sure it matches what the scmurl
    # says it should be
    if mmd.get_module_name() and mmd.get_module_name() != scm.name:
        if not conf.allow_name_override_from_scm:
            raise ValidationError(
                'The name "{0}" that is stored in the modulemd is not valid'.
        # Set the module name
        mmd = mmd.copy(scm.name)

    # If the stream was set in the modulemd, make sure it matches what the repo
    # branch is
    if mmd.get_stream_name() and mmd.get_stream_name() != scm.branch:
        if not conf.allow_stream_override_from_scm:
            raise ValidationError(
                'The stream "{0}" that is stored in the modulemd does not match the branch "{1}"'
                .format(mmd.get_stream_name(), scm.branch))
        # Set the module stream
        mmd = mmd.copy(mmd.get_module_name(), scm.branch)

    # If the version is in the modulemd, throw an exception since the version
    # since the version is generated by MBS
    if mmd.get_version():
        raise ValidationError(
            'The version "{0}" is already defined in the modulemd but it shouldn\'t be since the '
            "version is generated based on the commit time".format(

    return mmd, scm
예제 #22
def record_component_builds(mmd,
    # Imported here to allow import of utils in GenericBuilder.
    from module_build_service.builder import GenericBuilder

    # When main_mmd is set, merge the metadata from this mmd to main_mmd,
    # otherwise our current mmd is main_mmd.
    if main_mmd:
        # Check for components that are in both MMDs before merging since MBS
        # currently can't handle that situation.
        main_mmd_rpms = main_mmd.get_rpm_component_names()
        mmd_rpms = mmd.get_rpm_component_names()
        duplicate_components = [
            rpm for rpm in main_mmd_rpms if rpm in mmd_rpms
        if duplicate_components:
            error_msg = (
                'The included module "{0}" in "{1}" have the following '
                "conflicting components: {2}".format(
                    mmd.get_module_name(), main_mmd.get_module_name(),
                    ", ".join(duplicate_components)))
            raise UnprocessableEntity(error_msg)
        merge_included_mmd(main_mmd, mmd)
        main_mmd = mmd

    # If the modulemd yaml specifies components, then submit them for build
    rpm_components = [
        mmd.get_rpm_component(name) for name in mmd.get_rpm_component_names()
    module_components = [
        for name in mmd.get_module_component_names()
    all_components = list(rpm_components) + list(module_components)
    if not all_components:

    # Get map of packages that have SRPM overrides
    srpm_overrides = get_module_srpm_overrides(module)

    rpm_weights = GenericBuilder.get_build_weights(
        [c.get_name() for c in rpm_components])
    all_components.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_buildorder())
    # We do not start with batch = 0 here, because the first batch is
    # reserved for module-build-macros. First real components must be
    # planned for batch 2 and following.
    batch = initial_batch

    for component in all_components:
        # Increment the batch number when buildorder increases.
        if previous_buildorder != component.get_buildorder():
            previous_buildorder = component.get_buildorder()
            batch += 1

        # If the component is another module, we fetch its modulemd file
        # and record its components recursively with the initial_batch
        # set to our current batch, so the components of this module
        # are built in the right global order.
        if isinstance(component, Modulemd.ComponentModule):
            full_url = component.get_repository() + "?#" + component.get_ref()
            # It is OK to whitelist all URLs here, because the validity
            # of every URL have been already checked in format_mmd(...).
            included_mmd = fetch_mmd(full_url, whitelist_url=True)[0]
            format_mmd(included_mmd, module.scmurl, module, db_session,
            batch = record_component_builds(included_mmd, module, batch,
                                            previous_buildorder, main_mmd)

        package = component.get_name()
        if package in srpm_overrides:
            component_ref = None
            full_url = srpm_overrides[package]
            log.info('Building custom SRPM "{0}"'
                     " for package {1}".format(full_url, package))
            component_ref = mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["rpms"][package]["ref"]
            full_url = component.get_repository() + "?#" + component_ref

        # Skip the ComponentBuild if it already exists in database. This can happen
        # in case of module build resubmition.
        existing_build = models.ComponentBuild.from_component_name(
            db_session, package, module.id)
        if existing_build:
            # Check that the existing build has the same most important attributes.
            # This should never be a problem, but it's good to be defensive here so
            # we do not mess things during resubmition.
            if (existing_build.batch != batch
                    or existing_build.scmurl != full_url
                    or existing_build.ref != component_ref):
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Component build %s of module build %s (id: %d) already "
                    "exists in database, but its attributes are different from"
                    " resubmitted one." %
                    (component.get_name(), module.name, module.id))

        build = models.ComponentBuild(module_id=module.id,

    return batch
예제 #23
def format_mmd(mmd, scmurl, module=None, db_session=None, srpm_overrides=None):
    Prepares the modulemd for the MBS. This does things such as replacing the
    branches of components with commit hashes and adding metadata in the xmd
    :param mmd: the Modulemd.ModuleStream object to format
    :param scmurl: the url to the modulemd
    :param module: When specified together with `session`, the time_modified
        of a module is updated regularly in case this method takes lot of time.
    :param db_session: Database session to update the `module`.
    :param dict srpm_overrides: Mapping of package names to SRPM links for all
        component packages which have custom SRPM overrides specified.
    srpm_overrides = srpm_overrides or {}

    xmd = mmd.get_xmd()
    if "mbs" not in xmd:
        xmd["mbs"] = {}
    if "scmurl" not in xmd["mbs"]:
        xmd["mbs"]["scmurl"] = scmurl or ""
    if "commit" not in xmd["mbs"]:
        xmd["mbs"]["commit"] = ""

    # If module build was submitted via yaml file, there is no scmurl
    if scmurl:
        scm = module_build_service.common.scm.SCM(scmurl)
        # We want to make sure we have the full commit hash for consistency
        if module_build_service.common.scm.SCM.is_full_commit_hash(
                scm.scheme, scm.commit):
            full_scm_hash = scm.commit
            full_scm_hash = scm.get_full_commit_hash()

        xmd["mbs"]["commit"] = full_scm_hash

    if mmd.get_rpm_component_names() or mmd.get_module_component_names():
        if "rpms" not in xmd["mbs"]:
            xmd["mbs"]["rpms"] = {}
        # Add missing data in RPM components
        for pkgname in mmd.get_rpm_component_names():
            pkg = mmd.get_rpm_component(pkgname)
            # In case of resubmit of existing module which have been
            # cancelled/failed during the init state, the package
            # was maybe already handled by MBS, so skip it in this case.
            if pkgname in xmd["mbs"]["rpms"]:
            if pkg.get_repository() and not conf.rpms_allow_repository:
                raise Forbidden(
                    "Custom component repositories aren't allowed.  "
                    "%r bears repository %r" % (pkgname, pkg.get_repository()))
            if pkg.get_cache() and not conf.rpms_allow_cache:
                raise Forbidden("Custom component caches aren't allowed.  "
                                "%r bears cache %r" %
                                (pkgname, pkg.get_cache()))
            if pkg.get_buildafter():
                raise ValidationError(
                    'The usage of "buildafter" is not yet supported')
            if not pkg.get_repository():
                pkg.set_repository(conf.rpms_default_repository + pkgname)
            if not pkg.get_cache():
                pkg.set_cache(conf.rpms_default_cache + pkgname)
            if not pkg.get_ref():
            if not pkg.get_arches():
                for arch in conf.arches:

        # Add missing data in included modules components
        for modname in mmd.get_module_component_names():
            mod = mmd.get_module_component(modname)
            if mod.get_repository() and not conf.modules_allow_repository:
                raise Forbidden("Custom module repositories aren't allowed.  "
                                "%r bears repository %r" %
                                (modname, mod.get_repository()))
            if not mod.get_repository():
                mod.set_repository(conf.modules_default_repository + modname)
            if not mod.get_ref():

        # Check that SCM URL is valid and replace potential branches in pkg refs
        # by real SCM hash and store the result to our private xmd place in modulemd.
        pool = ThreadPool(20)
            # Filter out the packages which we have already resolved in possible
            # previous runs of this method (can be caused by module build resubmition)
            # or which have custom SRPMs and shouldn't be resolved.
            pkgs_to_resolve = []
            for name in mmd.get_rpm_component_names():
                if name not in xmd["mbs"]["rpms"]:
                    if name in srpm_overrides:
                        # If this package has a custom SRPM, store an empty
                        # ref entry so no further verification takes place.
                        xmd["mbs"]["rpms"][name] = {"ref": None}

            async_result = pool.map_async(_scm_get_latest, pkgs_to_resolve)

            # For modules with lot of components, the _scm_get_latest can take a lot of time.
            # We need to bump time_modified from time to time, otherwise poller could think
            # that module is stuck in "init" state and it would send fake "init" message.
            while not async_result.ready():
                if module and db_session:
                    module.time_modified = datetime.utcnow()
            pkg_dicts = async_result.get()

        err_msg = ""
        for pkg_dict in pkg_dicts:
            if pkg_dict["error"]:
                err_msg += pkg_dict["error"] + "\n"
                pkg_name = pkg_dict["pkg_name"]
                pkg_ref = pkg_dict["pkg_ref"]
                xmd["mbs"]["rpms"][pkg_name] = {"ref": pkg_ref}
        if err_msg:
            raise UnprocessableEntity(err_msg)

    # Set the modified xmd back to the modulemd
예제 #24
 def validate(self):
     if ("modulemd" not in self.data and
         (not hasattr(request, "files") or "yaml" not in request.files)):
         log.error("Invalid file submitted")
         raise ValidationError("Invalid file submitted")
예제 #25
    def validate_optional_params(self):
        forbidden_params = [k for k in self.data if k not in self.valid_params]
        if forbidden_params:
            raise ValidationError(
                "The request contains unspecified parameters: {}".format(
                    ", ".join(forbidden_params)))

        if not conf.no_auth and "owner" in self.data:
            raise ValidationError(
                "The request contains 'owner' parameter, however NO_AUTH is not allowed"

        if not conf.rebuild_strategy_allow_override and "rebuild_strategy" in self.data:
            raise ValidationError(
                'The request contains the "rebuild_strategy" parameter but '
                "overriding the default isn't allowed")

        if "rebuild_strategy" in self.data:
            if self.data[
                    "rebuild_strategy"] not in conf.rebuild_strategies_allowed:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'The rebuild method of "{0}" is not allowed. Choose from: {1}.'
                            ", ".join(conf.rebuild_strategies_allowed)))


        if "reuse_components_from" in self.data:
            if "rebuild_strategy" in self.data and self.data[
                    "rebuild_strategy"] == "all":
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You cannot specify the parameter "reuse_components_from" when the '
                    '"rebuild_strategy" parameter is set to "all"')

            invalid_identifier_msg = (
                'The parameter "reuse_components_from" contains an invalid module identifier'

            if isinstance(self.data["reuse_components_from"], int):
                reuse_module = models.ModuleBuild.get_by_id(
                    db.session, self.data["reuse_components_from"])
            elif isinstance(self.data["reuse_components_from"], string_types):
                    n, s, v, c = self.data["reuse_components_from"].split(":")
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError(invalid_identifier_msg)
                reuse_module = models.ModuleBuild.get_build_from_nsvc(
                    db.session, n, s, v, c)
                raise ValidationError(invalid_identifier_msg)

            if not reuse_module:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'The module in the parameter "reuse_components_from" could not be found'

            if reuse_module.state != models.BUILD_STATES["ready"]:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'The module in the parameter "reuse_components_from" must be in the ready state'

            # Normalize the value so that it simplifies any code that uses this value
            self.data["reuse_components_from"] = reuse_module.id
예제 #26
def generate_mmds_from_static_contexts(mmd):
    This function preexpands the MSE when static contexts which are defined by the `contexts`
    property under `mbs_options` in the `xmd` property of the initial modulemd file.

    :param Modulemd.ModuleStream mmd: Modulemd metadata with the `contexts` property.
    :return list mmds: list of distinct mmds identified by context.

    xmd = mmd.get_xmd()
    if not xmd:
        raise ValidationError(
            "The 'xmd' property of the modulemd yaml file is empty!")

    if not xmd["mbs_options"].get("contexts"):
        raise ValidationError((
            "The 'xmd' property of the modulemd yaml file does not contain the"
            " 'contexts' key."))

    contexts = xmd["mbs_options"].get("contexts")
    if not type(contexts) is dict:
        raise ValidationError(
            "The value of the 'contexts' property needs to be a dict.")

    # remove the information about the `contexts` property from the `mbs_options` as we do not
    # needed anymore

    # we check if the `mbs_options` dict is empty after we remove the `contexts` key.
    # if yes we remove `the mbs_options`.
    if not xmd["mbs_options"]:


    mmds = []
    for context, dependencies in contexts.items():
        # we copy the mmd so we a get a fresh module for each context.
        mmd_copy = mmd.copy()

        if "buildrequires" not in dependencies:
            raise ValidationError(
                ("The  context '{context}' is missing the"
                 " 'buildrequires' key!").format(context=context))

        if "requires" not in dependencies:
            raise ValidationError(
                "The context '{context}' is missing the 'requires' key!".

        # remove the old deps from the mmd
        old_module_deps = mmd_copy.get_dependencies()
        for deps in old_module_deps:

        module_deps = Modulemd.Dependencies.new()

        # populate the new requires and buildrequires according to the `contexts` property
        for module, stream in dependencies["buildrequires"].items():
            _validate_stream_name_for_static_context(module, stream, context,
            module_deps.add_buildtime_stream(module, stream)

        for module, stream in dependencies["requires"].items():
            _validate_stream_name_for_static_context(module, stream, context,
            module_deps.add_runtime_stream(module, stream)



    return mmds