def testsignal_resp_handler_remote_action(self): """ Test to check the handling remote action method with a response of the signal class. """ sig_dict, signal = self.setup_vars_mocks() cbt = CBT() cbt.request.params = {"RecipientId": "1", "OverlayId": "A0FB389"} jid_cache = JidCache(signal, 5) jid_cache.add_entry("1", "2345") transport = XmppTransport.factory( "1", sig_dict["Signal"]["Overlays"]["A0FB389"], signal, signal._presence_publisher, None, None) transport.send_msg = MagicMock() signal._circles = { "A0FB389": { "JidCache": jid_cache, "Transport": transport } } cbt.tag = "1" signal.submit_cbt(cbt) resp = CBT.Response() cbt.response = resp rem_act = {"InitiatorId": "1", "OverlayId": "A0FB389"} signal._remote_acts["1"] = rem_act signal.submit_cbt(cbt) signal.transmit_remote_act = MagicMock() signal.free_cbt = MagicMock() signal.resp_handler_remote_action(cbt) signal.transmit_remote_act.assert_called_once() signal.free_cbt.assert_called_once() print("Passed : testsignal_resp_handler_remote_action")
def testjid_cache_add_lookup_entry(self): """ Test to check the lookup method of the jid-cache of the signal class. """ sig_dict, signal = self.setup_vars_mocks() jid_cache = JidCache(signal, 30) jid_cache.add_entry("123", "2345") assert jid_cache.lookup("123") == "2345" print("Passed : testjid_cache_add_lookup_entry")
def testjid_cache_scavenge(self): """ Test to check the scavenge method of the jid-cache of the signal class. """ sig_dict, signal = self.setup_vars_mocks() jid_cache = JidCache(signal, 5) jid_cache.add_entry("123", "2345") assert jid_cache.lookup("123") == "2345" sleep(5) jid_cache.scavenge() assert jid_cache.lookup("123") is None print("Passed : testjid_cache_scavenge")
def testtransmit_remote_act(self): """ Test to check the transmit remote action method of the signal class. """ rem_act = {"InitiatorId": "1", "OverlayId": "A0FB389"} sig_dict, signal = self.setup_vars_mocks() jid_cache = JidCache(signal, 5) jid_cache.add_entry("1", "2345") transport = XmppTransport.factory( "1", sig_dict["Signal"]["Overlays"]["A0FB389"], signal, signal._presence_publisher, None, None) transport.send_msg = MagicMock() signal._circles = { "A0FB389": { "JidCache": jid_cache, "Transport": transport } } signal.transmit_remote_act(rem_act, "1", "invk") transport.send_msg.assert_called_once() print("Passed : testtransmit_remote_act")