def logresponse(self, response, imei): """ Prints the response on the log """ issuccess = True imeidata = "Imei " + imei status = "not know" logconsole(response, "i") result_search ='<imei>(.+?)</imei>', response) if result_search: response_code = res_code = "Imei " + response_code + " " + imeidata logconsole("Resp code" + res_code, "i") else: notfound = "<imei> not found" logconsole(notfound, "e") issuccess = False result_search ='<status>(.+?)</status>', response) if result_search: status = logconsole("Status: " + status, "i") else: notfound = "<status> not found" logconsole(notfound, "e") issuccess = False return issuccess, status
def blockhandset(compiledfile): """ Force Imei """ logconsole(Colors.OKGREEN + " -----------Block Handset Service----------- " + Colors.ENDC, "i") blckhandset = BlockHadset() return
def forceimei(compiledfile): """ Force Imei """ logconsole(Colors.OKGREEN + " -----------FORCE IMEI SERVICE----------- " + Colors.ENDC, "i") forceimeiob = ForceImei() return
def handsetstatus(imeifile): """ Handset validation call """ logconsole(Colors.OKGREEN + " -----------HANDSET VALIDATION FILE GEN----------- " + Colors.ENDC, "i") hadstatus = HandsetStatus() return
def querydb(): """ Query the Detection list table from Handset DB in order to list the imei to block """ logconsole(Colors.OKGREEN + " -----------DATABASE QUERY FILE GEN----------- " + Colors.ENDC, "i") querydatab = Querydb() return
def main(): """ Main function """ issuccess = True logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_ROUTE, level=logging.DEBUG) if os.path.isfile(LOG_ROUTE): with open(LOG_ROUTE, 'w'): pass logconsole("************** Init Program **************", "i") if querydb(): print Colors.OKGREEN + "Querydb status true" + Colors.ENDC else: issuccess = False imeifile = imeifileload() if issuccess: if handsetstatus(imeifile): print Colors.OKGREEN + "Handset status true" + Colors.ENDC else: issuccess = False print Colors.FAIL + "Handset status FALSE" + Colors.ENDC imeifile.close() compiledfile = compiledfileload() if issuccess: if forceimei(compiledfile): print Colors.OKGREEN + "Force IMEI status true" + Colors.ENDC else: issuccess = False print Colors.FAIL + "Force IMEI status FALSE" + Colors.ENDC compiledfile.close() compiledfile = compiledfileload() if issuccess: if blockhandset(compiledfile): print Colors.OKGREEN + "BLOCKHANDSET status true" + Colors.ENDC else: issuccess = False print Colors.FAIL + "BLOCKHANDSET status FALSE" + Colors.ENDC compiledfile.close()
def run(self, compiledfile): """ Loads imei file """ compiled_file = compiledfile reader = csv.reader(compiled_file) row = 0 errorcount = 0 total = 0 for row in reader: reporttype = "" imei = row[0] msisdn = row[2] date = row[5] if row[4] == "UNREGISTERED_IMEI": reporttype = "AUTOMATIC_BLOCKING_HANDSET_NOT_REGISTERED" elif row[4] == "INVALID_IMEI": reporttype = "AUTOMATIC_BLOCKING_IMEI_INVALID" date = re.sub(" ", "T", date) logconsole("BlockHadset: Calling service with: ", "i") logconsole( "Imei " + imei + " Msisdn " + msisdn + " treatement " + reporttype + " planbldate " + date, "i") body = self.buildmessage(row[0], row[2], reporttype) logconsole(body, "i") response = shootsoap(body, SERVICE_ACTION_HANDSET) if not self.logresponse(response, imei, msisdn): errorcount += 1 total += 1 logconsole( "********************************************************************", "i") finishmsg = "Finished with " + str(errorcount) + " errors / " + str( total) logconsole(finishmsg, "i") if errorcount == 0: return True else: return False
def run(self): """ Write line """ if os.path.isfile(IMEI_ROUTE): with open(IMEI_ROUTE, 'w'): pass db_query_fout = open(IMEI_ROUTE, "w") invalidimeiquery, unregimeiquery = self.buildqueries() total = 0 isnotempty = False print invalidimeiquery try: conn = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, dbname=DBNAME, user=USER, password=PASSWORD) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(invalidimeiquery) if cur.rowcount: rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: total += 1 db_query_fout.write(",".join([str(col) for col in row]) + "\n") isnotempty = True else: logconsole("Invalid imei query 0 data", "i") cur.execute(unregimeiquery) if cur.rowcount: rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: total += 1 db_query_fout.write(",".join([str(col) for col in row]) + "\n") isnotempty = True else: logconsole("unregistered imei query 0 data", "i") logconsole( "Finished creating file with " + str(total) + " entries", "i") return isnotempty except psycopg2.DatabaseError, error: print "Can't connect to handset bruh %s" % error logconsole("Can't connect to handset bruh %s" % error, "e")
def logresponse(self, response, imei, msisdn): """ Prints the response on the log """ isforced = True imeidata = "Imei " + imei + " Msisdn " + msisdn logconsole(response, "i") result_search ='<responseCode>(.+?)</responseCode>', response) if result_search: response_code = res_code = "Code " + response_code + " " + imeidata logconsole("Resp code" + res_code, "i") if response_code != '0': logconsole(res_code, "e") isforced = False else: notfound = "<responseCode> not found" logconsole(notfound, "e") return isforced
def run(self, imeifile): """ Loads imei file """ imei_file = imeifile reader = csv.reader(imei_file) row = 0 errorcount = 0 total = 0 for row in reader: imei = row[0] msisdn = row[2] logconsole("ForceImei: Calling service with: ", "i") logconsole("Imei " + imei + " Msisdn " + msisdn, "i") body = self.buildmessage(imei, msisdn) response = shootsoap(body, SERVICE_ACTION_MANAGEMENT) if not self.logresponse(response, imei, msisdn): errorcount += 1 total += 1 logconsole( "********************************************************************", "i") finishmsg = "Finished with " + str(errorcount) + " errors / " + str( total) logconsole(finishmsg, "i") if errorcount == 0: return True else: return False
def run(self, imeifile): """ Loads imei file """ if os.path.isfile(REGIS_ONLY_FILE): with open(REGIS_ONLY_FILE, 'w'): pass comp_file_reg = open(REGIS_ONLY_FILE, "w") imei_file = imeifile reader = csv.reader(imei_file) total = 0 row = 0 errorcount = 0 status = "" registeredtoothercounter = 0 blacklistedcounter = 0 othercounter = 0 registeredcounter = 0 for row in reader: imei = row[0] logconsole("HANDSETSTATUS: Calling service with: ", "i") logconsole("Imei " + imei, "i") body = self.buildmessage(imei) response = shootsoap(body, SERVICE_ACTION_MANAGEMENT) issuccess, status = self.logresponse(response, imei) if not issuccess: errorcount += 1 if status == "REGISTERED_TO_OTHER": registeredtoothercounter += 1 if row[4] == "INVALID_IMEI": comp_file_reg.write(",".join(row) + "\n") elif status == "BLACKLISTED": blacklistedcounter += 1 elif status == "UNREGISTERED": print row comp_file_reg.write(",".join(row) + "\n") registeredcounter += 1 else: logconsole("UNKNOWN STATUS. CHECK IT DUDE", "e") othercounter += 1 total += 1 logconsole( "********************************************************************", "i") finishmsg = ("Finished with " + str(errorcount) + " errors \n" + "REGISTERED_TO_OTHER: " + str(registeredtoothercounter) + " | BLACKLISTED: " + str(blacklistedcounter) + " | UNREGISTERED: " + str(registeredcounter) + " | OTHER: " + str(othercounter)) logconsole(finishmsg, "i") comp_file_reg.close() if errorcount == 0: return True else: return False