예제 #1
    def generate(self):
        '''Use the function self._gen to generate and write the wordlist.'''

        msg = "Words' length : {} characters ;".format(self.w_lth)
        msg += "\nAlphabet's length : {} characters ;".format(self.alf_lth)
        msg += "\nWordlist's length : {} lines ;".format(space(str(self.wrdlst_lth)))
        msg += "\nWordlist's size : {} ({} bytes).".format(h_size(self.size), space(str(self.size)))

        if self.interface == None:
            sure = True

        elif self.interface == 'console':
            cl_out(c_output, msg)
            sure = inp_lst('Generate ? (y/n) :', ('y', 'n')) == 'y'

            msg_ = msg + '\n\nGenerate ?'

            sure = QMessageBox.question(
                None, 'Generate ?', msg_, \
                QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel, QMessageBox.Yes) == QMessageBox.Yes

        if sure :
            self._gen(self.w_lth, '')
예제 #2
    def decrypt(self, pwd):
        Decrypt 'self.k_name' with AES-256-CBC using the password
        `pwd` (Hasher('sha256').hash(clear_pwd)), make a file
        'self.k_name' + ext and remove encrypted one.

        - pwd : the password.

        fn = self.get_fn('pvk')

        if fn[-4:] != '.enc':
            raise KeyError(tr('The RSA key is not encrypted !'))

        old_path = chd_rsa(glb.home)

        with open(fn, 'r') as f:
            f_content = f.read()

            f_dec = AES(256, pwd, hexa=True).decryptText(f_content, mode_c='hexa')

        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            msg = tr('This is not the good password !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! Wrong password !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: decrypt: ' + msg)

            return -3

        except ValueError:
            msg = tr('The file is not well formatted !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! File error !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: decrypt: ' + msg)

            return -2

        with open(fn[:-4], 'w') as f:


예제 #3
def wordlist_generator_6(alf, dep_lth, lth, f_name, b_word):
    '''Write a wordlist in a file.

    Keywords arguments :
    alf : the alphabet used to write the wordlist
    dep_lth : the lenth of the words in the wordlist
    lth : the remaining letters to add to the word
    f_name : the filename
    b_word : the begin of the word

    global file_
    global rep
    global lst_rep

    len_alf = len(alf)
    lth_wrdlst = len_alf**int(dep_lth)

    nb_rep = sum(len_alf**k for k in range(dep_lth - 1))

    if lth == dep_lth : #if it is main function (to open only one time)
        file_ = open(f_name, 'w')

        print('Processing ...\n')
        t1 = dt.now()
        rep = 0
        lst_rep = []

    if lth == 1:
        for k in alf:
            file_.write(b_word + k + '\n')

    else :
        for k in alf:
            wordlist_generator_6(alf, dep_lth, lth-1, f_name, b_word + k)

        #print the progression
        rep += 1
        rep50 = round(rep/nb_rep*50)

        if rep > 1:
            print('\b'*52, end='')
        print('|' + '#'*rep50 + ' '*(50-rep50) + '|', end='')

    if lth == dep_lth:
        t2 = dt.now() #calc the time duration
        t_dif = t2 - t1
        cl_out(c_succes, '\nDone in ' + str(t_dif) + ' second(s)')

예제 #4
    def decrypt(self, msg_c, rm_padding=False):
        Return the decrypted message.

        - msg_c : the encrypted message. Should be a tuple or list of the form (AES_key_c, msg_c) ;
        - rm_padding : Should be a boolean. If True, remove the padding inserted at the end of the message ('\x00').

        if rm_padding not in (0, 1):
            raise ValueError('The argument "rm_padding" should be a boolean, \
                but "{}" was found !!!'.format(rm_padding))

        if type(msg_c) not in (list, tuple, set):
            raise ValueError('The argument "msg_c" should be a list, tuple or \
                a set, but a "{}" was found !!!'.format(type(msg_c)))

            if len(msg_c) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    'The argument "msg_c" should have a length of \
                    2, but a length of "{}" was found !!!'.format(len(msg_c)))

        #------AES key
        AES_key = self.RSA_ciph.decrypt(msg_c[0])

        #------decrypt text
            AES_cipher = AES(self.AES_mode,

        except ValueError as err:
            msg = 'You did NOT selected the right RSA key !!!'

            if self.interface == None:

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Bad RSA key !!!',

            raise ValueError(msg)

        msg = AES_cipher.decryptText(msg_c[1],

        if rm_padding:
            return msg.strip('\x00')

        return msg
예제 #5
    def _get_p_q(self, size, verbose=False):
        '''Function finding p and q of size `size // 2`.'''

        if verbose:
            print('\nCalculating keys ...\n')
            t1 = dt.now()

        #------ini progress bar
        if self.interface == 'gui':
            pb = GuiProgressBar(title='Generating ... ― Cracker', undetermined=True)

        elif self.interface == 'console':
            pb = ConsoleProgressBar()

        p = 1
        while not isSurelyPrime(p):
            p = randbits(size // 2)

            if self.interface in ('gui', 'console'):

        print('\b \b', end='')

        if verbose:
            t_p = dt.now() - t1
            msg1 = 'p found in {} s.'.format(t_p)
            cl_out(c_succes, msg1 + '\n')

            t2 = dt.now()

        q = 1
        while not (isSurelyPrime(q) and p != q):
            q = randbits(size // 2)

            if self.interface in ('gui', 'console'):

        print('\b \b', end='')

        if verbose:
            t_q = dt.now() - t2
            t_t = dt.now() - t1

            msg = 'q found in {} s.\nTime elapsed : {} s.'.format(t_q, t_t)

            if self.interface in (None, 'console'):
                cl_out(c_succes, msg)

            elif verbose:
                QMessageBox.about(None, 'Done !', '<h2>{}</h2>\n<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg1, msg))

        return p, q
예제 #6
def inp_lst(prompt, lst):
    '''Works like input but accepts only values in the list lst, reask if not.'''

    c = ''
    c = cl_inp(prompt)

    while c not in lst:
        cl_out(c_error, '\nWhat you entered is NOT in list !')
        c = cl_inp(prompt)

    return c
예제 #7
def use_open_w():  #todo: move (in the console file) and improve this
        file_name = cl_inp(tr("Enter the wordlist's name :"))
        wordlist_f = open(file_name, 'r')

    except FileNotFoundError:
               tr('No file of this name !!!') + ' \n' + tr('Back menu ...'))

예제 #8
파일: hasher.py 프로젝트: lasercata/Cracker
def use_hasher():
    '''Use hasher function in console mode.'''

    h_str = tuple(algorithms_available)
    prompt_h = set_prompt(algorithms_available)
    prompt = 'Hashes :\n\n ' + prompt_h + '\n\nChoose a hash to hash with :'

    h = inp_lst(prompt, h_str)

    txt = cl_inp('Word to hash :')

    prnt = '=====> ' + hasher(h, txt)
    cl_out(c_output, prnt)
예제 #9
    def show_time(self, time):
        '''Show the time, according to the self.interface arg.'''

        msg = tr('Done in {} s !').format(time)

        if self.interface == None:

        elif self.interface == 'console':
            cl_out(c_succes, msg)

            QMessageBox.about(None, tr('Done !'), msg)
예제 #10
        def err_not_well_formated():
            msg = tr('The file is not well formatted !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! File error !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: read: ' + msg)

            return -2
예제 #11
def inp_int(prompt, type_=int):
    '''Works like input but accepts only type_, reask if not.'''

    while True:
            var = cl_inp(prompt)
            var = type_(var)

        except ValueError:
            cl_out(c_error, 'What you entered is NOT an {} !'.format(type_))


    return var
예제 #12
    def encrypt(self, txt):
        '''Return the encrypted text txt with the public key self.pb_key.'''

        if self.pb_key == None:
            msg_err = 'Cannot encrypt with an empty key !!!'

            if self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg_err)

            elif self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Cannot encrypt !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg_err))

            raise TypeError(msg_err)

        #------ini progress bar
        if self.interface == 'gui':
            pb = GuiProgressBar(title='Encrypting ... | RSA ― Cracker', verbose=True)

        elif self.interface == 'console':
            pb = ConsoleProgressBar()

        e, n = self.pb_key

        grp_size = len(str(n)) - 1
        encoded_txt = MsgForm(txt).encode(grp_size)

        l_txt_crypted = []
        for j, k in enumerate(encoded_txt):
            i = int(k)

            l_txt_crypted.append(pow(i, e, n)) #todo: try the math.pow speed !

            if self.interface in ('gui', 'console'):
                pb.set(j, len(encoded_txt))

        ret = ''
        for k in l_txt_crypted:
            ret += str(k) + ' '

        ret = ret[:-1] #remove last space.

        return ret
예제 #13
    def unsign(self, txt):
        Unsign the message 'txt'.
        It decrypt 'txt' using the public key.

        if self.pb_key == None:
            msg_err = 'Cannot unsign with an empty key !!!'

            if self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg_err)

            elif self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Cannot unsign !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg_err))

            raise TypeError(msg_err)

        return RSA([self.pv_key, self.pb_key], self.interface).decrypt(txt)
예제 #14
    def is_valid_file(self):
        '''Check if the file is reachable with the options.

        .Return :
            -1 if the file was not found ;
            -2 if an encoding error occur.

            md = ('r', 'rb')[self.binary]
            with open(self.fn, mode=md, encoding=self.encod) as f:
                char_1 = f.read(1)

                if self.binary:
                    char_1 = char_1.decode()

        except FileNotFoundError:
            ret = -1

        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            ret = -2

            ret = 0

        if ret == -1:
            msg_err = tr('The file "{}" was NOT found !!!').format(self.fn)

        elif ret == -2:
            msg_err = tr('Bad encoding "{}" for the file "{}"').format(
                self.encod, self.fn)

        if ret in (-1, -2):
            if self.interface == None:
                raise FileNotFoundError(msg_err)

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg_err)

            elif self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, tr('!!! File error !!!'), msg_err)

        return ret
예제 #15
    def sign(self, txt):
        Sign the message 'txt'.
        It encrypt 'txt' using the private key.

        if self.pv_key == None:
                self.keys['d'] = RsaKeys(self.keys_init, interface=self.interface).get_key(1)
                self.pv_key = self.keys['d']

            except TypeError:
                msg_err = 'Cannot sign with an empty private key !!!'

                if self.interface == 'console':
                    cl_out(c_error, msg_err)

                elif self.interface == 'gui':
                    QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Cannot sign !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg_err))

                raise TypeError(msg_err)

        return RSA([self.pv_key, self.pb_key], self.interface).encrypt(txt)
예제 #16
def use_menu(func):
    global menu_choice

        print('Press ctrl + C to back to menu, anytime.')

        menu_choice = False

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        cl_out(c_error, '\nKeyboard interrupt.\nBack menu ...')
        menu_choice = False

    except MemoryError:
        cl_out(c_error, 'Memory Error.\nBack menu ...')

    except Exception as ept:
        cl_out(c_error, 'An error occurred : ' + str(ept) + '.\nBack menu ...')
        menu_choice = False
예제 #17
    def decryptFile(self, fn_in, fn_out):
        Decrypt the file `fn_in` which was encrypted with self.encryptFile.

        - fn_in : the name of the file to encrypt ;
        - fn_out : the name of the output encrypted file.

        #------Read AES key from file and remove it.
        with open(fn_in, 'r+b') as f:  #https://stackoverflow.com/a/10289740
            f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)

            pos = f.tell() - 1

            while pos > 0 and f.read(1) != b'\n':
                pos -= 1
                f.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)

            if pos > 0:
                f.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
                AES_key_c = f.read()
                f.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)

        #------AES key
            AES_key = self.RSA_ciph.decrypt(
                (AES_key_c.decode()).replace('\n', ''))

        except Exception as err:
            with open(fn_in, 'ab') as f:

            return -1

        #------decrypt text
            AES_cipher = AES(self.AES_mode,

        except ValueError as err:
            msg = 'You did NOT selected the right RSA key !!!'

            if self.interface == None:

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Bad RSA key !!!',

            raise ValueError(msg)

        AES_cipher.decryptFile(fn_in, fn_out)

        #------Rewrite the key in the file, for future decryptions
        with open(fn_in, 'ab') as f:
예제 #18
    def __init__(self, keys, interface=None):
        '''Initiate the RSA object.

        .keys : the keys. Should be of the form ((e, n), (d, n)) i.e. (pb_key, pv_key), or 'name' ;
        .interface : the interface using this function. Should be None,
         'gui', or 'console'. Used to choose the progress bar.

        If 'keys' is a string, use RsaKeys to read the keys.
        If a key is unknown, set it to None [i.g. : ((e, n), None)]. Both can't be None.

        if interface not in (None, 'gui', 'console'):
            raise ValueError('The argument "interface" should be None, "gui", \
                or "console", but {} of type {} was found !!!'.format(interface, type(interface)))

        self.interface = interface
        self.keys_init = keys

        self.keys = {} #will contain the keys

        if type(keys) == str:
                self.keys['e'] = RsaKeys(keys, interface=self.interface).get_key(0)
                #self.keys['d'] = RsaKeys(keys, interface=self.interface).get_key(1)
                self.keys['d'] = None

            except FileNotFoundError as err:
                if interface == 'console':
                    cl_out(c_error, err)

                elif interface == 'gui':
                    QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Keys not found !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(err))

                raise FileNotFoundError(err)

            except TypeError: #pbk keys
                self.keys['d'] = None

        elif type(keys) in (tuple, list, set):
            #-check the length
            for j, k in enumerate(keys):
                if k != None:
                    if len(k) != 2:
                        raise ValueError('The argument "keys" should have two lists of length 2, but "{}", with a length of {} was found !!!'.format(k, len(k)))

                if j > 1:
                    raise ValueError('The argument "keys" should have a length of 2, but "{}", with a length of {} was found !!!'.format(keys, len(keys)))

            if keys[0] == keys[1] == None:
                raise ValueError("Both keys can't be None !!!")

            self.keys['e'] = keys[0]
            self.keys['d'] = keys[1]

            raise TypeError('The argument "keys" should be a string or a list, but "{}" of type "{}" was found !!!'.format(keys, type(keys)))

        self.pb_key = self.keys['e']
        self.pv_key = self.keys['d']
예제 #19
    def decrypt(self, txt):
        '''Return the decrypted text txt with the private key self.pv_key.'''

        if self.pv_key == None:
                self.keys['d'] = RsaKeys(self.keys_init, interface=self.interface).get_key(1)
                self.pv_key = self.keys['d']

            except TypeError:
                msg_err = 'Cannot decrypt with an empty key !!!'

                if self.interface == 'console':
                    cl_out(c_error, msg_err)

                elif self.interface == 'gui':
                    QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Cannot decrypt !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg_err))

                raise TypeError(msg_err)

        #------ini progress bar
        if self.interface == 'gui':
            pb = GuiProgressBar(title='Decrypting ... | RSA ― Cracker', verbose=True)

        elif self.interface == 'console':
            pb = ConsoleProgressBar()

        d, n = self.pv_key
        grp_size = len(str(n)) - 1

        if type(txt) == str:
            l_txt = txt.split(' ')

            l_txt = txt.split(b' ')

        l_txt_decrypted = []

        for j, k in enumerate(l_txt):
            i = int(k)
            l_txt_decrypted.append(pow(i, d, n)) #todo: use math.pow ?

            #---progress bar
            if self.interface in ('gui', 'console'):
                pb.set(j, len(l_txt)) # len(l_txt) - 1

        for k in range(len(l_txt_decrypted)): #add 0. ex : 111 -> 0111
            l_txt_decrypted[k] = str(l_txt_decrypted[k])

            while len(l_txt_decrypted[k]) < grp_size: #% 4 != 0:
                l_txt_decrypted[k] = '0' + l_txt_decrypted[k]

        decoded_txt = MsgForm(l_txt_decrypted).decode()

        ret = ''
        for k in decoded_txt:
            ret += str(k)

        #ret = rest_encod(ret)
        # #todo: this don't work : the print works well (if you encrypt "é", and decrypt it it will print "é"), but ret is not "é"

        return ret.strip('\x00')
예제 #20
파일: prima.py 프로젝트: lasercata/Cracker
def use(cracker=cracker):
    """Use prima fonctions. Beautiful menu thanks to Lasercata"""

    c = ''
    while c not in ('0', 'quit', tr('exit'), 'q'):

        if cracker: color(c_succes)
        print('\\' * 50)

        if cracker: color(c_prog)
        print('\n' + tr('Prima menu :') + '\n')

        if cracker:
            print('    0.' + tr('Main menu'))
            print('    0.' + tr('Exit'))

        if cracker: color(c_succes)
        print('    ' + '-' * 16)
        if cracker: color(c_wrdlt)

        print('    ' +
              tr('Decomposition of a number as a product of prime factors'))
        if cracker: color(c_ascii)
        print('        1 : ' + tr('Trial division'))
        print('        2 : ' + tr('Wheel factorization'))
        print('        3 : ' + tr("Fermat's factorization"))
        print('        4 : ' + tr("Pollard's rho"))
        print('        5 : ' + 'p - 1')

        if cracker: color(c_succes)
        print('    ' + '-' * 16)
        if cracker: color(c_wrdlt)

        print('    ' + tr("Probabilistic primality's test"))
        if cracker: color(c_ascii)
        print('        6 : ' + tr("Fermat's test"))
        print('        7 : ' + tr("Miller-Rabin's test"))

        if cracker: color(c_succes)
        print('    ' + '-' * 16)
        if cracker: color(c_wrdlt)

        print('    ' + tr('Sieves to find prime numbers'))
        if cracker: color(c_ascii)
        print('        8 : ' + tr('Sieve of Erathostenes'))
        print('        9 : ' + tr('Segmented sieve of Erathostenes'))

        c = ''
        if cracker: c = cl_inp('\n' + tr('Your choice : '))
        else: c = input('\n' + tr('Your choice : '))

        if c not in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'q'):
            prnt = '"' + c + '" ' + tr('is NOT an option of this menu !')
            if cracker: cl_out(c_error, prnt)
            else: print(prnt)

        if c in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'):
            if cracker: n = inp_int(tr('Enter the integer number : '))
            else: n = int(input(tr('Enter the integer number : ')))

        if c != '0':

            t1 = datetime.now()

            dct = {
                '1': tr('Trial division'),
                '2': tr('Wheel factorization'),
                '3': tr("Fermat's factorization"),
                '4': tr("Pollard's rho"),
                '5': 'p - 1',
                '6': tr("Miller-Rabin's test"),
                '7': tr("Fermat's test"),
                '8': tr('Sieve of Erathostenes'),
                '9': tr('Segmented sieve of Erathostenes')

            t1 = datetime.now()

            if c == '7':
                if cracker:
                    nt = inp_int(
                        tr('Number of tests (Error = 0.25 ^ number of tests) : '
                    nt = int(
                            tr('Number of tests (Error = 0.25 ^ number of tests) : '
                txt = to_str(dct['7'], n, nt)

                if c in ('8', '9'):
                    if cracker: n = inp_int(tr('Limit : '))
                    else: n = int(input(tr('Limit : ')))
                    if c == '8':
                        f = basic_erathostenes_sieve
                        f = segmentation_erathostenes_sieve
                    L = f(n)
                    txt = ""
                    txt = to_str(dct[c], n)

            t = datetime.now() - t1


            if c in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'):
                if cracker: cl_out(c_succes, tr('Realised in ') + str(t))
                else: print(tr('Realised in ') + str(t))

                if c in ('8', '9'):
                    print(tr('Length of the list :'), len(L))
                    ans = input(tr('Write the prime numbers in a file ? '))
                    if ans in (tr('y'), tr('Y'), tr('yes'), tr('Yes'),
                        nf = input(
                            tr('Name of the file (a file of the same name will be erase) : '
                        f = open(nf, 'w')
                        for k in L:
                            f.write(str(k) + "\n")
                        if len(L) < 1000:
                            ans = input(tr('Print the list on the screen ? '))
                            if ans in (tr('y'), tr('Y'), tr('yes'), tr('Yes'),
                                for k in L:
                if cracker: color(c_wrdlt)
                if cracker: color(c_prog)
예제 #21
    def change_pwd(self, old_pwd, new_pwd):
        Change the RSA key password for `self.k_name`.

        Return :
            -1      if the RSA key is not encrypted ;
            -2      if the RSA key file is not well formatted ;
            -3      if the old_pwd is wrong ;
            None    otherwise.

        fn = self.get_fn('pvk')

        if fn[-4:] != '.enc':
            msg = tr('The RSA key is not encrypted !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! Not encrypted !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: change_pwd: ' + msg)

            return -1

        old_path = chd_rsa(glb.home)

        with open(fn, 'r') as f:
            f_content = f.read()

            f_dec = AES(256, old_pwd, hexa=True).decryptText(f_content, mode_c='hexa')

        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            msg = tr('This is not the good password !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! Wrong password !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: change_pwd: ' + msg)

            return -3

        except ValueError:
            msg = tr('The file is not well formatted !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! File error !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: change_pwd: ' + msg)

            return -2

        f_enc = AES(256, new_pwd, hexa=True).encryptText(f_dec, mode_c='hexa')

        with open(fn, 'w') as f:

예제 #22
파일: crack.py 프로젝트: lasercata/Cracker
    def crack(self, txt):
        '''Try to crack 'txt' using some wordlists.'''

        self.pb_sender = 'crack'

        #------test 1
        self._pb_set(0, 7, 0)

        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 1/7 ― Week passwords list ― {} values'.format(

        for j, k in enumerate(week_pwd):
            if self.func(k) == txt:
                return k

            if self.interface != None:
                self._pb_set(j, len(week_pwd), 1)

        #------test 2
        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 2/7 ― Keyboard sequence ― 1300*4 + 8*20 = 5360 values')

        for alf in ('azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn', 'AZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN',
                    'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm', 'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM',
                    '0123456789', """"²&é"'(-è_çà)=""", '0123456789°+',
            ret = self._keyboard_seq(txt, alf)
            if ret != None:
                return ret

        self._pb_set(2, 7, 0)

        #------test 3
        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 3/7 ― 1-4 letters a-z ― 475 255 values')

        for lth in range(1, 5):
            ret = self.permutation(txt, lth, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
            if ret != None:
                return ret

        self._pb_set(3, 7, 0)

        #------test 4
        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 4/7 ― 1-4 letters A-Z ― 475 255 values')

        for lth in range(1, 5):
            ret = self.permutation(txt, lth, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
            if ret != None:
                return ret

        self._pb_set(4, 7, 0)

        #------test 5
        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 5/7 ― 1-6 numbers ― 1 111 110 values')

        for lth in range(1, 7):
            ret = self.permutation(txt, lth, '0123456789')
            if ret != None:
                return ret

        self._pb_set(5, 7, 0)

        #------test 6
        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 6/7 ― 1-3 all ― 6 895 291 values')

        for lth in range(1, 4):
            ret = self.permutation(
                txt, lth,
                'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 _&é~"#\'\\{([-|è`ç^à @)°]=+}$£¤¨ù%*µ!§:/.;?,<>²'
            if ret != None:
                return ret

        self._pb_set(6, 7, 0)

        #------test 7
        if self.verbose:
            print('Test 7/7 ― Wordlists :')

        old_path = chd_wrdlst()
        wlsts = list_files()
        if len(wlsts) == 0:
            msg = 'The wordlists were not found !!!'

            if self.interface == None:

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! Wordlists not found !!!',

        elif self.verbose:
            for k in wlsts:
                if k != wlsts[-1]:
                    print("\t- '{}' ;".format(k))

                    print("\t- '{}'.".format(k))

            for k, w in enumerate(wlsts):
                    ret = BruteForce(self.func, w,

                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    ret = BruteForce(self.func,

                if ret != None:
                    return ret

                self._pb_set(k, len(wlsts), 1)

        if self.verbose:
            print('Tests finished ― password not found.')

        self._pb_set(7, 7, 0)
        self.pb_sender = None
예제 #23
    def read(self, mode='all', also_ret_pwd=False):
        Try to read the content of the file `[self.k_name] + ext`.

        - mode : the self.get_fn mode. in ('pvk', 'pbk', 'all'). Default is 'all' ;
        - also_ret_pwd : a bool indicating if also return the password. If True, return the password at the end of the return tuple.

        Return :
            (pbk, pvk), (p, q, n, phi, e, d), (n_strth, date_)      if it's a *.pvk-* file ;
            pbk, (n, e), (n_strth, date_)                           if it's a *.pkb-* file ;
            -1                                                      if not found ;
            -2                                                      if file not well formatted ;
            -3                                                      if password is wrong or if canceled.

        def err_not_well_formated():
            msg = tr('The file is not well formatted !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! File error !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: read: ' + msg)

            return -2

        #------Get filename
            fn, md = self.get_fn(mode, also_ret_md=True)

        except FileNotFoundError:
            msg = tr('File not found !')

            if self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! Not found !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)

                print('Cracker: RsaKeys: read: ' + msg)

            return -1

        #------Read file
        old_path = chd_rsa(glb.home)

        with open(fn, 'r') as f:
            f_content = f.read()


        #------Decrypt content, if encrypted
        if fn[-4:] == '.enc':
            #---Get password
            if self.interface == 'gui':
                pwd = AskPwd.use()

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                pwd_clear = getpass(tr('RSA key password :'******'sha256').hash(pwd_clear)

                pwd_clear = input('RSA key password :'******'sha256').hash(pwd_clear)

            if pwd == None:
                return -3 # Canceled by user

                f_content_dec = AES(256, pwd, hexa=True).decryptText(f_content, mode_c='hexa')

            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                msg = tr('This is not the good password !')

                if self.interface == 'gui':
                    QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! Wrong password !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))

                elif self.interface == 'console':
                    cl_out(c_error, msg)

                    print('Cracker: RsaKeys: read: ' + msg)

                return -3

            except ValueError:
                return err_not_well_formated()

                f_content = f_content_dec

            pwd = None

            infos = literal_eval(f_content)

        except SyntaxError:
            return err_not_well_formated()

        #------Read and return infos
        if md[0] == 'pbk':
                date_, n_strth = infos['date'], infos['n_strenth']
                e, n = infos['e'], infos['n']

            except KeyError:
                return err_not_well_formated()

            if md[1] == 'hexa': #convert in decimal
                n_strth = str(int(n_strth, 16))
                e, n = str(int(e, 16)), str(int(n, 16))

            pbk = str(e) + ',' + str(n)

            if also_ret_pwd:
                return (pbk,), (n, e), (n_strth, date_), pwd

            return (pbk,), (n, e), (n_strth, date_)

                date_, n_strth = infos['date'], infos['n_strenth']
                p, q, n, phi, e, d = infos['p'], infos['q'], infos['n'], infos['phi'], infos['e'], infos['d']

            except KeyError:
                return err_not_well_formated()

            if md[1] == 'hexa': #convert in decimal
                n_strth = str(int(n_strth, 16))
                p, q, n, phi, e, d = str(int(p, 16)), str(int(q, 16)), \
                    str(int(n, 16)), str(int(phi, 16)), str(int(e, 16)), str(int(d, 16))

            pvk = str(d) + ',' + str(n)
            pbk = str(e) + ',' + str(n)


            if also_ret_pwd:
                return (pbk, pvk), (p, q, n, phi, e, d), (n_strth, date_), pwd

            return (pbk, pvk), (p, q, n, phi, e, d), (n_strth, date_)
예제 #24
    def __init__(self, fn, w_lth, alf, binary=True, encod='utf-8', interface=None):
        Initiate the WordlistGenerator object.

        fn : the wordlist's file name ;
        w_lth : the words' length. Should be an int ;
        alf : the alphabet to use. If type = str and in alfs, use the corresponding alphabet ;
        binary : Should be a boolean. Correspond to the binary mode while writting ;
        encod : the file's encoding ;
        interface : the interface using this function. Should be None,
            'gui', or 'console'. Used to choose the progress bar.

        #------check values
        if binary not in (True, False):
            raise ValueError('The argument "binary" should be a boolean, but \
                "{}" of type "{}" was found !!!'.format(binary, type(binary)))

        if interface not in (None, 'gui', 'console'):
            raise ValueError('The argument "interface" should be None, "gui", \
                or "console", but {} of type {} was found !!!'.format(interface, type(interface)))

        if type(alf) not in (str, list, set, tuple):
            raise ValueError('The argument "alf" should be an iterable, but a \
                "{}" found !!!'.format(type(alf)))

        if type(w_lth) != int:
            raise ValueError('The argument "w_lth" should be an int, but a "{}" \
                was found !!!'.format(type(w_alf)))

        #------check if the file already exist
        if isfile(fn): #os.path.isfile
            msg = 'The file "{}" already exist !!!'.format(fn)

            if interface == None:
                raise FileExistsError(msg)

            elif interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg)
                raise FileExistsError(msg)

                QMessageBox.critical(None, '!!! File already exist !!!', '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg))
                raise FileExistsError(msg)

        #------initiate the self values
        if type(alf) == str and alf in alfs:
            self.alf = alfs[alf]

            self.alf = alf

        self.fn = fn
        self.w_lth = w_lth
        self.binary = binary
        self.encod = encod
        self.interface = interface

        #------others values
        self.alf_lth = len(self.alf)
        self.wrdlst_lth = self.alf_lth **self.w_lth
        self.size = self.wrdlst_lth * (self.w_lth + 2) #the number of characters. +2 bc of the CRLF.

        self.nb_rep = sum(self.alf_lth**k for k in range(self.w_lth - 1))

        self.new_l = ('\n', b'\n')[self.binary]
예제 #25
    def __str__(self):
        '''Return the analysis in a readable string.'''

            ana = self.analysis  #don't analyse again if already done

        except AttributeError:
            ana = self.ana()

        if ana == -1:
            msg_err = tr('The file "{}" was NOT found !!!').format(self.fn)

        elif ana == -2:
            msg_err = tr('Bad encoding "{}" for the file "{}"').format(
                self.encod, self.fn)

        if ana in (-1, -2, -3):
            if self.interface == None:
                raise FileNotFoundError(msg_err)

            elif self.interface == 'console':
                cl_out(c_error, msg_err)
                return ana

            elif self.interface == 'gui':
                QMessageBox.critical(None, tr('!!! File error !!!'), msg_err)
                return ana

        sizes = ana[0]
        times = ana[1]
        infos = ana[2]
        lib_C = ana[3][0]
        infosLibC = ana[3][1]

        ret = tr('Filename : {} ;').format(self.fn)
        ret += '\n\n' + tr('Size : {} ({}) ;').format(*sizes)

        ret += '\n\n' + tr('Last modification : {} ;').format(times[0])
        ret += '\n' + tr('Last access : {} ;').format(times[1])
        ret += '\n' + tr('Creation : {} ;').format(times[2])

        if lib_C:
            ret += '\n\n' + tr('Number of characters : {} ;').format(

        ret += '\n\n' + tr('Minimum line length : {} characters ;').format(
        ret += '\n' + tr('Maximum line length : {} characters ;').format(
        if lib_C:
            ret += '\n' + tr('Average line length : {} characters ;').format(
            ret += '\n' + tr('Median line length : {} characters ;').format(
        ret += '\n' + tr("Wordlist's length : {} lines ;").format(
        if lib_C:
            ret += '\n' + tr('Wordlength repartition :')

            for k in infosLibC['dct_len_w']:
                ret += "\n\t'{}': {} ;".format(
                    k, space_b(infosLibC['dct_len_w'][k]))

        ret += '\n\n' + tr('Length of the alphabet : {} characters ;').format(
        ret += '\n' + tr('Alphabets : {} ;').format(

        ret += '\n\n' + tr('Number of differents characters : {} ;').format(
        ret += '\n' + tr("Characters' repartition :")

        for k in infos['dct_occ']:
            ret += "\n\t'{}': {} ;".format(k, space_b(infos['dct_occ'][k]))

        ret = ret[:-2] + '.'  #replace ' ;' by '.' at the last line.

        return ret
예제 #26
    def _calc_nb(self, p, q, verbose=False):
        Return n, phi, e, d.
        p and q are prime numbers.

        if verbose:
            print('\nCalculating numbers ...')
            t1 = dt.now()

        #------ini progress bar
        if self.interface == 'gui':
            pb = GuiProgressBar(title='Generating ... ― Cracker', undetermined=True)

        elif self.interface == 'console':
            pb = ConsoleProgressBar()

        if p > q:
            p, q = q, p # p will be smaller than q (p < q).

        n = p * q
        phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

        if verbose:
            cl_out(c_succes, 'n found !\n')

        i = 0
        # e : p, q < e < phi, pgcd(n, e) = 1
        if verbose:
            print('\nSearching e ...\n')
        e = 0
        while math.gcd(e, phi) != 1:
            e = randint(q, phi)

            if self.interface in ('gui', 'console'):

        print('\b \b')

        if verbose:
            t_e = dt.now() - t1
            msg1 = 'e found in {} s.'.format(t_e)
            cl_out(c_succes, msg1 + '\n')

            print('\nSearching d ...\n')
            t2 = dt.now()

        d = mult_inverse(e, phi)

        if verbose:
            t_d = dt.now() - t2
            t_t = dt.now() - t1

            msg = 'd found in {} s.\nTime elapsed : {} s.'.format(t_d, t_t)

            cl_out(c_succes, msg)

            if self.interface == 'gui' and verbose:
                QMessageBox.about(None, 'Done !', '<h2>{}</h2>\n<h2>{}</h2>'.format(msg1, msg))

        return n, phi, e, d