def _user_login(self, password,code): """ 用户登录验证模块,对用户对象进行判断,登录成功后返回一个新的用户对象 :return: """ # 对输入的密码加密 _password = common.encrypt(password) for user, details in self.dict_user.items(): # 找到用户名 if user == self.username and not details["isdel"]: # 是否被锁定 if details["islocked"] == 0: # 账户未锁定,验证密码 if details["password"] == _password and code == self.code: self.islogin = True self.bindcard = details["bindcard"] = details["name"] = details["mobile"] self.role = details["role"] self.isdel = details["isdel"] self.islocked = details["islocked"] self.password = password break else: # 密码错误,失败1次 self.trycount += 1 else: # 账户锁定了 self.islocked = 1
def _user_login(self, password): """ 用户登录验证模块,对用户对象进行判断,登录成功后返回一个新的用户对象 :return: """ # 对输入的密码加密 _password = common.encrypt(password) for user, details in self.dict_user.items(): # 找到用户名 if user == self.username and not details["isdel"]: # 是否被锁定 if details["islocked"] == 0: # 账户未锁定,验证密码 if details["password"] == _password: self.islogin = True self.bindcard = details["bindcard"] = details["name"] = details["mobile"] self.role = details["role"] self.isdel = details["isdel"] self.islocked = details["islocked"] self.password = password break else: # 密码错误,失败1次 self.trycount += 1 else: # 账户锁定了 self.islocked = 1
def modify_password(self): """ 个人中心 - 修改密码 :return: """ _not_null_flag = False try: while not _not_null_flag: _new_password = input("输入新密码: ").strip() _confirm_password = input("再次输入确认密码:").strip() if not _new_password or not _confirm_password: common.show_message("密码不能为空,请重新输入!", "ERROR") continue if _new_password != _confirm_password: common.show_message("两次输入密码不一致,请重新输入!", "NOTICE") continue _not_null_flag = True self.password = _new_password _password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.dict_user[self.username]["password"] = _password self.update_user() common.show_message("密码修改成功!", "INFORMATIOM") return True except Exception as e: common.write_error_log(e) return False
def modify_password(self): """ 个人中心 - 修改密码 :return: """ _not_null_flag = False try: while not _not_null_flag: _new_password = input("输入新密码: ").strip() _confirm_password = input("再次输入确认密码:").strip() if not _new_password or not _confirm_password: common.show_message("密码不能为空,请重新输入!", "ERROR") continue if _new_password != _confirm_password: common.show_message("两次输入密码不一致,请重新输入!", "NOTICE") continue _not_null_flag = True self.password = _new_password _password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.dict_user[self.username]["password"] = _password self.update_user() common.show_message("密码修改成功!", "INFORMATIOM") return True except Exception as e: common.write_log(e) return False
def init_db_creditcard(): _db_file = os.path.join(settings.DATABASE['dbpath'], "creditcard.db") with open(_db_file, "w+") as fc: for k, v in _creditcard_list.items(): tmppassword = _creditcard_list[k]['password'] encrypassword = common.encrypt(tmppassword) _creditcard_list[k]['password'] = encrypassword fc.write(json.dumps(_creditcard_list))
def update_card(self): password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.credit_card[self.cardno]["password"] = password self.credit_card[self.cardno]["owner"] = self.owner self.credit_card[self.cardno]["credit_total"] = self.credit_total self.credit_card[self.cardno]["credit_balance"] = self.credit_balance self.credit_card[self.cardno]["frozenstatus"] = self.frozenstatus # 写入数据库 dbapi.write_db_json(self.credit_card, self.__database)
def init_db_users(): _db_file = os.path.join(settings.DATABASE['dbpath'], "users.db") with open(_db_file, "w+") as fu: for k, v in _user_list.items(): # 获得用户设置的密码 tmppassword = _user_list[k]['password'] # 对密码进行加密 encrypassword = common.encrypt(tmppassword) # 修改明文密码 _user_list[k]['password'] = encrypassword fu.write(json.dumps(_user_list))
def create_card(self): """ 新发行一张行用卡 :return: """ password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.credit_card[self.cardno] = dict(password=password, credit_total=self.credit_total, credit_balance=self.credit_balance, owner=self.owner, frozenstatus=self.frozenstatus) # 保存到数据库 dbapi.write_db_json(self.credit_card, self.__database)
def create_user(self): """ 新创建一个用户,将用户数据同步写入到数据库文件 :return: """ self.dict_user[self.username] = dict(password=common.encrypt(self.password),,, bindcard=self.bindcard, role=self.role, islocked=0, isdel=0, ) dbapi.write_db_json(self.dict_user, self.__database)
def create_card(self): """ 新发行一张行用卡 :return: """ password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.credit_card[self.cardno] = dict( password=password, credit_total=self.credit_total, credit_balance=self.credit_balance, owner=self.owner, frozenstatus=self.frozenstatus) # 保存到数据库 dbapi.write_db_json(self.credit_card, self.__database)
def _pay_check(self, cost, password): """ 转账、提现时验证操作,判断卡的余额与支付密码是否正确。并返回错误类型码 :param cost: 转账、提现金额(包含手续费) :param password: 支付密码 :return: 错误码 """ totalfee = cost # 提现金额及手续费和大于余额, if totalfee > self.credit_balance: return errorcode.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHT elif common.encrypt(password) != self.password: return errorcode.CARD_PASS_ERROR else: return errorcode.NO_ERROR
def card_center(userobj): if userobj.islogin: # 重新load一下数据 userobj.db_load() cardno = userobj.bindcard # 获得信用卡对象 card = CreditCard(cardno) else: # 未登录信用卡 input_flag = False while not input_flag: cardno = input("请输入信用卡卡号: ").strip().lower() if cardno.isnumeric(): card = CreditCard(cardno) if card.card_is_exists: pwd = input("请输入密码:") if common.encrypt(pwd) == card.password: common.show_message("登录成功", "NOTICE") input_flag = True continue else: common.show_message("卡号不存在,请重新输入!", "ERROR") continue else: common.show_message("卡号无效!", "ERROR") continue show_template = template.index_ATM quitflag = False while not quitflag: print(show_template.format(cardno=card.cardno)) _choose = common.input_msg("请选择功能: ", ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")) # 返回 if _choose == "5": quitflag = True continue # 查看信用卡信息 if _choose == "1": common.show_message( template.card_info.format( cardno=card.cardno, owner=card.owner, total=card.credit_total, balance=card.credit_balance, status="正常" if card.frozenstatus == 0 else "冻结"), "NOTICE") # 提现 if _choose == "2": if card.frozenstatus == 1: common.show_message("卡已冻结,请联系客服!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message( "信用卡提现将收取 {0}% 的手续费!".format(settings.FETCH_MONEY_RATE * 100), "NOTICE") quitflag = False while not quitflag: cost = common.input_msg("请输入要提现的金额(q返回):") if cost.isnumeric(): cardpasswd = common.input_msg("请输入信用卡密码:") # 执行提现操作 exe_result = card.fetch_money(float(cost), cardpasswd) if exe_result == errorcode.NO_ERROR: common.show_message("已完成提现!", "NOTICE") if exe_result == errorcode.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHT: common.show_message("信用卡可透支余额不足!", "ERROR") if exe_result == errorcode.CARD_PASS_ERROR: common.show_message("信用卡密码错误!", "ERROR") elif cost == "q": quitflag = True continue else: common.show_message("输入错误!", "ERROR") # 转账 if _choose == "3": if card.frozenstatus == 1: common.show_message("此卡已冻结,请联系客服!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message( "信用卡转账将收取 {0}% 的手续费!".format(settings.FETCH_MONEY_RATE * 100), "NOTICE") quitflag = False while not quitflag: trans_cardno = common.input_msg("请输入要转账的卡号(q返回):") if trans_cardno.isnumeric(): # 生成一个卡对象, 验证卡号是否存在 trans_cardobj = CreditCard(trans_cardno) # 卡号不存在返回主菜单 if not trans_cardobj.card_is_exists: common.show_message("卡号不存在,请确认!", "ERROR") quitflag = True continue else: # 卡号存在 trans_cost = common.input_msg("请输入要转账的金额: ") # 如果输入的均为数字 if trans_cost.isnumeric(): comfirm = common.input_msg( "确定要给卡号 {0} 转入人民币 {1} 元吗(y/n)?".format( trans_cardobj.cardno, trans_cost), ("y", "n")) if comfirm == "y": cardpasswd = common.input_msg("请输入信用卡密码:") # 执行转账操作 exe_result = card.translate_money( float(trans_cost), cardpasswd, trans_cardobj) if exe_result == errorcode.NO_ERROR: common.show_message("转账完成!", "NOTICE") if exe_result == errorcode.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHT: common.show_message( "信用卡可透支余额不足!", "ERROR") if exe_result == errorcode.CARD_PASS_ERROR: common.show_message( "信用卡密码错误!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message("输入错误!", "ERROR") elif trans_cardno == "q": quitflag = True continue else: common.show_message("输入错误!", "ERROR") # 还款 if _choose == "4": # 更新一下对账单信息 card.recreate_statement() quitflag = False while not quitflag: # 获取对账单所有列表 interest_list = card.load_statement_list() # 获取还未还款的记录并显示 message_info = report.print_statement_list( card.cardno, interest_list) # 如果有要还款的记录 if len(message_info) > 0: common.show_message(message_info, "NOTICE") # 输入要还款的单号 serino_list = list() for order in interest_list: serino_list.append(list(order.keys())[0]) serino_list.append("q") pay_serno = common.input_msg("请选择还款的16位账单号(q退出):", tuple(serino_list)) if pay_serno == "q": quitflag = True continue else: for i in range(len(interest_list)): for k, details in interest_list[i].items(): if k == pay_serno: # 显示指定单号的相信对账单信息 common.show_message( report.print_statement_detail( card.cardno, pay_serno, details), "NOTICE") pay_fee = common.input_msg("请输入还款金额:") if pay_fee.isnumeric(): # 更新已还款金额 = 现在还的金额 + 已经还的金额 total_payed = details["payed"] + float( pay_fee) interest_list[i][pay_serno][ "payed"] = total_payed # 全还了吗?需要还款数 = 消费总费用 + 利息 need_pay = details["total"] + details[ "interest"] if total_payed >= need_pay: # 还款数大于等于需要还款数,则更新已还款字段信息 interest_list[i][pay_serno][ "isfinished"] = 1 else: # 没全部还款 common.show_message( "您尚未全部还款,请在还款日前尽快还款!", "NOTICE") # 将还款后的信息写入数据库更新 dbapi.write_statement_list( card.cardno, interest_list) # 还款成功 common.show_message("还款成功", "NOTICE") # 是否继续 iscontinue = common.input_msg( "继续还款吗(y/n)?", ("y", "n")) if iscontinue == "n": quitflag = True else: common.show_message( "输入数据不正确,请重新输入!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message("无账单信息!", "NOTICE") quitflag = True
def card_center(userobj): if userobj.islogin: # 重新load一下数据 userobj.db_load() cardno = userobj.bindcard # 获得信用卡对象 card = CreditCard(cardno) else: # 未登录信用卡 input_flag = False while not input_flag: cardno = input("请输入信用卡卡号: ").strip().lower() if cardno.isnumeric(): card = CreditCard(cardno) if card.card_is_exists: pwd = input("请输入密码:") if common.encrypt(pwd) == card.password: common.show_message("登录成功", "NOTICE") input_flag = True continue else: common.show_message("卡号不存在,请重新输入!", "ERROR") continue else: common.show_message("卡号无效!", "ERROR") continue show_template = template.index_ATM quitflag = False while not quitflag: print(show_template.format(cardno=card.cardno)) _choose = common.input_msg("请选择功能: ", ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")) # 返回 if _choose == "5": quitflag = True continue # 查看信用卡信息 if _choose == "1": common.show_message(template.card_info.format(cardno=card.cardno, owner=card.owner, total=card.credit_total, balance=card.credit_balance, status="正常" if card.frozenstatus == 0 else "冻结" ), "NOTICE") # 提现 if _choose == "2": if card.frozenstatus == 1: common.show_message("卡已冻结,请联系客服!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message("信用卡提现将收取 {0}% 的手续费!".format(settings.FETCH_MONEY_RATE * 100), "NOTICE") quitflag = False while not quitflag: cost = common.input_msg("请输入要提现的金额(q返回):") if cost.isnumeric(): cardpasswd = common.input_msg("请输入信用卡密码:") # 执行提现操作 exe_result = card.fetch_money(float(cost), cardpasswd) if exe_result == errorcode.NO_ERROR: common.show_message("已完成提现!", "NOTICE") if exe_result == errorcode.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHT: common.show_message("信用卡可透支余额不足!", "ERROR") if exe_result == errorcode.CARD_PASS_ERROR: common.show_message("信用卡密码错误!", "ERROR") elif cost == "q": quitflag = True continue else: common.show_message("输入错误!", "ERROR") # 转账 if _choose == "3": if card.frozenstatus == 1: common.show_message("此卡已冻结,请联系客服!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message("信用卡转账将收取 {0}% 的手续费!".format(settings.FETCH_MONEY_RATE * 100), "NOTICE") quitflag = False while not quitflag: trans_cardno = common.input_msg("请输入要转账的卡号(q返回):") if trans_cardno.isnumeric(): # 生成一个卡对象, 验证卡号是否存在 trans_cardobj = CreditCard(trans_cardno) # 卡号不存在返回主菜单 if not trans_cardobj.card_is_exists: common.show_message("卡号不存在,请确认!", "ERROR") quitflag = True continue else: # 卡号存在 trans_cost = common.input_msg("请输入要转账的金额: ") # 如果输入的均为数字 if trans_cost.isnumeric(): comfirm = common.input_msg("确定要给卡号 {0} 转入人民币 {1} 元吗(y/n)?".format(trans_cardobj.cardno, trans_cost), ("y", "n")) if comfirm == "y": cardpasswd = common.input_msg("请输入信用卡密码:") # 执行转账操作 exe_result = card.translate_money(float(trans_cost), cardpasswd, trans_cardobj) if exe_result == errorcode.NO_ERROR: common.show_message("转账完成!", "NOTICE") if exe_result == errorcode.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHT: common.show_message("信用卡可透支余额不足!", "ERROR") if exe_result == errorcode.CARD_PASS_ERROR: common.show_message("信用卡密码错误!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message("输入错误!", "ERROR") elif trans_cardno == "q": quitflag = True continue else: common.show_message("输入错误!", "ERROR") # 还款 if _choose == "4": # 更新一下对账单信息 card.recreate_statement() quitflag = False while not quitflag: # 获取对账单所有列表 interest_list = card.load_statement_list() # 获取还未还款的记录并显示 message_info = report.print_statement_list(card.cardno, interest_list) # 如果有要还款的记录 if len(message_info) > 0: common.show_message(message_info, "NOTICE") # 输入要还款的单号 serino_list = list() for order in interest_list: serino_list.append(list(order.keys())[0]) serino_list.append("q") pay_serno = common.input_msg("请选择还款的16位账单号(q退出):", tuple(serino_list)) if pay_serno == "q": quitflag = True continue else: for i in range(len(interest_list)): for k, details in interest_list[i].items(): if k == pay_serno: # 显示指定单号的相信对账单信息 common.show_message(report.print_statement_detail(card.cardno, pay_serno, details), "NOTICE") pay_fee = common.input_msg("请输入还款金额:") if pay_fee.isnumeric(): # 更新已还款金额 = 现在还的金额 + 已经还的金额 total_payed = details["payed"] + float(pay_fee) interest_list[i][pay_serno]["payed"] = total_payed # 全还了吗?需要还款数 = 消费总费用 + 利息 need_pay = details["total"] + details["interest"] if total_payed >= need_pay: # 还款数大于等于需要还款数,则更新已还款字段信息 interest_list[i][pay_serno]["isfinished"] = 1 else: # 没全部还款 common.show_message("您尚未全部还款,请在还款日前尽快还款!", "NOTICE") # 将还款后的信息写入数据库更新 dbapi.write_statement_list(card.cardno, interest_list) # 还款成功 common.show_message("还款成功", "NOTICE") # 是否继续 iscontinue = common.input_msg("继续还款吗(y/n)?", ("y", "n")) if iscontinue == "n": quitflag = True else: common.show_message("输入数据不正确,请重新输入!", "ERROR") else: common.show_message("无账单信息!", "NOTICE") quitflag = True