예제 #1
파일: isbn.py 프로젝트: atkoehler/gts
def test(locations, test_obj, source, file_paths, 
             env, alterations, keyval, n):
    OK = 0
    from modules.compilation import compile_single
    import modules.altersource as altersource
    import difflib
    import os
    import shutil

    harness_dir = locations[1]
    files_to_remove = []

    # check if working directory exists, if not make one
    working_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["working_dir"])
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):
        made_working = True
        made_working = False

    # solution path
    sol_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["solution_dir"])
    sol_path = os.path.join(sol_dir, env["solution_name"])
    sol_work = os.path.join(working_dir, env["solution_name"])
    # student working file
    testing_file = env["src_name"] + env["src_extension"]
    stud_file = os.path.join(working_dir, testing_file)

    # executables
    exe_path = os.path.join(working_dir, env["exe_name"])
    sol_exe = os.path.join(working_dir, env["solution_exe"])

    # attempt alterations to code
    stud_contents = open(source.file_loc).read().split('\n')
    sol_contents = open(sol_path).read().split('\n')
    for (i, value) in enumerate(alterations["from"]):
        replaced = altersource.replace_source(stud_contents, value, 
        if not replaced:
            test_obj.score = 0
            test_obj.message = "Could not find " + value + " in source code."
            # clean up
            if made_working:
            elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
                for f in files_to_remove:
                    if os.path.isfile(f):
            return OK           
        # apply same alterations to solution
        replaced = altersource.replace_source(sol_contents, value, 
        if not replaced:
            test_obj.score = 0
            test_obj.message = "Could not find " + value + " in solution."
            # clean up
            if made_working:
            elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
                for f in files_to_remove:
                    if os.path.isfile(f):
            return OK           
    # open the student working file and write the altered source
    open(stud_file, 'wb+').write("\n".join(stud_contents))
    # open the solution working file and write the altered source
    open(sol_work, 'wb+').write("\n".join(sol_contents))

    # attempt compilation of both working files
    ret_val = compile_single(stud_file, exe_path, harness_dir, env)
    sol_ret_val = compile_single(sol_work, sol_exe, harness_dir, env)
    if not ret_val["success"]:
        test_obj.score = 0
        test_obj.message = "File did not compile, cannot compare output."
        # clean up
        if made_working:
        elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
            for f in files_to_remove:
                if os.path.isfile(f):
        return OK
    if not sol_ret_val["success"]:
        test_obj.score = 0
        test_obj.message = "Solution did not compile, cannot compare output."
        # clean up
        if made_working:
        elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
            for f in files_to_remove:
                if os.path.isfile(f):
        return OK   
    # compilation successful proceed with testing
    outf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_program.out")   
    solution_outf = os.path.join(working_dir, "solution.out")   
    FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
    messages = []
    suggestions = []
    notifications = {}
    if len(file_paths) > 0: 
        status = {}
        for input in file_paths:
            with open(input, 'r') as inp_file:
                    # create a task for execution
                    t = Task(env["timeout"])
                    with open(outf, 'w+') as out_file:
                        t.check_call([exe_path], stdout=out_file, stderr=FNULL, 
                    status[testing_file] = True                
                except SystemError as e:
                    status[testing_file] = False
                    # create a notice about the abort throw and put in message
                    m = "Your program's execution was aborted."
                    notifications["abort"] = m
                    # TODO: this access is ugly and should be cleaned up
                    # if seg fault was detected
                    if e[0][0] == -11:
                        cl = ["return value", "values of each parameter"]
                        s = "A segmentation fault occurred when running your "
                        s += "program."
                    # termination of thread due to timeout
                    elif e[0][0] == -15:
                        cl = ["infinite loops (check your conditions)", 
                              "attempting to get input when no input exists"]
                        s = "Your program failed to execute "
                        s += "to completion in the time allotted to it. "
                        s += "This may have been caused by several things "
                        s += "including:\n"
                        s += markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(cl), 1)
            # grab standard output if test was not aborted
            if len(open(outf).read()) > 0: 
                testfile_output = open(outf).readlines()
                testfile_output = ""

            # format the lines:
            # eliminate blank lines, strip trail/lead whitespace
            # convert all to lowercase
            tf_output = []
            testfile_output_string = ""
            for line in testfile_output:
                if len(line.strip()) != 0:
                    if line.lower().find(keyval.lower()) != -1:
                        key_loc = line.lower().find(keyval.lower())
                        space_aft = line.lower().find(" ", key_loc)
                        if len(testfile_output_string) > 0:
                            testfile_output_string += "\n"
                        if space_aft != -1:
                            testfile_output_string += line[space_aft+1:].strip()

            # now execute solution 
            with open(input, 'r') as inp_file:
                    # create a task for execution
                    t = Task(env["timeout"])
                    with open(outf, 'w+') as out_file:
                        t.check_call([sol_exe], stdout=out_file, stderr=FNULL, 
                    status[env["solution_name"]] = True                     
                except SystemError as e:
                    status[env["solution_name"]] = False
                    key = "abort"
                    if key not in notifications:
                        notifications["abort"] = "Solution was aborted!"
                        notifications["abort"] += "\nSolution was aborted!"
            # grab standard output if test wasn't aborted
            if len(open(outf).read()) > 0: 
                solution_output = open(outf).readlines()
                solution_output = ""
            # format the lines:
            # eliminate blank lines, strip trail/lead whitespace
            # convert all to lowercase
            sol_output = []
            solution_output_string = ""
            for line in solution_output:
                if len(line.strip()) != 0:
                    if line.lower().find(keyval.lower()) != -1:
                        key_loc = line.lower().find(keyval.lower())
                        space_aft = line.lower().find(" ", key_loc)
                        if len(solution_output_string) > 0:
                            solution_output_string += "\n"
                        if space_aft != -1:
                            solution_output_string += line[space_aft+1:].strip()
            lines = []
            difflines = difflib.unified_diff(tf_output, sol_output, 
                            fromfile=source.name, tofile='solution.cpp', n=1)
            unique = []
            for (i, line) in enumerate(difflines):
                if i > 1 and len(line) > 0:
                    if line[0] == '+':
            diffoutput = "".join(lines)
            if not status[env["solution_name"]] or not status[testing_file]:
                diffoutput = "Output comparison was skipped because the program"
                diffoutput += " was terminated due to an abort "
                diffoutput += "signal."

            # make the list of unique lines
            unique = list(set(unique))
            if len(diffoutput.strip()) > 0:
                if len(testfile_output_string.strip()) > 0:
                    m = "Weighted sum value for digit number "
                    m += sol_output[0].strip("\n") 
                    m += " is incorrect, where the first digit is the "
                    m += "farthest left."
                    m = "Could not find a value to utilize. Attempted to find "
                    m += " value using a case agnostic key value of: "
                    m += keyval
                    s = "The test harness could not find an output value for "
                    s += "these tests. Check the specification and make sure "
                    s += "you are following the stipulated output requirements."
                test_obj.score += float(test_obj.max_score) / len(file_paths)
    # limit the messages if warranted
    if len(messages) > 0:
        m = "You failed " + str(len(messages)) + " cases. "
        m += "When you fix one of the cases, it should disappear from the "
        m += "feedback on your next submission." 

        # turn current messages into bullet point list
        header = markup_create_header("Bad Values\n", 2)
        q = list(set(messages))
        mlist = markup_create_unlist(q)
        messages = []
        messages.append(header + mlist)
    # put notifications at top of message if there are any
    if len(notifications) > 0:
        top = markup_create_header("Notifications\n", 2)
        notes = []
        for (key, value) in notifications.iteritems():
            head = markup_create_bold(key.upper())
            head += ": " + value
        m = markup_create_unlist(notes)
        messages = [top + m + "\n"] + messages

    # add suggestions section as last part of message
    if len(suggestions) > 0:
        m =  markup_create_header("Suggestions\n", 2)
        m += markup_create_unlist(list(set(suggestions)))
    # add messages
    if len(messages) != 0:
        if test_obj.message == "":
            test_obj.message += "\n".join(messages)
            test_obj.message += "\n" + "\n".join(messages)
    # clean up
    if made_working:
    elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
        for f in files_to_remove:
            if os.path.isfile(f):
    test_obj.score = int(round(test_obj.score))
    return OK
예제 #2
파일: unittest.py 프로젝트: atkoehler/gts
def logictest(locations, test_obj, vars, source, fn_name, 
              has_output, has_input, files, inc_sol, env, alterations):
    import re
    OK = 0
    ERROR = -1

    # TODO: this probably should go in some sort of external file
    exception_msg = {}
    exception_handled = {}

    # Out of Range exceptions
    # string.at(int)
    exception_msg["Out of Range"] = {}
    s = "At least one exception was thrown by calling the at() member "
    s += " function of a string with a value that is either negative or "
    s += " greater than or equal to the size of the string. Check the value "
    s += " passed with each invocation of the function at() in " + fn_name 
    s += " as well as any functions " + fn_name + " calls."
    exception_msg["Out of Range"]["basic_string::at"] = s
    # vector.at(int)
    s = "At least one exception was thrown by calling the at() member "
    s += " function of a vector. The function was provided a value that is "
    s += " greater than or equal to the size of the vector or it was given a "
    s += " negative value. Check the value "
    s += " passed with each invocation of the function at() in " + fn_name 
    s += " as well as any functions " + fn_name + " calls."
    exception_msg["Out of Range"]["vector::_M_range_check"] = s
    # initially no exceptions have been handled
    for key in exception_msg:
        exception_handled[key] = {}
        for what_key in exception_msg[key]:
            exception_handled[key][what_key] = False

    harness_dir = locations[1]
    files_to_remove = []

    # check if working directory exists, if not make one
    working_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["working_dir"])
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):
        made_working = True
        made_working = False
    # set up path to executable rename
    exe_path = os.path.join(working_dir, env["exe_name"])

    # attempt compilation
    ret_val = compile_single(source.file_loc, exe_path, harness_dir, env)
    if not ret_val["success"]:
        test_obj.score = 0
        test_obj.message = "File did not compile, cannot execute tests."
        # clean up
        if made_working:
        elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
            for f in files_to_remove:
                if os.path.isfile(f):
        return OK
    # TODO: make sure all the paths and files exist before accessing/using 
    # set up path to unit tests directory
    unit_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["unittest_dir"])
    # set up path to #include lines
    inc_stmt_path = os.path.join(unit_dir, vars["library_includes"])
    # set up path to harness C++ file
    unit_test_path = []
    if files is None:
        unit_filename = fn_name + env["src_extension"]
        unit_test_path.append(os.path.join(unit_dir, unit_filename))
        for i in files:
            unit_test_path.append(os.path.join(unit_dir, i))
    unittest_module_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, "modules/unittesting")
    unit_main_path = os.path.join(unittest_module_dir, "unit_main.cpp")
    # set up path to testing file
    merged_path = []
    if files is None:
        merged_path.append(os.path.join(working_dir, vars["file_name"]))
        for (i, test) in enumerate(unit_test_path):
            file_nm = vars["file_name"][0:vars["file_name"].find(env["src_extension"])] +str(i)+ env["src_extension"]
            merged_path.append(os.path.join(working_dir, file_nm))
    # set up paths for unit test output
    unit_out = os.path.join(working_dir, "unit_test_output.txt")
    unit_err = os.path.join(working_dir, "unit_test_errors.txt")
    errf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_program_err.txt")   
    outf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_program_out.txt")   
    inpf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_input.txt")   
    solution_func_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["solution_func_dir"])
    sol_incs = []
    for func in inc_sol:
        file = func + ".cpp"
        file_path = os.path.join(solution_func_dir, file)
    # create unit testing file
    units = []
    for (i, unit_test) in enumerate(unit_test_path):
        unit = UnitTest(fn_name)
        ret = unit.create_unit(inc_stmt_path, unit_test, unit_main_path,
                           merged_path[i], source, harness_dir, sol_incs,
        if ret:
    message = []
    suggestions = []
    run_messages = {}
    notifications = {}
    unit_fail = set()
    contains_output = False
    contains_input = False
    # merge success
    if len(units) == 0:
        test_obj.message = "<font color='red'>Could not create unit test.</font>"
        for merge_p in merged_path:
            # attempt compilation
            ret_val = compile_single(merge_p, exe_path, harness_dir, env)
            if ret_val["success"]:

        if not ret_val["success"]:
            test_obj.score = 0
            header = markup_create_header("Notice\n", 2)
            m = "The unit test did not compile."
            message.append(header + m)
            header = markup_create_header("Compile Errors\n", 4)
            m = markup_create_indent(ret_val["message"], 2)
            message.append(markup_create_indent(header + m, 1))
            header = markup_create_header("Suggestions\n", 2)
            s = "If you have not yet implmented the " + fn_name + " function, "
            s += " you may ignore the fact that this test did not compile."
            s = "If you have started implementing your function " + fn_name
            s += " and are attempting to test it: Make sure you fix all "
            s += "compile errors before submission. If yours is compiling, "
            s += "make sure " + fn_name + " has a proper definition "
            s += "as we cannot invoke the function from the specification "
            s += " if you are defining it differently than we expect. "
            s += "Be sure to check its:\n"
            l = ["return type", "function name", 
                 "parameter types", "number of parameters"] 
            l_m = markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(l), 2)
            s += l_m
            message.append(header + markup_create_unlist(suggestions))
            # join all the messages and put in test object message
            test_obj.message = "\n".join(message)
            if made_working:
            elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
                for f in files_to_remove:
                    if os.path.isfile(f):
            return OK
        # run the unit test 
        # TODO: implement termination of process if it takes too long
            # create a task for execution
            t = Task(env["timeout"])
            with open(outf, 'w') as out_file:
                with open(errf, 'w') as err_file:
                    inputFile = open(inpf, 'w+')
                    inputFile.write("1 a holy cow")
                    with open(inpf, 'r') as inp_file:
                        if has_input:
                            t.check_call([exe_path, unit_out, unit_err, inpf], 
                               stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file, stdin=inp_file)
                            t.check_call([exe_path, unit_out, unit_err], 
                               stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file, stdin=inp_file)
                        # all tests are sent an input file, read remainder
                        remains = inp_file.read()
            # read entire input file for comparison
            with open(inpf, 'r') as inp_file:
                entire = inp_file.read()
            # if function was not meant to have input and it
            # consumed something then make note of it
            # TODO: if process has_input then remains length is always 0
            # this does not imply that it did or didn't take input
            if len(remains) != len(entire):
                contains_input = True
                contains_input = False
        except SystemError as e:
            # create a notice about the abort throw and put in message
            m = "The " + fn_name + " unit test was aborted during execution. "
            m += "If any reason or trace was given "
            m += "these may exist in the error message of the "
            m += "specific call that was aborted. If the type of abort was "
            m += "recognized there will be guidance in the Suggestions "
            m += "section. The abort may have been caused by this function "
            m += "or one that it calls."
            notifications["abort"] = m
            # TODO: this access is ugly and should be cleaned up
            # if seg fault was detected
            if e[0][0] == -11:
                cl = ["return value", "values of each parameter"]
                s = "A segmentation fault was detected when invoking your "
                s += "function. Make sure you check the following for "
                s += fn_name + " as well as any functions it invokes.\n"
                s += markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(cl), 1)
            # termination of thread due to timeout
            elif e[0][0] == -15:
                cl = ["infinite loops (check your conditions)", 
                      "attempting to get input when no input exists"]
                s = "The unit test for your function, " + fn_name + " failed "
                s += "to execute to completion in the time allotted to it. "
                s += "This may have been caused by several things including:\n"
                s += markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(cl), 1)
                s = "The abort may have been caused by " + fn_name + " or any "
                s += "function that it calls. If " + fn_name + " invokes a "
                s += "function and that function passes its unit test then "
                s += "make sure " + fn_name + " passes proper values to the "
                s += "other function."
        # if the unit test had any output then add them to message 
        if os.path.isfile(unit_err):
            unit_err_contents = open(unit_err).read().rstrip('\n')
            unit_err_contents = ""       
        # put unit test errors in the message
        if len(unit_err_contents) > 0: 
            lines = unit_err_contents.rstrip("\n").split("\n")
            for fail_test in lines:
                splits = fail_test.split("\t")
                key = splits[0] 
                errors = "\n".join(splits[1:])
                top = fn_name + " unit test error\n"
                single_result = markup_create_header(top, 4)
                single_result = markup_create_indent(single_result, 2)
                single_result += markup_create_indent(errors, 3)
                single_result += "\n"
                key = key.strip()
                if key not in run_messages:
                    run_messages[key] = single_result
                    run_messages[key] += single_result
                error_split = errors.split("\n")
                if len(error_split) > 0:
                    m = "The " + fn_name + " unit test caught an exception "
                    m += "thrown by " + fn_name + ". If the exception was "
                    m += "recognized by our harness then more information "
                    m += "will exist in the information for the invocation "
                    m += "of the specific unit test that threw the exception. "
                    m += "Additionally, there may be guidance in the "
                    m += "Suggestions section of the feedback."
                    notifications["exception"] = m

                for exception in error_split:
                    for key in exception_msg:
                        if exception.find(key) != -1:
                            for what, sug in exception_msg[key].iteritems():
                                if exception.find(what) != -1:
                                    if not exception_handled[key][what]:
                                        exception_handled[key][what] = True
        # if the unit test had any output then add them to message 
        if os.path.isfile(unit_out):
            unit_out_contents = open(unit_out).read().rstrip('\n')
            unit_out_contents = ""       
        if len(unit_out_contents) > 0:
            con_list = unit_out_contents.split("\n")            
            combine = []
            for fail_test in con_list:
                splits = fail_test.split("\t")
                key = splits[0] 
                results = splits[1:]
                rlist = markup_create_unlist(results)

                top = fn_name + " unit test output\n"
                single_result = markup_create_header(top, 4)
                single_result = markup_create_indent(single_result, 2)
                single_result += markup_create_indent(rlist, 3)
                single_result += "\n"
                key = key.strip()
                if key not in run_messages:
                    run_messages[key] = single_result
                    run_messages[key] += single_result
        # put standard output in the msg if unit testing had output or error
        if len(open(outf).read()) > 0: 
            line = open(outf).read().rstrip("\n")
            split_on = "Calling "
            pattern = re.compile(split_on)
            per_call = pattern.split(line)
            for output in per_call:
                lines = output.rstrip("\n").split("\n")
                key = "Calling " + lines[0]
                if len(lines) > 1:
                    contains_output = True
                    act_output = "\n".join(lines[1:])
                    pref_output = markup_create_codeblock(act_output)
                    top = fn_name + " standard output\n"
                    single_result = markup_create_header(top, 4)
                    single_result = markup_create_indent(single_result, 2)
                    single_result += markup_create_indent(pref_output, 3)
                    single_result += "\n"
                    key = key.strip()
                    # if the case hasn't been flagged for failure, do so
                    # if output is not expected for this function
                    if not has_output and contains_output:
                    # only add output if key already exists since it will
                    # be created by unit_error or unit_out
                    if key in unit_fail:
                        if key in run_messages:
                            if run_messages[key][-1] == "\n":
                                run_messages[key] += single_result
                                run_messages[key] += "\n" + single_result
                            run_messages[key] = single_result
        # create a suggestion about the existence of output if some exists
        if not has_output and contains_output: 
            s = "The " + fn_name + " function should not contain any output."
        elif has_output and not contains_output:
            s = "The " + fn_name + " function should contain some output."

        # create a suggestion about the existence of input
        if not has_input and contains_input: 
            s = "The " + fn_name + " function should not consume any input."
        elif has_input and not contains_input:
            s = "The " + fn_name + " function should consume some input."

        # create suggestion if any unit tests failed 
        if len(run_messages) > 0:
            s = "In total, you failed " + str(len(run_messages)) + " test "
            s += "cases which executed to completion. "
            if vars["cases_output"] != 0 and vars["cases_output"] < len(run_messages):
                s += "To avoid clutter we have provided information on " 
                s += str(min(len(run_messages), vars["cases_output"])) + " of "
                s += "these cases. Please utilize this information when "
                s += "attempting to fix your function, " +fn_name + ". "
                s += "When you submit again, if you pass one "
                s += "of the displayed cases it will disappear and may be "
                s += "replaced by information for another of the cases you "
                s += "failed."
            elif vars["cases_output"] == 0:
                s += "Please attempt to fix your code for your function, "
                s += fn_name + ". We have opted to not "
                s += "display information for any of the failed cases to "
                s += "encourage development of proper testing skills when "
                s += "designign a program or function. This includes coming "
                s += "up with the cases."
                s += "Information on these test cases has been provided. "
                s += "Please utilize this information when "
                s += "attempting to fix your function, " +fn_name + ". "
                s += "When you submit again, if you pass one "
                s += "of the displayed cases it will disapppear."
        # add individual testing output to the message
        import operator
        m_sorted = sorted(run_messages.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
        count = 0
        for (key, value) in m_sorted:
            if count >= vars["cases_output"]:
            count = count + 1
            header = markup_create_indent(markup_create_header(key+"\n", 3),1)
            message.append(header + value)
        # put notifications at top of message if there are any
        if len(notifications) > 0:
            top = markup_create_header("Notifications\n", 2)
            notes = []
            for (key, value) in notifications.iteritems():
                head = markup_create_bold(key.upper())
                head += ": " + value
            m = markup_create_unlist(notes)
            message = [top + m + "\n"] + message
        # add suggestions section as last part of message
        if len(suggestions) > 0:
            m =  markup_create_header("Suggestions\n", 2)
            m += markup_create_unlist(suggestions)
        # if unit fail set is empty
        if len(unit_fail) == 0:
            test_obj.score = test_obj.max_score
            test_obj.score = 0
            if test_obj.message == "":
                test_obj.message += "\n".join(message)
                test_obj.message += "\n" + "\n".join(message)
    # clean up
    if made_working:
    elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
        for f in files_to_remove:
            if os.path.isfile(f):
    return OK
예제 #3
파일: unittest.py 프로젝트: atkoehler/gts
def outputtest(locations, test_obj, vars, source, solution, fn_name, has_output,
               has_input, files, inc_sol, env, alterations):
    import difflib
    import re
    OK = 0
    ERROR = -1

    # TODO: this probably should go in some sort of external file
    exception_msg = {}
    exception_handled = {}

    # Out of Range exceptions
    # string.at(int)
    exception_msg["Out of Range"] = {}
    s = "At least one exception was thrown by calling the at() member "
    s += " function of a string with a value that is either negative or "
    s += " greater than or equal to the size of the string. Check the value "
    s += " passed with each invocation of the function at() in " + fn_name 
    s += " as well as any functions " + fn_name + " calls."
    exception_msg["Out of Range"]["basic_string::at"] = s
    # vector.at(int)
    s = "At least one exception was thrown by calling the at() member "
    s += " function of a vector. The function was provided a value that is "
    s += " greater than or equal to the size of the vector or it was given a "
    s += " negative value. Check the value "
    s += " passed with each invocation of the function at() in " + fn_name 
    s += " as well as any functions " + fn_name + " calls."
    exception_msg["Out of Range"]["vector::_M_range_check"] = s
    # initially no exceptions have been handled
    for key in exception_msg:
        exception_handled[key] = {}
        for what_key in exception_msg[key]:
            exception_handled[key][what_key] = False

    harness_dir = locations[1]
    files_to_remove = []

    # check if working directory exists, if not make one
    working_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["working_dir"])
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):
        made_working = True
        made_working = False
    # set up path to executable rename
    exe_path = os.path.join(working_dir, env["exe_name"])
    sol_exe = os.path.join(working_dir, env["solution_exe"])

    # attempt compilation
    ret_val = compile_single(source.file_loc, exe_path, harness_dir, env)
    if not ret_val["success"]:
        test_obj.score = 0
        test_obj.message = "File did not compile, cannot execute tests."
        # clean up
        if made_working:
        elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
            for f in files_to_remove:
                if os.path.isfile(f):
        return OK
    # attempt compilation of solution
    ret_val = compile_single(solution.file_loc, sol_exe, harness_dir, env)
    if not ret_val["success"]:
        test_obj.score = 0
        test_obj.message = "Solution did not compile, cannot execute tests."
        # clean up
        if made_working:
        elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
            for f in files_to_remove:
                if os.path.isfile(f):
        return OK   
    # TODO: make sure all the paths and files exist before accessing/using 
    # set up path to unit tests directory
    unit_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["unittest_dir"])
    # set up path to #include lines
    inc_stmt_path = os.path.join(unit_dir, vars["library_includes"])
    # set up path to harness C++ file
    unit_test_path = []
    if files is None:
        unit_filename = fn_name + env["src_extension"]
        unit_test_path.append(os.path.join(unit_dir, unit_filename))
        for i in files:
            unit_test_path.append(os.path.join(unit_dir, i))
    unittest_module_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, "modules/unittesting")
    unit_main_path = os.path.join(unittest_module_dir, "unit_main.cpp")
    # set up path to testing file
    merged_path = []
    sol_merged_path = []
    if files is None:
        merged_path.append(os.path.join(working_dir, vars["file_name"]))
        sol_merged_path.append(os.path.join(working_dir, solution.name))
        for (i, test) in enumerate(unit_test_path):
            file_nm = vars["file_name"][0:vars["file_name"].find(env["src_extension"])] +str(i)+ env["src_extension"]
            merged_path.append(os.path.join(working_dir, file_nm))
            file_nm = solution.name[0:solution.name.find(env["src_extension"])] +str(i)+ env["src_extension"]
            sol_merged_path.append(os.path.join(working_dir, file_nm))
    # set up paths for unit test output
    unit_out = os.path.join(working_dir, "unit_test_output.txt")
    unit_err = os.path.join(working_dir, "unit_test_errors.txt")
    errf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_program_err.txt")   
    outf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_program_out.txt")   
    inpf = os.path.join(working_dir, "test_input.txt")   
    solution_func_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["solution_func_dir"])
    sol_incs = []
    for func in inc_sol:
        file = func + env["src_extension"]
        file_path = os.path.join(solution_func_dir, file)
    # create unit testing file
    units = []
    for (i, unit_test) in enumerate(unit_test_path):
        unit = UnitTest(fn_name)
        ret = unit.create_unit(inc_stmt_path, unit_test, unit_main_path,
                           merged_path[i], source, harness_dir, sol_incs,
        if ret:

    # create unit solution files
    sol_units = []
    for (i, unit_test) in enumerate(unit_test_path):
        unit = UnitTest(fn_name)
        ret = unit.create_unit(inc_stmt_path, unit_test, unit_main_path,
                           sol_merged_path[i], solution, harness_dir, sol_incs,
        if ret:
    message = []
    suggestions = []
    run_messages = {}
    sol_messages = {}
    notifications = {}
    unit_fail = set()
    contains_output = False
    contains_input = False
    # merge success
    if len(units) == 0 or len(sol_units) == 0:
        test_obj.message = "Could not create unit test."
        for merge_p in merged_path:
            # attempt compilation
            ret_val = compile_single(merge_p, exe_path, harness_dir, env)
            if ret_val["success"]:

        if not ret_val["success"]:
            test_obj.score = 0
            header = markup_create_header("Notice\n", 2)
            m = "The unit test did not compile."
            message.append(header + m)
            header = markup_create_header("Compile Errors\n", 4)
            m = markup_create_indent(ret_val["message"], 2)
            message.append(markup_create_indent(header + m, 1))
            header = markup_create_header("Suggestions\n", 2)
            s = "If you have not yet implmented the " + fn_name + " function, "
            s += " you may ignore the fact that this test did not compile."
            s = "If you have started implementing your function " + fn_name
            s += " and are attempting to test it: Make sure you fix all "
            s += "compile errors before submission. If yours is compiling, "
            s += "make sure " + fn_name + " has a proper definition "
            s += "as we cannot invoke the function from the specification "
            s += " if you are defining it differently than we expect. "
            s += "Be sure to check its:\n"
            l = ["return type", "function name", 
                 "parameter types", "number of parameters"] 
            l_m = markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(l), 2)
            s += l_m
            message.append(header + markup_create_unlist(suggestions))
            # join all the messages and put in test object message
            test_obj.message = "\n".join(message)
            if made_working:
            elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
                for f in files_to_remove:
                    if os.path.isfile(f):
            return OK
        for sol_p in sol_merged_path:
            # attempt compilation
            ret_val = compile_single(sol_p, sol_exe, harness_dir, env)
            if ret_val["success"]:

        if not ret_val["success"]:
            test_obj.score = 0
            header = markup_create_header("Notice\n", 2)
            m = "The solution's unit test did not compile."
            message.append(header + m)
        # run the unit test 
            # create a task for execution
            t = Task(env["timeout"])
            with open(outf, 'w+') as out_file:
                with open(errf, 'w+') as err_file:
                    inputFile = open(inpf, 'w+')
                    inputFile.write("1 a holy cow")
                    with open(inpf, 'r') as inp_file:
                        if has_input:
                            t.check_call([exe_path, unit_out, unit_err, inpf], 
                               stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file, stdin=inp_file)
                            t.check_call([exe_path, unit_out, unit_err], 
                               stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file, stdin=inp_file)
        except SystemError as e:
            # create a notice about the abort throw and put in message
            m = "The " + fn_name + " unit test was aborted during execution. "
            notifications["abort"] = m
            # TODO: this access is ugly and should be cleaned up
            # if seg fault was detected
            if e[0][0] == -11:
                cl = ["return value", "values of each parameter"]
                s = "A segmentation fault was detected when invoking your "
                s += "function. Make sure you check the following for "
                s += fn_name + " as well as any functions it invokes.\n"
                s += markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(cl), 1)
            # termination of thread due to timeout
            elif e[0][0] == -15:
                cl = ["infinite loops (check your conditions)", 
                      "attempting to get input when no input exists"]
                s = "The unit test for your function, " + fn_name + " failed "
                s += "to execute to completion in the time allotted to it. "
                s += "This may have been caused by several things including:\n"
                s += markup_create_indent(markup_create_unlist(cl), 1)
                s = "The abort may have been caused by " + fn_name + " or any "
                s += "function that it calls. If " + fn_name + " invokes a "
                s += "function and that function passes its unit test then "
                s += "make sure " + fn_name + " passes proper values to the "
                s += "other function."
        # put standard output in the msg if unit testing had output or error
        if len(open(outf).read()) > 0: 
            line = open(outf).read().rstrip("\n")
            split_on = "Calling "
            pattern = re.compile(split_on)
            per_call = pattern.split(line)
            for output in per_call:
                lines = output.rstrip("\n").split("\n")
                # if something beyond the call line exists, output exists
                if len(lines) > 1:
                    key = "Calling " + lines[0]
                    act_output = "\n".join(lines[1:])
                    run_messages[key] = act_output
        # run the solution unit test 
            # create a task for execution
            t = Task(env["timeout"])
            with open(outf, 'w+') as out_file:
                with open(errf, 'w+') as err_file:
                    inputFile = open(inpf, 'w+')
                    inputFile.write("1 a holy cow")
                    with open(inpf, 'r') as inp_file:
                        if has_input:
                            t.check_call([sol_exe, unit_out, unit_err, inpf], 
                               stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file, stdin=inp_file)
                            t.check_call([sol_exe, unit_out, unit_err], 
                               stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file, stdin=inp_file)
        except SystemError as e:
            # creatk a notice about the abort throw and put in message
            m = "The " + fn_name + " unit test for solution was aborted."
            notifications["abort"] = m
        # put standard output in the msg if unit testing had output or error
        if len(open(outf).read()) > 0: 
            line = open(outf).read().rstrip("\n")
            split_on = "Calling "
            pattern = re.compile(split_on)
            per_call = pattern.split(line)
            for output in per_call:
                lines = output.rstrip("\n").split("\n")
                # if something beyond the call line exists, output exists
                if len(lines) > 1:
                    key = "Calling " + lines[0]
                    sol_output = "\n".join(lines[1:])
                    sol_messages[key] = sol_output
        diff_messages = {}
        for (key, value) in sol_messages.iteritems():
            if key not in run_messages:
                run_messages[key] = ""
            # split the solution output into lines and eliminate blanks
            output_temp = value.split('\n')
            sol_output = []
            for line in output_temp:
                if len(line.strip()) != 0:

            # split the test file output into lines and eliminate blanks
            output_temp = run_messages[key].split('\n')
            tf_output = []
            for line in output_temp:
                if len(line.strip()) != 0:
            lines = []
            difflines = difflib.unified_diff(tf_output, sol_output,
                            fromfile=source.name, tofile=solution.name, n=1)
            unique = []
            for (i, line) in enumerate(difflines):
                if i > 1 and len(line) > 0:
                    if line[0] == '+':
            diffoutput = "".join(lines)
            # make the list of unique lines
            unique = list(set(unique))

            if len(diffoutput) > 0:
                header = "Differences (" + str(len(unique)) + " unique)\n"
                diffoutput = markup_create_codeblock(diffoutput)
                diffoutput = markup_create_indent(diffoutput, 3)
                diff_messages[key] = header + diffoutput

        # create suggestion if any unit diff tests failed 
        if len(diff_messages) > 0:
            s = "In total, you failed " + str(len(run_messages)) + " test "
            s += "cases which executed to completion. "
            if vars["cases_output"] != 0 and vars["cases_output"] < len(run_messages):
                s += "To avoid clutter we have provided information on " 
                s += str(min(len(run_messages), vars["cases_output"])) + " of "
                s += "these cases. Please utilize this information when "
                s += "attempting to fix your function, " +fn_name + ". "
                s += "When you submit again, if you pass one "
                s += "of the displayed cases it will disappear and may be "
                s += "replaced by information for another of the cases you "
                s += "failed."
            elif vars["cases_output"] == 0:
                s += "Please attempt to fix your code for your function, "
                s += fn_name + ". We have opted to not "
                s += "display information for any of the failed cases to "
                s += "encourage development of proper testing skills when "
                s += "designign a program or function. This includes coming "
                s += "up with the cases."
                s += "Information on these test cases has been provided. "
                s += "Please utilize this information when "
                s += "attempting to fix your function, " +fn_name + ". "
                s += "When you submit again, if you pass one "
                s += "of the displayed cases it will disapppear."
        # add individual testing output to the message
        import operator
        m_sorted = sorted(diff_messages.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
        count = 0
        for (key, value) in m_sorted:
            if count >= vars["cases_output"]:
            count = count + 1
            header = markup_create_indent(markup_create_header(key+"\n", 3),1)
            message.append(header + value)
        # put notifications at top of message if there are any
        if len(notifications) > 0:
            top = markup_create_header("Notifications\n", 2)
            notes = []
            for (key, value) in notifications.iteritems():
                head = markup_create_bold(key.upper())
                head += ": " + value
            m = markup_create_unlist(notes)
            message = [top + m + "\n"] + message
        # add suggestions section as last part of message
        if len(suggestions) > 0:
            m =  markup_create_header("Suggestions\n", 2)
            m += markup_create_unlist(suggestions)
        # if no messages have been added to list to display, all tests passed
        if len(message) == 0:
            test_obj.score = test_obj.max_score
            test_obj.score = 0
            if test_obj.message == "":
                test_obj.message += "\n".join(message)
                test_obj.message += "\n" + "\n".join(message)
    # clean up
    if made_working:
    elif len(files_to_remove) > 0:
        for f in files_to_remove:
            if os.path.isfile(f):
    return OK
예제 #4
파일: madlibs.py 프로젝트: atkoehler/gts
def test(locations, result, vars, source, env):
    from modules.compilation import compile_single
    import copy
    import shutil
    # files to remove on finish
    files_to_remove = []
    harness_dir = locations[1]

    # set up working area
    working_dir = os.path.join(harness_dir, env["working_dir"])
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):
        made_working = True
        made_working = False
    # set up exe path for compilation
    exe_path = os.path.join(working_dir, env["exe_name"])

    # set up path for inputs
    in_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "input_file.txt")

    # set up path for output
    out_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "program_output.txt")

    # compile the program
    ret_val = compile_single(source.file_loc, exe_path, harness_dir, env)
    # grab / generate items specific to this test
    ins = genIntStrings(100, vars["input_length"], vars["input_seed"])
    with open(in_path, 'w+') as inFile:
        for i in ins:
            inFile.write(i + "\n")
    if ret_val["success"]:
        # execute the program grabbing its output
            t = Task(env["timeout"])
            with open(out_path, 'w') as outFile:
                with open(in_path, 'r') as inFile:
                    t.check_call([exe_path], stdout=outFile, stdin=inFile)
            notification = ""
            notification = "Program did not execute to completion.\n"
            notification = markup_create_bold(notification)
            notification = markup_create_indent(notification, 1)
        # acquire the story portion of the output
        storyOutput = getStory(out_path, vars["separator"],
        # run individual tests on the story output
        ind_test = "Inputs Utilized"
        if ind_test in vars:
            t = GalahTest()
            t.name = ind_test
            t.max_score = vars[ind_test]["max_score"] 
            test_vars = copy.deepcopy(vars[ind_test])
            inputsUsed(t, test_vars, storyOutput, in_path)
            t.message = notification + t.message

        ind_test = "Paragraph Count"
        if ind_test in vars:
            t = GalahTest()
            t.name = ind_test
            t.max_score = vars[ind_test]["max_score"] 
            test_vars = copy.deepcopy(vars[ind_test])
            paragraphCount(t, test_vars, storyOutput)
            t.message = notification + t.message

        ind_test = "Formatting Check"
        if ind_test in vars:
            t = GalahTest()
            t.name = ind_test
            t.max_score = vars[ind_test]["max_score"] 
            test_vars = copy.deepcopy(vars[ind_test])
            formattingCheck(t, test_vars, storyOutput, env)
            t.message = notification + t.message
        # Did not compile
        ind_test = "Inputs Utilized"
        if ind_test in vars:
            t = GalahTest()
            t.name = ind_test
            t.max_score = vars[ind_test]["max_score"] 
            m = "Could not run test due to comiplation failure."       
            t.message = markup_create_indent(m, 1)
        ind_test = "Paragraph Count"
        if ind_test in vars:
            t = GalahTest()
            t.name = ind_test
            t.max_score = vars[ind_test]["max_score"] 
            m = "Could not run test due to comiplation failure."       
            t.message = markup_create_indent(m, 1)
        ind_test = "Formatting Check"
        if ind_test in vars:
            t = GalahTest()
            t.name = ind_test
            t.max_score = vars[ind_test]["max_score"] 
            m = "Could not run test due to comiplation failure."       
            t.message = markup_create_indent(m, 1)
    # remove the working directory if made it
    if made_working:
    elif os.path.isfile(exe_path):
        for f in files_to_remove: