def handle(conn, addr, currentUser, server, command): try: target = command[1] pmData = command[2:] for k, v in server.users.items(): if target == v.username: currentDT = dt = str(currentDT.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")) metadata = [ "[PM] " + currentUser.username, ColorHash(currentUser.username).hex, dt ] sendMessage(currentUser.conn, currentUser.secret, "outboundMessage", " ".join(pmData), metadata=metadata) sendMessage(v.conn, v.secret, "outboundMessage", " ".join(pmData), metadata=metadata) if config.GetSetting("storePmlogs", "Logging") == "True": dbLogger.logPM(server, currentUser, v, " ".join(pmData)) return True return False except IndexError: return False
def CheckBlacklist(self, message): if config.GetSetting("useBlacklist", "Blacklist") == "False": return True messageSplit = message.split() for word in messageSplit: if word.lower() in self.blacklist: return False return True
def parse(conn, addr, currentUser, server, data): splitCommand = data["data"].split() if server.IsValidCommand(splitCommand[0][1:]): if server.CanUseCommand(currentUser, splitCommand[0][1:]):"Client " + str(currentUser.addr) + " ran command " + splitCommand[0][1:]) #exec("from modules.commands.{0} import handle as {1}Handle".format(splitCommand[0][1:],splitCommand[0][1:])) #exec("{0}Handle(conn, addr, currentUser, server, splitCommand)".format(splitCommand[0][1:])) result = importedCommands[splitCommand[0][1:]](conn, addr, currentUser, server, splitCommand) if result == None: result = True if config.GetSetting("storeCommandlogs", "Logging") == "True": if config.GetSetting("logFailedCommands", "Logging") == "False" and result == False: pass else: try: userObj = server.GetUserFromName(splitCommand[1]) except IndexError: userObj = None if splitCommand[0][1:] == "pm": dbLogger.logCommand(server, currentUser, userObj, " ".join(splitCommand[:2]), result) else: dbLogger.logCommand(server, currentUser, userObj, data["data"], result) else: currentDT = dt = str(currentDT.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")) metadata = ["Server", "#0000FF", dt] sendMessage(currentUser.conn, currentUser.secret, "outboundMessage", "You do not have permission to perform this command", metadata=metadata) else: pass
except ConnectionResetError: logger.error("Received illegal disconnect from client " + str(addr)) disconnect.handle(conn, addr, currentUser, server, data) currentUser.connectionValid = False except ConnectionAbortedError as e: if currentUser.connectionValid == False: pass else: logger.error(e) else: logger.warning("Client " + str(addr) + " failed handshake"); sendMessage(conn, userSecret, "CRDenied", connInvalidReason) conn.close() conn.close() name = config.GetSetting("name", "Server") channels = config.GetSetting("channels", "Server") password = config.GetSetting("password", "Server") port = config.GetSetting("port", "Server") clientnums = config.GetSetting("clientnum", "Server") motd = config.GetSetting("motd", "Server") compatibleClientVers = config.GetSetting("compatibleClientVers", "Server") strictBanning = config.GetSetting("strictBanning", "Server")"Config loaded") server = echo.Echo(name, "", port, password, channels, motd, clientnums, compatibleClientVers, strictBanning) server.initDB() server.StartServer(ClientConnectionThread)
def handle(conn, addr, currentUser, server, data): if data["data"][0] == "/": # Command commandParser.parse(conn, addr, currentUser, server, data) elif == None: pass elif currentUser.isMuted == True: currentDT = dt = str(currentDT.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")) metadata = ["Server", "#0000FF", dt] sendMessage(currentUser.conn, currentUser.secret, "outboundMessage", "You are muted", metadata=metadata) else: # Message if server.CheckBlacklist(data["data"]): mChannel = channelUsers = server.channels[mChannel] colour = ColorHash(currentUser.username) currentDT = dt = str(currentDT.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")) metadata = [currentUser.username, colour.hex, dt] for eID in channelUsers: sendMessage(server.users[eID].conn, server.users[eID].secret, "outboundMessage", data["data"], metadata=metadata) dbLogger.logChatHistory(server, currentUser, data["data"], colour.hex) if config.GetSetting("storeChatlogs", "Logging") == "True": dbLogger.logMessage(server, currentUser, data["data"]) else: if config.GetSetting("kickOnUse", "Blacklist") == "True": sendMessage(currentUser.conn, currentUser.secret, "connectionTerminated", config.GetSetting("kickReason", "Blacklist"), subtype="kick") del server.users[currentUser.eID] if != None: server.channels[].remove( currentUser.eID) channelUsers = json.dumps( server.GetChannelUsers( for eID in server.channels[]: sendMessage(server.users[eID].conn, server.users[eID].secret, "channelUpdate", channelUsers) currentUser.connectionValid = False currentUser.conn.close()"Client " + str(v.addr) + " was kicked from the server") else: server.ServerMessage( currentUser, "You used a word on the blacklist and your message was not sent." )