예제 #1
def userListExport():
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    data = StringIO()
    w = csv.writer(data,
    w.writerow(('lastname', 'firstname', 'short', 'username', 'groups'))
    dbconn = db.database()
        "SELECT id, lastname, firstname, short, username FROM people")
    for user in dbconn.fetchall():
        groups = ''
        dbconn2 = db.database()
            "select name from groups where id in(select group_id from people_has_groups where people_id='"
            + user['id'] + "');")
        first = True
        for g in dbconn2.fetchall():
            if first:
                first = False
                groups = groups + ';'
            groups = groups + g["name"]
        w.writerow((user["lastname"], user["firstname"], user["short"],
                    user["username"], groups))
    response = make_response(data.getvalue())
        "Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=userList.csv"
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/csv"
    return response
    def event(self, service, current_status):
        if (bool(service['last_checked_status']) == current_status):
            # No change, send no alerts

        if (current_status == False):
            # Service is now offline
            self.send_alert(service, False)

        if (current_status == True):
            # Service is now online
            self.send_alert(service, True)

        database().db_update_status(service, current_status)
예제 #3
def setupAdmin():
    if os.path.exists(config.CONFIG_ADMINUSER_FILE):
        return "ERR_SETUP_ALREADY_DONE", 403
        dir = directory.directory()
        if dir.exists(request.form.get("user"), "users"):
            return "ERR_FOLDER_EXISTS", 500
        id = idsrv.getNew()
        dbconn = db.database()
        dbconn.execute("INSERT INTO people (id, firstname, lastname, username, email, smb_homedir, preferredname, persistant) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (id, request.form.get("firstname"), request.form.get("lastname"), request.form.get("user"), request.form.get("email"), "/home/users/" + request.form.get("user"), request.form.get("firstname") + " " + request.form.get("lastname"), 1))
        dbconn.execute("INSERT INTO userpassword (people_id, unix_hash, smb_hash, hint) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (id, hash.unix(request.form.get("password")), hash.samba(request.form.get("password")), request.form.get("pwhint")))
        dbconn.execute("INSERT INTO people_has_groups (people_id, group_id) VALUES (%s, (SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = 'root'))", (id,))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        lu = ldap.users()
        if not lu.update(id) == 0:
            return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
        if not dir.create(request.form.get("user"), "users") == 0 and not dir.setMode(request.form.get("user"), "users", "511"):
            return "ERR_CREATE_HOMEFOLDER", 500
        dbconn.execute("SELECT unix_userid FROM people WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", (id,))
        result = dbconn.fetchone()
        if not dir.setOwner(request.form.get("user"), "users", result["unix_userid"]):
            return "ERR_CREATE_HOMEFOLDER", 500
        open(config.CONFIG_ADMINUSER_FILE, "a").close()
        return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #4
def createSession():
    bf = bruteforceProtection()
    timeout = bf.isBlocked(request.form.get("uname"))
    if timeout > 0:
        return jsonify({
            "status": "ERR_TOO_MANY_FAILED_ATTEMPTS",
            "timeout": timeout
        }), 200
    dbconn = database()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT unix_hash, P.id FROM userpassword UP INNER JOIN people P ON UP.people_id = P.id WHERE P.username = %s", (request.form.get("uname"),))
    results = dbconn.fetchall()
    if not len(results) == 1:
        return "ERR_USERNAME_NOT_UNIQUE", 403
    if passlib.hash.ldap_salted_sha1.verify(request.form.get("passwd"), results[0]["unix_hash"]):
        user = apiUser(results[0]["id"])
        pCheck = permissionCheck()
        gMember = groupMembership()
        return jsonify({
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "permissions": pCheck.get(current_user.username),
            "groups": gMember.getGroupsOfUser(current_user.username)
        }), 200
        timeout = bf.failedLogin(request.form.get("uname"))
        return jsonify({
            "status": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED",
            "timeout": timeout
        }), 401
예제 #5
def specificGroup(id):
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    lg = ldap.groups()
    if request.method == "GET":
        dbconn.execute("SELECT name, info FROM groups WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1",
                       (id, ))
        group = dbconn.fetchone()
        group["permissions"] = []
        group["users"] = []
            "SELECT P.id FROM permission P INNER JOIN groups_has_permission GHP ON P.id = GHP.permission_id INNER JOIN groups G ON G.id = GHP.group_id WHERE G.id = %s",
            (id, ))
        for permission in dbconn.fetchall():
            "SELECT P.id FROM people P INNER JOIN people_has_groups PHG ON P.id = PHG.people_id INNER JOIN groups G ON G.id = PHG.group_id WHERE G.id = %s",
            (id, ))
        for user in dbconn.fetchall():
        return jsonify(group), 200
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        if not lg.delete(id) == 0:
            return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
        dbconn.execute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE id = %s", (id, ))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
def fixUser(id):
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    ldapUsers = ldap.users()
        "SELECT P.id, P.firstname, P.lastname, P.preferredname, P.username, P.smb_homedir, P.email, H.smb_hash, H.unix_hash, P.unix_userid FROM people P INNER JOIN userpassword H ON H.people_id = P.id WHERE P.id = %s",
        (id, ))
    user = dbconn.fetchone()
    check = checkers.checkLdapUserEntry(user)
    if check == False or isinstance(check, list):
        ldapResult = ldapUsers.update(id)
        if ldapResult == -1:
            return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
        if ldapResult == -2:
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "ERR_ALL_DONE", 200
        removeError = requests.delete(
            url="http://localhost:25252/removeError/" + id +
        return "ERR_CONNECTION_ERROR", 500
        removeError = requests.delete(
            url="http://localhost:25252/removeError/" + id +
        return "ERR_CONNECTION_ERROR", 500
    return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #7
def profile(id):
    if not es.isAuthorized("devimgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    if request.method == "GET":
        dbconn.execute("SELECT name, comment, networklockDefault FROM devprofile WHERE id = %s", (id,))
        profile = dbconn.fetchone()
        profile["groups"] = []
        profile["shares"] = []
        dbconn.execute("SELECT group_id FROM devprofile_has_groups WHERE devprofile_id = %s", (id,))
        for group in dbconn.fetchall():
        dbconn.execute("SELECT shares_id FROM devprofile_has_shares WHERE devprofile_id = %s", (id,))
        for share in dbconn.fetchall():
        return jsonify(profile), 200
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        dbconn.execute("UPDATE devprofile SET name = %s, comment = %s, networklockDefault = %s WHERE id = %s", (request.form.get("name"), request.form.get("comment"), request.form.get("networklockDefault"), id))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        dbconn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM device D INNER JOIN devprofile DP ON DP.id = D.devprofile_id WHERE DP.id = %s", (id,))
        count = dbconn.fetchone()["count"]
        if not count == 0:
            return "ERR_PROFILE_IN_USE", 409
        dbconn.execute("DELETE FROM devprofile WHERE id = %s", (id,))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #8
def listShares(id, gid):
    if not es.isAuthorized(["usermgmt", "devimgmt"]):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    if request.method == "POST":
        permissions = 1
        if request.form.get("permissions"):
            permissions = int(request.form.get("permissions"))
            "INSERT INTO groups_has_shares (shares_id, group_id, permission) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
            (id, gid, permissions))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        if not samba.update():
            return "ERR_UPDATE_SAMBA", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 201
    elif request.method == "PUT":
            "UPDATE groups_has_shares SET permission = %s WHERE shares_id = %s AND group_id = %s",
            (request.form.get("permission"), id, gid))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        if not samba.update():
            return "ERR_UPDATE_SAMBA", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
            "DELETE FROM groups_has_shares WHERE shares_id = %s AND group_id = %s",
            (id, gid))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        if not samba.update():
            return "ERR_UPDATE_SAMBA", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #9
def device(id):
    if not es.isAuthorized("devimgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    if request.method == "GET":
            "SELECT D.id, D.name, D.comment, D.devprofile_id AS devprofile, D.registered, D.networklock, D.lastknownIPv4 as ipv4, D.lastknownIPv6 as ipv6, D.requiresLogin, HW.address, HW.type as hardwareAddressType, D.people_id, D.room, D.teacher FROM device D INNER JOIN hardwareidentifier HW on HW.device_id = D.id WHERE D.id = %s",
            (id, ))
        device = dbconn.fetchone()
        device["logins"] = []
            "SELECT info, timestamp, people_id, type, affected FROM localLoginLog WHERE device_id = %s",
            (id, ))
        for logEntry in dbconn.fetchall():
        return jsonify(device), 200
    elif request.method == "PUT":
            "UPDATE device SET name = %s, comment = %s, devprofile_id = %s, networklock = %s, requiresLogin = %s, teacher = %s, room = %s WHERE id = %s",
            (request.form.get("name"), request.form.get("comment"),
             request.form.get("devprofile"), request.form.get("networklock"),
             request.form.get("requiresLogin"), request.form.get("teacher"),
             request.form.get("room"), request.form.get("id")))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        dbconn.execute("DELETE FROM device WHERE id = %s", (id, ))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #10
def getCoursePDF(id):
    dbconn = database()
    pCheck = permissionCheck()
    if "grouplst" not in pCheck.get(current_user.username):
        return "ERR_NOT_ALLOWED", 403
    courseName = cl.getCourseName(id)
    pdf = {"name": courseName, "content": "data:application/pdf;base64,"}
    tableCode = ""
    style = False
    for member in cl.getCourseDetails(id, True):
        name = member["lastname"]+', '+member["firstname"] if not member["lastname"] == "" else "-"
        email = member["email"] if not member["email"] == "" else "-"
        birthdate = member["birthdate"] if not member["birthdate"] == "" else "-"
        cssClass = " class=\"alt\"" if style else ""
        style = not style
        tableCode += "<tr" + cssClass + "><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + email + "</td><td>" + birthdate + "</td></tr>"
    htmlCode = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><title>Kursliste " + courseName + "</title></head><body><h1>Kursliste " + courseName + "</h1><p>Erzeugt am " + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y um %H:%M:%S") + "</p><div class=\"datagrid\"><table><thead><tr><th style=\"background-color:#1155B9;\">Name</th><th>E-Mail</th><th>Geburtsdatum</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody>" + tableCode + "</table></div><p>PDF-Datei erzeugt mit PhilleConnect.</p></body></html>"
    options = {
        "page-size": "A4",
        "margin-top": "0.25in",
        "margin-right": "0.5in",
        "margin-bottom": "0.25in",
        "margin-left": "0.5in",
        "encoding": "UTF-8",
        "title": "Kursliste " + courseName
    pdfCode = pdfkit.from_string(htmlCode, False, options=options, css="/usr/local/bin/selfservice/pdf.css")
    pdf["content"] += base64.b64encode(pdfCode).decode("UTF-8")
    return jsonify(pdf), 200
def fixFolder(id):
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    dir = directory.directory()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT username, unix_userid FROM people WHERE id = %s",
                   (id, ))
    user = dbconn.fetchone()
    check = checkers.checkHomeFolder(user)
    if check == 1:
        if dir.create(user["username"], "users") < 0:
            return "ERR_CREATE_HOMEFOLDER", 500
        if not dir.setMode(user["username"], "users", "511"):
            return "ERR_FOLDER_ERROR", 500
    if check >= 1:
        if not dir.setOwner(user["username"], "users", user["unix_userid"]):
            return "ERR_FOLDER_ERROR", 500
        removeError = requests.delete(
            url="http://localhost:25252/removeError/" + id +
        return "ERR_CONNECTION_ERROR", 500
        removeError = requests.delete(
            url="http://localhost:25252/removeError/" + id +
        return "ERR_CONNECTION_ERROR", 500
    return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #12
def updateIpfire():
    if os.path.exists("/tmp/customhosts"):
    if os.path.exists("/tmp/customgroups"):
    dbconn = db.database()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT lastknownIPv4, address, networklock FROM device D INNER JOIN hardwareidentifier HW ON HW.device_id = D.id")
    with open("/tmp/customhosts", "w") as customhosts:
        with open("/tmp/customgroups", "w") as customgroups:
            counter = 1
            for machine in dbconn.fetchall():
                customhosts.write(str(counter) + "," + machine["address"] + ",ip," + machine["lastknownIPv4"] + "/\n")
                if machine["networklock"] == 0:
                    customgroups.write(str(counter) + ",blocked,," + machine["address"] + ",Custom Host\n")
    configfile = cf.configfile()
    sshConnection = ssh.ssh(configfile.get("ipfire", "url"), int(configfile.get("ipfire", "port")), "philleconnect", configfile.get("ipfire", "password"))
    if sshConnection == False:
        return False
    if not sshConnection.put("/tmp/customhosts", "/var/ipfire/fwhosts/customhosts"):
        return False
    if not sshConnection.put("/tmp/customgroups", "/var/ipfire/fwhosts/customgroups"):
        return False
    if not sshConnection.exec("/usr/local/bin/firewallctrl"):
        return False
    return True
예제 #13
def listDevices():
    if not es.isAuthorized("devimgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT name, comment, devprofile_id AS devprofile, people_id, networklock, screenlock, requiresLogin, id, room, teacher FROM device")
    devices = []
    for device in dbconn.fetchall():
    return jsonify(devices), 200
예제 #14
def listPermissions():
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    permissions = []
    dbconn.execute("SELECT id, name, info FROM permission")
    for permission in dbconn.fetchall():
    return jsonify(permissions), 200
예제 #15
 def getName(self, id, user=False):
     query = "SELECT username AS name FROM people WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1" if user else "SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
     dbconn = db.database()
         dbconn.execute(query, (id, ))
         result = dbconn.fetchone()
         return result["name"]
         return False
예제 #16
def getNew():
    dbconn = db.database()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT id FROM people")
    ids = []
    for (id) in dbconn.fetchall():
    id = "NOT_AN_ID"
    while id == "NOT_AN_ID" or id in ids:
        id = hash.sha256(str(time.time()) + es.randomString())
    return id
예제 #17
def listUsers():
    gMember = groupMembership()
    if not gMember.checkGroupMembership(current_user.username, "teachers"):
        return "ERR_NOT_ALLOWED", 403
    dbconn = database()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT P.id, preferredname, username FROM people P INNER JOIN people_has_groups PHG ON PHG.people_id = P.id INNER JOIN groups G ON G.id = PHG.group_id INNER JOIN groups_has_permission GHP ON GHP.group_id = G.id INNER JOIN permission PM ON PM.id = GHP.permission_id WHERE PM.detail = 'pwalwrst' ORDER BY username")
    users = []
    for user in dbconn.fetchall():
        users.append({"id":user["id"],"name":user["preferredname"] + " (" + user["username"] + ")"})
    return jsonify(users), 200
예제 #18
def listEmptyGroups():
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    groups = []
        "SELECT id FROM groups WHERE type = 3 AND id NOT IN (SELECT group_id AS id FROM people_has_groups)"
    for group in dbconn.fetchall():
    return jsonify(groups), 200
예제 #19
def listProfiles():
    if not es.isAuthorized("devimgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
        "SELECT name, comment, networklockDefault, allowVNC, id FROM devprofile"
    profiles = []
    for profile in dbconn.fetchall():
    return jsonify(profiles), 200
예제 #20
def getCourseDetails(id, separateNames=False):
    dbconn = database()
    if separateNames:
            "SELECT lastname, firstname, email, DATE_FORMAT(birthdate, '%d.%m.%Y') AS birthdate FROM people P INNER JOIN people_has_groups PHG ON P.id = PHG.people_id INNER JOIN groups G ON G.id = PHG.group_id WHERE G.id = %s ORDER BY lastname, firstname",
            (id, ))
            "SELECT preferredname AS name, lastname, firstname, email, DATE_FORMAT(birthdate, '%d.%m.%Y') AS birthdate FROM people P INNER JOIN people_has_groups PHG ON P.id = PHG.people_id INNER JOIN groups G ON G.id = PHG.group_id WHERE G.id = %s ORDER BY lastname, firstname",
            (id, ))
    return dbconn.fetchall()
예제 #21
def saveEmail():
    dbconn = database()
    dbconn.execute("UPDATE people SET email = %s WHERE username = %s", (request.form.get("email"), current_user.username))
    if not dbconn.commit():
        return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    dbconn.execute("SELECT id FROM people WHERE username = %s", (current_user.username,))
    result = dbconn.fetchone()
    ldap = requests.post(url="http://pc_admin/api/public/usercheck/" + result["id"])
    if not ldap.text == "SUCCESS":
        return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
    return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #22
def checkUser(id):
    dbconn = db.database()
    ldapUsers = ldap.users()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT P.id, P.firstname, P.lastname, P.preferredname, P.username, P.smb_homedir, P.email, H.smb_hash, H.unix_hash, P.unix_userid FROM people P INNER JOIN userpassword H ON H.people_id = P.id WHERE P.id = %s", (id,))
    user = dbconn.fetchone()
    check = checkers.checkLdapUserEntry(user)
    if check == False or isinstance(check, list):
        ldapResult = ldapUsers.update(id)
        if ldapResult == -1:
            return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
        if ldapResult == -2:
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #23
def updatePassword():
    dbconn = database()
    dbconn.execute("SELECT id FROM people WHERE username = %s", (current_user.username,))
    result = dbconn.fetchone()
    if not request.form.get("password1") == request.form.get("password2"):
        return "ERR_PASSWORDS_DIFFERENT", 500
    dbconn.execute("UPDATE userpassword SET unix_hash = %s, smb_hash = %s, hint = %s, autogen = 0, cleartext = NULL WHERE people_id = %s", (hash.unix(request.form.get("password1")), hash.samba(request.form.get("password1")), request.form.get("hint"), result["id"]))
    if not dbconn.commit():
        return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    ldap = requests.post(url = "http://pc_admin/api/public/usercheck/" + result["id"])
    if not ldap.text == "SUCCESS":
        return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
    return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #24
def getCourseCSV(id):
    dbconn = database()
    pCheck = permissionCheck()
    if "grouplst" not in pCheck.get(current_user.username):
        return "ERR_NOT_ALLOWED", 403
    csv = {
        "name": cl.getCourseName(id),
        "content": "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,Nachname;Vorname;E-Mail;Geburtsdatum\n"
    for member in cl.getCourseDetails(id, True):
        row = member["lastname"] + ";" + member["firstname"] + ";" + member["email"] + ";" + member["birthdate"] + "\n"
        csv["content"] += row
    return jsonify(csv), 200
예제 #25
def runUpdate(previousVersion):
    if (compareVersions(previousVersion, "2.0.102") == 1):
        dbconn = db.database()
            "INSERT INTO permission (name, info, detail) VALUES (\"Passwort selbst zurücksetzen\", \"Nutzer kann sein Passwort selbst zurücksetzen, wenn eine E-Mail Adresse eingetragen ist.\", \"emailrst\")"
            "INSERT INTO permission (name, info, detail) VALUES (\"Gruppenlisten einsehen\", \"Nutzer kann für all seine Gruppen eine Liste der Mitglieder einsehen und laden.\", \"grouplst\")"
            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `schoolconnect`.`mailreset` (`time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, `token` VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, `people_id` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, `unix_hash` TEXT NOT NULL, `smb_hash` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`time`, `people_id`), UNIQUE INDEX `token_UNIQUE` (`token` ASC), INDEX `fk_mailreset_people1_idx` (`people_id` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_mailreset_people1` FOREIGN KEY (`people_id`) REFERENCES `schoolconnect`.`people` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;"
예제 #26
def manageGroupPermissions(id, gid):
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    if request.method == "POST":
        dbconn.execute("INSERT INTO groups_has_permission (group_id, permission_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (gid, id))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        dbconn.execute("DELETE FROM groups_has_permission WHERE group_id = %s AND permission_id = %s", (gid, id))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #27
def createGroup():
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    lg = ldap.groups()
    failed = False
    if request.form.get("name") == "":
        return "ERR_INPUT_ERROR", 500
    dbconn.execute("INSERT INTO groups (name, info, type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
                   (request.form.get("name"), request.form.get("info"),
    if not dbconn.commit():
        return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    id = dbconn.getId()
    if not lg.create(id) == 0:
        return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
    if request.form.get("permissions"):
        permissions = []
        for permission in json.loads(request.form.get("permissions")):
            permissions.append((id, permission))
            "INSERT INTO groups_has_permission (group_id, permission_id) VALUES (%s, %s)",
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    usersToAdd = []
    if request.form.get("fromgroup"):
        for group in request.form.get("source"):
                "SELECT P.id FROM people P INNER JOIN people_has_groups PHG ON P.id = PHG.people_id INNER JOIN groups G ON G.id = PHG.group_id WHERE G.id = %s",
                (group, ))
            for user in dbconn.fetchall():
                if not user in usersToAdd:
                    usersToAdd.append((id, user["id"]))
    if request.form.get("users"):
        for user in json.loads(request.form.get("users")):
            usersToAdd.append((id, user))
    for element in usersToAdd:
        element = (id, element)
        "INSERT INTO people_has_groups (group_id, people_id) VALUES (%s, %s)",
    if not dbconn.commit():
        return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    for (id, element) in usersToAdd:
        if not lg.addUser(element, id) == 0:
            failed = True
    if failed:
        return "ERR_LDAP_ERROR", 500
    return str(id), 201
예제 #28
def listUsers():
    if not es.isAuthorized("usermgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    users = []
    dbconn.execute("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, username, email, DATE_FORMAT(birthdate, '%Y-%m-%d') AS birthdate, persistant FROM people")
    for user in dbconn.fetchall():
        ids = []
        dbconn.execute("SELECT G.id AS id FROM groups G INNER JOIN people_has_groups PHG ON PHG.group_id = G.id INNER JOIN people P ON P.id = PHG.people_id WHERE P.id = %s", (user["id"],))
        for group in dbconn.fetchall():
        user["groups"] = ids
    return jsonify(users), 200
예제 #29
def profileShares(id, sid):
    if not es.isAuthorized("devimgmt"):
        return "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED", 403
    dbconn = db.database()
    if request.method == "POST":
        dbconn.execute("INSERT INTO devprofile_has_shares (devprofile_id, shares_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (id, sid))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        dbconn.execute("DELETE FROM devprofile_has_shares WHERE devprofile_id = %s AND shares_id = %s", (id, sid))
        if not dbconn.commit():
            return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
        return "SUCCESS", 200
예제 #30
def createResetSession():
    isResetEnabled = os.environ.get("EMAIL_RESET_ENABLED")
    if not isResetEnabled.lower() == "true":
        return "ERR_SERVICE_DISABLED", 500
    dbconn = database()
        "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, id, email, firstname FROM people WHERE username = %s",
        (request.form.get("username"), ))
    result = dbconn.fetchone()
    if not result["num"] == 1:
        return "ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", 500
    pCheck = permissionCheck()
    permissions = pCheck.get(request.form.get("username"))
    if "emailrst" not in permissions:
        return "ERR_NOT_ALLOWED", 500
    if not request.form.get("password1") == request.form.get("password2"):
        return "ERR_PASSWORDS_DIFFERENT", 500
    if result["email"] == "" or result["email"] is None:
        return "ERR_NO_EMAIL", 500
        "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, time FROM mailreset WHERE people_id = %s",
        (result["id"], ))
    oldTokens = dbconn.fetchone()
    if oldTokens["num"] > 0:
        earliestCreation = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        if oldTokens["time"] >= earliestCreation:
            return "ERR_OPEN_RESET_REQUEST", 500
            dbconn.execute("DELETE FROM mailreset WHERE people_id = %s",
                           (result["id"], ))
            if not dbconn.commit():
                return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    token = es.randomString(128)
        "INSERT INTO mailreset (time, token, people_id, unix_hash, smb_hash) VALUES (NOW(), %s, %s, %s, %s)",
        (token, result["id"], hash.unix(request.form.get("password1")),
    if not dbconn.commit():
        return "ERR_DATABASE_ERROR", 500
    mailstatus = email.sendResetEmail(result["email"], token,
    if mailstatus == -1:
        return "ERR_SMTP_CONNECTION_REFUSED", 500
    elif mailstatus == -2:
        return "ERR_SMTP_CREDENTIALS_ERROR", 500
    elif mailstatus <= -3:
        return "ERR_OTHER_SMTP_ERROR", 500
    return "SUCCESS", 200