def main(self): """ call each daemons """ db = Database(self.databasePath) db.ctTable() db.close() daemon = (self.daemonRss, self.daemonScan, self.daemonLoad, ) for func in daemon: th = threading.Thread(target=func) th.daemon = True th.start() time.sleep(3)
class NicoLoad_Load(): def __init__(self, log, status, ):#databaseObj): """ log: modules.nicoLoad_base.Log() """ self.log = log self.status = status self.db = Database()#databaseObj if not(self.db.extMovieTable() and self.db.extMylistTable() and self.db.extMylistHasMovieTable()): self.db.ctTable() self.queue = Queue() self.__loading = False # 動画を保存しているか is storing movie or not self.waitTime = 1 # self.movieLoadLoop() # 保存用の無限ループ movieLoadThread = threading.Thread(target=self.movieLoadLoop) movieLoadThread.daemon = True movieLoadThread.start() def movieLoadLoop(self): """ 保存用ループ loop for strage """ # 既に動いていたら if already running while True: try: movieid = self.movieQueueGet() self.status.setLoadingMovieid(movieid) self.movieLoad() except QueueEmptyError: self.status.setLoadingMovieid(u"waiting") time.sleep(self.waitTime) # まとめ系 def nicoLoad_Load(self, *args): """ load全般まとめ関数 General Summary of load function コマンドから実行する関数を振り分ける Distributes the function to be executed from the command """ option = args[1] if option.has_key(args[0]): # 引数付き url = option[args[0]] self.movieLoad(url) else: # 引数なし self.movieLoadAll() def rss(self, *args): """ rss -id mylistid_1, mylistid_2, ... """ option = args[1] del option[args[0]] if len(args) == 0: self.rssAll() else: for mylistid in option["-id"]: self.rssOne(mylistid) def movieLoadAll(self): """ すべての動画を保存 save all videos """ for movieid in self.db.getMovieState0(): self.movieQueueAdd(movieid) def regNicoInfo(self, *args): """ ニコニコID,PW保存 save niconico ID & PW """ print u"ニコニコ動画のIDを入力してください" nicoid = raw_input(">>> ") print u"ニコニコ動画のPWを入力してください" nicopw = raw_input(">>> ") self.db.svNicoid(nicoid) self.db.svNicopw(nicopw) return True def regGmailInfo(self, *args): """ GmailID,PWを保存 save Gmail ID & PW """ gmailid = raw_input(u"GmailのIDを入力してください\n>>> ") gmailpw = raw_input(u"GmailのPWを入力してください\n>>> ") self.db.svGmailid(gmailid) self.db.svGmailpw(gmailpw) def regSavedir(self, *args): """ 保存フォルダを保存 save the folder for saving """ flag = False while True: savedir = raw_input(u"保存フォルダを入力してください\n>>> ") flag = os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(savedir)) if flag: break else: print u"入力されたフォルダは存在しません" self.db.svSavedir(savedir) return True def getNicoInfo(self): """return (nicoid, nicopw)""" return (self.db.getNicoid(), self.db.getNicopw()) def getGmailInfo(self): """return (gmailid, gmailpw)""" return (self.db.getGmailid(), self.db.getGmailpw()) def getSavedir(self): """return savedir""" return self.db.getSavedir() def movieQueueAdd(self, movieid): """ 保存キューに追加 add to the queue for string """ print "addQueue: %s" % movieid self.queue.add(movieid) def movieQueueAddFront(self, movieid): """ 保存キューの先頭に追加 added to the top of the queue for string """ print "addQueue: %s" % movieid self.queue.addFromnt(movieid) def movieQueueaddNext(self, movieid): """ 保存キューの次に追加 added to the queue for string the second """ print "addQueue: %s" % movieid self.queue.addNext(movieid) def movieQueueGet(self): """ キューから取得 retrived from the queue """ return self.queue.get() def movieLoadDone(self): """ タスクの終了を伝える convey the completetion of the task タスクを実行したら呼び出す call to perform the task """ self.queue.done() self.__loading = False self.status.chLoadingMovie() def movieLoad(self, movieid): """ 動画を保存 save videos """ if self.db.extMovieidInTable(movieid): # already resists self.db.setMovieState(movieid, 0) else: self.db.addMovie(movieid) # resists for database api = NicovideoAPI(movie_id=movieid) title = api.get_movie_title() # ext = api.get_movie_type() nicoid = self.db.getNicoid() nicopw = self.db.getNicopw() savedir = getSavedir() self.__loading = True self.status.chLoadingMovie(self.__loading) self.db.setMovieTitle(movieid, title) self.db.setMovieDescription(movieid, api.get_movie_description()) self.db.setMovieLength(movieid, api.get_movie_length()) self.status.setLoadingMovieid(movieid) moviePath = api.save_movie(nicoid, nicopw, savedir) self.db.setMoviePath(movieid, moviePath) self.db.setMovieThumbnail(movieid, api.save_thumbnail(savedir)) self.db.setMovieComment(movieid, api.save_comment(nicoid, nicopw, savedir, title)) self.db.setMovieState(movieid, 1) self.movieLoadDone() return True def rssOne(self, mylistid): """ マイリスRSS RSS for mylist """ various = Various(self.db) for movieid in various.rsscheck(mylistid): self.movieQueueAdd(movieid) def rssAll(self): """ マイリスRSS RSS for mylist """ various = Various(self.db) for mylistid in self.db.getMylistAll(): for movieid in various.rsscheck(mylistid): self.movieQueueAdd(movieid) def setWaitTime(self, minute): """ chenge wait time when load queue is empty """ self.WaitTime = minute def exit(self): """ Exit """ pass
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): Log.__init__(self) self.__queueList = [] self.__queueDict = {} if platform.system().lower() == "windows": # win用に書く pass else: home = os.getenv("HOME") nmlHome = os.path.join(home, WORKDIR) if not os.path.exists(nmlHome): os.mkdir(nmlHome) self.databasePath = os.path.join(nmlHome, DATABASE_FILE) self.systemDatabasePath = os.path.join(nmlHome, SYSTEM_DATABASE_FILE) db = Database(self.databasePath) db.ctTable() db.close() sdb = SystemDatabase(self.systemDatabasePath) sdb.ctTable() nid = sdb.getNicoid() if sdb.getNicoid() else u"" npw = sdb.getNicopw() if sdb.getNicopw() else u"" gid = sdb.getGmailid() if sdb.getGmailid() else u"" gpw = sdb.getGmailpw() if sdb.getGmailpw() else u"" sdr = sdb.getSavedir() if sdb.getSavedir() else u"" sdb.close() self.nicoTable = NTable(nid, npw, gid, gpw, sdr) # begin wxGlade: NicoMovieLoadGUI.__init__ kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.treeCtrl = gizmos.TreeListCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS | wx.TR_NO_LINES | wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT | wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT | wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE) self.pnlCenter = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.lblUrl = wx.StaticText(self.pnlCenter, -1, "URL:") self.tclUrl = wx.TextCtrl(self.pnlCenter, -1, "", style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.pnlBottom = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.lblQueueList = wx.StaticText(self.pnlBottom, -1, "QueueList:") self.lclQueueList = wx.ListCtrl(self.pnlBottom, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_AUTOARRANGE | wx.LC_NO_HEADER | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) self.lblLog = wx.StaticText(self.pnlBottom, -1, "Log:") self.tclLog = wx.TextCtrl(self.pnlBottom, -1, "", style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) self.static_line_1 = wx.StaticLine(self, -1, style=wx.LI_VERTICAL) self.pnlRight = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.btnRss = wx.ToggleButton(self.pnlRight, -1, "RSS") self.btnAdd = wx.Button(self.pnlRight, -1, u"新規登録") self.btnLoad = wx.Button(self.pnlRight, -1, u"再ロード") self.btnClearLog = wx.Button(self.pnlRight, -1, u"ログ消去") self.btnDelete = wx.Button(self.pnlRight, -1, u"削除") self.btnSettings = wx.Button(self.pnlRight, -1, u"設定") self.btnExit = wx.Button(self.pnlRight, -1, "Exit") self.__set_properties() self.__do_layout() # end wxGlade self.__bind() self.__setTreeListCtrl() self.__set_QueueListCtrl() # other wigets self.dlgSettings = SettingsDialog(self.nicoTable, self.logging, self) # main self.nicoMain = NicoMovieLoadMain(self.databasePath, self.systemDatabasePath, self.logging) self.nicoMain.main() # timer timer = wx.Timer(self) timer.Start(3 * 1000) print "timer start"