def refresh_token(self, token_url, refresh_token=None, body='', auth=None, timeout=None, verify=True, **kwargs): """Fetch a new access token using a refresh token. :param token_url: The token endpoint, must be HTTPS. :param refresh_token: The refresh_token to use. :param body: Optional application/x-www-form-urlencoded body to add the include in the token request. Prefer kwargs over body. :param auth: An auth tuple or method as accepted by requests. :param timeout: Timeout of the request in seconds. :param verify: Verify SSL certificate. :param kwargs: Extra parameters to include in the token request. :return: A token dict """ if not token_url: raise ValueError('No token endpoint set for auto_refresh.') if not is_secure_transport(token_url): raise InsecureTransportError() # Need to nullify token to prevent it from being added to the request refresh_token = refresh_token or self.token.get('refresh_token') self.token = {} log.debug('Adding auto refresh key word arguments %s.', self.auto_refresh_kwargs) kwargs.update(self.auto_refresh_kwargs) body = self._client.prepare_refresh_body(body=body, refresh_token=refresh_token, scope=self.scope, **kwargs) log.debug('Prepared refresh token request body %s', body) r =, data=dict(urldecode(body)), auth=auth, timeout=timeout, verify=verify) log.debug('Request to refresh token completed with status %s.', r.status_code) log.debug('Response headers were %s and content %s.', r.headers, r.text) log.debug('Invoking %d token response hooks.', len(self.compliance_hook['refresh_token_response'])) for hook in self.compliance_hook['refresh_token_response']: log.debug('Invoking hook %s.', hook) r = hook(r) self.token = self._client.parse_request_body_response(r.text, scope=self.scope) if not 'refresh_token' in self.token: log.debug('No new refresh token given. Re-using old.') self.token['refresh_token'] = refresh_token return self.token
def __call__(self, r): """Append an OAuth 2 token to the request. Note that currently HTTPS is required for all requests. There may be a token type that allows for plain HTTP in the future and then this should be updated to allow plain HTTP on a white list basis. """ if not is_secure_transport(r.url): raise InsecureTransportError() r.url, r.headers, r.body = self._client.add_token(r.url, http_method=r.method, body=r.body, headers=r.headers) return r
def request(self, method, url, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Intercept all requests and add the OAuth 2 token if present.""" if not is_secure_transport(url): raise InsecureTransportError() if self.token: log.debug('Invoking %d protected resource request hooks.', len(self.compliance_hook['protected_request'])) for hook in self.compliance_hook['protected_request']: log.debug('Invoking hook %s.', hook) url, headers, data = hook(url, headers, data) log.debug('Adding token %s to request.', self.token) try: url, headers, data = self._client.add_token(url, http_method=method, body=data, headers=headers) # Attempt to retrieve and save new access token if expired except TokenExpiredError: if self.auto_refresh_url: log.debug( 'Auto refresh is set, attempting to refresh at %s.', self.auto_refresh_url) token = self.refresh_token(self.auto_refresh_url) if self.token_updater: log.debug('Updating token to %s using %s.', token, self.token_updater) self.token_updater(token) url, headers, data = self._client.add_token( url, http_method=method, body=data, headers=headers) else: raise TokenUpdated(token) else: raise log.debug('Requesting url %s using method %s.', url, method) log.debug('Supplying headers %s and data %s', headers, data) log.debug('Passing through key word arguments %s.', kwargs) return super(OAuth2Session, self).request(method, url, headers=headers, data=data, **kwargs)
def request(self, method, url, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Intercept all requests and add the OAuth 2 token if present.""" if not is_secure_transport(url): raise InsecureTransportError() if self.token: log.debug('Invoking %d protected resource request hooks.', len(self.compliance_hook['protected_request'])) for hook in self.compliance_hook['protected_request']: log.debug('Invoking hook %s.', hook) url, headers, data = hook(url, headers, data) log.debug('Adding token %s to request.', self.token) try: url, headers, data = self._client.add_token(url, http_method=method, body=data, headers=headers) # Attempt to retrieve and save new access token if expired except TokenExpiredError: if self.auto_refresh_url: log.debug('Auto refresh is set, attempting to refresh at %s.', self.auto_refresh_url) token = self.refresh_token(self.auto_refresh_url) if self.token_updater: log.debug('Updating token to %s using %s.', token, self.token_updater) self.token_updater(token) url, headers, data = self._client.add_token(url, http_method=method, body=data, headers=headers) else: raise TokenUpdated(token) else: raise log.debug('Requesting url %s using method %s.', url, method) log.debug('Supplying headers %s and data %s', headers, data) log.debug('Passing through key word arguments %s.', kwargs) return super(OAuth2Session, self).request(method, url, headers=headers, data=data, **kwargs)
def fetch_token(self, token_url, code=None, authorization_response=None, body='', auth=None, username=None, password=None, method='POST', timeout=None, headers=None, verify=True, **kwargs): """Generic method for fetching an access token from the token endpoint. If you are using the MobileApplicationClient you will want to use token_from_fragment instead of fetch_token. :param token_url: Token endpoint URL, must use HTTPS. :param code: Authorization code (used by WebApplicationClients). :param authorization_response: Authorization response URL, the callback URL of the request back to you. Used by WebApplicationClients instead of code. :param body: Optional application/x-www-form-urlencoded body to add the include in the token request. Prefer kwargs over body. :param auth: An auth tuple or method as accepted by requests. :param username: Username used by LegacyApplicationClients. :param password: Password used by LegacyApplicationClients. :param method: The HTTP method used to make the request. Defaults to POST, but may also be GET. Other methods should be added as needed. :param headers: Dict to default request headers with. :param timeout: Timeout of the request in seconds. :param verify: Verify SSL certificate. :param kwargs: Extra parameters to include in the token request. :return: A token dict """ if not is_secure_transport(token_url): raise InsecureTransportError() if not code and authorization_response: self._client.parse_request_uri_response(authorization_response, state=self._state) code = self._client.code elif not code and isinstance(self._client, WebApplicationClient): code = self._client.code if not code: raise ValueError('Please supply either code or ' 'authorization_code parameters.') body = self._client.prepare_request_body(code=code, body=body, redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri, username=username, password=password, **kwargs) headers = headers or { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', } if method.upper() == 'POST': r =, data=dict(urldecode(body)), timeout=timeout, headers=headers, auth=auth, verify=verify) log.debug('Prepared fetch token request body %s', body) elif method.upper() == 'GET': # if method is not 'POST', switch body to querystring and GET r = self.get(token_url, params=dict(urldecode(body)), timeout=timeout, headers=headers, auth=auth, verify=verify) log.debug('Prepared fetch token request querystring %s', body) else: raise ValueError('The method kwarg must be POST or GET.') log.debug('Request to fetch token completed with status %s.', r.status_code) log.debug('Request headers were %s', r.request.headers) log.debug('Request body was %s', r.request.body) log.debug('Response headers were %s and content %s.', r.headers, r.text) log.debug('Invoking %d token response hooks.', len(self.compliance_hook['access_token_response'])) for hook in self.compliance_hook['access_token_response']: log.debug('Invoking hook %s.', hook) r = hook(r) self._client.parse_request_body_response(r.text, scope=self.scope) self.token = self._client.token log.debug('Obtained token %s.', self.token) return self.token
def fetch_token(self, token_url, code=None, authorization_response=None, body='', auth=None, username=None, password=None, method='POST', timeout=None, headers=None, verify=True, **kwargs): """Generic method for fetching an access token from the token endpoint. If you are using the MobileApplicationClient you will want to use token_from_fragment instead of fetch_token. :param token_url: Token endpoint URL, must use HTTPS. :param code: Authorization code (used by WebApplicationClients). :param authorization_response: Authorization response URL, the callback URL of the request back to you. Used by WebApplicationClients instead of code. :param body: Optional application/x-www-form-urlencoded body to add the include in the token request. Prefer kwargs over body. :param auth: An auth tuple or method as accepted by requests. :param username: Username used by LegacyApplicationClients. :param password: Password used by LegacyApplicationClients. :param method: The HTTP method used to make the request. Defaults to POST, but may also be GET. Other methods should be added as needed. :param headers: Dict to default request headers with. :param timeout: Timeout of the request in seconds. :param verify: Verify SSL certificate. :param kwargs: Extra parameters to include in the token request. :return: A token dict """ if not is_secure_transport(token_url): raise InsecureTransportError() if not code and authorization_response: self._client.parse_request_uri_response(authorization_response, state=self._state) code = self._client.code elif not code and isinstance(self._client, WebApplicationClient): code = self._client.code if not code: raise ValueError('Please supply either code or ' 'authorization_code parameters.') body = self._client.prepare_request_body( code=code, body=body, redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri, username=username, password=password, **kwargs) headers = headers or { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', } if method.upper() == 'POST': r =, data=dict(urldecode(body)), timeout=timeout, headers=headers, auth=auth, verify=verify) log.debug('Prepared fetch token request body %s', body) elif method.upper() == 'GET': # if method is not 'POST', switch body to querystring and GET r = self.get(token_url, params=dict(urldecode(body)), timeout=timeout, headers=headers, auth=auth, verify=verify) log.debug('Prepared fetch token request querystring %s', body) else: raise ValueError('The method kwarg must be POST or GET.') log.debug('Request to fetch token completed with status %s.', r.status_code) log.debug('Request headers were %s', r.request.headers) log.debug('Request body was %s', r.request.body) log.debug('Response headers were %s and content %s.', r.headers, r.text) log.debug('Invoking %d token response hooks.', len(self.compliance_hook['access_token_response'])) for hook in self.compliance_hook['access_token_response']: log.debug('Invoking hook %s.', hook) r = hook(r) self._client.parse_request_body_response(r.text, scope=self.scope) self.token = self._client.token log.debug('Obtained token %s.', self.token) return self.token