def __init__(self, d_model, n_head, d_head, dropout, dropatt, pre_lnorm=False, local_size=None): super(WeightShareSelfAttention, self).__init__() self.d_model = d_model self.n_head = n_head self.d_head = d_head self.dropout = dropout self.scale = 1 / (d_head**0.5) self.qkv_net = nn.Conv1d(d_model, 3 * n_head * d_head, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.r_net = nn.Conv1d(d_model, n_head * d_head, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.temp_encoder = nn.Linear(3 * d_model, 3 * n_head * d_head) self.r_w_bias = nn.Parameter( torch.rand(n_head, d_head).uniform_(-0.05, 0.05)) self.r_r_bias = nn.Parameter( torch.rand(n_head, d_head).uniform_(-0.05, 0.05)) self.o_net = nn.Conv1d(n_head * d_head, d_model, kernel_size=1) self.dropatt = VariationalAttnDropout(dropout=dropatt) self.drop = VariationalHidDropout(dropout=dropout) self.pre_lnorm = pre_lnorm self.local_size = local_size
class WeightShareSelfAttention(nn.Module): # This is similar to the RelPartialLearnableMultiHeadAttn class in Transformer-XL def __init__(self, d_model, n_head, d_head, dropout, dropatt, pre_lnorm=False, local_size=None): super(WeightShareSelfAttention, self).__init__() self.d_model = d_model self.n_head = n_head self.d_head = d_head self.dropout = dropout self.scale = 1 / (d_head ** 0.5) self.qkv_net = nn.Conv1d(d_model, 3 * n_head * d_head, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.r_net = nn.Conv1d(d_model, n_head * d_head, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.r_w_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(n_head, d_head).uniform_(-0.05, 0.05)) self.r_r_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(n_head, d_head).uniform_(-0.05, 0.05)) self.o_net = nn.Conv1d(n_head * d_head, d_model, kernel_size=1) self.dropatt = VariationalAttnDropout(dropout=dropatt) self.drop = VariationalHidDropout(dropout=dropout) self.pre_lnorm = pre_lnorm self.local_size = local_size def wnorm(self): print("Weight normalization applied to SA") self.qkv_net, self.qkv_fn = weight_norm(module=self.qkv_net, names=['weight'], dim=0) self.r_net, self.r_fn = weight_norm(module=self.r_net, names=['weight'], dim=0) self.o_net, self.o_fn = weight_norm(module=self.o_net, names=['weight'], dim=0) def reset(self, bsz, qlen, klen): self.dropatt.reset_mask(torch.zeros(bsz, self.n_head, qlen, klen)) self.drop.reset_mask(torch.zeros(bsz, self.d_model, qlen)) if 'qkv_fn' in self.__dict__: self.qkv_fn.reset(self.qkv_net) if 'r_fn' in self.__dict__: self.r_fn.reset(self.r_net) if 'o_fn' in self.__dict__: self.o_fn.reset(self.o_net) def copy(self, func): # Destructive copy = = = = = = self.dropatt.mask = func.dropatt.mask.clone() self.drop.mask = func.drop.mask.clone() def _rel_shift(self, x): # x has dimension (bsz x n_head x qlen x klen) bsz, n_head, qlen, klen = x.size() x_padded = F.pad(x, (1,0)) x_padded = x_padded.view(bsz, n_head, klen+1, qlen) return x_padded[:,:,1:].view_as(x) def forward(self, z1ss, pos_emb, u1ss, mems=None): # Note: In this context, qlen means the length of the (small) subsequence; and mlen describes # the length of the padding. Their sum is klen. bsz, d_model, qlen = z1ss.size() r_w_bias, r_r_bias = self.r_w_bias, self.r_r_bias n_head, d_head = self.n_head, self.d_head rlen = pos_emb.size(2) if mems is None: mems = torch.tensor([]).view(0,0,0) mlen = mems.size(2) cat =[mems, z1ss], dim=-1) if self.pre_lnorm: cat = F.layer_norm(cat.transpose(1,2), (d_model,)).transpose(1,2) w_heads = self.qkv_net(cat) # (N, 3C, L) r_head_k = self.r_net(pos_emb) # Input injection w_heads += u1ss w_head_q, w_head_k, w_head_v = torch.chunk(w_heads, 3, dim=1) w_head_q = w_head_q[:,:,-qlen:] klen = w_head_k.size(2) w_head_q = w_head_q.view(bsz, n_head, d_head, qlen) # bsz x n_head x d_head x qlen w_head_k = w_head_k.view(bsz, n_head, d_head, klen) # bsz x n_head x d_head x klen w_head_v = w_head_v.view(bsz, n_head, d_head, klen) # bsz x n_head x d_head x klen r_head_k = r_head_k.view(n_head, d_head, rlen) # n_head x d_head x rlen #### compute attention score rw_head_q = w_head_q + r_w_bias[:,:,None] # bsz x n_head x d_head x qlen AC = torch.einsum('bndi,bndj->bnij', rw_head_q, w_head_k) rr_head_q = w_head_q + r_r_bias[:,:,None] BD = torch.einsum('bndi,ndj->bnij', rr_head_q, r_head_k) BD = self._rel_shift(BD) # for the sake of relative positional embedding attn_score = AC + BD # bsz x n_head x qlen x klen attn_score.mul_(self.scale) #### compute attention probability # We apply a local mask, with local horizon size of mlen local_size = self.local_size or 1000 attn_mask = torch.triu(torch.ones(qlen, klen), diagonal=1+mlen).byte()[None,:,:] attn_mask += torch.tril(torch.ones(qlen, klen), diagonal=mlen-local_size).byte()[None,:,:] if attn_mask is not None and attn_mask.any().item(): attn_score = attn_score.float().masked_fill( attn_mask[None,:,:,:], -float('inf')).type_as(attn_score) attn_prob = F.softmax(attn_score, dim=-1) # bsz x n_head x qlen x klen #### compute attention vector attn_vec = torch.einsum('bnij,bndj->bndi', (attn_prob, w_head_v)) # [bsz x d x qlen] attn_vec = attn_vec.contiguous().view(bsz, n_head*d_head, attn_vec.size(-1)) ##### linear projection attn_out = self.o_net(attn_vec) attn_out = self.drop(attn_out) ##### residual connection + layer normolization (if applicable) if self.pre_lnorm: out = attn_out + z1ss else: out = F.layer_norm((attn_out + z1ss).transpose(1,2), (d_model,)).transpose(1,2) return out